MTL - Lay Flowers To Plato-Chapter 41 don't let me go

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Seeing Liang Xi, Bai Tu quickly calmed down and said, "It's alright, I... Seeing Aunt Jiang is very painful, I can't bear it."

Liang Xi knew that he and Jiang Shulan had a very good relationship, and could understand his mood, but he was still a little worried: "You looked so bad just now that you startled me, it's not that you're uncomfortable, right?"

Bo Tu's expression has returned to normal, he smiled and said, "You see how uncomfortable I am?"

Liang Xi followed suit, hugged and kissed, and said with a grin, "Miss me? I miss you too, I didn't sleep last night, thinking about you alone in the empty room, I almost wanted to cry. already."

Bo Tu said speechlessly: "I am alone in the empty room, why are you crying?"

Liang Xi was very aggrieved and said, "The thing that makes me feel sad the most is knowing that you are sad."

Bo Tu moved his lips slightly, but said nothing.

I haven't come to Liang Xi to record "Dad?" for the second time. dad! ”, the advanced team of Bo Tu went to shoot a new play, but this time it was not the leading role, it was a cameo role as a villain in a movie produced by the same company.

Liang Xi was very happy. He felt that although Bo Tu didn't say anything, he must have been reluctant to be too far away from him to accept this scene.

The male lead of this movie was a guest in "Let's Run for the Stars" when he was promoting his previous work, and he still had a little friendship with Liang Xi. On the third day of Bo Tu's entry into the crew, Liang Xi pretended to drop by and bought a cold drink to visit the crew.

The actor was rather flattered, and thought that he was so good at getting the young master's blue eyes. When he saw Liang Xi sticking to Bo Tu like a dog-skin plaster, he suddenly realized that he walked away quietly with a cold drink.

This is an ancient costume play. For convenience, Bo Tu wears hair caps in the morning and only takes them off at night. The clothes are also layered on top of each other. In this weather, streaking can kill people, let alone wearing them like this.

Liang Xi touched his back, the costume was almost soaking wet, and he felt extremely distressed, and muttered, "If I knew earlier, I would have stopped taking this scene. The quality of this wig is too bad, hard and rough. Your neck has been pricked red, why is this **** crew so stingy?"

Hearing this, the producer who was about to come over and get close to Liang Xi was disheartened, and was too embarrassed to come again.

Bai Tu is not as thick-skinned as Liang Xi, and he is embarrassed to talk to him in front of the whole crew, and talk to him for a while in a proper and serious manner.

When the shooting started, Liang Xi was not willing to leave, and stood by to watch.

After a while, he saw Zhou Niansen come in from the side, and he didn't watch the filming side much. He should have come over for something, and went to the back with the producer.

"Xiao Fan," Liang Xi turned his head and asked with some schadenfreude, "How did he do that? Did he lose the prize?"

Fan Xiaoyu said in a low voice, "He's been hurt a little bit seems like he's dating a new guy with a bad temper."

Liang Xi said with emotion: "Which newcomer is so powerful? It's simply heartwarming."

In just a few days, he knew who this newcomer was.

Finished recording "Dad?" for the second time on Tuesday afternoon. dad! ", Liang Xi packed up his things, saw Dai Yangyang still sitting there and didn't leave, went over to ask him what was going on, and heard that the editorial team was in a meeting, and his father couldn't care about him now.

Because Bo Tu came home very late, Liang Xi was not in the same hurry to go back as he did last time. He and Dai Yangyang filmed these two shows, and he really liked this child. It was okay to go vertically and horizontally, so he took him there. Haagen-Dazs, not far from the TV station.

When I went out, I met two entertainment reporters. Liang Xi took Dai Yangyang generously and let them take a few pictures. The show was officially broadcast this weekend.

After taking the child out of Haagen-Dazs, Liang Xi saw from a distance at the door of a restaurant across the road, and stopped a familiar Porsche. From a distance, he couldn't see the license plate, like Wang Chao's car.

He was thinking that the kid shouldn't have come out to eat so early, when he saw Wang Chao get out of the car and put on a pair of toad mirrors, which was quite low-key and simple.

