MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 86

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"This is what happened before Jiang Yuze was arrested. In the past few years, Dad has been taking health care products. After I noticed this problem, I sent some of the remaining health care products to relevant institutions for inspection and found that There are special ingredients in it, which have a calming and calming effect."

Chen Shiming lowered his voice and stood in a corner with Chen Qizhao, "Later Dad found out the problem of the three highs, so he stopped taking these health care drugs and replaced them with antihypertensive drugs. The oral antihypertensive drugs in the workplace were replaced by Jiang Yuze again, and they were replaced with tablets with exactly the same shape, but the ingredients inside were also changed."

Chen Qizhao did not speak, he looked at Chen Shiming and was listening to what he said.

Chen Shiming briefly explained to Chen Qizhao how he discovered the problem, "Dad's dizziness and drowsiness have occurred from time to time. Now, apart from the three high factors, it is more likely that he has long-term Take this drug. I have asked the doctor about this kind of drug, and a small amount of it has no effect on the body, but for Dad, who is dealing with the daily business of the group, sleepiness is a very fatal problem. "

"I suspect that the reason why Jiang Yuze placed such a drug at the beginning was probably because he wanted to use the drug factor to influence Dad's decision-making."

It is very likely that he is aware of his limited energy because of taking these drugs, so Chen Jianhong has been handing over the group's affairs to Chen Shiming step by step in recent years, and is also supporting some senior backbones in the company, Jiang Yuze It may have been operating from it at the beginning, and then made suggestions for the layout of himself and Lin Shizhong.

Not long after Chen Shiming finished speaking, he saw the Chen family coming out of the banquet hall. He paused the topic and was about to go back to discuss with Chen Qizhao, but suddenly heard a voice in his ear.

"No...not necessary."

Chen Qizhao's voice was very calm, and Chen Shiming couldn't see through his eyes.

Chen Shiming stopped and looked at him: "What's wrong?"

Chen Qizhao lowered his head and seemed to be looking at the ground, and seemed to be looking at something through the ground.

He said: "Lin Shizhong does not need to take two steps."

If Lin Shizhong can take action against Chen Jianhong by replacing health care products and other drugs, why bother to arrange Lao Lin's aromatherapy? Given Jiang Yuze's position within the company at that time, when Chen Jianhong was not vigilant, he didn't want to have too many opportunities to attack Chen Jianhong.

Change the medicine, and also change the aromatherapy, the more movements, the greater the exposure.

And according to Chen Shiming's time point, the time to change the medicine is long before the aromatherapy, and before Jiang Yuze was imprisoned, the aromatherapy thing was already in operation, and Lao Lin's move Buried too long...

"Go back and say, it's not convenient to communicate here." Chen Shiming said.


Chen Qizhao is quickly sorting out all the contexts during this time.

At this time, the phone vibrated, and when he looked down, he saw an anonymous email.

The anonymous email sent an investigation report about the silhouette of the middle-aged man next to Gu Shen's vehicle that Chen Qizhao asked to check some time ago. information about the person. This person is less well-known. He is a small private detective in S City. He usually handles business affairs and often interacts with various people.

I was not sure about this middle-aged man at the beginning of the investigation, but I followed Gu Shen's circle of friends in S City to investigate and found that this middle-aged man had contact with Gu Shen's related figures , the other party directly identified this person. Chen Qizhao quickly scanned all the information and found that the man had very little contact with Lin.

The evidence that Lao Lin provided at the time was this man and Gu Shen's car. Now the man's identity is clear, aside from Lin Shizhong... The madman that Lao Lin said at the time could only be Gu Shen.

No, no.

Chen Qizhao held the phone tightly, changing medicines, changing aromatherapy, car accident, Yan Kailin, Shen Yuhuai... All things seemed to be handed over together. In his chaotic brain a clear line converged.

The whole way was silent, Zhang Yazhi frequently looked at Chen Qizhao behind him, maybe it was because of the light, she thought Chen Qizhao was sleepy, and asked her husband, "Is Xiao Zhao tired?"

