MTL - Live Beautification System-Chapter 509 Three no products

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  Chapter 509 Three No Products

  Listening to Ding Mu's tone of voice, Isabella asked: "What can't be produced by the earth industry? What is that?"

   "Many. For example, the core of controllable nuclear fusion, such as the neutrino beam transmitter and receiver, and the hydrogen fuel engine converter that can cruise infinitely in the hydrogen-filled universe, etc. These things are worth using quantum 3D printers."

   "These things sound like they are very valuable." Isabella has completely attracted Ding Mu's attention.

Ding Mu said triumphantly: "Of course, let me give you an example. The characteristic of neutrino beams is that they are unobstructed and have strong penetrating power. After my technology is realized, it will be very useful. All the underground mines in the world. And it can carry out unbreakable confidential communication, which can solve the connection between the aircraft and the ground..."

  Listening to Ding Mu's eloquent speech, Isabella said: "Then build it quickly."

   "Uh." Ding Mu said, "I need to build this quantum-level 3D printer first."

   "Build it, build it, what equipment is needed, how much it costs, and how many people." Isabella said.

"Well, others can't help with the core work. I can only do it myself. I will give you a list of all the equipment and materials. This quantum 3D printer needs an area of ​​about 100 square meters. Help me find the least expensive An unremarkable island, and then set up a secret base."

  Isabella said: "What kind of island do you want, such an awesome thing, I will give you my Sea God Palace. It should be secret enough."

  Ding Mu thought for a while and said: "That's fine, but I still have a series of products. We are going to produce the best aircraft in the world, and, moreover, the most powerful weapons in the world."

  Isabella was surprised: "You also have research on weapons?"

  If legal and illegal are counted, then the arms business is the most profitable.

   "Hey. Among the weapons I designed, there are strategic, tactical, and individual ones. All-round, three-dimensional, and everything. Aviation weapons are the strongest." Ding Mu boasted. In fact, it was not designed by him at all. What Ding Mu mastered was the common weapon used by interstellar explorers. However, although the performance of these weapons is not particularly advanced in the interstellar world, they completely crush the weapons made by earth science and technology.

   "Tell me specifically, tell me specifically." Isabella is very convinced of Ding Mu's ability.

   "I'm only planning to make strategic-level weapons. The price/performance ratio of tactical weapons and individual weapons is too low." Ding Mu said, "I'm going to make three-no products."

   "Three non-products?" Isabella was confused, "What do you mean?"

   This is a cultural difference. Isabella obviously doesn't know it. There is no quality certificate, no production date, and no manufacturer. What does this three-no product mean in Dahua.

Ding Mu had a quick mind and immediately said: "I'm going to get three strategic weapons, one for attack, one for defense, and one for harassment. The main attack is a traceless strategic missile. The characteristic is that no radar of Earth Science and Technology can detect this I can carry nuclear warheads, neutron bombs and anything, directly killing and destroying. The main defense is called the laser stance of indifferent level. Before the energy is exhausted, any attack from outside the stance will be annihilated. The third strategy The weapon is called a rogue-level electromagnetic disruptor. After I build it, it can interfere with any place on the earth in a targeted manner. It will cause all electrical appliances in that place to fail, or even explode."

   "This... none of these can be sold." Isabella said, "You can't sell these three weapons."

  Ding Mu nodded and said: "Of course not, this is the most advanced technology."

   "Then why did you create him? Could it be that you still want to conquer the world by force?" Isabella asked.

   "When we have developed to a certain extent, we will be at ease with these strategic weapons protecting us." Ding Mu is very clear that a weak country has no diplomacy. But if these things are implemented by oneself, at least no other country will dare to bully the Kingdom of Saint Ding. At that time, I was looking forward to provocations from early birds. I will **** whoever messes with me.

   "It sounds like that." Isabella affirmed.

  For Ding Mu, the most difficult problem has been solved, and the next thing to do is to implement and implement it. Ding Mu's vision has gradually expanded to aliens.

   And Isabella is an ambitious woman. What she wants is to rely on the things developed by Dingmu to form a national group, and to promote Dingmu as a figure similar to the British royal family.

  The people in this group of countries must swear allegiance to Dingmu. And she herself is the real power holder, and she has become a man of the world on the world stage.

  Although the goals of the two people are different, some things are the same, that is, to build San Ding Nation into a technologically powerful country, a military powerful country, and a developed country with a very high standard of living.

   In this way, Ding Mu retreated and began to spend sleepless nights and food on developing a quantum-level 3D printer. When this printer was born, it can be said to be a symbol of an epoch-making productivity upgrade.

   Sea God Palace.

   Underwater world.

  Ding Mu's hair is greasy and hasn't been washed for several days.

   His arms are moving at high speed and high precision. This is the realm that can only be reached with perfect hand bonuses. This hand skill is really unparalleled in the world, a state that ordinary people can't reach even if they are single for 10,000 years.

  There are a pile of parts on the left pile on the ground, which is messy, but because of the existence of Meimei, in fact, every component is in the most suitable place for you, and the best place to take it.

  In Ding Mu's mind, a three-dimensional quantum-level 3D printer has actually been formed, and it is structured into each component, each component can be divided into each component, and each component has manufacturing steps.

  There are only manufacturing steps, but it is not enough surprises. It does not reflect the power of Meimei. Meimei will study each step in detail, take the placement of items into consideration, and finally decompose the steps into actions.

  So, Ding Mu is actually doing the movements, completing each movement perfectly. The fine movements are also a huge pressure and challenge for Ding Mu's perfect hands.

  However, it was at this time of great pressure that Ding Mu felt that his technique became more and more flexible, and his control over power became more subtle. The grasp of the direction is getting deeper and deeper.

   Lifting weight as light as it is light, lifting lightness as heavy as it is.

   Front, Back, Left, Right, Up, Down.

   Ding Mu may have to do a lot of movements in a second, with both hands working together and coordinating the work.

  Millions of actions can form this quantum 3D printer. However, Ding Mu fully knows how to make this in his mind, so he can form a progress bar.

  30%, 50%, 80%, 90%, 95%, 98%, 99%, 99.99%, when Ding Mu finally closed the last component, a device that changed the world was built!

   Today, winter in the northern hemisphere is over, and spring is here!

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Mage of Eternity