MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 928 Soul Martial World's End

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Rong Taotao stared blankly at the sky, but couldn't come back to his senses for a while.

I seem to have... lost the big throw pillow...

Rong Yuanshan watched the surroundings vigilantly, and carefully opened Huang Yun. And the source of energy that makes Huang Yun extremely alert, in addition to Xu Fenghua, is Rong Taotao.

Whether it is in the sky or under the feet, or in all directions, within a radius of more than ten kilometers, there is no other source of danger.

Rong Yuanshan looked at Xu Fenghua in a blink of an eye, shook his head gently, and his movements were almost untraceable.

Xu Fenghua's heart was full of worry, and he also saw Rong Taotao's dejected appearance.

Her heart tightened, and she stretched out her hand to wrap Rong Tao Tao into her arms: "Don't stop the royal lotus bone."


Xu Fenghua comforted softly: "Gao Lingshi is still in the small stone courtyard, go and ask her."

"Yes!" Rong Taotao's eyes lit up, and the lotus drill led the two parents directly into the ground, and recreated an underground shelter in a short time.

"Be careful." Rong Yuanshan hurriedly reminded, and the words didn't need to be so clear.

The name Gao Lingshi gave Rong Taotao a glimmer of hope.

Unlike the child, Rong Yuanshan's heart was filled with unstoppable worry, and his heart was extremely heavy.

Now Gao Lingwei has nowhere to go, has suffered so much, and does not know if Gao Lingshi is still in control?

Fortunately, Gao Lingshi was in the Qingshan Army compound, and he couldn't make any waves.

Moreover, although she is a criminal, she still loves her mother very much and will not do anything excessive to Cheng Yuan.

Just when Rongyuan Mountain was secretly worried, Yaolian Tao, who was staying in the small stone courtyard, had already rushed down the second floor.

In the huge living room, Cheng Yuan was lying on the sofa with her head resting on her daughter's thigh.

Gao Ling's hands gently rubbed his mother's temples, and there was a hint of tenderness in his eyes that should have been empty.

Obviously, Gao Lingshi also enjoyed such a time.

It's a pity that such a warm scene was interrupted by Rong Taotao.

Hearing the sound of "dong dong" going downstairs, Cheng Yuan sat up subconsciously and looked at Rong Taotao.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, this look, why is Rong Taotao so anxious?

Cheng Yuan panicked in her heart and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong, Taotao?"

Rong Taotao stood at the entrance of the stairs, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Mom, I'll have a word with her."

"Okay, let's go." Cheng Yuan patted her eldest daughter on the shoulder and hurriedly ordered.

Gao Lingshi chased after three steps and two steps, Cheng Yuan was worried, followed to the stairs, looked up, but did not continue to go up.

Ordinary people in the soul martial world were already sad enough, and what was even more frustrating was that she was still a mother, a mother who could only stare blankly and couldn't help.

Rong Taotao dragged Gao Lingshi into the study, looking at her almost exactly the same face as Gao Lingwei, Rong Taotao's spirit was a little dazed.

He tried to ask in a low voice, "Da Wei?"

Gao Lingshi just looked at Rong Taotao silently without making a sound.

Rong Taotao's eyes were a little lost, and he said softly: "You are out of control."

Gao Ling style: "No."

Rong Taotao didn't believe it easily, he just asked, "Where is she?"

Gao Ling style: "She never allowed me to probe her life."

Rong Taotao said directly: "Go and see now, I order you to do this."

Gao Ling looked directly into Rong Taotao's eyes: "Your orders cannot override her orders, she is my master."

Rong Taotao: "You..."

Before he finished speaking, Gao Lingshi suddenly said, "Shh."

This is a silent command, and it shouldn't appear in Gao Ling's mouth!

Immediately afterwards, Gao Lingshi raised his palm and stroked Rong Taotao's face, his expression was slightly painful and his words were a little tight: "Wait for me, wait."

Rong Taotao's eyes lit up, and he was overjoyed in his heart!

This is not the action that the Gao Ling style should have at all, and it is the action when the two kissed goodbye before!

This is Gao Lingwei!

Afterwards, Gao Lingshi returned to his expressionless face: "I'm going to accompany my mother."

While speaking, Gao Lingshi tried to take a step forward, and after finding that Rong Taotao was not stopping him, he strode forward with confidence and opened the door of the study.

Rong Taotao was a little overwhelmed, and hurriedly followed.

The two go fast and come back fast.

Cheng Yuan was still standing at the entrance of the stairs on the first floor and looked up. When she saw that the children had returned, she hurriedly asked, "Tao Tao, what happened?"

