MTL - Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning-Chapter 591 The devil made a peach blossom girl, and the land was full of disasters

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Although Tao Mozi practiced ten thousand desires and lustful qi, and stepped into the Qi refining realm from a mortal body, he is still a weak devil with no great supernatural powers.

Fortunately, from the hands of the congenital **** and devil called "the obscene old man", he got the innate treasure of Wanyu yin and yang pillow with infinite uses, and coupled with the unimaginable supernatural power of Yantian larva, it is enough to make him in this earth evil ridge. , pretending to be a ghost, no one can expose it.

He himself, on the other hand, can also transform into the appearance of a **** and demon.

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