MTL - League of Legends: My Age-Chapter 457 World Ranking

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Stinky men and women in love! The Pacific Ocean can't stop you, sometimes the technology is not good, and it will hurt innocent passersby!

还有 "Also, I'm not in Shanghai, you give me the truth, don't think I don't know there are female fans to add you WeChat!"

"I'm not alone, Xiaobai also added, and it is the team number, do not believe you ask Xiaobai, I ignored them!" Li Mu quickly raised his hand to surrender. This micro-signal was made by Zhang Qiu. There are **** fans who often come to watch their games live.

"It's pretty much the same, but I have a spy who is watching you all the time."

Li Mu was fascinated by the long smile, what kind of spy isn't it Jin Beibei! In the whole ng, she couldn't control her mouth. On the Weibo, she did a wave of news on the team. What Xiao Ye likes to watch comics, and Xiao Bai sings karaoke for Mai Ba. He won the first place in the country ... No wonder Recently, she was walking around him blindly, but Li Mu was indifferent, and she was not afraid of shadows.

With the recovery of the state, ng once again entered the playoffs as the group's first, and the Wolves who have completely recovered from the state finally battled with evg!

This final can be said to have attracted much attention. After joining the EVG, Neptune Zhuo Yunhai has witnessed that the EVG performance in the regular season in the summer season is better than the Wolves. However, the loss of the Wolves game is still very good against the old EVG ball. seriously.

Zhou Xuyang is serious about the game. He has invested heavily in evg, and the arrival of Neptune Zhuo Yunhai has indeed made evg reborn, but the biggest problem is that as long as he fights with ng, evg has never won, at most, that is, in Zhang Dianshui crazy took a small victory when he placed the order, and finally lost 12 to Li Mu!

The grudges with Li Mu, Zhou Xuyang did not deliberately let go. Even if he thought, others are not counted. Streaking is still a legend of Shanghai politics. Even the seniors who have graduated long ago have heard of them. The elder brother he met at the party asked him while he was laughing ...

"To win the championship, the player and the coach each have a one million guaranteed bonus, the coaching staff will pay three months of salary, and the year-end bonus will be counted." Zhou Xuyang won a heavy award.

He wanted to know what it was like to win Li Mu, and he wanted to appreciate Li Mu's expression when he failed.

Evg united up and down, and even the ghost hunter of the league's eldest brother was willing to obey, allowing evg to enter the complete Neptune era, with Neptune Zhuo Yunhai as the core tactical system, in all aspects, it is indeed possible to defeat ng.

However, they do n’t know that Li Mu is going to the United States to grab a relative. Since it is a “robber”, then he must take out the best thing of a man. Otherwise, how can he reassure your parents?

At the beginning, the evg was beaten by the runaway wolf king. In 15 minutes, the sea king was crushed by 25 knives. This was still under the condition that the jungle hunter continued to take care of the middle lane, and the ng jungle field tank helped clear the line in addition to the middle lane. In addition, I basically lived on the road, and helped my brother break through the orders on the opposite side.

Finally, in less than thirty minutes, the first round of ng took evg lightly and won the starter. Instantly, the network exploded, and evg was strong and dry? Meet the Wolves prototype?

Neptune's fans are the most uncomfortable. In this round, Neptune is going to be a hot pot. Moreover, it is a bit solid that Neptune has a problem of "dread wolf disease." The rumors of the rivers and lakes instantly became a hot barrage of major live broadcast platforms, and even appeared in many live broadcast rooms that are not League of Legends.

The game came to the second game. EVG obviously has not recovered from the first game. Although it was a bit anxious, Zhuo Yunhai also adjusted his mindset to focus on stability. On the middle line, although it is inferior, but There has been no lag in the make-up, but in the overall situation, ng has been controlling the rhythm and advantages of the game. In the end, 36 minutes, after a wave of crazy four kills in the middle of the night, he won the victory.

In the third game, evg broke out, and Neptune went crazy. In 6 minutes, evg rushed to the bottom lane with 4 packets of two, and the Neptune Frost Witch showed an angry show, cut off the double kill, and returned to the middle. Neptune began to go wrong. Play, clear the line, and drive the overall situation. After that, the ng wild area cooperated with mistakes. After Cheng Feng was arrested, ng was a little gourd and saved his grandfather. One by one was buried in. Neptune instantly expanded his personal advantages into The overall advantage, the ng trend has gone, the old man of Li Mu's time worked hard to drag the time to 30 minutes, and still hasn't saved the situation. EVG was in a desperate situation and pulled back.

