MTL - Lessons on Raising a Partner-Chapter 36 Pinch (three in one)

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At this moment, Carl’s body was already bloody. The enemy’s gun did not make a trace on him. The chest had a huge wound that he had just dug himself, but he didn’t seem to have any pain. He was carrying a gun downstairs and was constantly pouring in. The patrol army fired.

Jemming and Sethi Pucha have already fought, Bobby’s vines want to hold on to Colin and Corson, who are running around, and want to help Seyce Pucha to deal with Jie Ming, but Auguste has arbitrarily spread Bobby’s vines. One by one is broken.

Even the iron can tear, let alone this vine?

Lydney looked at the chaotic scene, his eyes widened, his body stiff, his hands and feet chilling behind the cabinet.

Hai'an is also very shocked. He has never been in such close contact with such a scene. In the past 50 years of his life, he has been exposed to a peaceful and peaceful environment. He has not seen the Nordic description of the history of the elves. The war history of the mainland, but no matter how many books he has read, how many explanations about history have been heard, only the experience of the people can be experienced to understand the cruelty of war.

The current scene is just a conflict in the black market, not a real war.

At this moment, the glass on the head of the castle suddenly burst open, and a mech came down from above. The slamming slammed on the round table, shaking up a piece of dusty glass, giving no chance to respond to everyone, its shoulder Suddenly, two missile frames were set up, one was launched to Auguste.

The other is a rapid attack on Lydney and Haian.

When it was too late to run, Lydney hugged Hai'an on the spot and avoided the explosion center of the missile, but was shocked by the shock wave of the explosion and stumbled over a collection with a wall high.

After the smoke, Hai'an had nothing to do. Lidney had no protective cover and no injuries. He slowly turned over and climbed up.

But Haian rolled out of Lidini's arms, rolled a few laps on the ground, stunned, and then slowly floated up.

Hai'an felt that he was going to vomit, and the leaves on his body were sorely shocked that the small nest was also swaying.

"My collection!" Cespi looked at his collection and fell, and his eyes were cracked, but because of the moment, he was hit by a face with a punch, and the shield was bounced out in time, setting off a circle of electronics. ripple.

The shield is going to crack.

Jay's eyes are getting more and more red, his eyes are dark and the bottomless black, his expression is awkward, and he punches him with Sei Pun.

Suddenly the mech was fired and jumped off the table and ran to Auguste. Auguste was hit by the wall next to it. The whole wall was centered on August. Formed a mesh-like fragmentation, and then the mech raised its right hand, only to see the right hand of the mech quickly tempered, forming an iron fist, and quickly and heavy squatting on Auguste.

Auguste was beaten a few times and then the palm of his hand reached the iron fist of the mech. The backhand twisted its right hand and broke the left leg of the mech. Then one hand directly tore the mech. The chest cavity, crushed the core power source inside.

The sky is still landing down the armor, one after the other, each of the mechs flew down and attacked everyone indifferently.

A group of mechs that have been flying from the sky have already started shooting at Lydney and Haian, and another has ran to attack Colin and Jason, making them innocent to find tungsten, but most of them are going to attack Aogu. Sterling.

"Where is the trough, where is the mech fighter?" Colin kicked a mech that was holding his arm and shouted.

Cossen also cares, "not ours!"

Colin: ""

Lidini saw the fire of the mechs of the mechs, and stood up and hugged Hai'an, who was still halo. The house was running with bullets that were dodging. He turned his back to the mech, and in his arms, he guarded Hai'an, and the bullets hit him. The protective cover formed a transparent protective layer on Lydney, and there was a burst of electronic light.

Bobby has a lot of vines, and now it has been divided into hundreds. Auguste has just been trapped by Bobby, but just after the mech, the smash hit Bobbi and live in August. The vines, the purple-red juice splashed on the ground, and when Cespi looked at it, he was distressed by his own collection, and he was distressed by his own pet.

