MTL - Lessons on Raising a Partner-Chapter 87 喔喔喔

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"In addition, after the new planet." Auguste looked up, but he did not mess with the action of stirring and not completely ablating the milk powder. "You start to teach Queltan something he should learn. I will let Aria teach him to manipulate the mech."

Aria can drive the red guard of one of the original mechs, and its ability far exceeds that of the average mech driver. Winchester certainly agrees. He very much hopes that Queltan can be a good person like his father, just ......

"Do you help us like this, is there nothing you want?" Winchet asked with a temptation to ask, Auguste's character is notoriously good in the emperor's group, of course his indifference and The attitude of being out of the way is also well known.

"I hope that Queltan can be a good leader." Auguste pushed the smashed milk to Hai'an, "to bring true peace."

"I will." Queltan put his hands on his lap and sat upright, answering seriously.

And Hai'an is focused on the teeth of the bowl of Queltan.

I don't know if it's because the teeth are drinking fruit juice at the maturity stage. The teeth are bigger than when Hainan first became a human. Quertan gave him a green hat to cover up his small. The bald head, while the body is covered with red and bright winter cotton quilts, is staring at the lean meat porridge in the Queltan bowl.

Oh, small mouth flowers are meat.

Chef Lidney seems to be aware of this problem too. "I will get some more food for my teeth."

"Thank you, you have to have such a large piece of meat." Immediately after hearing the words of Lydney, the teeth stood upright and raised his hand high, making a big round.

The teeth are so quick to learn to talk! !

Hai'an is under great pressure. He thinks that he has just become a person. Not only can he not speak, but he can't even walk, and Auguste helps him brush his teeth. He just lost his life.

Lidini prepared the coconut milk porridge for Hai'an, and put it in front of Hai'an, but Hai'an did not move for a long time. Auguste thought that Hai'an would not use a spoon, he took the bowl in front of Hai'an and dug a spoon. The porridge was sent to Hai'an mouth.

"Open your mouth, ah."

Hai'an: "..."

"Why didn't Dad feed the donkey today?" Jamie bit his chicken leg and watched Haian and Auguste jokingly.

Hai'an's face was originally thin, and the face behind Shang Jieming's eyes was even redder. He quickly took the spoon from Auguste's hand and buried his head quietly to drink porridge.

After the teeth saw this scene, the brow wrinkled tightly. It happened that Lydney had served the steak for his roasting. The teeth smashed Quertan’s ridiculous porridge, leaning against his chin and arrogantly saying: "Not coming to feed me for breakfast."

"Oh, okay." Queltan paused, and immediately put down the spoon, picked up the knife and fork next to the small steak and began to cut the meat for the teeth, and then fed the teeth in one bite, and then put himself after the teeth were finished. The juice is pushed over, let the teeth drink first, and then wait until the teeth are enough to drink.

Colin Jieming, they saw it a glimpse, Winchet sighed helplessly. When Queltan was at home, the potted flower was like the ancestors. Now the teeth are turned into people, and when he goes out, he I finally started to feel a bit of a slap in the teeth, and I actually found a green hat for my teeth! ! ! It’s a shame to lose my home.

"Augusta, look at this." Reston's voice suddenly appeared, and then the hall was darkened. Countless planets and tracks appeared in the hall, forming a magnificent star map, and in the middle of the round table, It is a pair of mutually rotating planets.

That is a double star.

The binary stars have a common rotating center of gravity. The pair of stars discovered by Reston are in the neighboring star field of Huajiexing, but the star field is not in the interstellar interstellar map, and even the military-specific star map does not have the piece. Map of the star field.

"This star map is given by Ye Shu?"

"Yes, he said that the pair of stars is very suitable for us to take refuge." Reston took a moment, and then continued, "And Ye Shu also said that this pair of stars in the companion star live with our acquaintances."

Winchester looked at August, August only silenced for a while, decided to go to the pair of stars for a period of time, "Is there a thing on the main star Ye Shu said?" According to Ye Shu, this pair The binary star companion is inhabitable, but he did not mention anything on the main star. Although Auguste can sense that the main star is not dangerous, he still asks for insurance.

"Ye Shu did not say, but he said that we would like this. Paladin also said that this is the new wedding gift they sent you and you."

Hai'an is drinking milk. He almost didn't squirt out this sentence, but Queltan's eyes are bright. "Augusta, is your plant married? Winchester, I have to marry my teeth!!!" ”

After Queltan grabbed his teeth, he began to slap his face, and his level of unrestrainedness was comparable to that of August.