One round!

However, just as evg fans are looking forward to the miracle of bo5 with two chasing three, the fourth game, ng once again, tells the world with a rolling victory, who is the real king!

Ng defeated EVG by three to one, won the summer championship, and will participate in the s6 World Finals as the top seed!

Zhou Xuyang thought he would be very angry, but when the facts were in front of him, he found that he was very calm, as if, as a result, he had already expected it.

Recall carefully, Zhou Xuyang smiled secretly, wasn't he accustomed by Li Muzhen to lose his temper?

Regardless, in the operation of the commercial brand, the EVG is successful. The runner-up, the No. 2 seed team, the current value of the EVG is five times that when he started, but is he a bad guy?

A life like this always feels like something is missing. Fortunately, there are world matches, and everything is possible.

With the decision of the summer championship, i participated in the s6 world finals.

At the same time, the lck division also identified three teams participating in the world competition, the top seed sk, the second seed sst, and finally the kon that came up in the bubbling match.

As the schedule of the World Cup progresses, the entire network has begun to discuss the dominance of lck, and the full name of "ko e-sports club", referred to as "sk team" again takes off. Law, no longer centered on individuals, but more to match the rhythm of teammates. At the same time, tactically, sk opened a multi-core lineup, giving the junglers more initiative, instead of the former squat midfield, junglers Autonomy is also in line with the characteristics of the current version. In general, the version is more and more biased towards the team. With the extensive development of the League of Legends, the level of each major team has developed and improved at a rapid pace, and one person can win by killing it. There are fewer and fewer matches, and single kills will boost morale, but the effect is not as great as before.

The latest world rankings are announced on

First order, sksuer

First jungler, skclib

First middle order, skonly

第一 adc, ion

First Aid, skbear

In addition to adc, I still got dran, the world's first position in other positions, all are sk starters.

排名 This ranking, with the exception of adc, is controversial, no one is unconvinced, sk, is strong!

In fact, sk set up a lol branch from s3 to s4 and s5, which also had twists and turns and encountered version suppression. However, the strength of sk lies in their horrible team system and the only one at its core. Super adaptability!

They can always get up from the trough, and then slap their opponents who despise them--sk or sk!

In this summer of LCK, sk defeated the powerful sst by 30, won the championship, announced the return of the king, and pointed the sword in three consecutive championships!

They are going to build a lol bull dynasty!

Li Mu and they are also studying the rankings of sk and sports network, they are basically ... do not agree with them.

"The first Chinese single can actually be controversial, don't people in Sports Network watch ll?" Cheng Feng is very dissatisfied, is the old wolf worse than only? Most people may think so, but Chengfeng does n’t think so. Hanbok has played too much. He has been a teammate with only, and he has also been an opponent. It feels similar to the old wolf. You can feel that rank is only a game for only. I do n’t care if they are killed alone, the waves are flying up, and they are infinitely testing the limits of a hero when facing a strong enemy, but the old wolf is different. Most of the time, the old wolf is also a very serious mentality even in rank, maybe The results are a bit similar, but the old wolf is really testing the operation of various limits.

认真 This seriousness is actually tiring to others, but Li Mule is in it.

"Tank, you are not the first jungler, this ranking is not reliable."

"Siu Ye should be the first adc, even ranked fifth, what a broken website!"

The members of the Jackal Team started to brag about themselves, a happy batch, the old ball did not have time to deal with these little boys.

He is the busiest, in addition to managing the team, but also studying the opponents encountered in the World Series.

"Xiao Wang, has kon's game information been downloaded ..."

"Xiao Wang,

Check the lineup of a again, they really have nine players? The World Series only allows one substitute player. Haven't they confirmed who to take to the United States? "

"Xiao Wang ..."

"Xiao Wang ..."

As for Ye Zixuan, because her skin is white, her dark circles are particularly noticeable, and she feels that she is catching up with the panda. The official staff also contacted the fist event operators in advance and gave the team a super account for the US service, full heroes, full skins, full runes and rune pages!

At the same time, visas for all people to the United States were obtained at one time!

At first, everyone didn't feel the importance of Ye Zixuan's work. It wasn't until i had to postpone a week to adapt to the United States that everyone knew that the leader of Ye was really reliable.

She Ye Zixuan not only obtained the visa for the ng team, but also gave Taosu them a tourist visa to the United States to watch the game. She must ensure that as long as it is a Wolves game, there will be a sound of cheering for the ng.

