MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 951 warm person

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The latest website: Rong Taotao's combat system is likely to have major changes.

Because of a Void Soul Orb, because of a Void Soul Skill.

With the soul bead of the Phantom of the Void (black eclipse cat) inlaid on his forehead, wherever his eyes can see, there is a flickering range!

In the process of continuous experiments, he has not been able to test the limit of his ability!

This was something that Rong Taotao did not expect.

The first soul skill, Void Shuttle, needs to emit mental power through the brain, leave a mental imprint somewhere, and then search for the spiritual imprint and move there in an instant.

Rong Taotao strongly suspects that there is a limit to the Epic Void shuttle. The marking distance of the spiritual imprint must also be long or short.

But the problem is... Rong Taotao's mental power is too strong.

Black Cloud + Zhu Lian + Evil Fire!

The treasure of the tripartite spiritual system makes Rong Taotao's spiritual power unbelievably strong!

Coinciding with the relatively clear weather today, Rong Taotao looked at the top of the blurred snow-capped mountain in the distance, left his spiritual imprint there, and then flashed it with ease!

The mysterious void is simply unreasonable!

Rong Taotao, who did not know the heights of the sky, looked up at the sun directly.

Isn't it the blinking range wherever the eye can see?

Fortunately, Rong Taotao failed to mark success.

Of course, even if he really marked it, he wouldn't dare to flash past...

"Want to fly to the sky and shoulder to shoulder with the sun", it's okay to sing.

If you can really do it, I advise you here, it is best not to go.

Hmm...will die.

And the second soul skill of the Void Phantom Soul Orb, Void Profound Truth, opened the door to a new world for Rong Taotao.

Void Profound Truth is also a divine skill, and Rong Taotao was aware of the instability of space the first time he possessed it.

Facts have proved that there is a possibility of tearing space cracks around the training camp, but the void attribute in this area is not so strong, and the unstable factors have not reached the critical point.

Rong Taotao immediately informed Feng Yuan and the others about the soul bead and soul skill of the Black Sun Eclipse Cat, and in exchange for the ecstatic eyes of Captain Feng!

After so many years, they were finally able to stand up and explore the void in the true sense.

The only thing that worries me a bit is that the quality level of the Black Sun Cat Soul Orbs is generally high, and the lowest is also the hall level.

Although the soldiers have been stationed here for several years, or even more than ten years, people's Void Soul Law is not as high as imagined.

On the one hand, it is due to talent, not everyone is called "Rong Tao Tao".

On the other hand, it is also because of the place of practice. The void soul power in the Antarctic training camp is not enough to open the cracks in space. It is conceivable how thin the soul power here is, not to mention that there is always ocean soul power to grab the territory.


Rong Taotao's figure flashed again, holding a small charcoal in his arms, flashing to a kilometer in front of the camp, and his feet fell firmly on the snow field.

"Meow~" Little Charcoal was very happy, and the owner became the same as himself.

I am very satisfied~

"As expected of the mysterious Void Soul Skill, it can also bring living creatures." Rong Taotao reached out and stroked the little charcoal's head. After repeated experiments, his heart was settled.

Then, he seemed to remember something, and said softly: "By the way, I said I would introduce you to new friends."

While speaking, a cloud of mist came out of Rong Taotao's body and gathered by his hand.

Little Charcoal opened his dark eyes and looked at his side curiously.

However, he saw a cloud of mist on the owner's palm piecing together, and transformed into a cloud dog the size of a slap.

Compared with the black eclipse cat, which is completely black, the cloudy dog ​​is a bit too white.

"Wang!" Yunyun Dog barked happily, and wanted to play with its master, but it seemed like he had found something?

Yunyun Dog hurriedly turned his head to look, and finally saw his new friend.

For a time, the little black cat and the little white dog met eyes, and neither of them moved, it was like two figures?

Yunyun Dog blinked his black round eyes, looked left and right at the small charcoal, and couldn't help but shouted again: "Wow!"

What happened?

Edelweiss, what's the matter with you? How did you get black?

The big blue eyes are also darkened, and the hair is shortened...

"This is your new friend, Little Charcoal." Rong Taotao put the Yunyun Dog on Little Charcoal.

Compared with the black eclipse cat with a body length of about 50cm, it is comparable to the Yunyun dog, which is a circle bigger than the palm.

"Woo~" Yunyun Dog whimpered, a little sad.'s not my Edelweiss.

"Huh?" Little Charcoal turned his head, looked at the little guy on his back, raised a small paw, and patted Yunyun Dog's big cloud ears lightly.