"It's about the task, Mom, it's nothing major." Rong Taotao felt a little guilty, and hurriedly changed the subject, "Can I watch TV with you for a while?"

Cheng Yuan was startled, and nodded subconsciously: "Then... OK, I'll go wash some fruit for you."

"I'm coming, Mom."

"No." Cheng Yuan gave Rong Taotao a deep look and gestured to the sofa, "You two sit down."

At the same time, in a special space.

Gao Lingwei covered her head with one hand, her soul power fluctuating violently, she should have concentrated on promotion, but she had to distract her attention and explore the surrounding environment.

She was stunned to find that she seemed to be in the arena of snow prison?

No, this is not the Snow Prison Arena.

The space is dark, and there is a stone field suspended in the air below in the distance.

But it is not the square of the Snow Prison Arena, but a disc.

There are nine roads extending all around the circular field, extending all the way up, and one of them extends to the feet of Gao Lingwei.

"Oh?" In the center of the arena, a man sitting on the ground stood up.

He slowly raised his head and followed the path filled with electric currents, looking up at Gao Lingwei who suddenly appeared.

The man took off his hood, gathered up his curly hair with a shawl, and showed a smile on his face.

Gao Lingwei looked down at the only person in the space, and she couldn't help but stare!

This person... she actually knew?

It is the Great God of Ying Sen who turned the American continent upside down - the changer Toto!

"And also brought a pet." The reformer raised his eyebrows and looked behind Gao Lingwei.

Gao Lingwei didn't need to turn her head, Meng Lei had already scanned the Lei Tenglong clan that was swimming slowly behind her.

The Thunder Dragon Clan’s entire body was dazzling with dazzling electric lights, and its body was constantly tossing, and they didn’t know what it was going through.

In addition to the dragon creatures, is there a gate behind them?

Gao Lingwei turned slightly to the side of the door, while guarding the reformer Tou, who was far below.

It is said to be the gate, but it is in a tightly closed state at the moment, and it fits tightly, like a cuboid stone slab.

The top of the slate is covered with grotesque lines, and the currents of blue and white permeate it, which is strange and mysterious.

Gao Lingwei would never have thought in her life that she would be crushed by a stone slab and unable to lift her head.

When a person looks up at the majestic mountains, small human beings will be in awe of nature.

At this moment, the huge stone slab standing behind Gao Lingwei is like a towering mountain and a galloping river!

This feeling is simply indescribable.

The next moment, Gao Lingwei's heart tensed, and she hurriedly took two steps back and looked forward.

And right in front of her, a tall figure appeared.

You must know that the path from the circular arena to the slate gate is all the way up. Although the inclination angle is not large, it is also uphill.

Even so, the woman standing below still looked down at Gao Lingwei slightly.

Gao Lingwei's face was vigilant, and there was an uproar in her heart, because she also knew this person!

Well, it's not accurate to say "know", but this woman's physical features are too obvious, Gao Lingwei had heard Rong Taotao say it many times, and recognized it at a glance.

"You, you are..."

The woman's voice was hoarse and her features were extremely distinct. Her narrow and cold eyes were staring at Gao Lingwei, like a beast in the dark night: "He should have told you."

Gao Lingwei hesitated for a moment and said, "Second tail."

"Heh." Erwei turned his head slightly, and looked at the path behind him with a corner of his eye, "Proceed with peace of mind, I will guard you."

Of course, Gao Lingwei knew the relationship between Erwei and Rong Taotao, and she didn't say anything.


Unexpectedly, a graceful figure suddenly appeared.

Like Erwei, this girl was also wearing a dark cloak, but she did not land, but floated in mid-air.

"Huh~" The girl blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at the Thunder Dragon Clan in the distance, "Why is it so big?"

Erwei frowned slightly and looked at the girl beside him.

The girl has pretty short curly hair, a very beautiful face, and a very aggressive beauty.

The heroic and sassy temperament is not inferior to Gao Lingwei!

However, her words and deeds did not match this heroic skin.

The strange girl looked at the night sky suspiciously: "Pippi did pinch them very big, but it's not that big?"

Erwei: "I should have seized the opportunity when Leiteng's gate opened, and was promoted through thunder and lightning."

The short-haired girl's mouth opened into an "o" shape: "What a smart guy."


After watching the tumultuous Thunder Dragon Clan for a while, the short-haired girl lowered her head and looked at Gao Lingwei curiously.

For a moment, the two eyes intertwined.

