MTL - Lessons on Raising a Partner-Chapter 121 Spiritual spirit

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Colin 趁 Auguste did not pay attention, poked his shoulders: "Of course it is the crystal of love between August and Hey, hey. Love the Internet."

When Hai'an heard this, the ear tip was red, and Auguste glanced at Colin and took Hai'an to his side and said nothing.

"Oh, this is too slow, let's fly." Kay didn't want to leave after a while, and left a sentence without waiting for everyone to react. He turned, and two dragon claws caught a few people. Auguste they flew to the deep sea.

The speed of the Asian Judah is very fast, the wind blows on the face and hurts, not to mention that Kay also does some difficult movements, flying backwards, spinning and flying, waiting until the stop, everyone's His face is iron blue.

"I want to vomit..." Colin glared at her chest and leaned on Cossen.

Kay landed at the junction of the shallow sea and the deep sea. People standing in the shallow sea will not fall, but the deep sea is different. Near the edge of the deep sea, there is no soul stone on the bottom of the sea. There is only clean sand. There are some long flowering bones floating on the surface of the deep sea. The sea floor is like a dark and deep abyss. It is not dark, it is dark.

Kay inserted his waist and squatted. Chest. Dew. Milk: "Ah, the feeling of flying is really cool. Here is the deep sea. Wait, I will fish for you." After that, he will smash the green vines. To the dark waters.

Lydney looked at the flowers in the deep sea and said: "These...not moonlight?"

"Yeah?" Kay looked up and glanced at the sea. "Right right, the moonlight flowers are also here. I spread the flowers to the shallow sea. I don't know how they ran here. Actually, this one grows. Not too much, there are only a lot of deep sea centers, and a large piece of densely grown."

Jie Ming looked at the long, thin white flower bones: "Is it moonlight?"

Although he found the moonlight, he did not know how to use it to resurrect the cockroach.

Hai'an took a few steps forward, kneeling down the deep sea, stretching his hand and trying to touch the moonlight: "These moonlight flowers have no soul, so they won't bloom - ah!"

Suddenly, Hai'an seemed to be hooked up by something. It fell into the water, silvery white hair spread out in the water, and finally sank into the deep sea. Auguste's scorpion instantly turned into a vertical shape and shrank sharply: "贱cheap!"

"Auguster!" Carl grabbed August's arm and didn't want him to enter the deep sea. Auguste broke away from Carl's **** and jumped into the water to pursue Hai'an's trail.

Kay stunned with the vines on the side: "Do we want to save people?"

"Definitely want to save!" Colin clothes did not take off after August, but also jumped into the water and went downstream.

When Aria and Red rushed in, there were only Reston and Lydney on the shore. From time to time, I threw a few eyeballs into the water: "The following is too dark, I can't see anything. ""

"I can go down and see." The red soft voice sounded, and Lidney stunned, only to think that the original mechs were able to fight, and they had high-lights to see underwater things.

"Hold this." Aria climbed into the red cockpit and threw down a display. "This is what Red Guard can see. You can record it, maybe it will help everyone."

Lydney took the display and took it carefully. He handed another eyeball to Aria: "You can hold it. I can see the fast moving objects. If you are in danger, I will let the mine." Sston reminds you."

"Thank you." Red guard put the eyeballs in the groove around the body, so that you can see the objects around her, and then jump into the deep sea.

Hai'an spit out a bunch of small bubbles and propped up an air hood. He sighed with a big mouth and mouth, then lit a small ball of light and watched the surroundings carefully, but he couldn't see anything except the endless darkness. He was sunk after he was pulled into the sea, and until now he has not stopped sinking, but there are no other creatures nearby, just like a mysterious force calling for constant dive.

"Hey!" The muffled sound, the air hood seemed to hit something, and Hai'an looked back. It was actually a dark elf - he was holding **** red eyes, and his dark gray lips were open to reveal the fangs inside. Just did not see Hai'an, fluttering forward, biting on the neck of a white elf.

In the blink of an eye, the bright red blood stained the surrounding water, and Hai'an could even smell a burst of suffocation.

After the white elf was bitten, he raised the short dagger in his hand. Under the brilliance of the holy light ball of Hai'an, the knife shot the cold silver light, and then fell into the back of the dark elf. At the last moment, the white elf turned. Looking over Hainan, the blue scorpion is full of sorrow. Hai'an can be sure that his tears must be mixed with the sea. It is cold and sad by the hot and hot, his lips creeping, like to tell Hai'an said a word.

However, Hai'an did not see it, because he was still sinking, and the white elf and the dark elf soon disappeared.

Hai'an trembled, but he could only see a desperate darkness when he rushed to the air hood.

