MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 937 Void

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When the three Rong family arrived at Wangtianque City and came to the headquarters office building, He Siling had been waiting in the office for a long time.

Everything the Rong family has experienced under the Longhe has long been reported by soldiers.

Just to be on the safe side, He Siling still listened to Rong Taotao's report on the entire mission.

After several words fell, He Siling also fell into contemplation.

"So..." He Siling stood in front of the window, looking at the silver-covered plain outside the window, "Fenghua also wants to go to where Ling Wei is, to explore the secrets of the soul martial world."

Regarding what happened to Gao Lingwei, the Rong family has already reported the truth, and He Siling has long known.

Xu Fenghua pondered for a moment and said, "Recently, various events have occurred one after another, and worldwide crises have occurred frequently, including organizations of people from the old world that are beyond our imagination.

All indications are that the world in which we live holds great secrets.

My idea is also very simple. On the one hand, Ling Wei is her own child and a soldier of our Snow Burning Army.

On the other hand, no matter what we are going to face in the future, and no matter what the world is going to look like, it is good for the Chinese people to take the lead in breaking the secrets.

It is extremely necessary to seize the opportunity, and history has shown countless times that if you fall behind, you will be beaten. "

"This is the truth." He Siling nodded his head, and people who have come from the last century have a lot of feelings about the sentence "behind you will be beaten".

He Siling suddenly asked, "Do you want to go to the future to see?"

Xu Fenghua: "..."

He Siling turned to look at Xu Fenghua: "Now, you have the same ability as An He.

Just like Anhe came to Longhe before, for all the confusion and unknown, the future will give you the answer after all. "

Xu Fenghua: "On the way back, I tried it, but my soul magic level is too low, so I don't have the ability to use the treasure at present.

Or, I haven't found the secret to casting the Arcana, and emotional fit alone may not be enough.

On this trip to Antarctica, I will test my guesses.

Since An He can pass the immunity damage, maybe I can survive on the Antarctic continent. I will take Tao Tao's Yaolian clone and the cloud clone from the distant mountains to the Void Vortex together.

If you can find other Void Treasures, that's naturally good.

If you can't find it, wait until my Void Soul Law level is higher... As you said, maybe a clear answer will be given to me in the future. "

"Okay." He Siling looked at Xu Fenghua with a firm expression, then at Rong Taotao and Rong Yuanshan.

Snow Realm, Rong Family!

The youngest daughter-in-law, Gao Lingwei, has already taken the lead, leading to the end of the world, but her personal freedom and information transmission are restricted by some mysterious existence.

But in any case, the young girls of the past have been exposed to that level of existence and are trying to get closer to the truth of this world.

As a rising star, Gao Lingwei achieved corner overtaking and became the person closest to the gods.

Since Gao Lingwei can do it, Rong Taotao has no reason not to, Xu Fenghua... even more can!

Maybe one day in the future, the Rong family will give Xue Ranjun, Huaxia, and the world a perfect answer.

He Siling said solemnly, "I'll make arrangements for you about the Antarctic training camp. You can go back and wait for my news and be on standby at all times."



The Rong family got up and left. He Siling watched the door close, and he also looked down at the landline on the table.

After a long silence, he picked up the receiver and pressed the only red button on the keyboard.

The phone was picked up as soon as it rang, and He Siling looked solemn and straight: "Report!"


The Rong family who returned to the Stone Courtyard had a ferocious meal.

Afterwards, Rong Yuanshan also summoned a cloud shadow man clone, and slowly crossed the cloud top treasure into the body of the cloud top clone.

Sure enough, Yun Dian clone did not have any repelling attributes to Yun Dian Treasure, and the fusion was very smooth.

With the avatar of the cloud top that can be broken into clouds and mist, Rongyuan Mountain naturally has the confidence to venture into the void.

It's just that he is more like a siren, helping his wife and children to explore.

In the dangerous area on that side, Yun Dian's clone has no possibility of growth, and cannot practice soul magic.

Rong Taotao did not immediately summon Yaoliantao, he had nothing to experiment with.

Under the careful care of Cheng Yuan's mother, he just trimmed his hair, made himself clean and fresh, and faced the unknown void with a better mental outlook.

Afterwards, he returned to his bedroom, took a hot bath, and then lay on the big bed, using Gao Lingwei's pillow as a big pillow, and fell asleep in a daze.

It's a pity that the bedding in the house is always changed and washed by the diligent Cheng Yuan, and the girl's pillow no longer has her scent, only the fragrance of washing powder.

Rong Taotao's sleep is one afternoon plus one night, which means a bit of revenge sleep.

Until the next morning, Rong Yuanshan knocked on his door and informed him that the plane was ready.

When he first boarded the plane, Rong Taotao didn't feel much.

