MTL - Light Spirit Epic-Chapter 3039 Decisive Battle in Trial (25)

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At the same time, the dune area of ​​the arena battlefield.

"Ha, ha, ha..." Mordred was panting. There were dozens of blood holes on his body, although they were not deep and shallow wounds, they were still very numerous. Not good.

On the other side, the mithril wolf Bediville was almost innocent. After all, his body was covered by mithril, and all the opponent's attacks were almost ineffective to him.

The battle situation can be described as one-sided.

"Do you have this strength?" Bediville asked: "With this strength, it's hard to imagine that you can defeat Hawkeye Ivan. What do you want to do? You should almost show it to me, right? "

"Indeed." Mordred hummed, "It won't work forever. It's time."

Then the big white wolf rushed towards Bediveville and raised his sharp claws.

The Mithril Wolf hadn't understood what the other party wanted to do. But since the opponent had attacked, he naturally wanted to counterattack, and also raised his claws and patted it.

Wolf claws collide with wolf claws, and the powerful force collides with the same powerful force, and it induces a strong impact like explosion!

Bradyville is not over here. While wrestling with the opponent, he wielded the Moon Kobelco scimitar for a second attack, biting the scimitar and hacking at the opponent's head!

When it was critical, Mordred's other wolf claw quickly shot from bottom to top, hit from below and changed the trajectory of the scimitar. So the scimitar swept over Mordred's head and cut off the tip of the great white wolf's right ear. The gap in his ear suddenly spurted blood!

However, Bradyville's offensive is not over yet. After the second combo, he quickly turned around and kicked. He made an action that the wolf shouldn't make. This action almost violates the laws of physics and is completely leaning on the ground. The support of the columnar Mithril fluid is completed! He doesn't even need to stand on the ground with his four legs, just mithril fluid can construct temporary pillars!

Mordred turned his head to avoid the flying kick, but the claws of the Mithril Wolf still made four blood cuts on the neck of the Great White Wolf. More bright red gushes from the wound. At the same time that Bediville turned around 180 degrees, the wolf's tail burning with the incantation fire also swept up, slapped Mordred's shoulder, and knocked the big white wolf away!

Boom rumbling rumbling! Mordred rolled and fell out, rolling a long way on the dune, falling from the top of the dune to the bottom of the dune, relying on the cushion of the sand to absorb a lot of damage caused by the impact.

However, when Mordred got up again, there were more injuries on his body. The originally clean Great White Wolf was covered with blood and gravel, so that his white body was gradually replaced by a dirty dark red.

"In the attack just now, you didn't come up with any new moves." Bediwell hummed: "Are you bluffing? Or is it ------"

"No." Mordred interrupted, "The real [movement] is about to start now."

His eyes suddenly turned red. It was not the pupil (iris) that turned red, but the entire white of the eye (sclera) was congested and turned red, making his eyes look terrible.

The atmosphere is shaking.

The blood constantly pouring from his body turned into extremely fine particles, flying around him.


Bediville was surprised to see the blood on the opponent's body gradually turned into crystals, attached to the big white wolf. It didn't take a few seconds before the big wolf, which was originally covered in white fur, became a "blood wolf" with bright red all over. The blood crystal attached to the hair looked a little wet, but it shone with a strange evil light in the sun. The weird blood-smeared wolf actually had some similarities with Bediwell.

On one side, the whole body is covered with mithril to achieve absolute defense and absolute mobility; on the other side, the whole body is covered with blood crystals to achieve... a certain result that no one knows.

"So you can also use mythril technique......" Seeing the essence of things in an instant, Bediwell muttered.

"Mythril technique (ting)?" Mordred shook his head: "The principle may be similar to what you said, but I control the blood in my body. You can call this [blood control] ( ting)."

"I think the blood in your body is not the blood of a normal creature, right?" The Mithril Wolf narrowed his eyes and said, "You monster." Mordred did not answer. He has never denied that he is an artificial creature.

The blood in mammals is basically composed of water, red blood cells, white blood cells, and various compounds, and it contains a large number of free photons. It is not an exaggeration to say that the blood is full of magic, even though the blood is very dirty, magic related to blood has always been taboo by the mages.

The red blood cells in the blood are rich in iron oxide, which is regarded as a metal oxide. The coordination between the metal substance in the blood and the photons is very good, so many wizards also add some blood to act as a catalyst when making Mithril.

Of course, no matter how good the coordination between blood and photons is, normal biological blood cannot be manipulated as mithril. But the blood of the cyborg Mordred may have been modified, from the very beginning it has characteristics similar to memory metal, so he can manipulate his blood. Manipulating memory metals to transform them into various forms the user wants is the basis of [Mythril Technique]. So Bediville said that Mordred was not conceptually wrong in using Mithril. It's just that the Mithril controlled by Mordred is special, it's his own blood, which is impossible for a normal creature to have, [Mithril Blood].

