MTL - Lord Highlander-Chapter 1451 1438. Reinforcements

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   Chapter 1451 1438. Reinforcements

  Dozens of wall lamps were lit in the hall of the command post, and the atmosphere seemed a bit noisy.

  Emile Mason stood beside Suldak in embarrassment.

  He saw all the generals of the West Route Army.

  At this time, the generals of the West Route Army did not know that there was a serious problem with the defense line of the East Route Army. Everyone gathered in the hall of the command post, thinking that Suldak was going to hold a celebration ball.

  Indeed, in the past two months, the West Route Army stationed at the foot of Moyunling Mountain almost perfectly suppressed the evil spirit army in the mountain.

  The battle here has attracted countless adventure groups to hunt here.

   There were nearly a hundred infantry regiment commanders crowded in the hall, and none of them deliberately lowered their voices...

Until Suldak tapped the evil spirit's shield with the scabbard of the branding iron of light, there was a "bang bang bang" sound in the hall, the commanders of the various regiments and the infantry commanders quickly quieted down, and everyone focused their attention on the shield. On Suldak's body.

Standing on the high platform, Suldak said solemnly to the generals in front of him: "Everyone, now we have received some information about the defense line of the Eastern Route Army. The battle situation over there is not very optimistic, so I decided to take Lead the knights in the legion into the big meadow, hoping to intercept their vanguard before the evil ghost army penetrates into the city of Handanar."

   There was an uproar in the hall, and no one expected that there would be problems with the East Route Army.

  The evil ghost army went from Naroda Fortress to Handanar City. In fact, they didn't need to go through the big meadow. They walked eastward along the Buruin River in the south of the big meadow to reach Handanar City.

  So according to Suldak's vision, if he wants to intercept the vanguard of the evil ghost army, it means that Suldak and the Knights must traverse the entire large meadow.

   At this time, when everyone saw the fully armed Andrew and the wolf knight Tiger striding in, they knew that the construction knights were ready.

  Suldak stopped talking and said directly:

"During the time I was away, the camp continued to maintain the status quo. Usually, let the magicians continue to suppress the evil spirit army on Moyunling, and take out all the powder barrel reserves. In the next half month, all Throw it to the mountain pass of Moyun Ridge on the opposite side."

   "The infantry regiment should try to avoid large-scale battles as much as possible. Once the evil spirits on the opposite side are dishonest, they must fight hard and beat them back..."

   "Before we come back, try to hold on to the camp here. It took us so long to build the stockade. I don't want to see a piece of scorched earth when I come back."

"If the Evil Ghost Army sends a large number of Evil Ghost Warriors to counterattack aggressively, we will immediately retreat to the forest camp. Samira, Selina, and Carrie Decker, you three have the decision-making power of the West Route Army. All legion commanders Officers and infantry regiments are under their administration."

   "Do you understand?"

  Suldak's deep voice lingered in the hall of the command post, and the oppressive atmosphere made people feel short of breath.

  Captain Emil Mason looked at this too young West Route Army commander, and finally understood why Marquis Luther pushed him to the position of West Route Army commander.

   Speaking of which, Marquis Edmond Arnold was a little angry when he heard the news.

This is because of the disparity in the status of the commanders of the East and West Routes in the province of Bena. If the commander of the West Route Army is the Marquis Luther, then Marquis Edmund Arnold would not say anything, but who would have thought that the military would let A little-known earl came to serve as the commander of the West Route Army. Although I heard that this young commander was also a lord of the plane, such an unknown soldier made the Marquis Edmund Arnold surrender invisibly. own coffee place.

  When the east and west reinforcements gathered in the city of Bena, Marquis Edmund Arnold also used a little trick to occupy all the constructed knights of the reinforcements.

Although this was the unanimous decision of the great lords behind the Constructed Knights, and it was difficult for the military to say anything, but Marquis Edmund Arnold did not look so honorable. At least for the next period of time, Lu The Marquis of Seth rejected all **** attended by the Marquis of Edmund Arnold.

  The two marquises never met before the expedition.

   Even the relationship between Suldak and Marquis Edmund Arnold is very strange.