Chen Jianhong looked sideways slightly, thinking of what happened to the Shen family tonight, and said, "Too many things happened tonight, let him rest."

Chen Shiming didn't speak, and looked at Chen Qizhao with a bit of seriousness.

"Is there any problem with the Shen family?" Zhang Yazhi also knew what happened today. She was next to Chen Jianhong when Chen Shiming said it. Lin Xuyan was hit and suffered, "Yu Huai is a good boy... How could he get involved with such a person."

I found out earlier at night, so the person who delivered the wine quickly controlled it. When I checked the mobile phone on him, I found that he had a call with a business opponent of the Shen family. It seems that the initiator's purpose is the bad tactics played by commercial competitors, and the contradiction is found smoothly. But both the Shen family and the Chen family know that this is not an easy matter. Using bad tactics and other means to pretend to be someone else, this business opponent seems to be pushed out to block the gun.

I can look closely, but I can't find any other clues.

The other party is too careful.

Chen Shiming added: "That call record may not be true."

"Before leaving, Lao Shen reminded me to pay attention to the problem. He said that the banquet hall received a gift for Yu Huai, and after opening it, it was a doll with a broken head." Chen Jianhong sighed. : "There are too many things involved in this matter. The other party clearly came to Yu Huai and sent such a strange gift. The Shen family may also be vigilant during this time."

Zhang Yazhi covered her mouth, "Send this kind of thing."

Several people were talking, but they didn't notice that Chen Qizhao's face paled a bit when he heard these words.

Chen Qizhao felt sweaty palms and stared at a corner of the car.

He is very clear that Lin Shizhong's purpose, Gu Shen and Gu Zhengsong's purpose...these two purposes are different.

Soon, the car arrived at Chen's house.

Zhang Yazhi returned to the living room, and Chen Qizhao went upstairs without saying a word.

Chen Shiming was about to stop Chen Qizhao, but was stopped by Chen Jianhong and said to go to the study.

Seeing people walking away, Chen Shiming thought about the topic that he had just talked about in the banquet hall, and decided to go to Chen Qizhao's room and ask.

The room was very quiet, Chen Qizhao closed the door and did not turn on the light, but quickly walked to the computer to turn it on.

The screen soon lit up, and most of the stored data were hidden in the secret disk. Chen Qizhao opened all the data, and paragraphs of text appeared in front of him, next to that afternoon Xu Te The assisted file has been opened.

The information about the drug investigation written on the material is detailed and clear, including the time of drug exchange, the time of discovery, etc. He turned out the documents that recorded the details of aromatherapy and compared them one by one against the timeline , almost paranoid checking every detail.

All doubts accompanied by the replacement of drugs seem to open a breakthrough, subverting Chen Qizhao's previous speculations about certain situations.

This matter is unreasonable, the behavior is repeated, and the purpose is biased.

If Lin Shizhong is the master of everything, he planned to bankrupt the Chen family for the so-called grievances of the older generation 30 years ago, and used the Chen family for continuous profit during these 30 years... When he found out that the Chen family has no When it was profitable, he began to arrange for Chen's bankruptcy. With the other party's degree of prudence, this matter would only arrange everything secretly and unknowingly.

He played against Lin Shizhong, knowing that this man is cautious, cherishes his life, loves power and loves money, so some evidence is difficult to obtain.

When such people really have a more secure way, they will continue to use various means to put the Chen family in crisis?

The more you do it, the more vigilant they will only make them, and in the end they will be completely guarded against Lin.

There are two contradictions in this behavior subject.

First of all, Lin Shizhong could not have ordered someone to arrange poisonous aromatherapy on the premise that Jiang Yuze had already been arranged to replace the medicine.

Second, Chen Shiming had a car accident, and there were two more moves in one move.

Chen Qizhao has a very deep impression of the car accident in his previous life, so when the car accident in this life was stopped, the first conjecture connected in series was that Lin Shizhong in the previous life was bought or the driver, and then arranged for Lao Lin They took Chen Shiming to the collision to make sure nothing went wrong, and they found Lao Lin in advance in this life, and the other party could only use the GPS locator to follow the truck driver.

