MTL - Longevity Gourd-Chapter 270 Zhao Family's Discussion

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Sure enough, Xiao Ping was seen by the Zhao family in the second month of his arrival.

It was only after the other party's follow-up and verification that he initially contacted him, followed by a series of side-by-side attacks, and finally recognized him.

More than five months have passed since he descended the mountain.

On this day, the two youths went out of the city gate and got into a carriage together:

"Uncle Thirteen, this is a blue-maned horse. It has a gentle temperament and is extremely fast. It is an excellent monster for pulling carts and driving. It can reach the family in a few days!"

The young man named Zhao Yuanyuan in front of him was a member of the Zhao clan. He "accidentally" met a few months ago and started walking around.

Xiao Ping shook his head with a wry smile:

"Brother Zhao, you should call me Brother Xiao. I'm really not used to the sound of 'Thirteenth Uncle'. And I'm not necessarily your Thirteenth Uncle, maybe it just happens to be similar in appearance."

"It's fine in the past. After I meet you, I can't call it random. After all, seniority is a big issue, and it shouldn't be arbitrary at all.

As for Uncle Thirteen's worries, don't take it to heart, after all, there are so many coincidences in the world, not only are they more than seven-point similar in appearance, but also in other aspects such as birth and mother's surname..."

Xiao Ping sighed helplessly, as if he didn't know how to refute.

In fact, I was overjoyed, it seemed that it was a disguise made by the martial art for him.

Coupled with Mo Yang's old-fashioned pursuit and plot, as well as the inside story from Zhao Tong'er's mouth, it is enough to complete all the details and make the lies more credible than the truth.

The two just walked and talked like this, talking about Xiao Ping's sadness of being homeless in these years, talking about the development of the Zhao family these years, and both of them were inquiring about more news, intentionally or unintentionally...

When he asked about "father", Zhao Yuanyuan's expression was obviously stiff, and he revealed it lightly, saying that he would know when he arrived at the Zhao family.

Xiao Ping turned to other topics with interest.

In this way, my "father" is only afraid that the situation is not good...

Fourth day, early morning.

Zhao family, the council hall.

Zhao Bohong, the head of the Zhao family, sighed slightly, looking at the group of clan elders with different expressions.

"Everyone must have received the news that Bo Jun's child will arrive tomorrow.

After deliberation, there is no objection to picking him up from the Hui people, but what should the Hui people do after that, please tell me your own opinion. "

"The old man thought that what the Patriarch said was inappropriate.

Whether that person is the heir of Seventh Disciple is still uncertain. Life experience can be fabricated, and appearances can be coincidental, but bloodline cannot be changed. It must be verified by bloodline first, and only after passing can we talk about the next step. "

The first old woman to speak was the Yaotang clan elder, Zhao Bofang.

Zhao Bohong frowned slightly when he heard the words, but still nodded:

"Second sister is right, the medicine hall in charge of the second sister is the best at this.

However... Bo Jun had long since passed away, and his blood lost its vitality after being stored for too long and could not be used for spellcasting. There was only a small amount of blood essence from that mortal woman, which was still alive due to the Twin Curse.

I don't know if this can also be used for blood verification? "

The old woman pondered for a moment, neither admitting nor denying:

"If the blood of the seventh brother is still there, as long as the blood of this Xiao Fan and the two are fused by 50%, it can be proved.

Although the blood of one of the parents can also be verified, the effect is not as accurate as the former, so the fusion degree needs to be more than 70%. "

Zhao Bohong had a headache.

This man has always been reluctant to take any risks, so he is reluctant to say a word except for things that are not controversial.

The reason for this needs to be explained by himself:

"As early as decades ago, when Bojun returned to the clan, the first elder had already searched for his soul. He did have a fate with a mortal woman, and he did have a child. He also cast a twin curse on that woman.

This is not the first time you have heard of secret techniques such as the 'Twin Curse', and they can only be performed if both parties know it and are willing. This in itself is enough to prove that the owner of the blood essence is that mortal.

Therefore, as long as Xiao Fan can be proved that it is the bloodline of this mortal woman, it is naturally equivalent to the bloodline of Bo Jun. "

Everyone was stunned when they heard it.

"Since there is no objection, the bloodline verification will be handed over to the second sister to preside over in public."

"If he can't pass, he will naturally be handed over to the punishment hall and executed according to the spies of the five major factions.

Mingfeng, what do you think? "

The Xingtang clan elder, an old man in his fifties, looks relatively young among the clan elders:

"I think that even if he is really the son of Seventh Uncle, he can't easily let him recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestry!"


"The reason is very simple. Think about it carefully, Chiliang Country is the world of the five major factions. He has practiced in Chiliang Country for many years, and he has cultivated to the seventh level of Qi training alone. How many chances are he will not intersect with the five major factions?

More than ten years ago, two servants found his trace, but three people disappeared one after another, and now they suddenly appeared, don't you think it's a bit strange? "


"Not necessarily, our power is limited to the vicinity, if he cultivates elsewhere, it is quite normal that we can't find it!"

"It seems to make sense..."

All the clan elders nodded, shook their heads, and even remained Zhao Bohong nodded approvingly at the elders of the punishment hall:

"Ming Feng said it well!

We can't let the spies go, but we must not let Bojun's descendants suffer injustice.

Well, after passing the bloodline verification, immediately send some tasks as further verification. "

The crowd took it for granted.

"Next, Bo Jun's inheritance, what kind of clan status he should enjoy, his monthly salary, how to assign tasks, and even whether to enter the core hall, which hall..."

"Cough, cough."

With a few light coughs, the council hall suddenly fell silent.

Everyone looked at a seat.

This is the accountant clan elder, who is in charge of the Zhao family's expenditure details, and is one of the most powerful clan elders.

The gray-bearded old man raised his eyes and said:

"This son has already cultivated to the seventh level of Qi training. If he is an ordinary clan member, he can already be promoted to the third-class clan elder according to the clan rules, and he is participating in the negotiation of the third-class and below matters.

However, he has never been in the clan before. If he is directly parachuted into the clan elder, he will be dissatisfied by the juniors due to the lack of contribution qualifications, which is inconsistent with the general concept of clan rules and will damage the unity of the clan.

Therefore, I think it is not too late to be promoted to a first-class clan elder once his cultivation reaches the ninth level, as well as his strength and contributions are recognized by the clan. favorable. "

"The old Bofeng clan is still on the point as always!"

"With the Bofeng clan always here, why worry that my Zhao family is not happy..."

Seeing several clan elders vying for him, the Xingtang clan elder glared angrily, the Yaotang clan elder still had no expression, and even the face of the head of the family was a little stiff.

"Sura Wushen"

In this way, a negotiation against Xiao Ping continued...