However, Jie Ming’s offensive came too fiercely. If he had a protective cover, it was estimated that he could not stop the attack of Jie Ming for so long. The physical and fighting skills of a black market businessman and a regular soldier were incomparable.

Seeing that it couldn't stop it, Cesp was quickly running backwards, and Jaime wanted to chase it, but was stopped by Bobby, and Sesip checked the emergency protection button on the wall.

The walls of the castle were thick, but after the button was pressed, the whole castle was shaking, the thick walls began to crack, the pieces of gravel fell, a few iron fists pierced the wall, and the whole body hit the wall. .

It was the original mechanical warrior who was poured inside the castle when it was built.

"It finally appeared, the original mechanical warrior made by Oliver, I couldn't find it for a long time. It was hidden by you here." Dean's voice appeared on the castle, and then, one was bigger than the other mechs. The pure black mech jumped from above, crushed the table, smashed on one knee, the soft basket and crystal box held in the right hand, and the pulse gun in the left hand, hit a primitive mechanical warrior.

The original mechanical warrior slammed through the current, and after stepping, he fell to the ground.

Other primitive mechanical warriors ran to the side of Cesp, and surrounded him.

The black mech slowly stood up and moved his right hand to the front. The soft basket and crystal box were particularly weak in the huge palm of the armor.

"Aaron's egg?" Dean's voice was amplified by the mech, with an electronic texture, very hoarse, just like the feeling that Hai'an heard under the white fog of Freeport that day.

Crazy, depressed, and uncomfortable.

"It’s not as good as being contaminated by dirty blood after hatching."

Did not finish the sentence, the black mech just put a hand, directly crushed the Asian Julong egg and crystal box, the light yellow egg mixture mixed with the flesh and broken eggshell of Xiaoya Julong slowly from the black machine A hand slipped in the hand.

Hai'an took a breath and he could even hear the slight break of the eggshell when it was crushed.

Then Dean spread his hand and smashed it. The body of Xiaoya Julong fell. Most of it had been squashed and became meat. Only one head with a brain-stained head and half of the broken wings were vague. Can still see the embryonic shape.

Nuo's collection house has a moment of silence.

Hai'an did not dare to look at Auguste.

Even Cesy Pucha was stunned. Dean was a wanderer after all, but he didn't expect that he really didn't read the old feelings, so crazy.

Mad dog Dean.

He is the most powerful pure man in history. He was the object of all pure human worship more than a hundred years ago.

He is different from the power of pure human beings. The handsome face and his particularly gentle voice even make some evolving human girls ignore his short life and want to marry him. Everyone thought that he might be able to lead. Pure humans are heading for another good life.

To change the unequal treatment of pure human beings in the interstellar, he set an example for all pure human beings.

Evolution can be done by humans, and I can.

Until the pirate shipwreck that shocked the entire star.

Dean was seriously injured. He did not die in strong radiation, but he became very weak. He was even weaker than the average pure human female.

From then on, the aura of his body disappeared. No one remembers his contribution to pure humanity. The evolutionary man still despised pure human beings, and by the way laughed at Dean who fell to a high position.

Later, Dean retired from the Sixth Army and disappeared for a long time. Almost everyone thought he was dead.

But now, he is back.

"The egg of the first star of the Star is also difficult for you to find." The black mech turned to the head of Sexipu. "But you even have the original mechanical warrior. In this interstellar, maybe you really can't find it." Something."

Although Dean’s voice was hoarse, but there was no ups and downs, no feelings, but it made Sesipcha feel fear. He was not afraid of August, because August is not invincible, he cares.

Dean is a madman, he doesn't care, no one dares to provoke a madman.

"Dean, have something to say," said Sexipcha, laughing twice. "I should not offend you."

Dean did not answer the words of Ceci Pucha, but manipulated the black mech to go to Ceci, and lifted his left hand, sucked the original mechanical warrior who had fallen in the pulse gun, and then tore the original machinery. Warrior's breastplate.

