MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 107

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Chen Qizhao looked at the door that he had closed in front of him, inexplicably, like never before, he felt a little guilty. I don't know where this emotion came from, and I don't understand why I suddenly closed the door, but when I saw Chen Shiming, my hand was one step faster than my brain.

After finishing the work, he felt as if it was nothing, and sooner or later his family would know about his relationship with Shen Yuhuai.

It doesn't seem that there is much difference between knowing it earlier and knowing it later.

There was a man standing at the door of the bathroom, Shen Yuhuai just came out of the bathroom, no shirt on, there were still a lot of water droplets on the firm and smooth abdominal muscles.

The bright lights were hanging high, and there seemed to be a little red trace on Shen Yuhuai's shoulders.

Chen Qizhao leaned against the door, looked at him and said, "My brother is outside."

Shen Yuhuai was stunned for a few seconds.

He didn't see the situation in the room, and he didn't know what was going on inside, so he glanced at his boss nervously, and found that there seemed to be a crack in the boss's strict face.

"?" Xu Tezhu couldn't help straightening his back.

Silence spreads between the two of them, and you can vaguely hear subtle sounds from the room, as well as vague conversations.

Secret Assistant Xu affirmed that Er Shao and Mr. Shen should be together, but he didn't understand why the boss had this expression, as if something incomprehensible happened.

"Boss?" Xu Te assistant glanced at his boss.

Chen Shiming pursed his lips slightly, his eyes stayed on the door handle for a while, "...After they come out, let them go to the living room."

The birthday banquet was over, and the guests were almost gone. The Chen and Shen family were sitting in the living room. The topic that was going on was inexplicably stopped when they saw Shen Yuhuai and Chen Qizhao appearing side by side in the living room.

Shen Yuhuai called Chen Qizhao briefly, and then sat in the empty seat next to him.

The scene was embarrassing at some point. After finding that Shen Yuhuai had not left, in order to determine Shen Yuhuai's location, the housekeeper checked the surveillance in the villa and found that Shen Yuhuai entered Chen Qizhao's room more than an hour ago. , the two never came out, and only then did Chen Shiming go to find someone.

Shen Yuhuai stayed in Chen Qizhao's room for more than an hour, and everyone present knew it.

As for what they did in the room for more than an hour, they didn't know.

The eyes of the few people present stayed on the two young guys, not knowing what to ask for a while.

Chen Shiming looked at Chen Qizhao, who was wearing loose clothes and only put on a pair of pajamas, and the jade jade tied with red rope dangled gently outside the pajamas. He closed his eyes slightly and looked at Shen Yuhuai.

Shen Yuhuai was wearing a loose T-shirt. The style of the T-shirt was very different from his previous dressing style. It was obviously Chen Qizhao's clothes. Chen Shiming got stuck for a while when he saw the clothes, his eyes gradually moved down, and finally stopped on Shen Yuhuai's hand.

The transparent phone case that looks exactly like Chen Qizhao's head is held in his hand, and an unspoken fact is in front of him.

Chen Shiming didn't think that changing clothes would take more than an hour in the room, and he didn't even answer the phone.

Shen Xuelan's gaze moved back and forth between Shen Yuhuai and Chen Qizhao, stopped at the side of Chen Qizhao's neck for a while, and finally gave Shen Yuhuai a meaningful look.

I don't know how long it was silent before Chen Jianhong broke the silence in the living room, "We'll talk about the Gu family's affairs when the results come out tomorrow, Gu Shen seems to have explained something, if you can point directly at Gu Zhengsong most."

Chen Qizhao sat feeling the gaze from all directions, he lowered his head and played with his mobile phone, noticed the boyfriend sitting next to him, and listened carefully to the elder's chat.

He lowered his eyes slightly, not interested in the unprocessed information on his mobile phone, but glanced at his boyfriend's clothes, the other party's body smelled of his own room shower gel, although the shower gel was mint It smelled different, but it seemed different after changing clothes. With a little lavender scent, Shen Yuhuai seemed to exude his own scent from head to toe.

The two sat close, rubbing their thighs.

Chen Qizhao glanced at Shen Yu Huai's palm on the side, stretched it slightly, and hooked Shen Yu Huai's palm in a corner that no one else could see.

Chen Shiming looked over there, sometimes frowning, sometimes dignified.

Xu Te, who was paying attention to his boss, glanced at the boss's expression. Sitting next to the boss, he could feel the low pressure from the boss for the first time, but this low pressure was similar to the company's The low pressure in a major accident is not the same, can't tell, it's a bit strange, and it's hard to guess.

He couldn't help looking back and forth between Chen Qizhao and Shen Yuhuai, and noticed some indescribable marks on the other's neck.

The clues came together, Xu Tezhu, as a competent worker with a girlfriend, seemed to understand something.