Only this time, Yunyun Dog spit out a pink tongue, and Yun Duo's tail swayed again, showing a happy smile, ready to make new friends.

The white lady is gone, and the black lady is here!

Uh, it should be the sister, right?

let me see......

The two little guys rolled into a ball at once.

The Yunyun Dog missed the Edelweiss cat for an astonishing three seconds, and then the disappointment was replaced by joy.

Seeing such a scene, Rong Taotao was stunned for a moment!

"Haha." Rong Taotao couldn't help shaking his head and smiled, this happy little silly dog, is it really heartless to live?

If I had half your mentality, I wouldn't be so tired.

Having said that, as we become more and more compatible, shouldn't we be more and more alike?

Why are you still so innocent and lively, while I am so bitter and hated?

The little black cat and the little white dog in his arms barked wildly. The Yunyun Dog regarded the little charcoal as a new friend, while the little charcoal regarded the Yunyun dog as a new toy.

God testifies that the black eclipse cat, who was born and raised in the land of the void, has never seen such a white thing since he was a child!

Small, soft, and smiling.

Hmm... looks like a fun look?

Rong Taotao was not worried that Yunyun Dog would be killed by the charcoal.

Although Little Charcoal is an epic terrifying soul beast, Yunyun Dog is not bad either.

For a long time, what hindered the growth of Yunyun Dog was that Rong Taotao was not doing his job properly, and Yun Dian's soul method was not specialized enough.

And with the fusion and unification of Rong Taotao's soul method, it has reached a height of 7 stars. In the past two months, Yunyun Dog, who has no restrictions, has also infinitely unified and unified with Rong Taotao, and its strength has reached the legendary quality.

It is not a dream to be promoted to the epic level. If the soul magic is not hindered, once Rong Taotao's soul power level enters the Great Soul School rank, Yunyun Dog will naturally rise.

"Woo~" Yunyun Dog, who was thrown into the palm of his hand, struggled hard, but was pressed down by the small charcoal, stepping on it and watching it carefully.

"Don't bully it, you are friends." Rong Taotao raised his elbow gently.


"Meow?" Little Charcoal opened his dark eyes and looked up.

I saw a snow-white owl standing on Rong Taotao's shoulder, and the golden round eyes also looked at it: "Gu~gu~"

Rong Taotao put the Yunyun dog in his pocket and held up a small charcoal in both hands: "You can still have many new friends, do you want to follow me?"

Saying that, Rong Taotao raised his right elbow.

Meng Mengxiao understood it, and as soon as it appeared, it shattered into snow and mist, and merged into Rong Taotao's elbow soul groove.

Little Charcoal looked curious, and Mengmengxiao was summoned again: "Gu~"

Rong Taotao said softly, "Are you okay?"

I don't know if Little Charcoal understands it, but the tone and expression of Rong Taotao's inquiry are common emotions in the world.

Little Charcoal jumped lightly and without hesitation, jumped towards Rong Taotao's forearm, and gently bumped against Mengmengxiao's elbow.

"Haha." Rong Taotao's eyes softened, holding the small charcoal in his right hand, and his left hand trying to reach to the left.


Hall-level · Snow Ghost Hand · Explosive Pearl!

In an instant, a violent wave of soul power rippled out. Dozens of meters away, a huge snow ghost hand with a palm length of at least 20 meters broke out of the snow and quickly freezed.

The palace-level it is only 10 meters long.

In the case of the explosion of beads, Rong Taotao saw the snow ghost hand that was close to the legendary quality.

Afterwards, Rong Taotao reached out to the small charcoal with his left hand, and gestured to it for the small whirlpool that opened naturally at the wrist.

"Hey~" Little Charcoal let out a cheer, and Little Claw Claw patted it.

"Pa~" The pitch-black kitten turned into countless pitch-black light spots, and the rich void soul power poured into Rong Taotao's body.

"Absorb Soul Beast: Void · Void Phantom (Epic, Potential: 7 Stars · Full)..."

"Yeah." Rong Taotao cocked his neck comfortably and made a soothing nasal sound. Under the rush of strong soul power, he only felt that the container of his body had a faint possibility of breaking through the shackles and expanding again.

The total amount of soul power provided by epic-level soul beasts is no joke. Strictly speaking, Little Charcoal has a higher soul power level than Rong Taotao.

Roughly benchmarking, Rong Taotao, the high-level soul school, is only the sixth level, the legendary level.

