MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 65 Extra/first snow

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Two days ago, Shanlan City issued a blizzard warning, but this morning Chu Suiyun was almost late, and when he went out in a hurry, he forgot to bring an umbrella.

When he walked out of Fengmiao Building and saw the snowflakes, he remembered that he didn't have an umbrella.

This can only be blamed on Qin Miao, they clearly agreed that they would only get up in the morning and not do other things, but there would always be one or two days in a week when he would pester Chu Suiyun and say, "It's still early, hug me one."

Then the situation will get out of control, and then Chu Suiyun will be late.

The biting cold wind swished the snowflakes and smashed them to the ground. Chu Suiyun thought about it, so he drenched for a while, went to the side of the road and took a taxi back. But as soon as he got close to the snow curtain, a gust of wind blew him back.

Standing at the door of the building, Chu Suiyun sighed helplessly as he looked at the fine snow flakes.

It has been a while since he drove to the company by himself, and he takes Qin Miao's car every morning. As long as you enjoy the treatment of passengers once, it is difficult to volunteer to be a driver again.

On weekdays, Qin Miao would turn a corner to pick him up during off-duty hours. Xingyuan and Feng Miao belonged to the Qin family, and the office buildings were not too far away, but today Qin Miao happened to have a dinner, so he told Chu Suiyun and let him go home first.

Before leaving get off work, I heard my colleagues say that it was snowing, but Chu Suiyun didn’t take it seriously. The climate in Shanlan City is mild, and it snows every winter, but it doesn’t fall much, like a child casually sprinkled salt on the ground.

Unexpectedly, the snow came early and fiercely at the beginning of this year.

"Suiyun!" A male voice came from behind, Chu Suiyun looked back, it turned out to be Lu Ren.

"Brother Lu." Chu Suiyun greeted him with a smile.

Lu Ren took good care of Chu Suiyun when he was still an intern at Feng Miao, but now that they belong to different departments, the chances of seeing each other have decreased sharply, so it is a coincidence that they met today.

"Did you not bring an umbrella?" Lu Ren asked with a smile, took out an umbrella and opened it, "I'll give you a piece."

"Thank you Brother Lu."

Chu Suiyun got under Lu Ren's umbrella.

But Lu Ren’s umbrella was picked up from some girl or Omega. It was so small and delicate that it couldn’t hold two Alphas who were around 1.8 meters tall. Chu Suiyun’s outer shoulders were wet, and his trousers and socks It was also wet by the snow that flew in obliquely.

The wet clothes were blown by the wind, that guy was bitingly cold.

When the two came to the subway station, Chu Suiyun gave up the idea of ​​taking a taxi. In bad weather, taxis are in short supply, and it is better to take the subway.

After putting away the umbrella, Chu Suiyun found that Lu Ren was also soaked through, and felt a little guilty.

"Then I'll take Line 10, how about you?" Lu Ren asked.

The subway station near Fengmiao was a transfer station, and Chu Suiyun happened to take another line.

So he replied, "I'll take another line, number 6."

As a result, Lu Ren showed a surprised expression, and said with some regret: "Ah, there are a few stations on Line 6 that don't stop. You can check and watch the video and it won't affect it."

"What?" Chu Suiyun was startled, thinking in his heart that he wouldn't be able to memorize it like this, so he quickly took out his mobile phone to check.

Seeing his destination clearly written in red letters on a white background under the outage site, Chu Suiyun was completely convinced that he could really memorize it a little today.

Lu Ren saw that Chu Suiyun's face turned from white to red to green, and there was nothing he didn't understand. He patted Chu Suiyun's shoulder and said sadly, "You... ask yourself for blessings."

Two minutes later, Chu Suiyun watched Lu Ren enter the gate, went back to the subway entrance by himself, and took out his mobile phone to hail a taxi.

"You are number 32, there are 31 passengers ahead, please wait..."

This line of words on the taxi-hailing software ruthlessly crushed Chu Suiyun's last hope.

He gritted his teeth and put the phone back into his pocket, scolding someone angrily in his heart, and it was none other than Qin Miao.

Blame this man! I forgot to bring my umbrella! Don't let yourself drive! Stopping the subway (?)...