It wasn't until after a long time of flight that Rong Yang in his mind showed his face, and Rong Taotao looked at his mother who was resting on his father's shoulder, and he realized:

At the end of the day, my family is by my side...

Twenty years old, just when the circle of friends is expanding explosively, I think that Hu Peng Gouyou is older than the age of the sky.

But Rong Taotao seems to have stepped directly into the middle-aged situation, and understands who the person who accompanies him to the end is...

Aware of the child's gaze, Rong Yuanshan raised his eyes and raised his eyebrows slightly, with a look of exploration on his face.

Rong Taotao grinned and gave his father a thumbs up.

Rong Yuanshan laughed dumbly, but he didn't dare to move too much, for fear of waking up his resting wife.

Such a warm scene made Rong Taotao's heart palpitate slightly.

This was a dream he had hoped for when he was young, and now, the dream has come true.

Perhaps the person he should say goodbye most should be the young and stubborn self.

After several turnarounds, on June 28, the three Rong family, who switched to helicopters, set sail from the southernmost tip of South America and landed smoothly at the end of the Antarctic Peninsula, the outermost part of the Antarctic continent.

For Antarctica, the end of June is the cold season. Although there is no summer and winter in Antarctica, there are warm and cold seasons.

Fortunately, the Snow Realm Soul Martial Artist is never afraid of frost, snow and severe cold, which is one of the reasons why Wan'anhe was successfully selected for the Antarctic training camp that year.

Surviving on this side of the land, people in the snow have a natural advantage.

"Commander Rong!"

"Xu Hunjiang!" A group of people quickly walked in front of a short and flat building. The building is very distinctive, much like a flat matchbox, and there are shelves below.

The soldiers wore military uniforms with a black base, but the camouflage was bright red.

Cotton hats, scarves, gloves, the soldiers wrapped themselves tightly, and even though there were many snow spirit warriors, no one could find them unhappy.

Although Rong Yuanshan, Rong Taotao and Xu Fenghua are the three great snow gods, their costumes are not too out of the ordinary.

The family of three, all wearing pure white snowflake wolf fur coats, and carrying the fur of the soul beast that is exclusive to the northern snowy realm, set foot on the southernmost tip of the world.

Rong Taotao picked up the flower and bone flower in his right hand, so he didn't salute, and directly stuck out his left hand: "Captain Feng?"

Beneath the scarf and cotton hat, Feng Yuan only showed a pair of smart eyes. She stretched out her left hand and shook Rong Taotao's hand, with a unique warmth in her voice: "Commander Rong, please come in with me to rest first."

"it is good."

The family of three entered the "matchbox" building with the team, and the indoor temperature was quite good.

Captain Feng Yuan took off the cotton cap and scarf, revealing a kind face. She was about forty years old and looked very capable.

Rong Taotao asked, "Can we practice the Void Soul Technique here?"

Feng Yuan motioned the soldiers to pour hot water, and replied, "Most of the time, it's fine."

Rong Taotao was surprised: "Oh?"

Feng Yuan opened his mouth to answer the question: "This is the junction between the ocean soul magic and the void soul magic. Different from other soul martial attributes, the state of existence in the void region is not stable.

The Void Territory sometimes has a larger scope and sometimes a smaller scope, so it will occasionally become the site of the Ocean Soul Technique. "

Rong Taotao nodded silently, this world is really magical.

Feng Yuan: "Such a unique phenomenon is good for us."

Rong Taotao: "Would you like to hear the details?"

Feng Yuan: "Once you cross the boundary of the void and enter an area with relatively strong void attributes, the space becomes extremely unstable.

In other words, when you can clearly feel the void soul power, you are already exposed to danger, and you may be torn apart by space cracks at any time. "

Rong Taotao's heart sank, his brows furrowed: "Then here..."

Feng Yuan served hot water to the Rong family one by one: "This is the edge of the void. Even though we can feel the elements of the void most of the time, the cracks in space will hardly be torn open here."

Rong Taotao grabbed a word and said, "Almost."

Feng Yuan nodded lightly: "There is a precedent for tearing a crack, but that was a few years ago. Time has shown that it is an extremely unlikely event."

Rong Taotao held hot water in his left hand and sighed secretly in his heart.

What a bunch of soldiers with their heads on their belts...

The dangers and hardships of the snow world are at least traceable.

When you have the ability to perceive the soul to detect the surrounding frost and snow, or Rong Taotao simply put out the frost and snow, people can see the enemy with the naked eye.

But here?

Nature is your enemy, tearing open a crack silently, how do you react?

After pondering for a long time, Rong Taotao looked at Rongyuan Mountain: "Dad, let's live here temporarily."