Xu Tezhu glanced at his boss quietly, his back straightened even more.

No! ? Then what did his boss just see, is it so cool!

In the living room, the parents of both parties were sitting, watching the leaders of the two wealthy families in S City sitting face to face, Special Assistant Xu felt that he was sitting in the center of some Shura Field. It's just that the outbreak of the Shura Field did not come. These people tacitly kept silent about this matter, but continued to talk about the Gu family, but half of the words stopped. Obviously, several people's thoughts were not on it.

"I have to contact Gu Zhengxun tomorrow." Father Shen coughed, "Let us handle this matter. We are more familiar with things in the capital."

It's too late, and it's not appropriate to stay too late.

The driver of the Shen family waited outside for a long time, and the Shen family got into the car.

Only then did he say: "The mosquitoes on their side seem to be very powerful, and your neck is red."

Shen Yuhuai paid attention to the mobile phone, and his fingers seemed to be sending something.

Father Shen glanced at his son: "Yu Huai, why didn't your sister call you?"

"I didn't pay attention." After Shen Yuhuai replied, looking at the front seat of the business car, he put away his mobile phone and said solemnly, "I'm in love with Chen Qizhao."

In the Chen family villa, the servants were still cleaning up the mess of the birthday banquet. The Chen family watched the Shen family's vehicle leave, and returned to the villa after a while. The housekeeper replaced the original tea with warm water. Chen Shiming kept looking at Chen Qizhao and noticed that he had been playing with his mobile phone, as if he was replying to someone's message.

Chen Qizhao put down the phone, "Do you have anything to ask me?"

Chen Shiming asked in a very ordinary manner: "Yu Huai was in your room just now..."

On the other side of the sofa, Chen Jianhong and Zhang Yazhi looked over, Zhang Yazhi coughed slightly, wanting to bring up this topic, "Zhao Zhao, are you hungry? I didn't eat much at night, do you want to let the kitchen Get you some."

"I'm not hungry." After Chen Qizhao spoke, he stayed for a while. Seeing that his family was here, he said, "There is something I want to tell you."

In the current social background, the recognition of homosexuality is not so high. When Chen Qizhao established a relationship with Shen Yuhuai, he never thought about the feasibility of this issue. For example, a family like him would How recognized is this kind of thing. He is not a very good person, and he is used to it. It may be that he has been single for too long in his previous life, and it is difficult to return to his youth in his behavior and behavior.

"I'm in love with Shen Yuhuai." Chen Qizhao said directly.

Being able to fall in love with Shen Yuhuai was something he never imagined before. When he didn't know the importance of things before, he might not care about so many things, just talk about it, as long as he likes it Yes, what's the difference between a man and a woman, so he didn't cover up the matter of love, and he let everything go as usual, thinking that in the end, this matter would eventually be known to others, and there was no difference between knowing it earlier and knowing it later.

But when Chen Shiming appeared at the door of the room, Chen Qizhao was a little more uncertain, he thought about it, what if his family did not agree? In the past ten years, he had no family, and he acted as he wanted, but the situation is different now. He has family by his side, and his family cares about him. Some things cannot be solved by him alone. What is the difference between the absurd appearance before the rebirth.

This incident is like repeating the same mistakes, putting a contradiction in front of him.

Chen Qizhao lost too many things in his last life, but his character has been settled, and the experience that has weighed on him for so many years cannot be repeated. He can't be the 19-year-old child or younger brother who has gradually grown into an ideal and proud appearance in the eyes of his parents and brothers. On the contrary, he has a bad personality and can't control his temper. Others do other things.

Not a perfect person, and a terrible person. Since his rebirth, he has suppressed his inferiority, but human nature is like this. Sometimes, when he can't control his temper, he can't control his temper towards his family. If he is sick, he will recover with treatment.

The control of the drug really calmed down his mood, he was indeed sick, and he was treated well.

Chen Jianhong asked: "How long have we talked?"

Chen Qizhao didn't answer immediately, after the meeting he said, "It's been a few months."

Chen Shiming listened, pursed his lips, and frowned again.

I want to ask something, but don't know where to start.

At this time, Zhang Yazhi suddenly laughed: "Why are you father and son talking so seriously, don't the children fall in love? The children are all grown ups, so what's strange about falling in love."

Chen Qizhao's thoughts returned to the cage: "Mom?"

Not long after Zhang Yazhi finished speaking, the housekeeper brought the traditional Chinese medicine, Chen Qizhao drank the medicine under her supervision, and was driven upstairs to sleep by her.

There was no quarrel. After speaking, it was like turning over this matter. When Chen Qizhao walked to the stairs, he couldn't help but look back. Seeing that his family was still sitting on the sofa, he stopped for a while Yes, I noticed Zhang Yazhi's eyes swept over before going upstairs.