Hai'an saw an anti-gravity device on the hand of the black mech.

Auguste is a method of purification that he only knows when he read the ancient books, but Dean has not read the ancient books, which means that Dean is the method of purifying the zirconium gold from his own research into zirconium gold.

He is a genius.

After the chest of the original mechanical warrior was torn open, the huge empty trough in the chest was revealed.

"Ha ha ha! It's ridiculous." Looking at the empty slot, Dean laughed loudly. "The immortal warrior made by Oliver is now a group of collectibles. Without the mechanical warrior of Nading, nothing! ”

Loudly laughing, the black mech was forced to buckle into the empty slot of the original mechanical warrior's chest, and it was torn into two halves, squatting on the ground, and Dean steered the black mech. A sound of crushed metal was crushed.

He stepped on the broken mech and walked over to Sesip, and lifted the pulse gun in his hand against Sesimp.

Sesip has widened his eyes. The original mechanical warrior has only one weakness. It is a pulse gun. Unless the mech has a Nading core, he will resist it, and will fall with these powerful fighters.

And he will be shattered by the shock wave, and the bleeding will die.

The shield is useless to the pulse gun.

"You are disgusting, the soldiers are supposed to be on the battlefield, but you let them be your collections and become your garbage." Dean swears to Sesipcha.

The pulse gun in the hands of the black mech was storing energy. At this moment, Karl suddenly flew over from the second floor door and picked up the black armor and held the right arm of the pulse gun.

"Oh!", the right arm of the black mech was actually cut off, and the hand holding the pulse gun instantly hanged down.

There was a white mech on the stairway, and there was a black crow's logo on the breastplate, which kicked Karl in.

"Black Crow." A low voice was uploaded from Dean's black mech, and Hai'an discovered that Dean's mech was able to speak for himself.

After hearing the sound of the black mech, the pupil of Cesic was magnified.

The mech that came in was called the Black Raven, the exclusive mech of the Imperial Marshal Ivan Randall.

The head of the original mechanical warrior with the core of Nading.

Dean's mech also has a Nading core, and he is called "nightmare."

It is also the original mechanical warrior made by Oliver.

The original mechanical warriors with the Nading core are self-aware. They can even be called another species. Oliver has created 12 original mechanical warriors, and Cesyp has 9, but they don't have a core.

After the appearance of the original mechanical warrior invented by Oliver, it caused a sensation in the interstellar.

Mechanical warriors can completely replace the ordinary mechs that need human manipulation. Humans can choose to sit in mechanical warriors and drive mechanical warriors to fight like armor. They can also choose to connect with mechanical warriors and command mechanical warriors in safe places. .

But the original mechanical warriors are different from the ordinary mechanical warriors. Their core energy is called the Nading core, which requires an extremely precious energy stone in the interstellar to run.

The original mechanical warriors have their own thinking. The core of Nading is like their food. It is the intermediary to keep them running. The stone is too precious. Few people can afford a primitive mechanical warrior.

And Cesp is the son of Starfighter Master Oliver.

He likes to collect things. In order to satisfy his own desire for collection, he does not hesitate to betray his father, cut off the source of the waking stone connection of the original mechanical warriors who are repairing, and dig their skating stones and sell them.

The original mechanical warrior who did not have the core of Nading was a waste. Sexipur certainly knew it, but he only used it for collection, and he did not go to war. The useless original mechanical warrior was what he needed.

Oliver's apprentice discovered the plot of Sexi Pucha, but only had time to let go of the three original mechanical warriors, and Oliver was too much because of this attack, and recorded a video of an apology to his apprentice, he must pay After committing to the three original mechanical warriors still alive, they committed suicide.

His son likes to do business, he gives support, but he did not expect that Ceci Siccha is so indifferent.

For Oliver, it was not 9 mechs but 9 warriors.

Ceci Siccha did not recognize the nightmare, because the nightmare was originally gray, and Dean changed the color and made a morphological transformation.