"Okay." Rong Yuanshan nodded immediately and gestured to the flowers in Rong Taotao's hand, "Put things down."

"Oh, yes." Rong Taotao stepped forward to the central table, the lotus blossom in his palm.

Suddenly, piles of food poured down, and the piles became more and more, and they were almost piled up into hills!

Even so, the food is still pouring out, but the soldiers are dumbfounded...

Rong Taotao nodded to Feng Yuan: "Help me choose the energy bars among them, and you can keep the rest and reward the soldiers."

The Huaxia Antarctic training camp stationed here naturally has no shortage of supplies, but the materials sent are also limited in type.

It's like Rong Taotao, who seems to be scanning the goods with his eyes closed, looting all the snacks in the supermarket...

Xu Fenghua put the cup on the table and said for the first time, "After picking out the energy bar, let's set off."

Feng Yuan hurriedly said: "Xu Hunjiang, over the years, we have also drawn a map through the avatar soul skill, and sorted out some Void Soul Beasts we have seen, which may be helpful to you."

Of course, this was not the time to be polite, and Rong Taotao said directly, "Thank you, Captain Feng."

Feng Yuan seemed to be ready, he reached into his inner pocket, took out a map, and spread it out in front of the table beside him.

Feng Yuan: "There are very few types of Void Soul Beasts, and the number is even rarer. At least the types of Soul Beasts we have seen over the years can be counted on one hand.

Other countries also have bases here. Their research progress is not faster than ours, and the types of soul beasts they have seen and heard completely overlap with ours. "

The three members of the Rong family stepped forward, and on the map of the Antarctic continent, they saw a pattern of concentric circles drawn by a red pen.

Feng Yuan: "The danger level of the Void Land keeps increasing as it approaches the South Pole.

The distribution of the types of soul beasts is not divided according to different directions, but according to the distance from the South Pole. "

Feng Yuan pointed to the two outermost circles: "These two areas are the areas we explore most frequently and successfully, and there are almost only two kinds of soul beasts here.

One, the glorious jellyfish.

This kind of soul beast looks like a jellyfish, with an illusory body.

The wind and snow of nature will not disturb them, and only attacks mixed with soul power attributes will cause damage to them.

They swayed and swam in the air, feeding on the soul power of the void, and would not hurt anyone.

Although the dazzling jellyfish will not hunt us, they can emit a fantastic light, they are spiritual soul beasts, and ordinary people will be confused when they see the dazzling light.

But don't worry, they are of low quality, mostly no more than elite. "

Rong Taotao nodded silently. In the Huaxia Soul Martial Arts textbook, Glorious Jellyfish is the only Void Soul Beast included in it.

Besides, there are no Void Soul Beasts in the textbook.

Feng Yuan continued: "The second type of Void Soul Beast: Mysterious Magic Box."

Rong Taotao: "What?"

Feng Yuan organized the language and said: "It... er, it is very similar to a treasure chest, we can confirm that this is an item-type soul beast, but its state of existence is very unstable.

Once the treasure chest is opened, it will shatter and die, leaving no soul orb.

Only before the treasure chest is opened, it can be crushed with thunder to get its soul orb. "


Feng Yuan continued: "The existence of the treasure chest will drive the surrounding void elements, increasing the probability of space cracks appearing.

So my advice to you is, once you find this kind of box, don't open it rashly.

Either crush it from a distance, or walk around it without provoking it.

Its soul orb can be used to replenish the void soul power, but it must not be embedded on the wrist. "

Rong Taotao: "Oh?"

Feng Yuan looked helpless: "As I said just now, it will drive the surrounding void elements, making the space within a certain range extremely unstable, increasing the probability of space cracks.

I inlaid this soul bead soul skill, which is for scientific research.

After summoning a treasure chest, it brings us only disaster and unstable space.

Now I don't dare to summon the mysterious magic box, and I don't dare to explode the bead, for fear that it will tear my body to pieces. "

Rong Taotao: "..."

Feng Yuan smiled helplessly, moved his finger up, and pointed at the last circle: " In addition to the glorious jellyfish and the mysterious magic box, we have seen a third kind of creature, and it still has spirits. intelligent creature.

It was a black kitten with a dark red circle printed on its forehead, giving it the feeling of a solar eclipse.

We have only seen these creatures no more than ten times over the years. They are very playful, and they will always pounce on the glorious jellyfish floating in the air.

But they're also very alert, and every time we catch a glimpse of it from a distance, it flickers and disappears as soon as we see it.

Notice it's not fleeing, it's blinking! So it must have the ability to move instantly! "

Move in an instant!

Rong Taotao pursed his lips, no matter how strange the effects of the soul skills of the various attributes, the soul skills of instantaneous movement must be the most top-level existence!


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