MTL - Longevity Gourd-Chapter 187 Weird Artifact

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"Longevity Immortal Gourd (!

When the two brothers saw that Xiao Ping's magic weapon was extraordinary, the original despairing thoughts came alive again, and they immediately threw out several talismans, which turned into golden rays of light lasing away.

The woman in purple looked surprised and solemn, as if she did not expect Xiao Ping to have such a means:

"No wonder you dare to be a hero, you can make so many magic weapons at the same time, but I underestimate you!


The woman then snorted coldly, sneered, and flicked her right hand from her waist, pulling out a cyan jasper-like ribbon.

She quickly pinched the magic formula, and finally the jade finger moved slightly forward:


The jasper ribbon was like lightning, and the phantom appeared between the flying swords in a flash.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Ping groaned in his heart and shouted that it was not good, and was about to withdraw the magic weapon quickly.

Unexpectedly, the jade belt sprayed out cyan light threads, entangling twelve flying swords and golden light from all directions!

No matter how much he pushes it, it's like being imprisoned, but in vain, he can't move at all!

Xiao Ping's eyes suddenly widened, and he was extremely shocked.

What kind of magic weapon is this, it is so defiant? !

Even other people's instruments and spells can be quickly fixed, how can this be fought?

"Junior brother, don't worry, her magic weapon can only imprison a batch of magic tools each time she activates it, and it can only last for one cup of tea, and she will have to take it back for a while before it can be used again!"

The Yufeng Sect man on the side saw the horror on his face, so he hurriedly explained.

Xiao Ping was slightly relieved, but when he heard the next sentence, his heart jumped again.

"However, this witch is the descendant of a certain Jindan elder in Fengyuelou, and has been given many powerful and miraculous magic weapons. Junior brother should be more careful!"

Xiao Ping immediately felt very difficult for the purple-clothed woman in front of him.

After weighing it for a second, the murderous intentions of everyone present surged instantly.

As long as you kill everyone here, naturally no one will know that it was you!

"No wonder there are only eleven floors, but the two twelve-floor monks who were able to kill fled in embarrassment..."

Xiao Ping has already started to activate the talisman, but this earth-dropping talisman consumes more mana than the last Feijian talisman...

Seeing the extremely ugly expressions of the two of them, the girl in purple showed a very complacent look to the magic weapon that had already taken effect.

Then, the jade hand turned over again, showing a jade-white narrow-necked bottle with looming treasure light, urging the magic art to sacrifice, and stopped in front of him.

The man in his thirties who was recovering his mana, his face changed greatly when he saw the bottle, and he reminded Xiao Ping in horror:

"Not good! The mist in this bottle can quickly corrode other people's instruments!

This witch first imprisoned the magic weapon, and then used the mist to corrode it. This is how my magic weapon was destroyed. Be careful, junior brother! "

Xiao Ping snorted and cursed in his heart, but he moved very quickly in his hand, and without thinking, he took out a magic weapon and threw it out, turning into a red light and stabbing at the jade bottle.

He has indirectly seized many people's instruments, which should be able to consume a lot of corrosive mist.

The purple-clothed girl twitched her lips, revealing a deep sarcasm: "Beyond one's own strength!"

Immediately, his fingers flew again, making a series of strange handprints, and at the same time, his lips kept opening and closing, and finally he pointed to the jade bottle.

The jade bottle flashed white light in an instant, and the next moment spewed out a cloud of gray smoke, which quickly spread into a cloud with a radius of about zhang, covering the top of the woman tightly and blocking all attacks.

Xiao Ping hesitated for a moment, the magic formula changed, the red light suddenly turned and sank down, and shot directly at the woman in purple.


The jade bottle trembled again, spewing out a small cloud of gray mist, falling rapidly from above, intercepting the red light with a flash, and wrapping it inside.

Xiao Ping suddenly felt a stab of consciousness, and suddenly retracted it, and immediately put on the Imperial Object Technique.

"Haha, doesn't the taste feel good? My gray fog can corrode the magic weapon, and the magic weapon is motivated by the divine sense, and naturally it can also hurt the divine sense!

However, it takes a lot of mana to make it hurt the consciousness. If you can let me do this, you are quite powerful, and you can die! "

Looking at the two brothers on the side, they were indeed at a loss.

Xiao Ping's face was quite ugly. If it weren't for his strong sense of consciousness, far beyond ordinary people, I was afraid that his combat power would be greatly damaged immediately, and the twelve flying swords would lose control and be taken away by the opponent in an instant.

But even for him, his divine sense was only slightly damaged, and it was equally uncomfortable.

Soon the red magic weapon hummed, the aura quickly dimmed, and fell out of control in an instant.

Xiao Ping quickly took out another medium-grade magic weapon and threw it forward through the Imperial Object Technique.

The purple-clothed girl instantly raised her eyebrows and became furious: "Why do you still have magic weapons!"

After speaking, he glanced at the jade bottle in pain, and once again separated a cloud of gray fog.

Xiao Ping was secretly happy, he knew that the gray fog was limited.

As the magical instruments were taken out, the face of the woman in purple became more and more ugly...

Suddenly, the mana in the body quickly consumed a large portion.

Xiao Ping's expression suddenly turned pale, but then he was secretly overjoyed - the earth drop bead talisman is finally ready and can be activated at any time!

However, this talisman is different from the last flying sword talisman. Although the power is more powerful, it is not flexible enough. It needs to trap the opponent first to ensure the strike.

Otherwise, most people will be able to hide before the earth drop beads fall.

Xiao Ping suddenly smiled slightly, grabbed a handful of thorn vine seeds and threw them forward.

When the girl in purple saw her smile, she felt something was wrong, and in the next moment dozens of seeds flew towards her.

"Hmph, the mere seeds are also..."

The girl in purple was about to sneer, and once again urged a small group of gray fog to come forward, but she didn't expect that the seeds would burst open, turning into vines filled with thick and extremely sharp thorns, forming a wooden wall and rushing towards it. go.

The woman's expression changed greatly, a little gray fog was not enough to corrode such a wooden wall!

She hurriedly mobilized most of the gray fog, turned it into a wall of air that was almost the same, and greeted it.


A sound of corrosion continued to spread, and the wood thorn vine was rapidly reduced.

The purple-clothed girl was greatly relieved, but in the extremely corrosive sound of the two "walls" being worn away from each other, she did not notice that several tiny seeds were quietly approaching the ground.

The wooden wall was continuously corroded by the naked eye, and finally turned into a gray-black residue together with the gray masonry wall, and fell to the ground in a fluttering manner.

Seeing this, the girl in purple was not happy at, but was trembling with anger.

What kind of things are the other party's seeds, it actually consumes so much gray fog from her!

The woman was about to continue casting the spell, but she suddenly heard a few familiar bangs coming from her feet!

"This is not..."

When the purple-clothed girl's face changed greatly, she could only watch a few thick, ferocious vines covered with poisonous thorns quickly wrap around and climb on her defense mask, and in the blink of an eye, they were tied together with the hood. A thorny cocoon like a zongzi is firmly bound in place!

The jade bottle was cut off and controlled by the thorny vine, and the gray mist flashed into the bottle and immediately fell to the ground.

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