Now, the nightmare is also revenge for his dead compatriots.

Only the original mechanical warrior with the Nading core can use the lance gun weapon. The original mechanical warrior without the core is a pile of scrap iron, which is no different from the ordinary armor.

So the nightmare was so tearful. For him, this is just a pile of scrap iron, not his compatriots.

"Dream, I haven't seen you for a long time, you have a master too." The black crow kissed the nightmare, his voice was clear, not as low as a nightmare.

The nightmare didn't respond to him, just holding the broken right hand, twisting a few times, and becoming free.

Carl got up from the ground, "Dean!" He yelled at Dean's name, and the dark red eyes were red. Carl had just seen the nightmare crushing the Asian dragon egg.

The mood of that moment he did not want to recall.

Hai'an is just worried about August.

August has been silent for a long time.

"Oh, this is the Azure," the black crow saw the shards of the Aarons on the ground and the ruined body of the little Asian sacred dragon. "It's still a child."

The black crow squatted down and bent down to pick up the body of Xiao Ya Julong.

"Don't touch him!" Auguste suddenly raised his head and shouted at the black crow. Hai'an discovered that August's white eyes had turned black, and the eyelids became the unique erect of the beast.

After the black crow heard Auguste's words, he raised his hands very humanized and then stood up and took a few steps back.

But Dean looked at Auguste's squint, but let the nightmare act. "Dream, ruin him."

When the nightmare received Dean’s order, he stepped forward and prepared to step on the remaining body of Xiaoya Julong.

Hai'an saw the action of the nightmare. When he couldn't think about it, he stretched out the vine and pulled down the direction bar. He broke away from Lidini's arms and casually pressed it on the keyboard in front of him. He rushed to the nightmare.

"Hey!" Lidney wanted to catch Hai'an, but the speed of Xiaowo was too fast to grasp.

The high-pitched puncture of Xiaowo was played on the nightmare. Then Hai'an pressed the button of the missile launch. The two missiles smashed to the right shoulder and left knee of the nightmare, forcing the nightmare. step.

Hai'an flew past the ground and opened the window of Xiaowo (Hai'an can open a small window from inside). The half of the corpse that stretched out the vine ring from Xiaoya Julong was put on his own soil, and he swung in a circle and ran to Aogu. Ster's side.

Auguste hugged the small nest and his eyes were red. He opened his mouth and gave a screaming dragon, which penetrated the entire Pirie star as if it were resounding throughout the A932 mine. band.

In the wandering, Aria, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground floor with her eyes closed, suddenly opened her eyes. She quickly stood up and ran to a warehouse on the bottom edge of the Wanderer, opened the lock of the warehouse, and opened a heavy Thick deck door.

Inside, there are rows of mechanical warriors, black dragon logos on the breastplate, the middle is a huge red mech, the right hand holds a handle, and the left hand holds a huge shield. Behind it there are two high-speed motive wings for speeding up and shooting shells.

The wandering is a warship. Although the appearance looks great, the space for the event is only a little larger than the collection of the Seychupa. Because there are few living people on the Wandering, the Legion of Auguste. Rarely, the combat power is not weak, because his army is all mechanical warriors.

Quietly guarding them in the center of the wandering.

At the moment, the mechanical warriors seemed to wake up. The electronic light in the eye of the mech has already flashed. Aria reached out and touched the shank of the red armor in the middle. The metal bracelet worn by her hand was on the machine of the mech. A string of characters was introduced into the shell, and the red mech rang a huge roar. The electronic eye lit up. It squatted halfway down, put the shield of the left hand on the ground, and then reached the front of Aria.

Aria climbed up with her hand, the red mech opened the chest cabin, and put Aria into it. Next to her, a huge blue stone swirled around the electronic data, which was made by the stone. The core of Nading.

This mech is the only woman in the 12 original mechanical warriors - red guard.

"Welcome back, Alia." The voice of Red Guard is a mature alto, which is lower than Aria's voice. "Please give instructions."

