MTL - Library of Heaven’s Path-Chapter 20 Wang Ying’s shock

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Yao Han heard that Miss Zhang was going to recognize Zhang as a teacher, and she rushed over. I don’t know that Zhang Hang has already received several students.

At the moment, just after the other party could not recruit a second student, they saw Wang Ying and others, as if they had been slap in the face of the public, their faces became very unsightly.

"Teacher!" Zhao Ya also felt that the noodles were hot and there was no choice but to sneak into it.

"Are you okay?"

After a moment, Yao Han slowly came over and looked at the hanging from a distance, could not help but sigh.

The guy was so embarrassed about himself yesterday, I thought that I came over today, this Zhang Suo is not a pig's head, and it is almost crippled. How... It seems that even the skin is not broken?

In fact, he and Zhao Ya said that it is necessary to see how the suspense of Zhang is actually trying to see the horror of the other side being beaten. As a result, he is a martial artist who has been attacked by the martial arts. Like a pig's head, the person who was attacked, the fart did not... the strong sense of loss, which made him somewhat unacceptable.

"What can I do?" Zhang Hang knows what the other person thinks. There is no expression on his face. Look at Zhao Ya: "This disabled person is..."

"People with disabilities?" Zhao Ya was a weird face, but she was interrupted by a voice before she spoke.

"You are a disabled person!" Yao Hanqiang resisted the urge to vomit blood, his eyebrows rose, and a pair of sleeves sang: "I am Bai Yucheng City, the main housekeeper, Yao Han!"

"Oh, since it is a disabled person, don't come out, lest you die here, you can't explain it!" Zhang Hang did not hear him, and put his hand on the big hand: "Send the guest, close the door!"


Yao Han’s fist was pinched, and he almost didn’t blow up on the spot.

Who is he?

The main housekeeper of Baiyuchengcheng, the powerhouse, came to Hongtian College, even if the director of the teaching office, they must cooperate carefully. As a result, such a teacher called the disabled, and he went out, how to be angry?

"I want to see how you can teach them!" With both hands on his back, Yao Han stood proudly.

"Oh, since you know that you should go out, then hurry up, we need to be absolutely quiet in teaching, not a cat and a dog can come in!"

Zhang Xuan seems to be on the same channel as him. He can't hear anything, and swings his hand again.

"You...who said to be a cat and a dog?" The anger was too big, the wound kept bleeding, and the whole body shook: "You believe that I can shoot you with a palm now..."

"Zhao Ya, take him out and I can solve your problem!"

It’s too lazy to touch the other side’s ink again.

"Yao Shushu, you first... go out! I am going to class soon!"

When I heard this, Zhao Ya’s eyes lit up and came to the front.

"I don't want to go, I want this guy to tell me clearly. Who is he talking about? I am Yao Han, the martial artist of the six martial arts, who has gone to any place, is respected, dare to say that I am Disabled people, let me go out..."


The words were not finished, they were pushed out by Zhao Ya, and immediately before the black, the door closed up. If it wasn’t fast, it would definitely be shot on the spot.


Yao Han’s eyebrows standing outside the door leaped and convulsed.

If he was hanged out, he must have shot. The young lady rushed and killed him. He did not dare to fight back. However, he transferred the full anger to Zhang Sushang.

I really can't figure out, what is this guy doing? Can you confuse the lady so thoroughly?

"Uncle Yao, you are waiting for you to wait outside, we have to go to class!"

Zhao Ya knows her own affairs, her illness, can not let anyone know, especially Yao Shushu, since the teacher has to help her solve, naturally I have to take this out.

"Well, Miss, I am waiting here, what are you doing, call me directly, I will rush in immediately!"

When I heard the lady opening, Yao Han knew that he couldn’t go in again. The gas was about to explode, but there was no way to bite his teeth.

Yao Han left, there are only five new students in the room. Zhang hangs around for a week: "Since you all recognize me as a teacher, you will be the same brother and sister in the future, take care of each other, don't fall for me. Prestige!"


