MTL - Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning-Chapter 615 The devil wants to refine his spirit and body, and he is greedy and lustful

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I don't know how long it has passed, suddenly there is a surge of divine light, between the bed of heaven and earth, Guanyin and Tao Lang wake up at the same time.

Before Tao Qian could say anything, the female Bodhisattva with the fish basket turned around, showing resentment and surprise after knowing the secret, and said:

"Unexpectedly, you devil **** is actually just a clone, and the main body is that Taoist Tianjiao [Fu Nie Zhenjun]. You have repeatedly shown the ability of foresight before, and it must be the credit of the spirit treasure performing heavenly skills."

"What's even more inconceivable is that the Thief Bodhisattva, one of the great sages of Buddhism, secretly hooked up with your real body in this way. Could it be that he also wants to betray the Buddhism of the heavens like my real body, the Seven Slaughter Bodhisattva?"

"What kind of hookup, it's so ugly, the master just wants to form a good relationship with the main body."

Tao Mozi replied with a smile, even in the face of the fish basket that had become his own female slave, he still did not leak his words.

That's right!

The slightly weird scenes before are actually the communication between Guanyin Bodhisattva and the real Lord Fu Nie.

Doing this is naturally to avoid the eyes and ears of Buddhism and avoid trouble.

The reason why the Master did this is also simple.

Without him, make a good relationship and place more bets.

Whether it is Tao Qian or Daoist Duobao, they are destined to have a great relationship with "Buddhism".

In particular, Tao Qian, who has inherited half of the Buddhist scriptures from "Da Yu Zen Master", has been recognized by some caring people as having the appearance of a Buddha.

Master Avalokitesvara did not necessarily want to betray the current Buddhism of the heavens, but it was just a small win.

At the same time, it is also a test.

Just listen to the fish basket girl, very annoyed to expose:

"Good fate?"

"Hehe, do you know that the "Avalokitesvara Heart Sutra" of that thief Bodhisattva has hidden murderous intent, listen to her teaching, and then praise it devoutly, the many Buddhist principles in it will be transformed into a 'Avalokitesvara Buddha Seed', deeply rooted in your heart and soul, and when the time comes, you will also He will become his family members, and he will be like a boy of good fortune."

"You are a devil, she may look down on you."

"That buddha, you should go to find your true body. No matter what avatar method you teach, you can't avoid this kind of dangerous thing."

After a period of time, the Fish Basket Girl and the Dashi's body have merged together, and their hearts and souls have merged, so they know these secrets.

I thought Tao Qian would be annoyed after he finished speaking.

Unexpectedly, Mozi just laughed again and said:

"Don't worry, the buddha seed has not yet been achieved."

"If I finish reciting the Heart Sutra, the Avalokitesvara Buddha Seed will be formed immediately, and this good relationship will not be formed."

"If you want to hook up with the majestic Buddhist sage, you need some capital."

In a few words, Tao Mozi also revealed a small confrontation between Master Avalokitesvara and True Monarch Fu Nie.

The former taught the "Guanyin Heart Sutra" as a clone to test Tao Qian's skills.

If the strength is not enough and the Buddha seed is planted, even if the body is protected by the Lingbao Tianzun, it can be exempted from the end of being admitted to Buddhism, and it is necessary to pay a clone to be a good fortune boy to Guanyin.

That Buddha species is indeed extraordinary.

Through the heart-soul connection between the avatar and the main body, one can go back to the soul and plant the Buddha into the soul of the main body.

No matter Taoism, Buddhism, magic way, or heresy...the avatar technique of all kinds of Taoism practice can't resist this wonderful method.

Of course, there must be exceptions, such as Lingbao, Yuanshi, and Taishang's [One Qi Transformation and Three Cleansing Art] shared by the three sects.

Master Avalokitesvara figured out that Lord Fu Nie had never learned this method, so he thought that the seed of Buddha could be achieved.

Unexpectedly, although Tao Qian did not cultivate the three cleans in one breath, he practiced the mysterious magic power "Chaos Dividing Soul and Transforming God Dafa" from the Secret Demon Sect. Come on, the effect is not much worse than that of one qi transforming into three cleansing. It can be said that it is extremely easy to exempt the Buddha's soul.

This confrontation made Master Guanyin recognize Tao Qian's method and formed a good relationship.

As long as the time comes in the future, this great Buddhist sage who has an extraordinary reputation in Dayuanhai will probably stand on Tao Qian's side.

After a turbulent entanglement and fight, Tao Damozi worked hard and used all means, and finally it was time to reap the rewards.

Forging a good relationship with Guanyin Bodhisattva is one benefit, and refining Qitu Bodhisattva's [fish basket female body] into a slave is another benefit.

At the same time, there are treasures such as [Plague God Umbrella] and [Heart Binding Rope], and by the way, they also fooled future tool people such as Tianlu Demon Lord.

Plus, there are some hidden benefits.

Like his real body, he accidentally glimpsed a bit of information about Senior Sister Xie Lingji from the Akasawa Divine Lord.

He even learned the name of his eighth clone body.

"Liu Yupu!"

Tao Qian's body, who was ascending the immortal star aperture far away, was chanting this name at this moment, pinching the jade ring that Fairy Yunhua gave him back then, and passing on the secrets he had seen.

"Aunt Yunhua has been away from the sect for many years in order to find her senior sister. The sea of ​​origin is dangerous. I only hope this bit of information can help her."

"Even the forbidden technique performed by [Red Rope Lord] can only capture a bit of afterimages and name taboos of the senior sister, which shows the horror of the trouble she caused."

"However, I saw the secret of my senior sister in the Huoxue Biefu back then. There are nine clones left behind, and the eighth clone is still alive. It seems that there is some vitality..."