There seemed to be people in the car. Wang Chao held the door and shouted something into the car. He looked like he was losing his temper again. After a while, the passenger door opened and another person got out.

Liang Xi: "!!"

He didn't see this person many times, but for various reasons, he was deeply impressed. To put it more vulgarly, he knew this person even if he turned to ashes - Zhou Niansen, the manager of his wife's daughter-in-law.

Wang Chao slammed on the car door, stretched out his hand to pull Zhou Niansen, was ruthlessly thrown away by Zhou, and he cursed again with a dark face.

Although it is not very harmonious to get along, the two of them seem to be in...

Liang Xi was in a mess, how could two people who couldn't fight with eight poles get together?

And he remembered clearly, Wang Chao, this little stallion, is a straight man, straight man!

Bo Tu was very busy when he was out early and came home late. Liang Xi couldn't visit the class all day. Except for Monday and Tuesday, he also recorded the show. In the remaining days, in addition to serving two dogs, he had to grow hair in his spare time.

The next day, when Bo Tu went out at 7:30, he ran to Wang Chao's residence.

It was impossible for Wang Chao to get out of bed at this point. Liang Xi rang the doorbell for a long time, and then he came to open the door with his upper body naked and his hair in a mess. What was even more bizarre was that there was a Band-Aid on his cheek. When he saw that it was Liang Xi is quite strange: "Brother? Eh? Is this eight in the morning or eight in the evening? What are you doing here?"

Liang Xi pushed the door and came in, but there was no one else in the house. When he turned his head, he saw a few fresh bloodstains on Wang Chao's shoulder and back. At first glance, he was caught. If he could catch that kind of place, thinking about it, he knew that he had done it yesterday. what a good thing.

Wang Chao hadn't woken up yet, squinted his eyes and rolled aside the messy magazines on the sofa, and said, "Sit down, there is something to drink in the refrigerator, take whatever you want."

Liang Xi went to the refrigerator to get a can of iced soda, and when he turned around, Wang Chao was gone. He walked to the door of the bedroom, and sure enough, he saw Wang Chao lying on the bed again, snoring and falling asleep.

The bedroom was messier than the living room. There were a lot of messy sheets and quilts, and Wang Chao slept on top of them. His shirt was rolled up and thrown on the carpet. The bedside table and the underground trash were wrinkled Baba's tissues and... used sets, there is one on the table, and there seem to be two in the basket.

Wang Chao was sleeping Zhengxiang, but was woken up by Liang Xi's abrupt shaking. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Liang Xi's strange face and asked, "Xiao Chao, did you mess with Zhou Niansen?"

Wang Chao woke up suddenly, and a spirit bounced off the bed, stammering: "I... bro... you... no..."

Liang Xi: "…"

He wasn't sure yet, but this was the right match. Zhou Niansen was always beaten when he dated a bad-tempered newcomer, and Wang Chao dated a disobedient person who needed training.

Wang Chao didn't know if it was because he was in a hurry or for some other reason, his face turned red, and he was finally able to say something neatly: "Brother, I didn't mean to be my sister-in-law's agent.

Liang Xi's mood was very complicated, and he said, "Don't talk about that useless, how did you two hook up?"

Wang Chao lowered his head, he still didn't know the enemy and me, and he coughed in embarrassment: "I, that... I went to look for you one time, and I happened to meet him. I didn't drive, so he said to drop by. For a while, I thought it was my sister-in-law's manager, and it was also our own. Who would know that the **** is actually a bitch, and he wanted to tease me on the way, so I beat him up, and then I don't know how Confused for a while...I beat him and beat him up."

Liang Xi didn't believe it: "This is the end? He won't be able to leave you? How comfortable did you make him?"

"I'm quite comfortable, he's not comfortable, it's miserable, he's bleeding..." Wang Chao still looked like he was seriously recalling, glanced at Liang Xi's eyes, shrank his neck, and said honestly, "I patted it easily. I took a few pictures of him, and when I came back and thought about it, it was not bad, so I called him in to try again. I have never had **** with a man before. I didn't expect it to be interesting. engage."