But what if this idea is wrong? He remembered that when Jiang Yuze was in prison and investigated with the truck driver, the other party said that the employer asked him to find a way to cause a car accident, and it was best to keep Chen Shiming in bed for a period of time. It can be seen that Jiang Yuze's purpose in finding someone to cause an accident was to prevent Chen Shiming from touching the Shengming project. It doesn't say that employers want human lives.

Chen Shiming's car accident in his last life was a few years later, and the positioning technology at that time could basically achieve real-time positioning. Together with the truck driver, if it was not killing people, but just realizing the purpose of the car accident, then such an arrangement would be easy To be able to achieve it, there is no need to join an old forest.

…But if you want to kill someone, then Lao Lin is inevitable.

When Lao Lin was interrogated in prison, he confessed to a detail point, that is, he said that he had found someone to investigate his wife and children. Looking for someone to investigate is nothing more than looking for an intelligence dealer or a private detective, and the middle-aged man who appeared next to Gu Shen's vehicle happened to be a detective.

Lao Lin is an adult after all, even if there is a problem with his mental state, if he wants to control such a person, the other party cannot only communicate through the indirect medium of mobile phones, and most likely through other Way to brainwash Lao Lin.

Lao Lin did not say who was behind it, but he knew clearly that the other party was a lunatic.

The private detective who was in contact with Lao Lin was a suspicious person. The other party used more methods than they knew, so it was possible to stabilize the driver Lao Lin for several years. But the other party missed the bottom line of the lunatic. It is very likely that Lao Lin noticed the private detective and found that the private detective had contact with the car. Gu Shen could not be reckless enough to contact Lao Lin directly. Way to threaten Lao Lin.

The direct contact between Aromatherapy and Lao Lin is Gu Shen, not Lin Shizhong.

It may not be Lin Shizhong who wants to kill someone, but Gu Shen.

If this is the case, the things of this life, the things of the past...

How many hands did Gu Shen put in this?

The room was very quiet, Chen Qizhao clicked the mouse, mechanically repeated every detail, and checked the truth of the guess in his mind step by step. It's just that the more he looked down, the uncontrollable he remembered some scattered fragments, some things that he didn't want to imagine repeated, the door of the operating room of Chen Jianhong's cerebral hemorrhage in his previous life, the mess at the scene of Chen Shiming's car accident, and Zhang Yazhi lying on the hospital bed with a pale face. ...and the horrific accident in Shen Yuhuai's laboratory in the last online report.

At this time, the phone on the table rang.

Shen Yuhuai's name appeared on the phone screen, Chen Qizhao's chaotic thoughts seemed to stop, he turned his head slightly, and his eyes stopped on the phone.

The phone continued to ring until the time passed, and Shen Yuhuai's name went out, becoming a missed call reminder.

After a while, the phone rang again, and Shen Yuhuai's name lit up again.

This time, when the dialing time was about to end, Chen Qizhao flicked the connect button, and Shen Yuhuai's voice sounded in the receiver.

"Are you busy?" The environment on Shen Yuhuai's side was relatively quiet, as if he was busy with other things, "I thought you were sleeping."

The light of the computer screen reflected on Chen Qizhao's face, he lied: "No, I just went to take a shower."

"Are you tired?" Shen Yu Huai said.

Chen Qizhao replied: "A little."

In the bright and bright room, Shen Yuhuai's eyes stayed on the exquisite pen on the table for a moment, "I opened the gift, I like it very much."

It is a fountain pen that he often uses. Different styles of fountain pens in this niche store feel different to use. He likes only two types, and this gift from Chen Qizhao is his favorite. A commonly used one.

Chen Qizhao listened to Shen Yuhuai's voice, but he felt a trance. The voice in the receiver seemed to overlap with Shen Yuhuai's voice in his previous life. Shen Yuhuai's voice.