When the ontology muttered these things.

Tao Damozi has already started to count the loot. Others such as magic weapons, inheritance, and female slaves are easy to talk about, but the land is a bit troublesome.

Since Langya County destroyed the [Seven Slaughter Army] with Sao operations, he borrowed the magical effect of acting as a celestial insect to deceive the two armies of Chisheng and Tianfu one after another, and in the end he directly made the Red Rope God Lord, Tianfu Great Emperor, and Qitu Bodhisattva... There are three gods and demons who are not considered to be in Yuanhai, but they have lost all their money in the search and investment in God Realm.

The so-called winner takes all!

Such an ending naturally means that Tao Damozi has finally laid down his first territory after entering the world for many days.

Liang Guo!

Although this country is in the God Realm, on Wanshen Continent, it is a medium-sized small country.

But after all, there is a territory of a country, which can be said to be a big profit.

"If you follow the routine of ordinary secret devils!"

"After taking control of a country, I should become the lord of the country, and start to use the territory of the country and the tens of millions of people under my command as resources to cultivate mystic magic powers and collect spiritual materials from the world."

"It's just that it's a bit short-sighted to do so, and the act of catching fish will be no different from gods and demons such as Chisheng and Qitu. You can't interfere at all, but when the world is completely broken, the scene will be very different."

"No matter how stupid the origin of the way of heaven is, when the fish dies and the net is broken, can't you be disgusted once?"

"Besides, most of the spiritual materials that can be used to forge the [Heaven's Secret Demon Nest] are born when breaking the boundary. If you don't establish a good relationship with that stupid boy in advance, how can you get the biggest share?"

Tao Damozi didn't think about it for too long. After making up his mind, he quickly searched for the Heavenly Worm again, and said through voice transmission in his mind:

"Good bug!"

"Quick deduction, arrange a smooth road for me, my master, and make the most of the people in this country's borders to benefit myself, and at the same time, I can also please the idiot who is the origin of the Dao that day."

"By the way, we must maintain our external expansion capabilities."

"There are many continents in the God Search Realm, all gods are one, and there are many countries on the continents. Liang Guo is only one of the middle-level countries. How can it satisfy my appetite, sir."

If Yan Tianchong's self-will is strong enough, he will have to complain about this fellow at this time.

He wants to take advantage of everything, he really is a greedy old man.

But Chong'er only focuses on the secrets of the world of all beings, but doesn't think about it.

After listening to the instructions, he returned a plan in a short time.

After Tao Qian looked at it, his eyes lit up immediately, and he said excitedly:

"Not bad, not bad, it really is a comprehensive strategy."

"Searching for the origin of the Dao of Heaven in the God Realm is too dull, and only recognizes the attributes of gods and demons. The stronger the gods and demons, the more widely spread the Taoism in the world, the more they can impress them and gain more authority."

"The [Peach Blossom God] that I faked for a while is still a wild **** in this world. There are not many temples and shrines. It is normal not to be seen by this stupid and snobbish Tiandao."

"Since that's the case, let's add more strength and create a powerful **** and demon in the God Realm."

"For this first step, why don't we first conquer and demolish all the temples of gods and demons in the Liang Kingdom, and replace them with [Peach Blossom Temples], so that all the people will convert to believe in the Peach Blossom God."

"Liang country has been ravaged by wars and chaos. With this method, the top and bottom can be united as one as quickly as possible, which is convenient for me to reform. It may take a few years to conceive a team with the power of conquest, named [ Peach Blossom Army], it is actually an army of gods and demons from the Secret Demon Army."

"In addition, with such a majestic wish to help me, it will allow me to practice another great supernatural power of the Secret Demon Sect, "Supreme Secret Demon Ten Thousand Alchemy Spiritual God Dafa"..."

When he said this, Tao Damozi's excitement was beyond words.

It's no wonder, after all, he is different from the main body. He was born not long ago, and all his income was obtained from the main body.

There has never been three years of penance, and now, it is the first time for him to practice Dafa.

The method of "Millions of Spiritual Gods" sounds is actually a body-refining art, borrowing the power of the prayers of a large number of living beings to forge a terrifying body that can kill gods and demons Physically come.

No need for rare spiritual materials!

No need for peerless understanding!

Xinmin thinks how powerful his own **** is, and how powerful he can be refined.

Although there will be a lot of discounts, as long as there are enough believers, the power of this technique will not be limited.

If you can easily obtain the power of prayer, this technique can be said to be a good deal with huge profits.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help complaining about the waste of the main body.

"Compared to the muddle-headed and precarious human races in the God Search Realm, the human races in the Longevity Realm are much stronger in terms of cognition and background."

"The guy on the body has made great achievements, making [Lingbao Fu Nie Zhenjun Temple] spread all over the Longevity Realm, and the power of the wish is so great that he didn't use it to practice. It's really a waste of everything..."

He was slandering.

Immediately, a warning came from the main body.

"You devil, just use me as a cover to create something [Peach Blossom God], don't go too far."

"You have never tried hard to cover up the relationship between you and me. Now there are people who know the truth like Master Guanyin. If you do too much and ruin my reputation, I will not spare you..."

The one who knows you best is always yourself.

Even if Tao Damozi didn't say it, Tao Qian had already guessed what this devil was going to do.

Peach Blossom Temples spread all over the country of Liang is nothing!

What Tao Qian was afraid of was that the accompanying Peach Blossom Goddesses would also spread all over the Liang Kingdom, and even spread all over the God Realm in the future.

If the relationship between the two is exposed one day, other people will not care about the body of the avatar, and will directly put a hat of "greedy and lustful" on Tao Qian's head.

At that time, is he wronged or not?


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