MTL - Legend of the Great Saint-v13 Chapter 93 fate

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Li Qingshan smashed the head of a evil god, but how strong the body of the evil spirit is, it is said that it was blown off the head, even if it is a corpse, it can be restored. Unless you use the "Xuanyuanjian" and other weapons of the gods, you can do one hit and kill.

However, the headless body of the evil spirits swayed a few times, and then fell to the ground, rotten and wilted like grass.

The rest of the nine evil spirits were shocked and stunned, suddenly stunned. From the thoughts of the evil spirits that had been smashed out of the head, there was a great horror that had never been experienced before.

"What is going on, this feeling... What is going on?" "Awful! So terrible!"

The fear grows madly, and through the idea of ​​contact and mutual infection, no one dares to take a step forward, but instead step by step back, screaming and shuddering.

That is the horror of death!

Different from the general demons, they were born in the "blood labyrinth" and never experienced the feeling of struggling on the edge of life and death. In the next step of the baby's care, the next step is to grow into a **** of evil, and it has an endless life. Then began to resent the nine infants to trap them here, not to go to the wider world to do whatever they want.

Even though they have powerful powers that are far superior to ordinary evil spirits, in the eyes of Li Qingshan, they are worse than the white dolphins.

The struggle of the practice road is never just a competition of power, but a contest of will.

These noble and extraordinary "second generations of God" are like powerful deceit. In fact, they are wrapped in a warm and soft uterus throughout their lives. They are more stupid than the lowest and most humble mogul. Once they encounter real challenges, they will all be revealed.

"If you wish, come to this world, welcome." Li Qingshan said indifferently: "Then, after seeing the cruelty of the world, you can die."

His "eyes"-like eyes are no longer looking at these evil spirits, but they are throwing them in the direction of the mountains. They don't need anyone to lead the way. He knows everything about the magic field, and he knows everything. He has clearly accepted the killing of the devil.

That is the enemy he will face, and he looks up again, and his real opponent is on the more distant nine days, the world of bliss, at this moment, perhaps overlooking him.

As for the waste snacks in front of you, it’s okay.

With a wave of hand, another evil spirit was photographed and broken, the visceral bones were scattered all over the sky, and the blood splashed on the faces of other evil spirits. All of them were scared and stupid, and their eyes widened, staring at Li Qingshan step by step.

A black unicorn is looming, with destruction, and pacing.

The evil spirits tried to brave courage, but people who have never experienced fear, how can there be such a thing? They dare to betray the nine infants and know that they will not be punished.

In fact, let alone be rebellious. They don’t even have the guts to escape. They are afraid to become the first target of Li Qingshan.

The evil spirits are full of remorse, regret not to betray the mother, regret not to come to this world, miss the life in the blood palace.

However, everything was too late, and the horrible man strode.

"Stand up, don't move, I will command you as a **** of evil!" A evil spirit screamed, but his body was shrinking backwards.

boom! Li Qingshan slapped to death and went to the next one.

"Adult, I can serve you, I am useful to you!" A evil spirit threatens the shoulders.

boom! Li Qingshan slapped to death and went to the next one.

"Please, don't kill me, I don't want to die!" A sinful pleading.

boom! Li Qingshan slapped to death and went to the next one.

One by one, it is simpler than shooting flies, at least flies know how to escape. And they are standing in the same place, waiting for Li Qingshan to kill, only to say something useless nonsense.

Every dead one, the big horror before death, like a bomb, explodes in the hearts of the rest of the people. So that even some of the words can not be said, holding his head and smirking, was actually scared by life.

In a twinkling of an eye, the nine evil spirits died in the ground, leaving only the last one.

The last survivor curled up his body and became a group. As Li Qingshan approached, he gradually changed from a barbaric brawny to a child, screaming: "Mom, I want a mother!"

That look, like a poor and innocent child, whoever sees will regard Li Qingshan as a murderer.

Li Qingshan stood in the footsteps and made a sigh of incomprehensibility. He also felt like a murderer.

Lift your right leg, step on one foot, slam, and step into meat.

Since then, the nine sons and evil spirits have been completely destroyed, and the "blood labyrinth" has collapsed.

Qian Rong witnessed all this, his face is full of intoxication, what a wonderful fate! Looking at the lonely back of Li Qingshan, licking his lips, this is probably more painful than being bitten by her.

At the moment when Li Qingshan swallowed the "Black Day Magic Heart", the Magic Heaven also poured in endless Scorpio on her body as a reward for this trip.

She completed her mission and offered a unique “sacrificial offering”. He will surely bring the six reincarnations and the world into an endless war. Thinking of this, I couldn’t help but laugh and laughed and shed tears.

Li Qingshan looked at her deeply and put the baby in her arms on the ground: "Take care of him."

"and then?"

Li Qingshan did not answer, and went to the hill.

He suddenly remembered the scene of the first meeting with Gu Yanying, recalling the feeling of "love at first sight." In fact, what he really loves is the feeling of being free and indulgent. Nowadays, she has already skyrocketed and swam in the sky of the monster beast!

However, fate gave him a way to "go".

"Let's go!"

I no longer look up to the sky, look at the earth under my feet, and walk forward step by step.

In the silence, he heard his heartbeat again.

A "Black Day Devil" jumps and sings, bringing the endless, deep sea-like magic power to the whole body.

The red hair fluttered in the wind, suddenly became several times longer, and it was as fierce in the wind.

His feet sink, like carrying something heavier than the Deeply arched his back, his body swelled in an inch, but clenched his teeth, suppressing this violent magic in the body Every inch of the body contains explosive power. A finger can destroy the mountain, and a hair can cut off the river.

The black law pattern begins to stretch from the heart, the vines grow like the same, the ink marks spread like the same, and the chest is densely intertwined, and a mysterious and secretive pattern is woven on the back, which is the reality of the magical law.

The pattern is intertwined on the surface, like a layer of war makeup, which is more and more "non-human." However, there are two black fading patterns falling from under the eyelids, like tears.

The fangs are sharp and the corners are like the moon. It is also the same ugly and irritating.

As he expected, this "Black Day Magic" gave him not only the power, but also the magical soil that smoldered millions of years of chaotic evil, resentment and hatred, and a very heavy fate. There is more sideless sin in front of him waiting for him, and this is the path he chose.

Leave a deep footprint and go forward. Even if the roar of the thunderstorm came from the sky, there was no hesitation.

Just moving forward, like a bull, stepping into the mud every step, and never stop. (To be continued.)