At this moment, a burst of orange light came to attract Hai's view. He turned his head and saw a group of magicians who were releasing the magic spell of fire magic on his right hand. At the center of the magic array, it was three. Wearing a luxurious aristocrat, the shackles of the forbidden flame, requires three people with royal blood to sacrifice as a sacrifice, and the flame generated by the shackles of the flames can burn a small army of the demon.

Hai An's eyes widened and he turned back suddenly. Sure enough, he found a neatly arranged Mozu Legion on the left hand side. They took the Nether Scepter made by Hellfire and attacked the magicians on the right.

The three nobles in the center of the magical array, with tears in their faces, are indeed a kind of generous death, and the magicians who are singing the spells are also full of despair and pain - once the magic curse is cast, not only the center The nobles will lose their blood and they will also be ashes in the flames.

Hai'an passed through their center and did not see their final ending, but Haian knew that no one in the war could survive.

In the dark water, a giant figure emerged - the Titans, a one-eyed Titan, roaring in the direction of Hai'an, standing in front of Hai'an, a dwarf Loli stepped into a meat sauce, other dwarves armed with artillery and □ □ Constantly shooting at the eye of the one-eyed Titan, blasting a **** scorpion on him, and when the Titan fell, he pressed many dwarves. Under the body, it was crushed into mud.

Hai'an closed his eyes, clenched his fists, and the tears slid down from his face. Everything shown here was once happened in the Nord continent.

White elves and dark elves, humans and demons, dwarves and titans, in addition to countless other races involved in this war that swept the entire Nord continent, and Haian finally understood why the elves were behind him. There are no new elves ever born, why the dead elves have never returned from the tree of life, and the moonlight flowers that carry their souls have withered.

Moonlight flowers can only regenerate their hands without contaminating the blood, and have not harvested the pure soul of life.

From the day when the war of the White Elves and the Dark Elves broke out, all the people who went to the battlefield never had the chance to return.

Their bodies and souls will sleep forever in the cold land, and they will be soaked by sad tears.

No matter how many elves are born, the elves will become victims of the war. The Queen has to seal the tree of life by hand, seal the new soul with Hai'an, and transfer them to another world with the ban, waiting for one day to regain their lives.

"he came……"

"Haian... Do you remember me?"

"He is still's good..."

Numerous soul light **** gathered around Hai'an, exuding warmth of enthusiasm, licking his cheeks intimately, whispering in a small whisper.

"Child, come to me..." The Queen's voice clearly sounded in the ear of Hai'an. Hai'an opened his eyes and saw a soft light figure not far away. Her long blond hair was undulating in the sea. The blue eyes are as gentle as ever.

Hai'an also stopped sinking at this time, and the Queen opened his arms and gathered Hai'an into his arms.


"My dear Hai'an... Do you like this world?"

Hai'an raised his head and grabbed the Queen's arm: "That fire... is it for you?"

The Queen still looked at Hai'an with tenderness, but did not answer his question: "I will sink the sinner who made the mistake forever into the sea... You leave with a new soul..."

After the Queen finished the sentence, the soul ball around the body of Hai'an floated to the Queen and gradually blended together. The Queen rolled the arms of Hai'an, and at this moment, Hai'an felt a drama from his wrist. pain.

Auguste was insane after Hai'an sank to the bottom of the sea. He couldn't wait to jump into the sea. Thanks to Hai'an to prop up a holy light ball, Auguste could find Hai'an according to the white light, and then pull Hai'an. Wrist, pulling him into his arms. As soon as the foot is exerted, swim to the sea.

But on the way of swimming, the bottle of Augustia's Soulstone in the bag of Auguste floated out of his pocket and fell into the deepest part of the deep sea.

Hai'an is in the arms of Auguste, glaring at his clothes, and Hai'an also sees the stars that Kay said in the seabed - they have no roots, but they are blooming in no end, and many are pouring from the heart. The white soul light ball almost illuminates the entire sea floor, and those creatures that are grotesquely shaped have retreated after they have encountered these lights, giving them a way.

A group of people in Calcolin who followed Auguste, after seeing these light balls, they also widened their eyes. The light blue stars swirled and rolled into a flower path, wrapping all the people in the sea, and the white light in the sky. The rise together.

"Too beautiful..." His eyes were blurred, as if he had seen a miracle.

Reston frowned, and he hadn't talked for a long time. He didn't know what he saw: "What did you see?"

The author has something to say: Today, the ** card is blown up, the list of mines cannot be copied... I will make up tomorrow, and there will still be more tomorrow, love me? ! _(:3ゝ∠)_ Today is New Year's Eve, I wish you all happy New Year's Eve~ This chapter will send a small red envelope tomorrow, and the message will be sent tomorrow.