的 How important is a caring and reliable leader who is as beautiful as a fairy and beautiful as a peach!

Now many teams are envious of the Wolves. Really, where to find such a Bai Fumei leader, it is totally backwards to rely on the expenses and style of the leader.

There are still silly teams who go to "heavy money" to dig corners, but Miss Ye directly drives people away. "The annual salary is 200,000, and the old lady's gas money is not enough!"

Such an old lady, please give me a dozen.

Ten days before the official start of the match, ng came to San Francisco where the group stage was held.

Adapt to the environment in advance. From the game venue to the diet climate, the team leader Ye even hired a Chinese doctor in the United States. Eight hundred dollars a day and eight hours with the team to adjust the jet lag and physical condition for everyone until the game officially started. Of course, this is Ye The leader pays for himself.

For this kind of "sugar-coated shell", the old ball was resolutely opposed at the beginning, and the players of the Wolves team also refused, but less than a week ... Everyone was used to it, and now Ye Yexuan is leaving, the old ball can definitely lie The ground rolled and begged.

I really like it.

Group stage, divided into four groups for the double round of bo1, the top two of each group advanced to the quarterfinals.

Soon, the results of the draw were released.

The signing of ng is generally divided into the a group of the third seed team kon and the kon team in the a group, while i is a little bit back, and sk like the sun and the sky, and the North American hegemony t is finally out of luck, his group d, there is no South Korea From the point of view of strength and historical record, after the evg draw, the team is already in the state of booking the quarterfinals.

After the group draw, ll's side has been imaginative. Is it possible that ll will join the finals?

After all, the level of ll has improved significantly this year. After a year of training, the players and coaches are also confident.

However, the vision is beautiful, the reality is cruel, and the level of ll has indeed improved. However, with the rapid development of the league, the levels of the major competitions are getting closer and closer, lck still maintains a certain dominance However, during the s3 and s4 periods, North America and Europe, which were left behind by ll, have also emerged this year, showing great strength.

First i was hit by t and then, in the second game, he was severely taught by sk.

Then, the evg who was considered by the fans to be in the top group d, lost to dk in the first game!

Only ng won 4 and sx steadily, which was a little bit of a win for ll. At the same time, it made ng and South Korea's No. 3 seed team kon more attractive.

After a year of experience, is ll qualified to defeat the lck team?

Ll community, all kinds of posts are flying around, and the moderators have also pinned the ngvskon tournament discussion post "How many wins do you think ng has?"

"Three or seven, the Wolves 30%, don't look at now winning 4 and sx, but after all, after a wild card, a l and i losing streak, many fans became pessimistic, no way, hope to be broken too many times Later, they learned to cover themselves with no hope.

"I hope it is a perfect chance! But sane tells me that the winning rate may be Wolf II Kon 8. From the record, Kon is more dominant. This is the first time that the Wolf King has participated in the World Championship in front of South Korea's top mid laners. ,

Whether he still has combat effectiveness in ll is still a question mark. "

San Fan, also came up with data and tactical analysis to analyze, whether the Wolves are strong against the world, or only against ll, need to be tested in the actual world games.

However, no matter what kind of fan, everyone expressed concerns about the Wolves' order. ~ The first two games were started by crazy. Although they won, the performance of crazy was still unstable.

"Three percent chance of winning, or only when the elder brother played. Change to crazy, it is difficult to Chengdu!"

Basically, pessimistic fans occupy the high ground of the community posts, ng won the spring and summer double crown, but they have not yet proved on the international arena, they still give people a feeling of a castle in the air, meet the team of lck ... really Yes, it's easy to climb high, the harder you fall!

悠 Zhao Youer was not able to come to San Francisco, but she and Li Mu have videos every day.

"Is it dazzling, do you seem to be thin? And they are beautiful again!" Li Mu stared at the video, full of nonsense, anyway, he was a bit foolish, and his heart was determined, regardless of whether your parents agree or disagree, this dear, he will Get it.

Yuyou smiled very happily, "What are you talking about! Ignore you! By the way, hit kon, are you confident?"

牧 Li Mu also laughed, "It depends on you."

Youyo blinked, then reacted and gave a blow kiss to the camera. Li Mu caught it across the screen, put it away, and put it in his pocket. "Okay, now there is a mountain in front, I can also put him Overturned. "

You ca n’t laugh, you really ca n’t do it anymore. After that, it ’s over. The feeling that the straight steel man learns to talk about love is really exciting, especially when you think about it yourself. ”It ’s a sweet love. It's me ".