Now I have to stand in the snow and wait for the car, I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for a car with heating on until it becomes an ice sculpture.

The cold wind was bitingly cold, and the temperature dropped by nearly ten degrees compared with the morning. Chu Suiyun wore clothes according to the morning weather. Now a coat could no longer resist the cold, so he could only shiver in the wind.

Fortunately, maybe the passengers in front of Chu Suiyun also felt that the queue was too long and canceled one after another. When it was Chu Suiyun's turn, less than half an hour passed.

The taxi stopped by the side of the road, and Chu Suiyun walked over against the wind and snow, and when he opened the door and got in the car, his lips turned pale.

He let out a breath, confirmed the order with the driver, and finally set off.

It was warm in the car, Chu Suiyun came back to life, warm and drowsy.

Just when his head was turned away and he was about to fall asleep, the car suddenly braked suddenly, causing Chu Suiyun's forehead to hit the front seat with a "bump".

"Ouch." Chu Suiyun scratched his head and cried out.

The driver looked at him with shame on his face: "I'm sorry, my guest, the car was scratched, I'll go down and deal with it."


Before Chu Suiyun could react, the driver opened the door and got out of the car, and started arguing with the owner of another car.

After arguing for almost five minutes, Chu Suiyun's head grew dizzy, and he heard that the owner of the other car didn't intend to steal it on the spot, and wanted to take insurance. The taxi driver on his side had no choice but to come back and apologize to Chu Suiyun, saying that he would not be charged for the order.

It means to ask Chu Suiyun to get out of the car and do what he wants.

Chu Suiyun knew that the driver didn't want to have an accident, so he didn't embarrass the other party, and got out of the car without saying a word, looking at the two car owners who were still bargaining, his brain ached.

I don't know what kind of bad luck I have encountered today, everything is not going well.

The place to get off was a bit awkward, not far from the top floor of Qin Miao's apartment, it would take a few minutes by taxi, it would definitely not be worthwhile, and it would take a long time to wait, but it would take nearly 20 minutes to walk.

Not to mention in this snowy night.

At 6:30, it was only half an hour after get off work, and it was already dark.

The street lamps are lit up, and the warm yellow light reflects the snow like goose feathers, falling on the ground piece by piece.

Chu Suiyun was walking alone on the road with a bag on his back, and the light snowflakes hit his face, making him feel cold. His nose and ears were already numb from the cold, and his knees were only covered by a thin layer of cloth, which was also icy cold at this moment.

The further he walked, the colder Chu Suiyun felt.

Why did I fall to this point? I blame someone.

Back home, Chu Suiyun opened the door with a password, and when he looked up, he saw that the room behind the door was dark and quiet, and suddenly felt a sense of loneliness.

He put down his bag and walked to the center of the living room.

Qin Miao's house is located on the top floor, and the living room is equipped with a 270-degree window, overlooking the entire Shanlan City. Usually when Qin Miao was at home, someone talked to him, but Chu Suiyun didn't feel it, but now there was only one person at home, but it was snowing heavily outside, pedestrians were hurrying on the road, and the lights of thousands of houses were brightly lit, which made him feel a little lonely at a high place.

Qin Miao lived alone in this house for three years.

Thinking of this for no reason, the trace of resentment against Qin Miao that Chu Suiyun had originally held in his heart suddenly disappeared.

Then he thought that when he was just an adult, his younger brother was always alone in the big empty house, sitting on the sofa with his knees hugged and waiting for him to go home.

Chu Suiyun suddenly wanted to experience his younger brother's feelings at that time.

So he didn't turn on other lights in the room, leaving only the floor lamp next to the sofa glowing dim and warm yellow. Take off your coat, sit down in the middle of the sofa, throw away your slippers, put your legs in front of your chest, wrap your arms around your knees, and sit quietly.

This is a sitting posture that can bring a little sense of security, but this sense of security is too small, and only those who are extremely lacking will choose this posture, because they are unwilling to let go of even a little sense of stability.

Curling himself up, the already spacious big house became even more empty, not to mention that Qin Miao has panoramic glass windows here. Chu Suiyun suddenly felt as if he was sitting alone in the center of the universe.

The bottom of the trousers was still wet from the cold snow water, and the tip of the nose and ears, which were frozen, began to feel slightly hot and achy because they entered the warm environment.

