MTL - Legend of the Asura-v10 Chapter 621 Undead

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The wind looked up and looked at the sky and asked aloud: "Qinglong... Miss, are you okay? Give it to me here, you'd better go back to the glaciers to restore power, otherwise..."

The original dark sky suddenly lit up, because the huge body of the Qinglong that covered the sky suddenly disappeared in the air, and a white shadow fell straight from the sky.

The wind stunned for a moment, then quickly jumped on the white tiger's back, flew to the sky, and caught the falling green dragon.

Although the cyan dragon is its body, the body shape is too large, and it is only a motionless existence that will consume huge energy all the time. After a serious deficit in power, in order not to hurt the root cause, it can only change back to the human form that can exist without consuming power.

At this time, Qinglong is already familiar with the "Miss Qinglong". Her eyes are closed and panting. Although the body is covered with a layer of crystal and gorgeous ice crystals, it is already watery, as if it will melt at any time. The ice crystals on the shoulders have all been opened, and the exposed skin of the shoulders is better than snow.

If it is not because she is a beast, the wind will definitely have the urge to cast a fire system to melt all of her ice.

"You don't want to... go, right?" asked the wind and cautiously.

Qinglong’s eyes slowly opened, and then it seemed to glare at him. He said weakly: “All my strength is exhausted, there is no power to leave here... I will leave first.”

At this moment, the ground suddenly trembled fiercely, and faintly with a man's violent roar, the spirit of the wind spurred, too late to hesitate, quickly summoned the refining pot out of the instructions to absorb, the blue dragon in his arms slightly I was shocked for a moment, then closed my eyes and was sucked into the refining pot.

Although I have exhausted my strength, I can't decide which month to recover, but I finally didn't hurt my life. The wind sighed with relief,

"Speaking," the wind touched Xiaobai’s head and said meaningfully: "You have inherited the power of the white tiger, and it is saved for the white tiger. It is itself a white tiger, so you are Beastmaster is also a new white tiger."

Xiaobai gave a low voice and seemed to be reminiscing about the white tiger that had passed away.

"Qinglong is dead, after Xuanwu has it, Xiaoxiao is the strongest unicorn in the legend, and Suzaku... It once said that as long as the small five-color lining power awakens, it can rely on the power of magic stars and unicorns. Rebirth. In this case, in fact, the Tianlong Wusheng beast has not really disappeared, and some just changed the way of existence." Feng Yu said to himself, the dull feeling caused by the demise of Xuanwu also faded. Quite a lot.


With a loud bang, the ground 50 meters in front of the wind exploded, bringing in countless ice crystals and frozen soil. The black light-winged demon floated quietly in the air. He just broke away from the ground, but he did not seem to be violently thundering. The darkness around his body did not show signs of violent, but calmly floated there. I watched the wind with interest.

"who are you?"

"The person who killed you." The wind sighed coldly, the right arm stretched out, and the Xuanyuan sword pointed to the demon.

"Just rely on you a little human? Hahahaha... It’s so funny." The demon was first stunned and then laughed disdainfully.

The wind screamed and smiled at him with a look of pity: "Let's laugh, after today, you have no chance to laugh again."

"Hey, a mad boy. Presumably you are the one waiting for Qinglong Xuanwu. No wonder they are dragging me here at all costs, but they are actually waiting for you this arrogant and ignorant human. Your Tianlong mainland is really too Ben is disappointed."

Before the wind was still here, the Devil and the Qinglong Xuanwu completely felt his approach. But the demon king did not care, because this close life ability is too weak, so weak that he dismissed. He thought that perhaps it was another fate to come to die.

"Is it?" The wind sneered. "Then why don't you attack me now, saying that so much nonsense can only show that you are guilty, you are afraid... Hey."

The smell around the body of the demon was chaotic, and it was even more violent. The devil’s hands waved and screamed: “Hurricane!”

He is indeed guilty...because he can't see the human body of the whole body. He gave people the feeling that they were so weak, but when they appeared, they completely blocked the attack for Qinglong, and even hit themselves under the ground for nearly a kilometer. This is all that makes him horrified.

Moreover, this human being did not even have a look of fear when facing himself. Either he is a fool or he must be jealous.

The human beings who can be placed in the final hope by Qinglong Xuanwu will be simple.

The devil's heart has also been inexplicably suppressed, which is absolutely not in the face of the Qinglong Xuanwu.