When I heard this, the five students looked at each other for a while...

Teacher, it looks like you are not awesome?

Cough, even if we want to fall, we don’t have to fall...

"My teaching is different from other people, and I pay attention to teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. Everyone's teaching method is different! So there is nothing to compare between you!" Zhang Su like does not see the expression of everyone, puts the teacher Majesty: "Now I am going to the inner cabin, who is calling, who will come in!"

The hanging class is not too big, only one hundred square meters, but there is a compartment, which can give students special guidance.

These five students, each of which is different, have a lot of troubles and can’t do it.

"Wang Ying, you are my first student, come over!"

When finished, Zhang Hang first walked into the small room.

"Yes!" Wang Yingben is a prostitute who dare not refute and follow in.


Wang Ying’s heart is quite regretful.

She was lost yesterday, and came over to ask for directions. The result was deceived by the teacher.

I didn't know what was going on at the beginning, but now I think about it, this teacher seems to have nothing to do.

Other teachers, as long as you punch a fist, you can see that there is a problem in your leg. This guy not only did not see it, but also said there that he could cure his leg injury...

This leg hurts. When his father found the most famous doctor, he did not heal. He said that he can cure. What is it that is not deceiving?

Especially yesterday, Liu Lao and her said a lot about the teacher.

This makes it clear that this teacher actually has such a "glorious" deed. Hong Tian College has the first teacher to score zero points in history. The worst of all the teachers in the strength... How can he be so unlucky, he was deceived? Believe in his words!

"It’s no wonder that my brother said that there are many bad people outside..."

My brother used to tell her that there are many bad people outside. She still doesn't believe it. If she thinks about this teacher, she feels she has been cheated, and her heart is full of grievances.

It is being considered, how to open the teacher’s class, and it’s a big deal. If you ask your brother to help change the teacher, you will hear the familiar voice.

"Take the martial arts again!"

Zhang Suhang is sitting in the middle of the room, looking indifferently.

When I last flicked this Wang Ying, I didn't activate the Heavenly Library. I don't know what disadvantages she has.

"Okay!" Although Wang Ying wanted to retire, she was a prostitute, hesitated, and nodded, and screamed again, and soon finished a set of boxing.


Zhang Hang nodded.

Although this Wang Ying character is a little bit cute, but to be honest, the boxing method is really good.

"Teacher, actually, I want to..."

Wang Ying stunned for a moment and wanted to tell the purpose of his withdrawal. However, if the words were not finished, the opposite boy opened his mouth.

"Your legs, if I didn't read it wrong, it was about two years ago, when I was against someone, I was injured!" Zhang Sud.

"How do you know..." Wang Ying stunned, and his mouth was full of words, and the show was round.

She only said that she had a leg injury yesterday. She did not say that she came over. She did not expect that the other party not only said that she was injured, but also said the time of the injury, so she could not help but be a little surprised.

"There are three acupuncture points on the human leg, each of which is in charge of strength, speed, and agility. You were at war with the people. The other party accidentally touched the acupuncture point in charge of your strength! This acupuncture point touched and closed, causing blood Backflow, this makes you unable to exercise your strength like a normal person!"

It’s a faint road.

"This..." Wang Ying was shocked and his face turned red.

For his own legs, the father has invited all the famous doctors of the kingdom, the most famous primitive master, seemingly said something similar, but even if he is, he does not know where the acupuncture point of this power is. Can not be treated.

If you want to be really cured, you can solve it unless you are invited to practice the three powerful martial arts martial arts.

I thought that this teacher who couldn’t do anything, said that he could cure his own legs, just flickering. I didn’t expect an opening to be the same as the original language master. How can I not be shocked?

"Teacher, can... cure for me?" Wang Ying couldn't help but ask.

"Little things!" Zhang hangs lightly.

"Small things?" Wang Ying squinted, and immediately breathed.