   Now that Captain Emile Mason is standing in the hall of the West Route Army Command Post, he is inevitably a little embarrassed.

Suldak turned his head and said to Samira and Selina: "If the situation here deteriorates rapidly, then withdraw decisively, but before evacuating, you must notify the caravan and adventure group here in advance, let them There’s also a little time to prepare.”

   What else can Selena say, but at this time she can only nod and agree:


  Suldak set his eyes on Samira. This half-elf archer wanted to go to the battlefield with Suldak, and there was some reluctance in his eyes...

  But Suldak looked at her seriously until the half-elf archer lowered his head and whispered:

   "Don't worry, I will be optimistic about this battlefield."

  Suldak nodded in satisfaction, and exhorted the three of them:

   "You should also be careful."


   Three people answered.

  Carrie Decker thought that Suldak would have something to tell her alone, but he didn't expect Suldak to turn around and walk out of the command post with Andrew and Tago.

  ‘It’s really different after sleeping…’

  The heavy gunner murmured in his heart, and followed Samira with his long legs.

  Under the darkness of night, the gate of the barracks was closed.

  The outside of the command post was crowded with constructed knights preparing to set off, and they were all comforting their horses, so although the place was crowded with people, it seemed very quiet.

  The group of ant cavalry lived in the side of the soldier ant crypt, which belonged to an independent place outside the camp.

Suldak left in a hurry, without waiting for the 1,500 ant cavalry to gather here, he set off overnight with 1,000 constructed knights and 1,500 ant cavalry, which made Suldak a little What I didn't expect was that the ghost pattern soldier ants army would sacrifice a large number of soldier ants in every battle, but those soldier ants that survived the battlefield began to evolve gradually...

  These soldier ants after the battle ate a large number of corpses of evil spirits, and quite a few soldier ants evolved into giant soldier ants.

  Suldak didn't pay much attention these days. He thought there were only a few hundred giant soldier ants, so he ordered Andrew to bring them along.

   Now that I have come to the cave where the ghost-striped soldier ants live, I find that apart from 1,500 ant cavalry, the place is densely packed with giant soldier ants.

He went forward and asked the druid who was about to set off with the army, and Suldak finally knew the number of these mutated giant soldier ants, a total of 2,347, which were smaller than the size of the constructed knight and the ant cavalry. Much bigger.

  The main reason is that the giant soldier ants are too big.

  If an adult genus is about the size of a Guberai horse, the giant genus looks like an adult male rhinoceros.

  A week ago there were only a few hundred giant soldier ants...

   "Why are there so many?" Suldak was riding a horse and asked the druid standing on the head of a giant soldier ant.

The druid hurriedly saluted Suldak. For these druids, Suldak was their lord. The Dark Worm Valley where their tribe and clansmen live now is still Suldak in name. private territory.

  After that war, Suldak fulfilled all the original promises, and the natives of this southern tribe are now fully autonomous in the Dark Worm Valley.

   This is something that the tribal elders never thought about.

Before this expedition, the elders of the tribe made a special confession to this group of young druids: "Bring this group of soldier ants into the battlefield, no matter who the commander of the legion is, you must only obey Lord Suldak One person's orders...'

  Druilani immediately stepped up and replied: "After the last big battle, nearly a thousand soldier ants went into a dormant state in the ground, and they just re-molted in the past few days."

   "Second hatch?" Suldak asked.

  Lanny shook his head stubbornly, and corrected him: "My lord, this is a molt, which is equivalent to the moulting of the soldier ants!"

  Suldak couldn't figure out how the soldier ants moult...

   "Let's go, this time all the giant soldier ants will follow me..."

  Under the darkness of night, there were violent vibrations on the entire hillside, and the black team quickly rushed down the hillside, heading south along the forest road from Moyunling to the forest farm camp.

  When it was just dawn, the team had already passed by the forest camp.

  The team did not rest at the forest farm camp, but directly inserted into the large meadow.

Captain Emile Mason ran with Suldak's mixed army for a whole night, only to find that although most of these constructed knights were riding ancient Bolai war horses, these war horses were not as strong in terms of physical strength or endurance. , unexpectedly stabilized the blue-scaled horse under him.