The window in the room was open, it was a little windy tonight, which took away the smell of the room.

When Chen Qizhao returned to the room, he saw the room that was simply cleaned up, and the clothes hanging on the chair that Shen Yuhuai could not take away. He sent a message to Shen Yuhuai, but the other party hadn't replied yet. When lying on the bed, the scene in the living room came to his mind.

After a while, he sat up again, still thinking about going down and explaining things to the family.

It's just that he just walked to the door when Zhang Yazhi's vx message came over, and the message didn't say anything, just told him to rest early and don't think too much.

Chen Qizhao stopped, did not open the door, went back to the room and sat again, and glanced at the small pile of gifts next to him.

When he came, the butler put some sorted gifts at his door, Chen Qizhao let him put them at will, and the things were all piled up at the door.

The phone lights up and a call comes in.

Chen Qizhao answered the phone, "Hello?"

He walked over to the pile of gifts and listened to the people on the phone.

"I finally got through, boss, you have a rich nightlife." The flower shirt was ordered until the end, and he talked about the next topic with a smile. There were a lot of things that happened at night, and he returned it in a few words. Things that have not been explained are explained in one breath.

"The thing is probably like this, Gu Zhengsong is very tight on Gu Shen's power, I heard that Gu Shen still wants to find someone, but you know, the people in S City are basically controlled by Gu Zhengsong Stop, don't talk about people, no one will visit Gu Shen." The flower shirt said: "It's very lively over there tonight, I guess Gu Zhengsong's people are still watching the results."

The gift is a greeting card, and whoever sent it is famous.

Chen Qizhao caught a glimpse of a word out of the corner of his eye, and saw the nearest greeting card with the family's name on it.

He sat cross-legged on the ground and picked up one of the gifts, "Gu Shen is a smart person, when he realized that he was alone, he should have guessed what Gu Zhengsong did. The police won't reveal the news, maybe in order to avoid scare the snakes, nothing about the prison will come out tonight... Gu Zhengsong wants to get accurate information, and it will not be until tomorrow at the latest."

Flowered shirt listened to the strange baby voice on the phone, and he had been on the phone with the boss for so long, he thought he was used to the software voice changer opened by the boss, but every time he listened to it, he always felt behind the voice His emotions were different, and he continued: "Gu Shen will provide evidence to the police, and the police will attack Gu Zhengsong. Will the plan be as successful as your boss thinks?"

Today is his birthday, and after many years, his family held a birthday party for him.

When opening the gift, Chen Qizhao hesitated for a while, and finally picked up the gift prepared by his family.

"Yes, Gu Shen knows that Gu Zhengsong is messing with him, and even if he dies, he will pull Gu Zhengsong back. In order for the police to catch Gu Zhengsong, Gu Shen will not only provide clues and evidence, but may even lead to The police are looking for him, and he wants to make sure that Gu Zhengsong has nowhere to run."

Chen Qizhao opened the package of the gift, "Don't underestimate the two mad dogs, once they bite each other, they will only turn over each other's cards. From Gu Zhengsong's plan to kill Gu Shen and strangle all Gu Shen's forces In the beginning, Gu Zhengsong also blocked his escape route, he couldn't kill Gu Shen, and he was the one who should go to hell."

Flowered shirt looked at the news on the computer screen, Gu Shen was helpless, Gu Zhengsong was eager to destroy everything, and when the news was not fully connected, the police and his boss were the beneficiaries of this dog-eat-dog drama .

Chen Qizhao tore open the package of the gift, and the voice suddenly stopped.

Zhang Yazhi is a designer, and the gift is a carefully designed necklace; Chen Jianhong's gift is a thin envelope. As I said, I want to let him take care of part of the industry... When opening Chen Shiming's gift, Chen Qizhao saw a whole set of books in the collector's edition.

Families like them have birthday parties every year. Before the Chen family had an accident, Chen Qizhao would receive gifts from his parents every year, but he didn't cherish them at that time, and regarded gifts as formalities The gift from above, and occasionally thinking about spending money to prepare gifts, it is better to give him money. After losing his relatives, he suddenly realized that he didn't know where the gifts from his parents had been lost, and in the end he couldn't find any of them.

So when he saw these gifts again, Chen Qizhao couldn't tell the feeling that his family was alive, his friends were still there, and everything was what he expected.

This life is really different.

Flowered shirt puzzled: "Boss?"

"You said." Chen Qizhao.

"Boss, I've always been curious about something." The flower shirt leaned back slightly against the back of the chair, "Starting from the arrangement of Lin's medical care, you spent so much energy and money to find out This terrifying industrial chain should be more than just killing evil for the sky, right? You don't need to find me for some things. Based on your connection with the Chen family and the Shen family, you should be able to obtain more thorough information. Hey, the information is repeated, Aren't you wasting your money?"