And this human arrogance made him completely angry. Generally speaking, their own strength and psychological quality will be directly proportional, that is, they have a strong state of mind. However, the Devil is different. Although he is very strong, even the Holy Beast is far from his rival. However, his roots are the resentment that has been generated by the war disasters of the Tianlong mainland for many years, so it is easy to produce various negative emotions. .

In anger, he did not compress the power, but directly moved a two-meter-sized dark element to the position where the wind was blowing. The wind did not flash, did not avoid, directly hit the up ... and then flew back to the original position.

Before his life recovered, he glanced at his life and frowned.

With a single blow, he dropped more than 50,000 lives - and his own darkness resistance has reached the peak of 8o%. That is to say, the basic damage of his most common blow is also more than 25 million.

Sure enough, it is not covered. The heart of the wind became more cautious. He gave himself a time to turn the wheel and then smiled in the direction of the demon: "So, let's get started..."

The little white rushing underneath, while a group of light and dark alternating light flew from the wind and flew to the sky.

"Stars, show your full strength! The true light of the light!"

The sound of the wind fell, and the white light of the light and darkness of the group suddenly annihilated the existence of darkness. Opposite the wind, the demon who just wanted to attack was completely stopped under the influence of this bright force, and then looked at the source of light with anger.

Light and darkness are always natural enemies. And this truth will only be broken on the stars. At the same time, the stars with the power of light and darkness can be turned into white light dragons, which can be turned into black dark dragons, and can also be turned into white dragons with black scales. In the face of the demon, she naturally turns into a bright light. The white dragon of the department.

The ten-meter-long dragon body appeared in the white light, and a distinctly tender dragonfly appeared. The ten-meter dragon body is absolutely only a young dragon among the dragons, but this young dragon has the terrible ability that all other dragons do not have, that is...

Another dragon scorpion came from the air, but this time the dragon scorpion was several times louder than the previous one. The sound of the dragon whistling seemed to be able to directly hit the depths of the human soul, and the soul also trembled. Immediately after the dragon scorpion, the body of the star seems to blast in the blink of an eye, releasing a white light that covers the sky...

"Ah! This... what is this!!"

The white light that sprinkled the earth made the singer scream with horror, and even covered his eyes with his arms. The stars at this time are like a sun lying in the sky, releasing a strong light that people can't directly look at.

After the light, it is the same intense darkness.

The sky was dark again, dark and stretched out, as if all the light around it had been pumped for a moment, and it was clean and filled with the purest darkness.

"This... what is going on here?"

Strong as a demon, but also caught off guard by this most strange change.

"This is... the prelude to your death!" In the darkness, the wind sneered and said.

The darkness faded and the surroundings returned to normal, but the demon was still dark and uncertain. If the wind show reveals stronger strength than Qinglong Xuanwu, he will not even feel surprised and will respond calmly. But this is completely different from his cognition, so that he has not really become more and more uneasy with the wind.

Unknown is the most terrible.

The star is shining at night, the glow is light, the night is dark, the dark is dark, and the light is shining. The stars that fully open the power of the magic star skyrocket in an hour, and can resurrect immediately after death in a space with light or darkness. - Really immortal!

The prince's gaze swept the stars in the air, and a black ray of light began to swell around his body.

"Oh, wait a minute." Seeing the demon to attack, the wind quickly waved.

"Why, is there any last word to say?" The devil said sullenly, but the action of condensing the power of darkness stopped, and seemed to want to see what this strange human wants to do.

"Oh, of course not." The wind smiled awkwardly. At the same time, two points did not know where to float. The soft drops of water dripped into the left arm of his left hand and Shura. . As they drooped, Shura and Shura really burst into red light. The cracks that were originally killed by the white gods began to heal in the red light, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Hey! The equipment that was slightly damaged, 'The scales of Shura' has been completely repaired."

“Hey! The equipment that was slightly damaged, ‘The true posture of Shura’ has been completely repaired.”

"In this way, you can die faster. Well, now you can go to death." The smug look like the devil is better than the middle finger, then the figure swayed and appeared in the "shadow" On the side of the body, a trick "Tu Shen Shu" slammed into his body.

The demon king had just been smothered by the arrogance of the wind, and he was directly attacked by the "Tian Shen Brah". However, under the effect of the flying gods, his body was only hit. After retreating less than ten meters, I looked at the number of injuries that were more than four million in the head, and the face of the demon was finally discolored.

This human attack ability is not inferior to the most powerful white tiger in the Five Sacred Beasts... and it seems that he is a hit!

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