Rong Taotao enjoyed it for a while, and after making sure that there was no possibility of breaking through the confinement in one go, he gave up angrily.

He summoned the small charcoal again, then looked up and looked forward, a burst of spiritual power surged in his forehead, and left a mark again in front of the matchbox camp building, and the figure flashed instantly.


On the side, the soldiers who were digging a pit and burying the dragon's head couldn't help but look sideways.

They have a lot of things they can't understand, such as where Rong Taotao's Void Soul Technique came from.

It was the first time for the little chief to set foot on the Void Land. In less than two months, he could be inlaid with such a high-quality Void Soul Orb?

Let's say...

Momentary movement is too strong!

Just seeing this scene is enough to make people tremble with fear and awe!

Rong Yuanshan stood at the door with a slightly complicated expression, looking at the child walking back: "I'm back."

"Ah, Dad." Rong Taotao smiled, "Come in, what are you doing outside? The plane is coming?"

Rong Yuanshan followed Rong Taotao into the house: "It's still early. You have absorbed small charcoal as your soul pet."

"Mmmm." Rong Taotao walked to the center of the house, put Yunyun Dog, Mengmengxiao and Little Charcoal on the table, picked up a can of meat, and helped to open it, "Dad feels the fluctuation of soul power? The movement is indeed not small.”

Rong Yuanshan watched Rong Taotao silently, and watched the child put the opened can on the table. The three cute pets approached curiously, their little heads huddled together.

Such a scene happened to be the reason why Rong Yuanshan was in a complicated mood.

Rong Taotao has been inlaid with the Void Phantom Soul Orb, and his future will not always focus on the Void Land, and the newly added partner Charcoal will no longer be outstanding in terms of functionality.

For Rong Yuanshan, Rong Taotao wasted a precious soul slot, inlaid with a soul pet that overlapped with its own function.

"What's the matter, Dad?" Rong Taotao looked at Rongyuan Mountain, and always felt that his father seemed to be hesitant to speak.

Rong Yuanshan: "Why absorb it? Just keep it by your side."

Rong Taotao smiled: "I'm leaving the Void Land. If the little charcoal follows me, there is no way to improve its strength. Only in my soul slot can it continue to practice."

Having said that, Rong Taotao took advantage of the opportunity to open the inner vision soul map, and threw two potential points on the panel of Void Phantom.

For a time, the words "Epic Level, Potential Value: 7 Stars · Full" on Little Charcoal became "Epic Level, Potential Value: 9 Stars".

Hearing his son's words, Rong Yuanshan fell silent again.

Rong Taotao's soul method has been merged into one. Indeed, any soul beast of any attribute can cultivate in his soul tank, and the speed of cultivation is not comparable to other places in the world.

In private, Xu Fenghua happily told Rong Yuanshan that although they were not by the child's side, Tao Tao... grew into a warm person.

Rong Yuanshan endured and endured, but still said: "You now have more choices, nine attributes, nine soul beads, and epic quality, all can be inlaid."

Rong Taotao grabbed a chair and sat on it: "I have enough soul skills, enough treasures, and all kinds of effects.

As early as when I was weak, I had imagined the future. My soul slot must be filled with all kinds of soul beasts, so as to maximize the profit.

The soul skill Void Shuttle can lead people to teleport. As long as I train well, Little Charcoal can **** my other soul pets and comrades in arms.

While the security is improved, the tactics are also more flexible and changeable. Don't worry, Dad, I thought it through. "

Rongyuan Mountain: "..."

Rong Taotao: "Don't worry, my core soul skill, controlling the soul and controlling the soul, will not change, nothing will change, and I will not explode my soul orbs."

"Wang~Wang!" Yunyun dog leaned in front of the can, but was blocked and couldn't eat the screamed anxiously, it was really cute.

Looking for the sound, Rong Taotao raised his hand and gently moved the little head of Charcoal with one finger, letting it make room for Yunyun Dog.

The sun shines on the table through the frost-covered window, on Rong Taotao and the three cute pets.

Such a picture is warm and loving.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Rong Yuanshan sighed deeply in his heart: "Hey..."

Rong Taotao's explanation passed the test, but Rong Yuanshan always felt that his son just didn't want to be separated anymore. Or, he was indeed influenced by Yunyun Dog, and he didn't know it for the time being?

During this period of time, important people in his life have left one after another. Although Rong Taotao's performance is still normal, he must be very, very disappointed in his heart.

hey...that's all.

If this little charcoal can soothe the child's heart, it will all be worth it.