"Berry star, meet Auguste." Aria changed her faceless expression, her brows were wrinkled and her face was depressed.

Like a sigh, the red guard screamed: "Yes."

The wandering bottom compartment opened seven hydraulic doors, and hundreds of thousands of dense mechanical warriors flew out from the bottom compartment, headed by the red guard, and flew all the way to the star.

At the same time, Ceci Pucha, who heard Auguste Longming, suddenly stunned, and even Dean was embarrassed.

He originally thought that Auguste was an evolutionary human being awakened by blood, so he sneered at August Carr and Jaymin. They are a group of "monsters."

The evolutionary human beings of blood awakening do have some characteristics of blood, such as Jieming's eyes, he is a snow wolf, but he can't make a wolf.

The sound of the long sound that Auguste just issued is not the evolutionary human being able to do it, and the news that Auguste has been searching for the Asian egg for centuries, Dean quickly realized He misunderstood Auguste.

He is not a human being at all, but a real adult Asian dragon.

"Hey, let me go." The black crow couldn't control the scene. When he thought about whether or not to leave, Ivan Randall asked him to take the tungsten liquid, but now he obviously can't get the tungsten liquid. And, the black crow is still a little bit annoyed, he just seems to have smashed Karl's foot.

Do you want to continue to fight?

Auguste suddenly thrown Hai'an, Hai'an still did not respond, Jie Ming suddenly rushed to grab him and then quickly rushed, directly smashed the glass and jumped from the second floor of the castle, only heard "呯呯A few bangs, Carl holding Lydney, Colin and Cosson also jumped from the glass window on the other side.

They jumped down and continued to run forward without stopping.

What's going on here? August is still in the castle.

However, Hai'an's question quickly got the answer. The castle in Cesypcha suddenly exploded, and the whole building collapsed and collapsed in an instant. A sharper scream than the one just hit the air with them, and they rushed to them. I have traveled a distance before.

The huge black scales flew open in the air, setting off a hurricane, casting a shadow on their heads. Hai'an looked in the direction of Auguste, and saw a huge pure black adult Yarui hit the nightmare and the black crow. Out of the gravel pile, roaring and spurting a fierce flame, huge dragon claws hit them, the black crow and the nightmare separated in two opposite directions, and August's claws crossed the hard stone. , leaving three deep gullies.

The nightmare raised the wing and flew to the upper layer of the star. Auguste put a tail with a steel blade to bring a hurricane, and wrestled the nightmare, biting a nightmare. The right shoulder, tearing his entire right arm apart, the broken wires ignited Mars in the air, Auguste pressed one of his claws against the head of the nightmare, and the other claw grabbed his breastplate, struggling A pressure, almost pierced the entire body of the nightmare.

The black crow had already pulled out the wing and was ready to run. As a result, Auguste suddenly gave up the attacking nightmare and ran to tear the black crow's wings. He turned and rushed to the black crow. His nearly 20-meter dragon wing was completely stretched at this moment. With a wave of wings, Auguste gave a sharp whistling sound, and ascended to the sky, he bit the black crow's wing and pressed him from above, and the black crow stepped on the stone floor, and he was overwhelmed. The dust rushed to Hai'an and they looked gray.

After everything calmed down, Hai'an found that he couldn't see it clearly. The glass cover of Xiaowo was covered with a thick layer of yellow-green ash.

What about August?

Hai'an stretched out the vine wiping shield, but the dust was all outside. At this time, Hai'an felt a pair of hands clinging him out of Jieming's arms. After the man broke into his arms, Hai'an heard the familiarity. Heartbeat.

Auguste gently wiped the dust on the small nest. When the dust of the small nest was wiped clean, Auguste’s familiar face appeared in front of Hai’an, but he saw August again. At the time, Hai'an suddenly had a kind of sadness that could not be said.

