MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 751 fight

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The emperor took a deep breath, the worry in his eyes was also deeply rooted.

No matter how firm and confident you are, in the face of such consequences, it is difficult to be reckless.

Even, this is no longer a question of self-confidence.

Rather, Daheng, the Son of Heaven, cannot afford such a price.

This battle can only be won brilliantly, failure is not allowed to exist.

Compared with the worries of the emperor, these generals of Daheng obviously don't have such worries. In the era when the emperor deliberately set up military exploits as kings, a war is a great test for the court and unspeakable for the people. Torture, but for the military generals, even the low-level soldiers, it is also a gluttonous feast.

Martial generals are eager for military exploits in order to gain a higher position of power, while low-level soldiers are eager for military exploits in order to risk their lives to change their lives.

Under the many policies of the current Zhaowu Dynasty, for the people of Daheng, just the treatment brought by enlisting in the army is enough to make a poor and run-down family jump to the point where it is enough to eat and wear.

Human desires are naturally infinite.

Without worrying about food and clothing, one naturally wants more.

But in the army, in the current Daheng, what is more valuable than military exploits.

A low-level soldier, even if he doesn't have any job rank, as long as he makes military exploits and the review is correct, it is enough for him, and even his family, to jump directly into the class.

Even if he dies in battle, the pension he brings is enough to protect his relatives' bloodlines for the rest of their lives.

War, for the current Daheng soldiers, has no worries.

If the Son of Heaven hadn't been tightly restricting Daheng's army, it would have been difficult for Daheng to develop like this in these years.

In the absence of any official orders, these changes in northern Xinjiang have clearly proved this point.

The once important town on the nine borders, not to mention the current Hetao, such as Jizhen and Datong, the frontier guarded by it, has long been a veritable hinterland. The traces of the activities of the Han people and Daheng cavalry have already crossed the border in the traditional sense. The grassland is hundreds of miles away, looking for important places to guard.

All this, in the records of the imperial court, is nothing more than a statement that the Tartars plundered the frontier and the frontier army guarded it.

Guarding and guarding means guarding to the depths of the grassland.

General Daheng Wuxun is looking for various ways to find wars, especially in recent years, Wuxun's children have gradually grown up, and under the inertia of being kings of military achievements, they all choose to serve as frontier troops in various places.

Even if the purpose is gold-plating, the content of the gold-plating is obviously still a matter of military merit. A few years of patrolling is definitely not as good as a battle.

The war in northern Xinjiang has shown a small and continuous situation.

In the calm situation, small fights kept going.

At the moment, although the news of the war is still a military secret, a war involving the power of the whole country has involved almost every aspect of the Daheng world. Under such a big movement, ordinary people with a little knowledge may not be able to hide it , let alone Daheng's martial arts general.

After the emperor's decision to go to war reached the center, the transfer of Daheng Wuxun generals also immediately showed a leap forward.

In a few months, there were as many as hundreds of letters of transfer from various places in Daheng to northern Xinjiang, just on the table of the emperor.

If we talk about the transfer of soldiers in the middle and lower levels, there are countless.

There are hundreds of Wu Xun families, including thousands of children who have already joined the army, not to mention the countless people involved in the relationship with General Wu Xun.

Naturally, the Son of Heaven couldn't hide this change. From the very beginning, the Son of Heaven attached great importance to it and personally controlled the deployment of soldiers.

Compared with the emphasis on the army, the emperor's emphasis on Wu Xun's children is not weak at all.

Under the special ruling environment of these years, even if the military and government have changed a lot in these years, even if this change is still going on, and it is destined to last for a long time.

But one thing is very clear, that is, the inheritance of the power of Martial Generals will inevitably be deeply ingrained. Although this point has a considerable connection with the hereditary title of Martial Lord, even if this connection is removed, this deep-rooted will not. weakened too much.

The rights possessed by martial arts generals will inevitably be passed on to their next generation. The only difference is whether this right is weakened or increased. The general trend, as long as Daheng still exists, it will not be too big. Variety.

Under such circumstances, it is very clear that the current martial arts disciples will inevitably occupy a very large position in the power system of the Daheng Army in the future.

Cultivating the current Wu Xun disciples is to cultivate the existence of the Daheng army in power in the future, that is, to add more powerful fresh blood to the Daheng army.

It is related to the future, and it is related to the rule of the three generations of the emperor, how can the emperor be sloppy.

But it is also clear that the battle of the whole country, which is related to the fate of Daheng, cannot be sloppy at all. It is absolutely impossible for the conquest army to have accidents because of the cultivation of martial arts children.

Although the Son of Heaven attaches great importance to the training of Wu Xun's children, and even controls and trains them from an early age, there are by no means a few second generations who are ineffective.

In normal times of peace, the Son of Heaven can also not mind it, keep a little tolerance, and let him spend his days in the army with the shadow of his father, covered with gold, but in this battle, the Son of Heaven will obviously not let him get involved, It ruined the country's plans.

Wu Xun and even the children of the rich and powerful, who is worthy of use, who is worthy of great use, who can be cultivated, who can be cultivated with care, and who is a waste, is a scum, and the emperor naturally weighs it in his mind.

The transfer of Wu Xun's disciples was nothing to the Son of Heaven, a decree was enough to accomplish it, but the arrangement of Wu Xun's generals was obviously not an easy task.

Under the concept that military exploits are king, the emperor's table has already been filled with the battles of the generals from all sides.

The commander-in-chief of the four-way army, there is no doubt that Ding, the two princes of the Liao Dynasty, will definitely occupy the two positions.

Although the emperor did not express his intention to conquest in person, it is already a political issue which general dares to fight for the position of commander-in-chief of the Chinese army before the emperor expresses his attitude.

UU reading has scruples about the position of coach, but UU Reading does not dare to fight for it, but the hundreds of thousands of troops are not only the position of coach.

If a position such as a vanguard is outstanding, in a sense, its contribution is no less than that of the coach.


Daheng's martial arts generals have no hesitation in such a matter without scruples.

As far as the emperor is concerned, the appointment of personnel, whether it is military or political, has long passed the era of meritocracy.

In other words, meritocracy is only a part of the personnel system, and it is more of a political trade-off.

It is impossible for the Son of Heaven to sit back and watch the power of a certain faction expand infinitely. If it is not necessary, it is impossible to sit back and watch a certain faction decline or even perish...

This time the war, naturally so.

The appointment of generals and personnel is also to maintain the balance of martial arts as much as possible under the premise of ensuring combat effectiveness...