The scene was so beautiful that Liang Xi didn't dare to think about it, so he endured a smile and said, "Is he willing to be **** by you?"

Wang Chao raised his tone: "That is to say, it's not a big deal at first, he still pretends to be chaste here every time, he's not obedient at all, and he has to be beaten every time. Look at my face. , He dared to fight back last night, but he didn't need to clean up, and he was honest after a few hard fights."

Liang Xi almost covered his stomach and laughed wildly. To deal with scum like Zhou Niansen, he should just let Wang Chao toss him to death.

From the beginning, Wang Chao has been a rogue with long hair, and Zhou Niansen really fell into his hands this time.

I never thought that Wang Chao was actually a big killer!

He also didn't expose Zhou Niansen and Bo Tu's previous nonsense. Anyway, according to Wang Chao's character, once his freshness passed, the matter would be over. He was hoping that this time Wang Chao's freshness would last longer.

Wang Chao was disturbed by him and he didn't need to sleep anymore. The brothers went bowling together, and after having a meal all morning, they parted ways, and Liang Xi turned to the studio to see his daughter-in-law.

As a result, he did not see any of Bo Tu's people when he got there, and was told by the producer with a strange face that Bo Tu was finished on Monday.

Liang Xi left the studio in confusion, and it was finished on Monday, so what did Bo Tu do when he went out early and returned late these two days?

He called Bo Tu and said, "Hello, daughter-in-law..."

"I'm filming," Berto said, "I'll call you later."

Liang Xi: "…"

He went back home and waited restlessly until the evening, when Bo Tu came back as if nothing had happened. Seeing that he was very tired, he still said that he was filming that scene, and he didn't tell the truth at all.

Liang Xi didn't dare to pierce him, and pretended he didn't know anything, but he couldn't stop beating drums in his heart, what was Bo Tu doing without him?

That night was almost the same as usual. The two of them warmed up for a while before going to bed, then turned off the lights and went to bed.

Liang Xi couldn't sleep.

Bo Tu will not do anything bad, nor will he steal men behind his back. Since he doesn't say anything, he must be doing something he doesn't want to know. But they are already like this, is there anything they can't tell him?

He felt that he must be the person Bo Tu trusted the most. If Bo Tu hadn't told him about it, no one would probably have said it.

What is so mysterious about it?

He turned over very lightly, Bo Tu was sleeping with his back to him, and the moonlight from the gauze curtains shone on Bo Tu's side face, like a piece of delicate creamy white jade.

Liang Xi stared at it for a long time, and slowly closed his eyes. Although he was worried, he felt that Bo Tu had his own measure. If he could tell him something, he would definitely say it.

After a while, he was woken up by a small sound. At first, he thought it was Bo Tu who was grinding his teeth, and he thought it was a little funny. My daughter-in-law was grinding her teeth when she was so old. Oh, it's so cute... Soon he found out that it was not right. There was cold sweat on Bo Tu's face and the exposed half of his neck. The so-called The grinding sound is also the upper and lower teeth fighting violently.

"Bo Tu, Bo Tu," Liang Xi hurriedly called him, "Wake up, what's the matter?"

Bo Tu suddenly opened his eyes, but his pupils couldn't find the focus for a long time.

Liang Xi patted his back as if coaxing a child behind him, and said softly, "What are you dreaming about?"

Bo Tu tilted his face, as if he had just seen him: "...Liang Xi?"

Liang Xi responded, "It's here."

Botu swooped over and hugged him, his shoulders hurt a little from the arm.

"What's wrong?" Liang Xi was quite surprised, and quickly hugged him back and said, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here, what did I dream about? I'm scared like this?"

Bo Tu didn't speak, just buried his face on his shoulder and held him tightly.

Liang Xi felt a damp heat on his shoulders, and his heart was tense, and he said anxiously, "What's the matter with you?"

Bo Tu shook his head lightly and whispered, "Hold me to sleep, don't let me go."

Liang Xi felt that he didn't want to say anything, and he didn't insist on asking hard. The doubts in his mind were even bigger, and something must have happened to Bo Tu.