He lowered his head and stared at Haian quietly. Other people couldn't see his eyes, but his eyes were hanging in front of Hai'an at this moment. Hai'an could see the slight water color in August's eyes and the painful dawn of him.

Auguste was crying, although he did not shed a tear.

The nightmare and the black crow are lying quietly on the ground. Dean was guarded in the navel's core seat of Nadun, and even if Nading's core was destroyed, Dean could not be guaranteed to die, but August's wrath also made him very uncomfortable. Dean's body was too weak. However, he fell and swayed in the mech, and the ribs were also broken by two. This impact will not cause any serious injury to the evolutionary human beings.

But he is pure human.

Dean’s hard movements suddenly made an inexplicable apology.

"Auguste, sorry"

After a long time, August closed his eyes and his voice was very tired. "Dean, what you are pursuing is not freedom, but no empty fantasy."

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Keke" Dean sat in the mech and laughed loudly, touching the rib injury and coughing up a few mouthfuls of blood. "The order of the world is wrong. The new order needs blood to pave the way, whether you or I can't escape as long as I live."

"Dean, you are a madman." Jaime wiped the gray on his face. "Let's go, there is no need to stay here."

August didn't keep talking, but he moved, and he hugged his foot and hugged Hai'an to the edge of the dream ladder. Carl had just guarded Lydney, but now it is dusty on a red hair, just like a move. Going straight down, everyone else followed the Auguste and walked over to the overhang.

When they reached the edge, Dean’s original mechanical warriors fell to the ground and suddenly climbed up against August and they launched a self-destructing roar.

The roaring bomb is the last weapon of every mechanical warrior, which can trigger a wide range of pulse explosions. Carl and Auguste can block, but others can't.

Just as the roaring bomb was about to hit them, Aria drove down from the air with red guards, blocking them in front of Auguste, and slamming the shield into the ground, against the explosion of the roaring bomb, but a few The roaring bombs fired by the ten mechs at the same time could not be underestimated. The pillars on the half of the dream ladder on August were suddenly blown up and collapsed.

The red guard immediately stopped the explosion and immediately got up. The right hand handle slammed the laser and turned back to the front of the shield. "Oh!" slammed the giant sword of the black crow rushing over, the two swords hit Splashing fierce Mars, but the black crow did not give the red protection reaction. He repeatedly slashed his knife to the red guard, and the red guard was cut in a knife. Then he immediately lifted the shield to block the front, and the black crow stepped tightly. Forced to finally jump off the air to cut a knife, forced the red guard down the dream ladder, and fell down in the building under the dream ladder.

The black crow also jumped down. The giant sword was inserted straight down into the ground. The red guard turned over and avoided the sword front. Then he raised the laser sword against the black crow, but was forced to retreat.

Due to the collapse of the dream ladder, Lidney Jieming all fell down, Carl also issued a fierce whistling quickly, unlike August's shiny scales, Carl only has a part of the head and Aogu The scales of the same place, the other places are with metal shiny scales and mechanical texture of the torso, as if he is a machine-made Ya Julong.

Carl carried them and suddenly flew to the empty gap of the star. "Hurry up and grab the scales of Carl!" Cosson suddenly shouted loudly to Lidney, a powerful blast that shattered him. The sound, then he pulled a long strip of steel thorn from the waist pocket, the upper part was filled with dark blue liquid, and Corson put a steel thorn on Carl's back, steel thorn and hard When the scales were touched, they were broken. The dark blue liquid overflowed and quickly spread out and spread to Karl's body. It formed a circle of blue transparent aperture protection layer, which just surrounded Karl's entire body.

Others are just in the protective layer of the aperture.

Carl slid down the gravity of the crash, then slid a little distance against the ground, and then the fins accelerated, smooth gliding and spinning through the gap of the starry star into the universe, his steel tungsten unique metal gray The dragon wings are swept open, reflecting the light layer of the outer ring, and the sharp scales on the smooth scales, like the waves sliding from the wings to the tip of the wings, the red eyes have black erects, when they open, print The thousand-star river in the universe.

