MTL - Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning-Chapter 19 Tao Qian attacked and killed, 4 beasts in Shexian County!

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Xunxian County East Street, this is a wealthy area, but it is not far from Caishi Street, so there are still many pedestrians and vehicles.

Vehicles such as cars and bicycles that came from the West are not uncommon, such as rickshaws, horse-drawn carriages, and many more.

What Tao Qian inadvertently saw was a very common carriage.

The yellow-maned horse used to pull the carriage looked very tame, but the carriage at the back seemed to be larger than other carriages.

There were four people in the carriage.

A middle-aged man with a horse whip, wrapped in a turban, and a slightly sunken face.

A big man wearing a bunt, with a face full of flesh, and his eyes slightly bulging.

An old man with a goatee and a cane in one hand.

There is also a young man with beautiful features, but his face is pale, like a young man who is overindulgent.

The four gathered together, as if discussing something.

In Tao Qian's mind, the corresponding wanted information also emerged at this moment.

These four people are different from the three-headed real monarch, the gourd demon, and the Li Po, who are loners. They are a gang, a people-trafficking gang that does all evil and has no conscience.

"Zhao Dou, Lu Daniu, Yang Ding, and Zhang Xian, these four are collectively known as the 'Four Beasts of Shexian County'. Dignitaries, sects of Jianghu, etc. wantonly amass wealth, and the name of the four beasts will never be wronged."

"These four beasts were originally secretive. Recently, they have been sheltered by the Demon God Army. In addition to the chaos of the current situation, they have become more and more unscrupulous. They often roam around Nanyue and surrounding provinces and cities to commit crimes."

"Among the four beasts, Zhao Dou and Lu Daniu are good at fighting and cooperate with each other to fight demons."

"Yang Ding is a man who cultivates a magic technique that can escape from the ground. He can even lead people to escape, which is the most difficult thing to deal with."

"Zhang Xianxiu has hypnosis and some kind of transformational technique. He is the person in charge of kidnapping and kidnapping in the gang, and he is also the leader of this gang. He has done the most evil and should be punished."

In the blink of an eye, Tao Qian recalled the origins of these four beasts and the sorcery they were good at.

At the same time, he also recalled the bounty worth the four.

"Those who report the news will be rewarded with one hundred silver dollars."

"Catch him and kill him, and reward him with 800 silver dollars."

no doubt.

These four beasts are very valuable.

Tao Qian could fully guess that the bounty on them all came from the relatives of the victims.

Human trafficking is undoubtedly one of the most vicious and unforgivable crimes.

And the targets of these four abducted and trafficked are not ordinary women and girls.

but some special population.

The only criterion is "abnormal traits".

This again involves a common sense in the world of practice. Wu Ming, a Buddhist monk of Xunxian, recorded in the secret book:

Because of the iron law that "everything in practice must have a price", in fact, most mortals are not suitable for practice, and they are not even suitable for contact with strange and extraordinary things.

But there are some humans, but it is very suitable.

Such people usually show some things that are very different from ordinary people. In conclusion, they are called abnormal traits.

In layman's terms, it can be called talent.

But the cultivation talent in this world is not universal, an abnormal trait, almost only corresponds to one cultivation path, or even a certain sect on this path.

It may be a certain faction in Taoism, or a certain temple in Buddhism, or a certain branch of the side door.

The Taoist and Buddhist families have their own set of special methods for selecting backup resources, and there is no need for existences such as the "Four Beasts of Shexian County".

But there are a few shady genres, or some big men with perverted hobbies, who need these four beasts.

"I heard from Boss Jia that the Demon God Army is used to tricks. Every time they invade a certain place, they will pioneer some leftist demons to harass and create panic."

"I don't know if the appearance of these four beasts is a coincidence, or...?"

While Tao Qian thought about it, after turning the corner, he found a corner of a dark alley and stood still.

Choose an angle and peep at the four.

That's right, Tao Qian temporarily decided that the Four Beasts of Shexian County were the targets he had chosen to prepare for actual combat.

As long as there is an opportunity, Tao Qian will not let it go.

"Since these four beasts have appeared, they must already have goals and are about to act."

"If they gather together, I'm really not good at starting."

"But if you choose a single action first, you will have a lot of confidence. Especially the two Zhang Xian and Yang Ding are good at hypnotizing changes and escaping, but they are not good at fighting."

"What's more, these four people may not all enter the 'Qi-inducing state', or even none of them. Although it is the first realm of the nine realms, it is not an easy thing to step through that threshold."

"Zuo Dao demons who don't have inheritance, at most, have obtained a special technique by chance, or have acquired some special... Strictly speaking, they are considered practitioners, but in fact, they can't be called real monks."

"With the power in my body, there is almost no risk in one-on-one terms."

"However, if they have succeeded, then I will have to go to the county office for a while. I hope this is not the case. Boss Jia said that the county magistrate has applied for the imperial court to send people from the Forbidden Immortal Hall to come, but he did not say when they will come. If it is just some Ordinary catching fast, then these four people probably won't pay attention to it at all, and they can't help but swagger away."

Tao Qian's thoughts settled down, and he waited patiently.

Since he had been wandering all afternoon, the sky darkened after he hid for a long time.

Xunxian County, it is night.