Gao Lingwei's eyes were full of vigilance, but the short-haired girl's eyes were full of admiration: "What a beautiful young lady, she is a match for Xuexue.

Congratulations Erwei, she lived up to your expectations. "

Erwei said lightly, "I'm not her guide."

"Eh?" The girl was stunned for a moment, looking at Gao Lingwei up and down, "Then who chose her?"

Erwei: "No one chose her."

"Wow!" The short-haired girl looked at Gao Lingwei in surprise, "This is actually a weed?"

In amazement, the girl slowly floated towards Gao Lingwei and muttered to herself, "It's amazing, I like you more..."

"Xia Yan!"

"Hmm." The short-haired girl hurriedly retracted her palm and fluttered back.

Damn, almost!

You can almost pinch the lady's face.

Tsk tsk... Her eyes are so sharp, she's almost catching up with me~

Erwei: "Leave."

"Okay." Xia Yan pursed her mouth and muttered unhappily. Before leaving, she didn't forget to look at Gao Lingwei, "You must come on, I'll wait for you."

At this moment, Gao Lingwei was stunned.

Because she is not only vigilant, but also has a hint of hostility towards this strange girl.

Even so, Xia Yan blew a kiss to herself before disappearing?

Is this girl magnanimous? Or do you have absolute confidence in his own strength and don't care about Gao Lingwei's hostility at all?

Erwei: "Take care."

Gao Lingwei hurriedly restrained her mind, but at this moment, the Thunder Dragon Clan at the back roared, and endless energy churned!

Erwei raised his eyes and looked at the Lei Tenglong clan, who were getting bigger and bigger, and gave this beast a little appreciation in his heart.

Although it is a new species, it is well made and a little spiritual.

Erwei said lightly: "You advance normally, I said, listen."

Gao Lingwei nodded lightly without saying a word.

Erwei: "Here, the end of the soul martial world."

Gao Lingwei raised her eyes and looked at Erwei dazedly.

The end of the soul martial world?

The name...

Erwei continued: "The road under your feet leads to an arena.

There is an invisible door at the entrance. If you don't go out in person, no one can step into your Leiteng road, and no one can force you to enter.

The slate behind you represents one of the nine attributes, the Thunder element. Here, you can devote yourself to practice.

All the elements of the Soul Martial World are gathered in this space, and they are mixed together and harmoniously unified. Except for the attributes that conflict with you, you can practice at will.

It's just that the Thunderbolt attribute is more intense on your way. "

At this moment, the Thunder Dragon Clan in the back actually completed the advanced step, and finally took the time to roar angrily at Erwei: "Hey!!"

"Come back." Gao Lingwei shouted, sticking out her elemental palm.

"Woo~" Lei Teng Long Clan groaned in grievances, breaking into endless currents, rushing into Gao Lingwei's body.

For a while, Erwei's smile was a little weird.

She chose Rong Taotao according to someone's shadow, and in the other half that Rong Taotao chose, she found many familiar qualities.

Tough, tough, brave.

The strength of the body is only secondary, and the strength of the soul is the ultimate answer.

Erwei suddenly said: "This is the place to choose a new god."

However, the energy fluctuations in Gao Lingwei's body are getting bigger and bigger, and there is no energy to give any feedback.

"This road will not always be your shelter. When a certain requirement is met, the arena will open naturally, and you'd better be fully mentally prepared.

Of course, you can get in now, but I don't recommend it. "

Erwei turned his head and looked out of the corner of his eye at the smiling reformer Tou in the arena below.

"Gao Lingwei, you know what the inner vision soul map means to Rong Taotao, and I also know that you have an extra body in the soul martial world."

Erwei turned his head and looked directly at the girl's electric eyes: "You can continue to accompany him.

In the future, you will eventually face the open arena, this may be the time of your life, and I will not stop you.

But if you reveal any news here, I will take the inner vision soul map from Rong Taotao's Gao Lingwei is very labored and nodded with difficulty.

"Also, help me tell him." Erwei's rustling voice contained no human emotion at all, "When I was on the rooftop, my request for him was to become the Lord of the Snow Realm.

Opportunities of any kind are not permitted.

The lotus flower is the only way for him to reach the end of the world. "

"Is this a little unfair, ma'am?" In the arena below, the words of the reformer Tuo suddenly came.

Erwei slowly turned her head and said dumbly: "You can still stand here and talk to me, it means that I have given you the opportunity, and you can only be grateful."

"Haha." The reformer Tuo laughed dumbly, stroked his long hair, turned and walked towards the road covered with green light, "Maybe."


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