MTL - Legendary FBI Detective-Chapter 61 Black Colleagues (please follow up! Please collect!)

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  Chapter 61 Black Colleagues (Please follow up! Please collect!)

  Roan tilted his head to look at Dani, only to see that her delicate little face was full of seriousness.

   Before Roan could ask questions, Dani continued to speak crisply:

  “When my mother was at work, there was a black colleague who took a picture of her. That black man must have taken my mother away!”


  Hearing this, Roan raised his head and looked at Ryder, and then hurriedly asked:

   "When did that happen?"

"I do not remember."

  Dani narrowed her mouth, her eyes turned red again, and she explained in a low voice:

"I had a stomachache that day. After my mother took me to the doctor, she took me to the supermarket to play. When I was playing games on the table, that mother's black colleague hid behind the potato chips and took out a black box to take pictures of my mother. "

  Dani's words were talking in a nonsensical manner. Roan didn't understand the specific situation of the day, but he understood the meaning of Dani's words:

  A black man once secretly photographed Tamara when she was working at the cashier at the supermarket front desk.

   "Thank you, Dani, your message has been very helpful to me."

   Seeing Dani crying again, Roan hurriedly comforted her.

  At this moment, a black car slowly pulled up to the side of the road, and two middle-aged white women in uniform and a middle-aged white man in police uniform got out of the car.

   "Hello, you should be Agent Luo An."

  One of the Caucasian women saw the little blond loli being hugged by the fully armed Roan, and there was a stronger armed man standing beside her. The corner of her mouth twitched, but she still stretched out her hand and said:

   “My name is Anna and I am from the New Jersey Child Protection Department.”

   "Hi, just call me Roan."

  Stretched out his hand and shook the other party, Roan took the other party's ID and looked at it carefully, and handed Dani to the other party after confirming that there was nothing wrong.

   At the same time, pointing to the red bungalow next to him, he briefly introduced Sanderson's experience and current situation.

  After listening to Roan's narration, Anna nodded and said in a deep voice:

   "Don't worry, we will take good care of Dani and supervise Sanderson at all times. Only when Sanderson changes his drinking habits and regains the ability to take care of Dani, we will return Dani to him."

"Thanks for your hard work."

   After shaking hands with the other party again, Roan briefly chatted with the other party, and just turned around to leave, Dany suddenly stopped him, and then stuffed her small hairpin into Roan's hand.

   "Roan, this is a hairpin my mother bought for me."

  Dani looked at Roan twitching, and held on to Roan's hand, her delicate face was full of prayers:

   "You gotta catch the bad guy who hurt my mom, please"

  “.I promise you, Dany.”

   Sighing, Roan stuffed the hairpin into the breast pocket in front of Dani, then patted her little head, and agreed in a deep voice:

   "I will definitely catch him."

  The pitch-black SUV was driving forward, and Roan was sitting in the co-pilot. Through the rearview mirror, he saw Danni who was still staring here reluctantly, and his face was a little ugly.

   "As the FBI, you will see many such things in the future."

  Ryder, who was driving, took out a piece of chewing gum from nowhere, handed it to Roan, stuffed it into his mouth, and said while chewing:

   "Just get used to it."

   Did not speak, took the chewing gum and stuffed it into his mouth. Roan looked at the information he had just received from Sanderson, fell silent for a few seconds, and took out his phone to call Mona:

   "Mona, check the Wal supermarket in the ** area to see if there are any black employees in it."

  The crackling sound of the computer sounded on the other end of the phone, and after a while, Mona replied:

   "The salary payment records of this supermarket show that they have two black employees, one of whom is fifty-six years old this year, a security guard, and is still working.

  Another 28-year-old, named Yoang, is a worker in charge of moving goods. He was kicked out of the supermarket three weeks ago for stealing things. "


  Roan nodded, motioned Mona to send the second black man's home address and work location to himself, and then hung up the phone.

   Read the home address in the phone to Ryder, and Roan continued to look through the information in his hand:

   "Let's check that Yoon first. His current workplace is a car repair shop, just on the way to the supermarket."


  Ryder nodded, stepped on the accelerator and turned the steering wheel, and the pitch-black SUV drove in another direction in an instant.


   "Yoang has been here for two weeks, and he works very hard. I haven't lost anything here."

  The owner of the car repair shop was an older black man. After learning about Roan and Ryder's intentions, he didn't refuse. He took them to find Yoon, and kept praising him for being a good guy.

   Regarding the incident about Yoon being expelled from the supermarket for stealing, the black boss smiled disdainfully and said directly:

   "In that supermarket, the guys working with Yoon are all white. They don't like Yoon, a black man who moves more things than them and gets more money than them."

  Roan and Ryder looked at each other without speaking.

   "Yoang! Someone is looking for you!"


  Hearing the boss calling him, a black man with thick lips agreed, and slowly crawled out from under the car, appearing in front of Roan and Ryder.


   Before Roan and Ryder could speak, the black Yoon raised his hands after seeing the equipment on them:

   "I don't know why you came to me, but I must first explain that I don't have a weapon on me, so don't let your gun go off."


   Seeing the other party's movements so skillfully, Luo An's mouth twitched, and then he asked directly without talking nonsense:

   "Hi Yoon, do you remember Tamara?"

   "Yeah, the cashier at Walmart, I remember her."

  Yoang nodded, slowly got up from the ground, Roan continued:

   "She disappeared, and some people said that you secretly photographed her before she disappeared."

   "NO! FU-K!"

  Hearing Roan's words, Yoon's expression changed, he cursed a few times, and then hurriedly explained:

   "Bro, the manager of Wall Supermarket must have said this to you. Let me tell you, this is definitely a false accusation!

  A few weeks ago, when I was moving things in the supermarket warehouse, I saw two people interacting with the ingredients in the corner of the warehouse, so I immediately walked over and scolded them.

   It turned out that I walked over and saw that the two people were actually the supermarket manager and his wife!

  So the next day the supermarket manager said I was stealing in the supermarket and fired me. "


  Looking at Yoon calmly, Roan did not dwell on this issue, but continued to ask:

   "So when you were working in the supermarket, did you see someone hanging around Tamara, or did anyone harass her before she disappeared?"

   "Sorry, I really didn't notice this."

  Yoang rubbed his oily hands casually on the overalls, and explained:

   "As you know, my job at the time was to move things in the warehouse of the supermarket, and I basically didn't go to the front desk of the supermarket, so I just knew that there was Tamara, but I didn't know much about her life and work."

  (end of this chapter)