Today I was drenched in snow, found that the subway was out of service, waited for half an hour for a taxi, and was finally thrown by the taxi driver halfway, walking home in the wind and snow.

Also, I didn't see Qin Miao when I got off work.

A feeling of grievance filled Chu Suiyun's chest. He thought that it was the first time he felt the same with his younger brother who was left alone at home. It turns out that this is the loneliness of leaving a dependent person.

When Qin Miao returned home in a hurry, what she saw was this scene——

All the lights in the room were off, except for the one next to the sofa, which had a faint yellow light like the light of a star in the dark night sky.

And the person illuminated by the dim starlight was sitting on the sofa in an extremely restless posture.

Qin Miao was flustered, her steps were fast, and in the next second she was in front of Chu Suiyun.

Chu Suiyun seemed to be in a trance and didn't notice his arrival. Alpha's little lover who was many years younger than him was staring blankly at the TV screen which was not turned on.

Qin Miao was at a loss for the first time, he stood in place, looked at Chu Suiyun, and looked around, almost spinning around in a hurry.

"You..." Qin Miao finally had the courage to speak out, he wanted to ask Chu Suiyun if he blamed himself for not picking him up.

God knows that when Qin Miao got off work today, he just walked out of the company and found that it was snowing, so he thought that Chu Suiyun didn't drive, and if he didn't pick him up, he wouldn't be able to go home.

He asked Zhao Kai to help him postpone the meal, started the car and prepared to go to Fengmiao to send Chu Suiyun home first. As a result, he made a call there and found that Chu Suiyun's cell phone was turned off, so he turned to ask his elder brother, and the majestic boss asked a few more people, only to find out that Chu Suiyun had left a long time ago.

Qin Miao's first reaction was to go back to the dinner. After all, he and Chu Suiyun have always gotten along like this. They are sticky but they don't rely too much on each other. It's Alpha who has nothing to throw a temper tantrum without taking someone home.

But on the way back, the more he walked, the more he felt that something was wrong. There was some kind of force driving him to see Chu Suiyun immediately.

So he made a phone call to Zhao Kai, who was temporarily helping to support the venue, and said unreasonably: "It's the first snow today, and I want to enjoy the snow with your sister-in-law. The dinner is not going, so you help me bear it."

Then, without waiting for Zhao Kai's reaction, he hung up the phone with a "click", turned the steering wheel, and turned around to go home.

Then he opened the door, and seeing the scene in front of him, Chu Suiyun was sitting alone in a dark room with his knees hugged, showing an unprecedented fragile posture.

Qin Miao immediately panicked.

But who knows, Qin Miao just uttered a syllable, and Chu Suiyun seemed to come back to his senses suddenly, and the brilliance in his pupils appeared in an instant.

"Why did you come back early?" he asked.

The tone was normal and full of vitality, Qin Miao was stunned for a moment, unable to react what was going on with Chu Suiyun.

Before he could react, Chu Suiyun stretched his legs, put on his slippers, walked around the sofa and walked to Qin Miao's side, suddenly opened his arms and gave him a routine hug.

Qin Miao is still a little unsure, is he not angry?

Then Chu Suiyun raised his head slightly, pecked Qin Miao's mouth, and said in a casual manner: "I guess you must have escaped the dinner again, so we can have a good meal?"

At this point, Qin Miao confirmed that Chu Suiyun was really not angry, and that everything he did just now was to scare himself.

He frowned and let out a sigh of relief, pinched the back of Chu Suiyun's neck severely, and set a rule arbitrarily.

"It is not allowed to sit on the sofa with your knees hugged in the future."

Chu Suiyun was confused: "Why, I can sit however I want."

"Then you sit on my knees."

Chu Suiyun: " are sick, why are you so nervous?"

"That's it." Qin Miao said one thing, and changed the subject, "It's snowing, let's order a takeaway from the hotel and have a candlelight dinner."

"There are no candles at home." Chu Suiyun reminded.

"Then light up the lamps and have a light dinner." Qin Miao followed suit like a follower of kindness.

It was snowing heavily outside, and the wind was biting cold. Inside, there was heating, food, and the people I loved the most.