  Even if he came here for help, the blue-scaled horse was exhausted when it arrived at the West Route Army camp, and it failed to recover when it set off again.

   But after all, the bloodline is perfectly suppressed, he is riding a scale horse, and these constructed knights are ordinary war horses...

  Now Captain Emil Mason discovered that these ancient horses are not ordinary at all.

However, what surprised Captain Emile Mason the most were the ant cavalry. These unique cavalry did not seem to have any characteristics, and they were completely like soldiers of the heavy armored infantry regiment. One is like a tin can.

  But these soldier ants under their crotch are simply a group of monsters.

1. Running wildly at night, they are still full of energy. They don't even eat or drink, they don't need to rest, and they don't need to consider all kinds of complicated terrain. Even if there are cliffs, steep slopes, and hills, these ant cavalry are still It's a flat road rushing over.

   Watching them climb the steep fault zone more than 20 meters high, Captain Emile Mason was so surprised that he could hardly speak.

  In this case, it means that this group of ant cavalry is not restricted by the terrain of the valley, especially in mountain warfare, which has a unique advantage.

   I heard a long time ago that the Bena Legion had suffered a great loss on the battlefield on the Moyunling side, and it was a very hard nut to crack.

Captain Emile Mason originally thought that the Eastern Route Army would be stationed at Moyun Ridge, while the Western Route Army would be stationed at the Naroda Fortress in the west of Handanal County. He did not expect that after the order was issued, he discovered Duke Newman's combat deployment. completely opposite…

   Now it seems that Lord Suldak, who has ant cavalry, is really suitable to be stationed in Moyunling.

   What happened next made Captain Emile Mason a little confused. He found that the group of ghost-striped soldier ants happened to pass by a herd of cattle when they were marching on the large meadow.

   It is said that these cattle should be the private property of the local ranchers and are protected by the lord's decree.

   Unexpectedly, with a wave of Suldak's hand, the four thousand soldier ants swarmed up and gnawed the cows clean.

  The herdsmen seemed to be relaxed, and rode away happily.


"This may be the last meal before joining the war, let them eat! After leaving the northern area of ​​the Great Meadow, I don't know if the supplies can keep up. It's best to meet the vanguard of a demon first. In this way, the food supply for the soldier ants can be supplied!"

  Suldak said to Andrew who was lying on the grass, resting with squinted eyes.

   All war horses need to eat grass and drink water.

   When the sun came out and the dew cleared, Suldak asked the Construct Knights to stop and take a rest.

   I happened to meet a group of cattle that I bought during the Battle of Yangchang Canyon...

  When buying cattle, Suldak had agreed with the rancher that before the cattle were slaughtered, the herdsmen of the ranch needed to graze for Suldak free of charge.

The herdsmen have been stranded in this pasture for nearly two months, and they were discussing when they could deliver the cattle, when they saw a group of ghost pattern soldier ants emerging from the edge of the large meadow, nearly two thousand The cow was killed by soldier ants.

  Suldak galloped on the big meadow for a day and a night with the Constructed Knights, and finally arrived at the Bank of the Buruin River on the morning of January 14th.

   This is also the third day that Captain Emile Mason has followed Suldak's knights.

  Here, the outline of the city of Handanar can be seen from a distance, and what Suldak heard from the herdsmen nearby is that the vanguard of the evil ghost army has not yet appeared on the banks of the Buruin River.

  This also means that the evil ghost army did not raid Handanar City...

   Moreover, Suldak's cavalry came all the way from the big meadow, but they failed to encounter the vanguard of the evil spirit army, which means that this evil spirit army did not choose to go north.

  The Constructed Knights rested by the Bruin River. Suldak took out the map again and asked Captain Emile Mason for details.

The magician Basil, who had been following Suldak all this time, finally flew back from the west facing the rising sun on his magic scorpion. Before he even had time to drink his saliva, he hurriedly put his finger on the map.

  The place where he pointed happened to be the lower reaches of the Buruin River. According to Suldak's estimation, it was about 50 kilometers away from here.

   "Here! They rushed here and were blocked by a constructed knight group, maybe two knight groups. They were still fighting when I came back!"

   Basil said out of breath.

  (end of this chapter)