Shen Yuhuai asked him what coffee he was drinking in the cafe, and Shen Yuhuai, who was waiting for him downstairs in the company, asked him what he would eat at night... In the short time together, this man seems to have engraved tenderness in his bones, even if he His character is cold, but he has never shown coldness and alienation in front of him.

Those memories overlapped with present memories, and he seemed to recall certain details in a trance.

He had had more extreme thoughts, and found an opportunity to pull Lin Shizhong to die together, but every time such thoughts surfaced, when he might be about to walk into the abyss, Shen Yuhuai stretched out his hand and pulled him.

'Lab accident, no one survived. ’

'Shen Yuhuai was also in that laboratory, and the Shen family had already passed. ’

Many voices overlapped, and he had to concentrate to distinguish who was speaking.

Chen Qizhao suddenly said, "Brother, I have a question I've always wanted to ask you."

Shen Yuhuai said: "What?"

Chen Qizhao's voice was a little hoarse: "About the aromatherapy...why are you helping me check so much?"

Shen Yuhuai was silent after hearing this, "You like to ask why."

He put the pen in the gift box, "Do you need a reason to help you?"

Chen Qizhao's chest trembled slightly, "If you didn't go to the parking lot with me and didn't find out about the aromatherapy, would you help me?"

"Yes, as long as I know, I will definitely help you." Shen Yuhuai heard Chen Qizhao's voice tremble on the other side of the phone, he frowned slightly, and asked, "What's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell? "

Chen Qizhao controlled his tone and explained, "...No, just sleepy."

Shen Yuhuai: "Then rest early."

Chen Qizhao said good night and hung up the phone.

Shen Yuhuai heard the long tone hanging up on the other side, suppressed her inner doubts, and sent a message to Chen Shiming on vx.

On the other side of Chen's house, Chen Shiming came out of the study and noticed Shen Yuhuai's news when he was cleaning up the news on his mobile phone.

Shen Yuhuai asked him if Chen Qizhao had a rest.

Chen Shiming originally planned to go to Chen Qizhao to talk about dressing change, and walked in the direction of Chen Qizhao's room.

Only when he knocked on the door, there was no reply from the room. In the softly lit corridor, the light in the room seemed to be turned off, and no light leaked out.

Turn off the lights?

Chen Shiming hesitated slightly, watching the news of Shen Yuhuai, did he fall asleep?

In the room full of cigarette smell, the boy sat in front of the computer, the file transfer on the computer screen had been prompted to complete, he pressed the cigarette **** into the ashtray, his dark eyes seemed to pass through the screen saw something.

The room was quiet, Chen Qizhao seemed to hear Chen Shiming talking to the housekeeper outside the room, and through this voice, he seemed to hear Chen Shiming's angry condemnation in his previous life, and the scene in his mind was the paralyzed Chen Shiming, And Chen Shiming sleeping on the sofa...

Chen Qizhao leaned back on the chair, staring at the ceiling empty.

The flip of the lighter in his hand was closed again, and the machine was like the various pictures playing in his mind.

The scene on the day of Chen Shiming's death, the police who came and went, the autopsy report and the conclusion, every sentence that made his condolences become particularly clear at this moment.

The news of the accident in the laboratory spread all over the Internet, the black clothes and white flowers at the funeral scene, and the news that the sea will never reply.

His useless revenge, and a life full of laughing stock.

The chaotic memories gradually deepened, and the words of the people around him in the previous life seemed to re-emerge in his ears. Zhang Yazhi hoped that he would be sensible, Chen Jianhong hoped that he would achieve something, and Chen Shiming hoped that he would be more awake...

And Shen Yuhuai.

Until the soot in his hand fell on the skin of his fingers, the burning sensation pulled back his thoughts.

Chen Qizhao rubbed the flaming cigarette **** with his fingers expressionlessly.

I couldn't tell the difference between hatred and excitement, the chaotic picture occupied his brain, he pulled his lower lip, suppressing the hatred and spit in his chest.

The ending that is more painful than death is to let them open their eyes and watch the so-called great cause that belongs to them all turn into dust on the ground.

Disperse with the wind and vanish into nothingness.


