MTL - Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable-Chapter 17 , kissed again

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The Ghost Mountain is vast and innocent, and the beasts are rampant. It is known as one of the top ten murderous places in Tianxuan.

Like the human beings, the monsters will cultivate and break through.

They have only one way of cultivation, hunting, and consuming the essence of prey.

Extracting the mysterious gas from the blood, and adding the mysterious gas into the body, the strength is enhanced, and the body is strengthened.

In order to survive the battle between the monsters almost all the time, fighting and killing, thus creating a body that is strong like a steel, is extremely difficult to deal with.


More than 100 disciples from Luojia came to the hunting ground.

The venue was prepared three days ago. In order to ensure that the safety of the family was driven within a hundred kilometers of a half-month ago, the first-order monsters were hunted. This is also to ensure that there will be no powerful monsters during the hunting competition. .

The disciples who participated in the competition were all in the realm of the Xuancang. The second-order monsters were like the wolves in the sheepfold for them, not the opponents at all.


Although the venue of the hunting competition has been cleaned up, no one can guarantee the accident.

"Well, you can enter the venue."

"Remember, you can choose to give up in the three days of the game. You can choose to play when you hunt a monster, so you can also qualify for the core disciples."

"Let's pay attention again. This time must come out three days later, otherwise the results will be considered invalid. Do you understand?"

The Luojia disciples stepped one by one, and they were anxious, and they shouted in unison: "Understood!"


The Luo family had a right hand wave, and more than a hundred Luo family disciples like wild beasts rushed into the ghost mountain range.

Luo Tian stood at the entrance, looking at the dark jungle, his eyes glanced, and said: "The game is beginning."

Take Feng Lei into the ghost mountain...



"Have you lost? Are you eating? You so many people can't even stare at a woman. I really don't know what it is to raise your waste!" Luo Lin said with a gloomy face, very unhappy.

There were so many people who just entered the venue, so that Li Xueer disappeared after entering the stadium, which made Luo Lin extremely unhappy!

"Luo Tianna waste?" asked Luo Lin.

"Going southeast."

Luo Lin turned his face and looked southeast. He said: "The dog thing will let you live more than one day."


Luo Lin’s eyes were twisted and he said slightly: “You two continue to stare at Luo Tian. The others immediately found me Li Xueer.”


Everyone drank and quickly dispersed.


Another place.

Luo Tian took Feng Lei to the southeast and rushed all the way. Even if he encountered a first-order monster, he did not mean to do it.

After half an hour.

There was no darkness in the surrounding area, and there was no more disciple of Luo’s disciples.

Feng Lei gasped on a rock and asked inexplicably: "Young master, what are you doing so far?"

Luo Tian warned around, "Our sin elders, and play Luo Jianshan, you think they really dare not treat me. This hunting contest will definitely target me, maybe I will take this opportunity to get rid of me, we must find a safe place."

This point Luo Tian had long thought of.


The hunting ground is full of monsters. As long as it breaks through quickly, once it reaches the eighth order of Xuantu, who is still his opponent in this venue?

This is an opportunity.

A very good opportunity.

Feng Lei’s eyes slammed and screamed: “I see who I dare, see if I don’t kill him.”

The fat on the belly of the room was still shaking, Luo Tian said with a smile: "You still kill the fat on your body."

Feng Lei smiled and was about to talk.

Luo Tian was surprised and made a squeaking gesture, whispering: "Someone!"

The heart was secretly annoyed and said: "His mother, Lao Tzu is still chasing after so far, is it necessary to force Laozi to run out of the hunting ground?"



A white shadow in the forest quickly shuttles between the branches, the white dress flutters, the long hair sways, the body is wonderful, and the beauty is amazing, just like the scene in the past movie when the white fox fairy appeared.

Feng Lei was shocked and looked up at his head. He pointed his finger at the white shadow and murmured: "The young master is watching, there is a fairy."

Luo Tian was also secretly stunned, and immediately thought of the white sister she met when she was in the mountains.

The white woman heard the sound, looked down, saw Luo Lin, smiled softly, was about to talk...

Luo Tian shouted: "Hey, my sister is careful."

Because Yuqi flew too fast, and did not hear it for a while, Li Xueer looked down and asked: "What do you say?"

Luo Tian pointed at the front of Li Xueer and quickly said: "Your front, front, front."


"What's in front of you?"

Li Xueer muttered, looked up and looked at the front, only to see a distance of less than two meters from a towering tree, the heart was anxious, there was a trace of panic, under the panic, the body was sloppy, no mysterious support Just like a bird that has lost its wings, it suddenly falls vertically!

"I rely!"

"Come back?"

Luo Tian was shocked and immediately thought of the scene of Houshan. He licked his mouth and asked: "Would you like to catch her? If it falls so high, should it be okay?"

He didn't want to be said to be stinking or something.

So, this time he decided to stand on the side and take a good look at what is free fall.


"I fell and fell."

"Save me, save me, brother Luo Tian, ​​save me..."

Li Xueer shouted with a sigh of relief, and thought of the scene of Houshan in his heart. His cheeks could not help but burst into a blush. He blamed himself: "Every time I meet Luo Tian’s brother, I will go out. This **** Yu Xuan is not working every time. It is."

"Luo Tian brother?"

"Is it calling me?"

"This is a bit familiar in memory."

Luo Tian looked at Li Xueer and fell quickly. His heart was tight, and he didn’t think so much. He rushed up and jumped, and hugged Li Xueer.


"How soft and flexible, what am I catching?"

During the speech, Luo Tian’s hand was still pinched, and the hand feel was very good. The palm also had the feeling of 'supporting'.

"Is it..."

Luo Tianding saw it, and one hand grabbed Li Xueer's chest directly, his eyes were stunned, and the throat was 咕咚 咕咚.

Just an instant.

A sinister fire in the body rushes to the brain, and in the brain, a stream of warmth will flow out of the nostrils.

Hold back!

Luo Tian struggled to hold back.

As a otaku, a squatter for many years, I don’t know what a woman is. I grabbed a beautiful girl who was suffocating, and it’s still the chest, the soft, the bullet, and the little one. A little bit in the palm...

That kind of feeling wow a thief is terrible.

Li Xueer’s cheeks turned red by the blush, and the red ones dripped out the juice. The expression was even more irritating. Looking at Luo Tian with anger, he made a small mouth angry and said: “Smelly, Luo Tian’s brother. You are a stinking rogue."

During the speech, Li Xueer struggled.

Luo Tian, ​​who was murderous and arrogant, reacted for a long time. As Li Xueer struggled, he immediately let go. He just lost his hand and felt that he had lost something. His hand could not help but stretch forward a little.

Luo Tian suddenly let go, Li Xueer's center of gravity was unstable, and he exclaimed, and he rushed down toward Luo Tian.

Luo Tian had no time to react, his mouth was blocked by a small mouth, the tongue extended, soft and smooth, sweet and sweet, and the chest was pressed by two soft 'things', the feeling ......

Wow, it’s too wow.

Next to Feng Lei, he looked at the dumbfounded eyes and looked at the two men with a stunned look. "The young master, you are too strong!"