The sharp whistling sound hit everyone's eardrum. Lydney crawled on Carl's body and his heart beat very fast. He couldn't tell why this was the case. Maybe it was because he was too scared and he didn't slow down.

They rushed into the universe like this, and under the protection of only one layer of aperture, there was no other barrier to contact with the universe. The huge Asian dragons passed through the mine, and many mechanical warriors lined up neatly. Flying, scattered around Carl, and quickly attacked the star, supporting the red guard.

Sethi Pucha was well protected by nine primitive mechanical warriors. At this moment, his collection house has already become a ruin. This room that has condensed his centuries of hard work has become unrecognizable and turned into dust. Only he is still in the original machinery. The protection of the soldiers is intact.

Seeipu looked at it all. He killed their souls. His father left him because of this. In the end, only the bodies of these warriors were accompanied by him.

When the black crow saw the wandering mechanical warrior flying to this side, he stopped the attack on the red guard. "Ha! Will you send these little bugs to deal with me?" He said that he was facing the star The entrance, the wing behind it was deformed, assembled into two high-energy particle cannons, and two glare beams were fired at the mechanical warriors. The mechanical warriors who were shot were stunned into ashes, and no more traces were seen.

The other mechanical warriors who fled the flight flew to the front of the red guard and covered her to escape. The black crow put a pulse gun on the right hand and sent a pulse wave to the red guard, but the mechanical warrior was more and more, forming a front in front of the red guard. Under the cover of the layers, the red guards started the wing and fled from the gap of the star.

As early as the black crow and the red guards played hard, the nightmare repaired the mech, and the damage that Auguste had caused on him seemed to have never happened. The mech was intact. He quickly got up and ran to Ceci.

The original mechanical warriors were originally formed in a circle, guarding the center of Ceci Pucha, then ran out of four soldiers also rushed to the nightmare to stop his impact.

The nightmare goal was never to remove Sesimpazar. He just broke the heads of the four original mechanical warriors, then jumped off the dream ladder and flew off the wing.

"No!" Cespi did not have time to stop the nightmare. He could only watch the four original mechanical warriors who had rushed out, and the wires at the neck provoked the last death, and finally turned into silence.

Sesip's eyes widened and his face suddenly slipped into tears.

After the red guard left, the mechanical warriors began to retire. The black eagle took up the weapon and ran to the collection house where Ceci has been turned into a ruin. The eyes turned red and the red scanning light was projected, but it was swept. No tungsten liquid was found in the circle.

Originally, the Black Raven didn't intend to conflict with Auguste. He was ready to run, but I don't know why Ivan Randall suddenly ordered him to kill Lidney. He lost the opportunity at the beginning. Moreover, August and Carl were there. He could only pretend to die, and then implanted a virus into Dean's mech to steal Lidini. The result was still unsuccessful.

I didn’t get anything now, and I was beaten.

"Yu Julong is fierce, hey, I have to be sent for repair." The black crow moved, and there was a crack in the body that had just been caused by August, and then he went to Ceci, Chasip Take a step back and watch the black crow vigilantly. "Give me your mech, you won't use them."

Cespi found his lips and wanted to refuse, but he could not say a word in his words. He had no power to resist.

The black crow quickly broke the head of the remaining original mechanical warrior, and even the one that was originally torn by the nightmare did not fall. Then the wing was released from the star.

The people in the black market began to evacuate the star as soon as the alarm of the collector’s house began to sound. The star was broken now, and there were thousands of broken armor around the Cespo, silent and desolate, like a mechanical grave. field.

Cecipu squatted on the ground, his tears slammed to the ground, and when he was a child, his father told him that the machine is the machine, the tool.

But when the machine was named after the robot, he was given life, but no human beings were willing to admit it. Even if the robot does not have a core, it will one day generate thoughts and feelings outside the program.

When he was willing to admit it all, he discovered that he had no family.