Chen Qizhao closed the gift with a flat tone: "I'll give you money, don't you want it? I remember you're not like this."

"Just kidding, this kind of poverty alleviation still depends on you. After this matter is over, you can also patronize my business." The flower shirt smiled and said: "Who would have trouble with money, but the boss is really amazing, This cooperation is almost a year? You know my character."

Chen Qizhao listened to the tone of voice in the microphone, and heard the temptation in the other party's words, "It's not great, it's just a fluke."

The cooperation between the two is not only in this life, but once again, he will thank each other for their help.

After finishing the call, Chen Qizhao sat in front of the gift pile for a while, then put away the gifts, and locked some of the things from the family in the drawer. There were several red envelopes under the secret disk in the drawer, he lowered his eyes slightly, and finally locked the drawer solemnly.

This life is a long time, and he will not lose it.

At this time, the phone vibrated, and Shen Yuhuai's call bounced.

It was a video call. After connecting, Shen Yuhuai's face appeared in front of him. The other party seemed to be on the balcony, and there was a whistling wind in the background.

Chen Qizhao noticed that the other party was still wearing his own clothes, "Your clothes are still with me, I didn't take them away."

"Well, I'll pick it up another day." Shen Yuhuai looked at the person and swept over the jade on the neck of the person in the video.

Thinking of the situation in the living room just now, Chen Qizhao asked, "Are your uncle and aunt embarrassing you?"

"I took the initiative to say it, it's fine." Shen Yuhuai didn't say anything else, "No fireworks tonight."

When Chen Qizhao heard the words, he recalled that the last time he was on this balcony, Shen Yuhuai showed him the New Year's fireworks.

Chen Qizhao asked: "Go back to the Institute tomorrow?"

"Well, I guess I will live there, there are a lot of things going on recently." Shen Yuhuai paused for a while, and suddenly said, "Are you staying at home during the summer vacation?"

Chen Qizhao paused and suddenly remembered that it was summer vacation, so he didn't have to go to school, and he didn't have the opportunity to go out to dinner with Shen Yuhuai every night.

The distance from the research institute to Chen's house is a bit far. Even in a city, they can't say that they can see each other whenever they want, and Shen Yuhuai's research institute is all gated, and usually outsiders can't get in at all.

"When do you get off work?" Chen Qizhao asked.

The two did not chat for a long time, Chen Qizhao obtained the list of his boyfriend's laboratory in the research institute, he searched the way to the ninth research institute to this side, and searched the next to the S University school. Apartments...on the map, saw other landmarks, and saw a small selection of shops.

He stopped and searched for nearby supermarkets and 24-hour convenience stores.

In the living room downstairs, it was rare for the Chen family to have no quarrel on such a matter.

After some discussion, Zhang Yazhi sighed: "Yu Huai's child knows the fundamentals, he is also a good person, and his character is there. He is very concerned about the obvious things every time. People really care about our children."

"I know that Yu Huai people are very good." Chen Jianhong said halfway, frowning deeply: "But both children are male... How can this be guaranteed."

"In a family like ours, what kind of security do you want?" Zhang Yazhi was almost amused by her husband's remarks, "Just tell me a while ago that the child is happy, and you won't care about other things. , Now it's rare for children to take the initiative to tell us about their relationship, without hiding it from us, do you still want to open them up and say you don't agree?"

Chen Jianhong disagreed with his wife's statement: "I don't disagree."

"Isn't that alright? What are you doing with your face now?" Zhang Yazhi said.

"Do I have a face?" Chen Jianhong asked rhetorically.

"Old Zhang, go get a mirror for Mr. to see." Zhang Yazhi glanced at him helplessly, "Every time you put on this face, even if the child wants to talk to you well, you can Strictly speaking, this doesn't work, that doesn't work, this matter can't be explained. You used to be like this. I know you care about your children, but you don't care about your children, but you don't have to express your concern only with actions. Sometimes you have to put down your attitude... You see I have to quarrel with you when I see this expression, not to mention the child?"

"Shi Ming too, even if you disagree with this matter, you have to talk about it." Zhang Yazhi looked at her eldest son, "Don't make a bad face every time, you know?"

It is normal to fall in love, and Chen Shiming is not unenlightened.

I just knew that when Chen Qizhao was in love with Shen Yuhuai, he had a feeling that he couldn't tell.

Chen Shiming: "I'll talk to him later."

Zhang Yazhi: "Your brother is going to bed, you have to knock on the door?"

When it came to knocking on the door, Chen Shiming's mind came to the crack in front of the door and the two people he saw in the crack.

After a while, he changed his words: "I'll talk to Shen Yuhuai."