The crowd slowly dispersed on the street, only a few stalls selling night food were left, and clusters of lights were shining.

The four beasts are extremely cunning, they have been hiding in the alleys in the outer area of ​​East Street, and Zhang Xian, who has practiced hypnosis magic, acts from time to time. If they didn't see it, they didn't go forward to drive them away.

The only "exception" is Tao Qian.

He is completely immersed in the role of the hunter, always hiding in the shadows, waiting for the moment to strike.

Not long after, when the voice of a beating man came from a distance.

Two people abruptly got off the carriage.

Yang Ding, the goat-bearded old man, and Zhang Xian, a little white-faced overindulgence.

The two came down, looked around for a while, and went to the depths of East Street together.

When parting, he also looked back and said a few words to the carriage.

Although there was some distance, but Tao Qian tried his best to listen.

He looks like a mortal scholar, but both his body and soul are already inhuman.

The power of Henglong's blood has completely transformed his body, but tearing down low-level monsters and beasts is only a vague overview of the combat power. The enhancement of other senses is not described, but Tao Qian's own feelings are very clear.

Zhang Xian's voice was unexpectedly full of magnetism, and even had a certain charm that made people feel close.

"Zhao Dou Daniel, guard here, if there is an accidental whistle."

"The Miss Zhou family awakened some abnormal characteristics of flesh and blood a few days ago, and I heard that it has attracted the attention of a big family. , dedicate it to the great general Tang, and help him cultivate a powerful supernatural power in this book of life."

"After this ticket is completed, if we can win the favor of General Tang, the reward of money is still a small matter, but whether we can get the scriptures is a big matter."

"Whether the four of you and I can develop, depends on this time."

After the explanation, Zhang Xian, who looked like a little white face, and Yang Ding, the old man with goatee beards, quickly got outside the walls of a high gate and big house under the cover of the night.

Although both of them possess sorcery, they couldn't find a hidden figure behind them.

Tao Qian has never experienced a battle, but the Henglong bloodline is indeed extraordinary.

If he concealed himself, the breeze in the air would take the initiative to take away the breath of Tao Qian.

Unless there is an alternative warning method, no one will be able to find a colorless, odorless, and motionless person behind him.

These two beasts had obviously made plans for a long time when they arrived outside the compound called "Zhou Mansion".

The goat-bearded Yang Ding stood up and put on a strange posture, after identifying the position.

He began to chant words in his mouth, as if he were chanting a mantra.

After a short while, a wisp of earthy yellow aura suddenly rose from the ground, attached to his hands.


Suddenly, Yang Ding let out a low drink.

Both hands patted Zhang Xian's shoulder at the same time, and the earthy yellow brilliance flickered.

In the next second, the latter's body suddenly turned into a yellow shadow, and disappeared into the ground, apparently escaping to Miss Zhou's boudoir.

Seeing this scene, Tao Qian's pupils shrank.

This was the second time he had seen a cultivator cast a spell, even though Yang Ding's escaping magic was far less powerful than the young Taoist who looked like a lunatic on the dock.

But for Tao Qian, it is still very magical.

After casting the spell, Yang Ding seemed to have consumed a lot of energy, and there were other side effects, his body trembled uncontrollably.

I saw it slowly, and took out a piece of black and yellow from his arms, exuding a foul smell, like a "dung ball".

I picked two pieces with my fingernails and stuffed them into my nose.


This wretched old man started smoking a big cigarette on the spot, enjoying it.

The tremors of the body were relieved.

At this moment, Tao Qian in the dark thought for half a second before moving.

Once he made a decision, Tao Qian would not hesitate at all.

Because this body now has an affinity for wind and absolute control over power.

Tao Qian's figure "floated" behind that Yang Ding like a ghost, UU reading didn't make a fool of himself, he just stuck out a hand suddenly.

To the point where even Tao Qian himself was startled, his palm was already pinching the wretched old man's neck.

Yang Ding, this old bastard, has done too many things that are devoid of conscience.

Naturally, he has a ghost in his heart, and even when he pays the price for casting spells, he remains vigilant and behind.

As soon as his neck fell into the stranger's hand, and after feeling the terrifying power contained in that palm in an instant, his complexion changed greatly, his hands immediately formed a seal, and even the step of chanting a spell was omitted.

With a low drink, the yellow light surged up.

The figure of this old beast is about to become virtual and escape into the ground.

But at this moment, Tao Qian suddenly came up, opened his mouth slightly, and also let out a low drink.

But his voice fell into Yang Ding's ears, but it was not the same thing at all.


In an instant, Yang Ding heard a drum sound that seemed to come from the ancient barbarian.

In the sound of the drum, there was a power that a monster like him could not resist at all.

In a trance, he saw that his virtual body dissipated directly, followed by his will, and finally his soul, as if torn apart by the storm, and there was not even a trace of it left.

Until the moment before his death, Yang Ding wanted to turn his head back in horror and anger, and wanted to see who had killed him.

But when the ashes vanished, he failed to do so, and just sank into the darkness in fear.

And after his death, in the alley.

Tao Qian looked at his empty hands and the pile of clothes on the ground, and was stunned.

"What's the matter, I didn't have time to exert force at all, just followed the fighting instinct in the Henglong fragment and roared."

"It's gone, this monster of the left way, the body and soul are so fragile?"