The living room was full of messes, sober Lin Xuyan swept away a lot of furniture, and his face was full of anger, especially when he saw the greetings from other people on his mobile phone, his chest full of anger had nowhere to go vent.

Lin Shizhong said with a calm face, "Have you had enough trouble?"

Mother Lin reassured him, "I can't blame the child for this, he doesn't know what's going on, who would have thought that Champagne was being manipulated. The Shen family has found a problem. Is it? Who did it?"

Lin Shizhong: "The competitor of the Shen family gave Shen Yuhuai's wine to Xiaoxu by mistake."

Mother Lin: "How could this be?"

Looking at the angry son, Lin Shizhong's mind came to Chen Qizhao, who was standing in the corridor, watching the play, and the Chen family around him. The whispered discussion still lingers in his ears, and there are countless people gloating about this arrangement.

He left the living room and made a call.

"Hello?" Gu Shen's voice on the phone was calm, and he didn't seem surprised by his call.

The aromatherapy arranged by the family and the driver, Lao Lin, were all planned by this person.

"The Shen family helped Gu Zhengxun, and Shen Yuhuai also checked my side. I really arranged the matter. But Xu Yan's incident was unexpected. It should be someone else in the venue who found it and changed it. I ordered the toppings." Gu Shen did not deny it, "I will let someone help you with Xu Yan's matter, you don't have to worry about this matter."

Lin Shizhong frowned and said, "Gu Shen, we are in a cooperative relationship, I hope you will tell me before you make any move next time."

This is not the first time. Under the circumstance that he clearly has other arrangements, Gu Shen has done too many things in order to eliminate the roots.

Like when Gu Shen just heard from Lin Xuyan that Chen Liyao pushed Yan's family into the water when he was a child, he used the news to threaten Chen Jianting's wife Sun Roning, and then arranged for Chen Jianting to tempt Chen Liyao... The three families are all under his control, and he carefully arranged the affairs of the driver, Lao Lin.

It was only after two years of arrangements that Gu Shen told him on a phone call.

If this matter is mentioned in advance, Lin Xuyan can at least be more vigilant, instead of being killed by others for no reason.

Gu Shen felt a little dissatisfied when he heard Lin Shizhong's words, "Don't you know about the Chen family? This time it was an accident, and the people behind it were either the Shen family or the Chen family. , is it useful for you to tell me this now? The Shen family is not able to achieve this level, most of it is done by the Chen family, the other party is maintaining surface peace with you now, and the things you have done Chen Shiming are probably already clear. "

He laughed: "It's obvious that you can just change the drink, but they want to change the drink to your son, don't you know what it means?"

Lin Shizhong did not speak, his eyes darkened.

After a long time, he opened his mouth and said, "I have already arranged the affairs of the Chen family."

Gu Shen: "Would you have done it earlier? Lin Shizhong, since you are cooperating with me, don't think about those comprehensive methods. , the Chen family is long gone."

"The evidence is dead, people are alive, we are only safe when people go into the grave."

"I'll let the others know tonight."

Lin Shizhong's tone was slightly dark: "But I hope you don't hide it from me this time."

Gu Shen is very happy, "Don't worry, we are allies."

After hanging up the phone, the corridor was silent, Lin Shizhong looked at the unfamiliar phone in his mobile phone, and had other plans in his mind.

It was his goal to make the Chen family go bankrupt. The things that the Chen family stole from their house should have been exchanged for a long time, but Gu family's thinking is different from his.

Having been with Gu Shen for many years, many of Lin's industries have already stepped into the Gu family's boat, including the multiple channel lines that used the Chen family's channel as a pick-up board. Although this matter has nothing to do with the Chen family , but if the Chen family finds that they follow the investigation, they will definitely find the Lin family, and then follow the Lin family to find the most important Gu family behind the industry chain.

Only when the Chen Group does not exist, these things will not be exposed to the public eye.

But Gu Shen is more ruthless. He not only wants to make the Chen Group disappear, but also does not want any Chen family to stay.

Dead people can't speak, this kind of desperado just wants to cut grass and root.