MTL - Live Broadcast of Eating Melons and Being Read, I Landed!-Chapter 222 Tasty stills

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  Chapter 222 Tasty Stills

 The people on the stage looked at the depressed expression on Jiang Ning's face and suppressed their laughter. She didn't have anything fancy, but she held everyone's heart in her hands. Tang Jin, who had concealed their relationship at that time, would certainly feel guilty.

After the host asked about their crew, he pointed to the beautiful stills of Li Fei and Xu Mengxuan’s horse riding scene on the photo wall of the cast of "Palace Chaos" and said.

“This horse riding scene is very popular on the Internet. Teacher Li lifted Teacher Xu off the horse with one hand and it was even better.”

"Teacher Li must have exercised a lot before filming. Teacher Xu is also in good condition. I heard that those scenes were very late at night. How did the two teachers maintain their condition? I wonder if there is any secret for you." share."

 After Xu Mengxuan and Li Feiqian gave way, Xu Mengxuan took the microphone, and their hands touched in the middle, which made the fans in the audience make excited sounds.

“I put on several facial masks every day. In order to feel better, I also take some skin care products before filming to remove toxins from the body and make my skin whiter and more hydrated.”

The host heard what Xu Mengxuan said about the effectiveness of skin care products, and saw many female audience members showing excited expressions.

Originally, it would be inconvenient to ask on the show if it was meant to be an advertisement, but who asked Xu Mengxuan to take the kind of skin care products was one of the sponsors of the show. Of course, he also had to cooperate to achieve the purpose of publicity.

“This skin care product sounds very effective. I’ve been staying up late recently and my skin has become a little dull. Can Teacher Xu give me some relief?” the host asked with a smile, touching his face.

Xu Mengxuan nodded, took out a bottle of prepared skin care products, and introduced her moist and translucent face to the audience.

“This is a skin care product developed by our company specifically for women. We women just have to be kind to ourselves. When we look beautiful, we will feel happy in our hearts.”

“Same for my boyfriends, buying a bottle of skin care products that can make your girlfriend beautiful will satisfy her more than a bouquet of flowers.”

Some of the audience in the audience are eager to buy this skin care product. After all, Xu Mengxuan’s face is still very convincing. Who doesn’t want to have a moist and fair face like a star?

Seeing the excitement on the faces of the audience, Xu Mengxuan handed the microphone to Li Fei with satisfaction. She felt that the money spent on the program was not in vain. After the program was broadcast, she could earn back several times by buying hot searches. money.

Thinking about it, Xu Mengxuan glanced at Jiang Ning, who was playing with her fingers over there, and wondered in her heart that most of the viewers brought by Jiang Ning's traffic would become her customers.

Xu Mengxuan was sitting there in a good mood. Li Fei next to him, after taking the microphone, moved slightly to the side and waited until the two of them were no longer touching before speaking.

“I usually exercise, so my physical and arm strength are okay. If I’m in good condition for continuous night scenes, maybe the beauty shop in Hengdian is good? But it’s a bit expensive, so I don’t recommend fans to try it.”

His answer was too honest, which made the audience and Jiang Ning think they had heard wrongly. The host was stunned for a moment and quickly reacted and said smoothly.

“Mr. Li is indeed upright, more sincere to fans, and really dedicated. When filming, he wants to present his best to the audience.”

Li Fei held the microphone and spoke straightforwardly again, "Actually, I am afraid that black fans will post screenshots of my bad condition everywhere, so even if I am filming very late, I still have to go to the beauty salon for first aid."

The host laughed awkwardly, and for a moment he didn't know how to explain it.

 It’s a bit fun to have such upright friends in life, but when you meet them at work, it feels like a workplace Waterloo.

“Teacher Li is so handsome. He is a handsome guy even when he is not in good condition. How could he have ugly pictures?” The host was about to take the matter over when he heard a voice fall into his ears.

  【There are still ugly pictures. Li Fei's makeup was not good in the last drama, and his acting skills are not as good as now. There are many pictures in the drama with bad looks that were intercepted by black fans and used to criticize him. 】

  【Li Fei has learned a lesson from this drama. Even if he is so sleepy that he falls asleep on the spot, he must first go to the beauty salon before sleeping. Anyway, he just wants to keep his face absolutely handsome. 】

Everyone lamented that anti-fans are really scary, but they also thought that Li Fei was caused by anti-fans to have a phobia about appearance. Poor kid. [However, the handsome face in this filming almost failed. Just look at the stills of the horseback riding just now. Even though Li Fei is still handsome, he is almost suffocating to death. He is holding a guy who releases stinky farts in his arms. It is still a serial type. He wished his nose would temporarily lose its sense of smell. 】

 Everyone's expressions looked a little strange as they listened.

This beautiful still photo was taken when the heroine was farting serially?

 What a tasteful still!

Everyone looked at Li Fei with sympathy. Li Fei seemed to be recalling the scenes of filming the scene that day. His expression changed, and he huddled with other actors and kept away from Xu Mengxuan.

Facing everyone's strange looks, Xu Mengxuan wanted to explain, but Jiang Ning didn't say anything. She spoke first, which only revealed her embarrassment at that time.

Xu Mengxuan was still smiling on her face, interacting with the show, and when she wanted to bite Jiang Ning in her heart, Jiang Ning's heartfelt voice rang out again.

  【The reason why Xu Mengxuan was so rude during filming that day was because there was something wrong with the skin care products she was taking. 】

The host and the audience who wanted to buy this skin care product were confused.

 Have a problem with your skin care products? Xu Mengxuan is not only a spokesperson, this skin care product is produced by her company. If there is a problem, how dare Xu Mengxuan advertise it so aggressively and also use it on herself.

Hearing that Jiang Ning was talking about her skin care products, Xu Mengxuan didn't think too much about it. She quickly interrupted and pointed at the stills of Jiang Ning and Lin Mian drinking tea together and asked.

“Teacher Jiang likes tea, and I also like it very much. How does this tea taste?”

Jiang Ning was confused by Xu Mengxuan's sudden question, but she answered honestly.

“It tastes pretty good, and it’s mainly used to reduce swelling and improve metabolism.”

[But Xu Mengxuan had her skin care products in hand, and her metabolism was messed up, and her gastrointestinal condition was not good. When she ate, because some things were added to the skin care products, her skin seemed to get better. However, she often had diarrhea after eating too much. Farting is a common thing. 】

   Xu Mengxuan is also bold, knowing that the quality of his own products is defective, yet he still dares to eat it. Is this because he has a soft spot for smelly farts and diarrhea? 】

 Everyone: God has a special liking for these two kinds of social death.

They were complaining in their hearts so much that the audience who quickly placed their orders canceled their orders and looked at Xu Mengxuan's green and black face.

  The crew of "Palace Chaos" thought she was feeling it again. They had experienced the power of that stinky fart on the set, and they kept pushing to the side, and they were almost squeezed into cakes.

The actor sitting on the outermost side had his hands firmly on the chair, almost breaking the buckle of the chair, so he was not squeezed out.

  【Let me see why Xu Mengxuan works so hard to sell skin care products. She is from the second generation of rich people, and she is a second-tier actress, so she should not be short of money. 】

Xu Mengxuan heard panic flash in her eyes and wanted to stand up to stop Jiang Ning, but was pushed back by Li Fei.

 Looking at Li Fei's disgusted look but still holding Xu Mengxuan down hard, everyone couldn't help but admire him.

This is equivalent to risking your life to blow up a cesspool?

 (End of this chapter)