Bediwell finally understood at this time. Mordred this guy has deliberately injured himself since the fight just now, causing the blood in his body to flood out of his body. Mordred, who was covered in blood, finally activated the so-called [Blood Control Technique].

But it's very strange. If he just wants the blood to flow out of the body, wouldn't he hurt himself? Why must he be injured by the hand of Bediveville in order to activate [Blood Control]? Does [Blood Control Technique] need certain restrictions to trigger? If so, what are the restrictions? Is it the sense of crisis when you are dying, or the hatred of the enemy?

In any case, the guy Mordred activated [Blood Control], and guessing its activation conditions no longer made sense. It's better to be on guard now, and observe how capable Mordred's [Blood Control Technique] is.

Bediville retreated a few steps and drove a distance from Modredella. Five or six mithril fluid spiral piles appeared around him, and he planned to use long-range attacks to test his opponent.

Unexpectedly, Mordred did the same, placing the same number of blood pickets beside him, letting them float there.

"You must be joking with me." The Mithril Wolf vomited, launching the Mithril spiral tip.

The blood-stained wolf also snorted, and similarly launched the blood pile.

Picket to picket, they collide with each other. However, the Mithril Fluid Spiral Pile on Bedville's side was even more powerful. They easily smashed Mordred's blood pile and continued to drive towards Mordred. The powerful Mithril spiral pile hit the blood-stained wolf, and plunged deeply into that guy's flesh!

Pop! More blood gushed from Mordred. However, the guy seemed to feel no pain at all, and still sneered calmly there. Even stranger things happened. The Mithril Spiral Pile, which was originally powerful enough to penetrate Mordred's body, did not penetrate the past, but stayed on Mordred. After they created terrible big wounds on Mordred's body, they stopped abruptly, and part of the impact was probably blocked by the crystalline coat made of blood.

And they don't seem to be under the control of Bediville. No matter how the Mithril Wolf summoned them back, they still stuck on Mordred.

When Bediville felt strange, he just saw the mithril spiral piles falling from Mordred and then floating in the air. Bradyville didn't control them to do that, obviously they were not controlled by Bradyville. Even the color of the mithril spiral spikes stained with Mordred's blood changed. They turned the pile heads and aimed at Bediveville's side.

"So that's the case." Bediwell hummed: "Did you infect my Mithril fluid with your blood? Is your side the dominant player in the control of that fluid now?"

"Yes, although it's only temporary." Mordred replied: "It's the same with willpower to control something. I have injected more magic power into my blood, and it will naturally take the lead."

Six blood-stained spiral points aimed at Bediville. In addition, six blood spikes appeared, also aimed at Bediville. They called at the same time.

The Mithril Wolf moves and avoids instantly, fearing fraud!

Pop! But I didn't expect that the spiral piles would spin up in mid-air at great speed, throwing the blood on them in all directions! Those blood pickets were broken into countless particles during the flight, and they fell on Bedyville like raindrops!

No matter how fast the Mithril Wolf is, it will inevitably be splashed in such a dense rain of blood! He ran away for a while and stopped, and immediately found that the mithril fluid on his body began to peel off, turning into blood-stained dark red metal blocks, falling like rust, and the entire sand was dark brown. !

At this time, Bediville finally understood the terrible aspect of Mordred's [Blood Control Technique]. Indeed, the blood crystal controlled by [Blood Control Technique] is incomparable to Mithril Fluid in terms of hardness and power! But they are like viruses that can continuously contaminate, contaminate, and erode Bradyville's Mithril! The Mithril contaminated by Mordred's blood is all under Mordred's control, and there is no way to be controlled by Bedivere!

That guy Mordred is using [Blood Control Technique] to **** control of Bedyville's Mithril Fluid!

In normal times, Bediville didn't need to be afraid of Mordred at all, but just changed to another operation form of the incantation fire, avoiding the use of Mithril to fight Mordred. But the problem is that the current Bediwell is totally poisoned and cannot move under anesthesia. He relies on the support of the Mithril fluid to act. He has no way to release the control of the Mithril fluid!

In other words, he can only maintain the current form of the Mithril Wolf to fight against Mordred. Not only must he avoid Mordred’s attacks and erosion from all blood control techniques, but he must also find a way to approach Mordred and defeat Mordred. he!

The difficulty of this battle soared several times.

Bediwell began to understand a bit. Mordred was able to defeat Hawkeye Ivan and advance to this finals, not entirely by luck.

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RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts