MTL - Late Night Tales Of The Capital-Chapter 97 Scramble

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As the facts prove everything, there is no hesitation. With a slam, all the sectarian warriors of the ruling division attack the river of relief on the mural. Li Jianqi’s words are fierce. In fact, she knows that she is also good for her. She hasn’t seen it. Since she started attacking murals, all the people in the ruling division have moved closer to her.

His mission is to protect Li Jianqi and to complete his secret mission. As long as Li Jianqi is okay, he does not care if he is really angry.

The little girl can be noisy, and he can’t be a fever in the night as a deputy secretary of the ruling division.

Be aware that impulses are more horrible than the devil.

However, the current situation is different. It is obvious that the guess of the lack of leaves is a good chance. The key to breaking the battle is indeed the river of relief. Then there is nothing to say, even for the safety of your own life. on.

For a time, all the practitioners who had the strength, including the warriors of the Yaozu, all began to quickly approach the murals and slash the river of relief.

With accurate goals, everyone's initiative is mobilized. Since these ghosts care about these murals, then everyone can use this flaw.

Under the mobilization of Jiang Liuyun, all the comprehensible disciples were divided into two parts, each going to the diagonal of the other side. Let a group of desperately destroy the relief to attract the attention of the spirit. Once all the spirits were drawn, the other group immediately began to destroy the relief in the opposite direction.

There is no thought in the spirit, only the instinct of battle and the obsession of the river to protect the relief, so only to find their life, everything becomes quite simple.

With the destruction of the river of relief, the amount of blood that can be dispersed in the river becomes less and less, and there are fewer reliefs that can be immersed. Without the blood of the river, the relief cannot be revived.

The Yin has become a passive water.

It took a whole hour to complete the embossed river in all the murals on the entire hall, and the traces of the sword were everywhere, and the original appearance was completely invisible. Although in this process, there are very few disciples who have been unable to withstand the river of embossing and the resilience of **** forces, Linghai suffered heavy losses.

When the last mural was destroyed, the horror of the hall was screaming, no longer entangled in embossing, and began to attack the people around him madly, and it was the kind of suicide attack.

"The end of the strong." Ye lacked to see the Yin spirit on the hall whispered.

After half an hour, all the spirits were killed.

The faint firefly dissipated in the air. At the same time, a slight slap in the ear of the leaf standing near the altar, I saw the altar in the north, the center of countless curses, a drop-shaped groove appeared. .

Nearly a thousand oil lamps on the main hall were extinguished instantly.

The starbursts on the reliefs of the murals are gradually dimmed, leaving only the central altar, exuding a brilliant ray of light, all the curses surrounding the altar, and the Sanskrit of the top, as if it were alive, slow Slowly float into the air.


There are less than 50 people living in the hall, and there are only a dozen or so demon warriors behind Nanfengxiu. The number of people in the ruling department is not even ten. Only the number of people in Lushan is relatively large, and the rest are It is like the red bean, the leaf deficiency, the Wuming Temple of the Six Buddhas, the master of the dry mountain swords, and a few others who are still alive.

Everyone is holding their breath at this moment.

Nearly a thousand practitioners have entered the Dragon Mausoleum, and they can really insist on the people who have come here.

Even the super genius of Jiang Liuyun is staring at the altar not far away.

After half a sigh, Jiang Liuyun took a step toward the altar and everyone was nervous.

"Amitabha, brother Jiang, the artifact is not born, we still have to act rashly, and wait and see if it can't change." Wu Ming of the Six Buddha Temple, hands clasped together, faintly said, but the tone has already brought some warnings, Liufo Temple The seventeen singers who entered the Dragon Mausoleum, and now only one of them, looking at the artifacts to be unearthed, how could this make Lushan a good first.

Although the strength of your Lushan Mountain now on the bright side is the strongest of all forces, but it can only represent you. Lushan has invested the most people this time. The disciples who enter the Longmai Emperor's Mausoleum are the most, but this does not. On behalf of everything, which sect does not have a backhand?

Wu Ming dares to guarantee that as long as he is still alive and alive in the main hall, there is one count, and there must be secret weapons. If you really want to die with you, you will not necessarily suffer.

"Master Wu Ming said yes, everyone should calm down first." The master of the dry mountain sword said coldly.

"First look at what the artifact is like, wait until it is a river, and everyone will fight no later."

"I don't want to see you on the river."

Nan Fengxiu did not speak, but all the demon warriors suddenly lighted out the weapons in their hands. The meaning is self-evident. Whoever dares to move, that is the beginning of the battle, the demon warriors never fear the battle.

Jiang Liuyun, who just took a few steps, stopped and turned to look at everyone. "Will you open this organ?"

On one side, Jiang Yunyun pointed to the drop-shaped groove that protruded from the altar.

Looking at the mysterious organs not far away, everyone was a glimpse, and until this time, everyone remembered a rumor. The secret key of the artifact was already taken away by Lushan long ago, and I wanted to use it in this groove.

"If you don't want me to come forward, then you come." Jiang Liuyun gave it aside and let the road leading to the altar be let go.

No one is talking, everyone is no longer talking.

No one spoke, and the river cloud was so standing still, motionless.

After half a ring, Wu Ming’s Wu Ming’s smile smiled. “Jiang Shixiong, please take a step forward and open this organ. I will also look at the style of the artifacts. I just said something is wrong. ”

The master of the dry mountain swordsman is also a bit embarrassed, opened his mouth, and finally only symbolically hugged the fist.

Jiang Liuyun turned his head and looked at Nanfengxiu. He didn't use him to talk. More than a dozen demon warriors, how did the weapons shine out, and how did they get up? Nanfengxiu didn’t mean anything, even Jiang Liuyun smiled.

See no one no longer opposed, Jiang Liuyun finally slowly went to the altar.

Standing in front of the teardrop-shaped groove, Jiang Yunyun reached out and took out a transparent crystal ball from his arms, and the appearance should be stored in something like a Qiankun bag.

The fingertips are light, the crystal ball splits directly, and a drop of water that constantly changes shape rises.

The water droplets gradually floated into the air, and then they did not need to be controlled by the river flow clouds, and they drifted toward the groove of the altar.

Standing in the distance of the leaf, looking at the water droplets, I suddenly found that the crystals that the water droplets saw in their cages seemed to be a material.

The water droplets are tightly stitched into the groove.

First, a faint blue light emerged from the groove, and then the Sanskrit on the altar began to light up, and then the surrounding curse, and finally the two statues on the altar seemed to be alive.

The blue light is getting more and more beautiful, and the whole altar gradually turns into a transparent color with this light.

Through the curse around the altar, you can faintly see a crystal in the middle of the shape, a faint mysterious atmosphere emanating from the altar.

"That should be the river pawn?" Someone said involuntarily.

"Really an artifact!" Someone said.

"There can be a constant change of shape, and the ancient beast that gradually fades between textures is definitely an artifact!"

Jiang Liuyun was the closest to the altar at this time. When he saw the crystal, he quietly prepared. In fact, when he took out the key to the river, he began to accumulate power. No one knows what form the artifact will be unearthed.

A full six swords instantly rushed toward the center of the altar.

Almost at the same time, all the people in the entire hall rushed toward the altar, and everyone was desperate. Only Li Jianqi and the ruling division, as well as the leaves and the red beans, did not have any action.

The lack of leaves is powerless. He is now able to protect himself and not be accidentally injured. It is already a very lucky thing. If you want to fight for the artifact, you don’t want to think about it. At the very least, he is powerless at this moment.

As for Li Jianqi and the ruling division, it is obvious that attention has not been placed on the artifacts. There are also red beans, and the eyes don’t even look at the artifact.

Entering the Dragon Mausoleum, some people are not for artifacts?

In the blink of an eye, the magic weapon that has not appeared in more than 20 squares is summoned, and each is above the second-order spirit level. Even Nan Fengxiu has come up with a third-order king who is obviously not lost to the Qing Dynasty. Level magic weapon.



A bell rang, accompanied by a drum sound, and Wu Ming’s side floated two magic weapons at the same time. The left side was the morning bell and the right side was the gongs and drums.

"When did the Six Buddha Temple and Tzu Chi Palace actually wear a pair of pants? The morning bell is not a fake of the Six Buddha Temple. This drum can always be enshrined in the Tzu Chi Palace. It has not moved in position for a hundred years."

The separate morning bell is only a second-order magic weapon. If you put it together with the gongs and drums, the morning bells and drums will unite, and that is the third-order magic weapon.

After the river Liu Yun’s six swords were sent out, the green scorpion also waved out.

At this time, everyone can't care about the difference between the Terran and the Yaozu. The Zongmen faction is divided into artifacts.

Jiang Runyun’s attack first arrived, without the expected fragmentation. The curse on the altar was only a slight wave of ripples, and then the attack of the green dragonfly was still a wave of waves, but only more than the previous waves. More bigger.

In the blink of an eye, the second wave of attacks arrived, including the morning bells and drums, and a total of thirty-five waves of spirits rushed to the curse on the altar.

The curse began to tremble violently, and it was necessary to smash it.

Just then, three attacks quietly appeared next to the people who had just rushed over.

One from the gold armor, a dragon from the vacant space, a scorpion from the hands of the river, the original genius of Lushan did not contribute at all, even at this time sneak attack!

(Second today.)