"What are you doing!!!" The blushing face, pushing the lips of Queltan, "I haven't agreed yet!"

"Tooth, you believe me, I will give you happiness!" Queltan's eyes sparkled, and there seemed to be a piece of Xinghai, his teeth looked at him, and he snorted without further refusal. Winchet licked his chest and felt the next. It will fall down at a moment.

Colin, sitting next to him, patted him on the shoulder. "Look at the opening point. Now it's popular to fall in love with your own plants. You have to learn to keep up with the times."

what? ? ! !

Fall in love with your own plants? ! Is this still ok? !

Carl didn't forget, Lidini still had a pot of cockroaches in the house. If Lidney and 瞎瞎 were in love, what should he do? ? ? The heart of the rushing vinegar was about to drown Carl. He looked unhappy and decided to wait for Lidini to sneak away the potted plant.

Winchester was still very sad, but he couldn't stop Queltan's decision because he couldn't beat his teeth.

He didn't forget that on the Philia, his teeth were protected by Queltan. He bit the neck of the dead bird that flew toward Queltan, and even blocked several shots for Queltan. The killer's bullet, so the petals will fall a lot, even the teeth become crippled, Winchet even thinks that the teeth become human after the lack of hair because his petals almost disappeared...

It’s so fierce that it’s not a human tooth. Would it be gentle when it becomes a person?

This is obviously impossible.

Moreover, Winchet looked up and looked at him like a little squat, sitting next to Auguste, holding two cups of milk in a handful of cups of milk and humans, and shaking it. Haian perceives Wenche. The special line of sight gently reveals an innocent smile, and then August's cold eyes are shot like a knife. Winchet quickly removes his gaze. I heard that the Philia is called this. The sly plants are sinking...

Say good docile and cute pet-type plants without lethality? ? ! ! Why is it so fierce! ! !

"Augu, will we be very busy after we go to the new planet?" Hai'an pulled the arm of Auguste and whispered in his ear.

Auguste thought that Hai'an was broken, and he didn't have enough to ask. He touched Hai's head and kissed Hai's forehead. He was satisfied that he saw a thin red on his face. "No. Busy, I can accompany you every day."

Hai'an is also satisfied, but he only noticed August's "not busy", because he planned to teach Lydney to learn magic after he got to the new planet. Lidney has missed the best of learning magic. Age, it is too late to learn without further study.

But Lidney is so smart, he can learn very well, so don't worry that Lydney will die before Carl. Besides, there is no life sharing magic.

Hai'an looked at Lidney and smiled and smiled. Karl, he was sticking to Lidini's shoulder. He had to feed him, and Lidney was flushed. Haian wanted them two. I can always be happy, and Jaime, I hope he can find the moonlight flower, reunite with his wife, and everyone on the Wandering, Hai'an hopes that they can live as happy as they are now.

Because they are the family members who have been accompanying him for growth.

"Get rid of Luke's tracking first. Can we get to the border of the star in a month?" Winchester didn't want to see the teeth and Queltan anymore. Queltan peeled the orange peel and covered his face. Sweetly feeding the teeth with oranges.

"Can you?" Colin didn't care about swinging his hands. "I don't want to look at Luke this time. He thought we were soft persimmons."

As a warship, the wandering is absolutely impossible without attacking weapons. Auguste did not attack Luke before. He did not want to participate in the interstellar war. Now they have torn their skins, and sooner or later they have to fight back. Does Luke stay face?

"Report! The Raptor h-52 is accumulating." Aria walked out of the lift and performed a military salute against August. She had just been in the bottom cabin and the red guard assembly fighter - Raptor H -52.

The Raptor is a carnivorous creature of the ancient Earth's late Cretaceous Campanian. They are used to grouping and are good at joint hunting. It is very suitable to name the fighters jointly developed by Auguste and Aria, because these fighters are suitable. Like the Raptor, when the group is dispatched, it is the enemy's nightmare.

"Very good." Auguste's original chilly lips evoked a curve, revealing a cold smile. "Luke is so stupid enough to send all the troops. I want to see how many people he can bring back this time. ""

Looking in the universe, the bottom cabin of the Wanderer suddenly opened, and hundreds of thousands of fighters continued to descend, and called a row, synthesizing several columns and returning to the opposite direction of the wandering like a big net.

"Captain! Come and see what it is?" The monitor on the hammer looked at the small dots and bright spots that suddenly appeared on the monitor screen and quickly reported to the captain.

The captain walked to the front of the screen, took a picture on the big screen and looked at it, then the pupil suddenly shrank.
