MTL - Legend of the Mythological Genes-Chapter 431 Ten great kings

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"People who have committed my Great Wall, though far away!"

The grand voice of the Marshal Marshal echoed in the air, and there was a sound of the ground, with a heavy generality, full of ambiguity, and the murder of the red fruit.

Do not kill, do not give up!

The Great Wall suddenly responded.

"It must win!"

"It must win!"

"It must win!"


But shouting slogans is simple, it’s not that easy.

Different from the blood of the people around, the wind forest scorpion shot cold light, but it is only staring at the model of the star projection on the starry sky.

The tetrahedral star body revolving structure, at the center is a bright and fascinating strange star, can not see the specific shape, but there is endless extreme white light, high-intensity radiation seems to be able to give everything in space Nie is destroyed, and wherever he goes, the starry sky is pale.

Around the white star, four black-hole-like spheres revolve around the white ball, presenting a spatial geometry of a regular tetrahedron, each face being a triangle, forming an infinitely stable structure, no matter which angle is broken. It's not easy, it's not the same at first glance.

The four black hole wind forests are no strangers. It is the ghost black hole that he encountered before, which has the terrible nature of engulfing the cosmic energy.

And what is it to guard with four ghost black holes?

A pair of scorpions in the wind forest stared at the white hole star that was surrounded by four black holes, and they meditated in the heart.

Ghost white hole?

At this time, the Marshal of the Star Wars continued to open the door. "This ghost nest is a terrible star named White Hole in the universe. It is the other side of the black hole. It no longer spits out energy and matter. The ghost race is energy life. It is a kind of strange life born by Baidong. It is endless. To completely eradicate the ghost race, only the white hole star body will be completely destroyed! And this is our next task, it is extremely dangerous, are you afraid?"

Having said that, he shouted a word, "Are you afraid?"

This obvious radical method is unexpectedly easy to use, and many Star Trekers are full of generosity.

"Afraid? Fear of an egg!"

"I am afraid that it is not a human monk!"

"Let the ghost race know that we humans are not so good!"

"Dare to come to the Great Wall, let them have no return!"


White hole?

The wind forest is thoughtful.

In cosmological astrophysics, a white hole is a cosmic celestial body corresponding to a black hole.

The black hole is of great quality, devours all matter, and even gravitation is enough to capture the fastest light of the universe, so that it can't escape, so it looks like a dark space cave, so it gets its name.

The white hole is just the opposite. It is also of great quality. However, because it cannot withstand too much material inside, it is always in a state of eruption, and it emits rays and matter all the time.

Since this ghost white hole is named after the white hole, I am afraid it is also such a characteristic.

But unlike other white holes, which are just the most basic particles and radiation, this ghost white hole spews out countless energy life ghost races!

So the question is coming?

Where did the material from the white hole come from?


Looking at the white hole surrounded by four black holes, the wind forest is more thoughtful.

It is said that scientific theory speculates that black holes and white holes are two sides of a strange star, with internal channels.

The quality of the universe is conserved!

The black hole devours the substance, while the white hole spits out, achieving a conservation of matter and energy.

Otherwise, the quality of the white hole will be great, and one day will be exhausted.

"Then we will execute the tactics of destroying stars. This time we will evaluate the merits according to the record. With the record as the hard standard, this time we will select the top ten kings of Great Wall University and participate in the upcoming StarCraft University Championship. Datianwang will be the representative of our university!"

This statement immediately caused a sensation.

All the Stars monks are stunned and excited.

At this time, even Zhao Yuejun, who has always been calm, showed the same expression.

Obviously the names of the top ten kings are too moving.

Ten kings?

In the heart of the wind forest, even Zhao Yueqi, the martial arts empress, acted for it. It can be seen that this title of the king is extraordinary. It is not only the title, but also a huge advantage. Otherwise, a simple name cannot make so much. Man-made gaffe.

Zhao Yuexi saw his brows wrinkled and understood his confusion and explained his understanding. "The top ten kings have been recognized by the Great Wall University and the Great Wall Army as the top ten strongest players. They are the strongest of the younger generation and get the official. Certification, this head can be used to deploy many resources of the Great Wall, with many privileges!"

The wind forest is even more surprised, and can't help but ask, "Why didn't I have heard of the selection of the top ten kings at Great Wall University?"

Zhao Yuexi laughed. "Because there are too many privileges of the Ten Kings, the selection criteria are not simply determined by strength. Instead, they combine various considerations, tactics, knowledge levels and achievements. In the era of peace, there is no fixed The selection criteria are difficult to select. No matter what the standard, it is difficult to convince the public. After all, the temptation of the top ten kings is too great! In order to prevent chaos, the peace era generally does not select the ten-day king. Only in the heroes In the age of war, the potential of all people is motivated, and speaking with the record is the most convincing standard. Every king is a real knife from the battlefield, unquestionable, convincing. After the title of the top ten kings, not only can you mobilize most of the resources of the school, the rank will automatically increase by one level, and more than 90% of the secrets will be open to you!"

Zhao Yuexi said many secrets about the Ten Kings, each of which is full of temptation.

The wind forest has a splendid color.

It seems that the so-called top ten kings are really endless benefits, no wonder so many people are excited.

The Marshal of the Star Wars swept away and saw that everyone was provoked the greatest war, and nodded.

The general mobilization of the war, there is such a morale, why not do big things?

He screamed again and again. "Get ready to participate in the final battle. Register now! We will release the latest combat armor, Glory Mech! This is the latest research on the latest technology to deal with ghost life, but only the people who participated in the battle. If you dare to sign up, if you don’t rush to register, you will not be on the battlefield, and then you will be guilty of rebelling against humanity.

Having said that, he has been swearing in his words, leaving no half-hearted feelings.

Everyone looked blank and didn't dare to care.

The marshal deliberately confessed that if he dared to sneak a sneak peek, it was really dead!


“Zhenwu Society came to report!” Zhao Yuexi led the crowd to go forward and start registering information.

"It turned out to be you!" The registrar apparently knew the name of Zhao Yuexi, and looked at the wind forest is even more familiar, not to be scared.

When did this wind forest actually join the Zhenwu Society?

This Zhenwu Society has formed such a strong team. It seems that it wants to compete for the first place, which is enough to compete with the top teams.

It’s really Mars hitting the earth, it’s a strong confrontation!


Headed by Zhao Yueqi, the people of the Zhenwusha team will not be conspicuous.

However, Feng Lin did not care about this. He took the armor of the light **** that he had just arrived and kept experimenting.

The silver armor is draped all over the body, without gaps, silver, full of technological dreams.

"Light God Mech - No. 109 is for you. This is made by the most powerful mech technology in the Stars. The particle killing sword is the nemesis of the ghost race! In the name of the **** of light, kill the dark ghost! Wish you a victory , building merit for mankind!"

The light brain of the mech is sounding, and the wind forest presses the button under the wrist according to its instructions.


In the next moment, there are two lights and swords in the two hands. The super-strong magnetic field captures the high-radiation photons, which forms the key to the essence.


The blade flutters gently, leaving a neon that is empty, shining and dazzling, but the blazing breath can completely destroy life.

With such a sharp weapon in hand, it is really all the things that are owed to the east.

The wind forest looked at the battlefield with a pair of scorpions.