MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 959 space-time paradox

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The tic-tac-toe shape of the two snow halberds collided heavily!

Rong Taotao had just been moved, but Yaoliantao had already made a substantial move.

I saw Yaolian Tao even wiping it, and the two halberd tips drew two lines of frost and snow, drawing a perfect arc from the sides of the two, and stabbed heavily on the lotus ground.

Rong Taotao's eyes widened slightly, and subconsciously raised his foot and kicked forward.

However, Yaoliantao took a step earlier and kicked the sole of Rong Taotao's shoe before she stepped out.

"Boom" sounded.

Rong Taotao's heart was full of shock, and his figure flew out...

The advantage is that the ground of the lotus pod is softer, and it doesn't hurt to fall.

The downside is that Yaoliantao seems to be Rong Taotao himself.

This world is full of strange things, with all kinds of strange soul skills and various effects.

People can disguise their appearance, change their body shape, and imitate their voices, but fighting habits and halberd skills?

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if fighting habits can be imitated, how can Fang Tianji’s skills be imitated?

Rong Taotao believed that there were also spirit warriors of the Seven Stars Fang Tianji in this world, such as his mother Xu Fenghua.

In terms of the sophistication of martial arts, the two sides are enough to compete with each other, but the styles of the two sides are completely different and completely independent. How can they be exactly the same?

At this moment, Rong Taotao and Yaolian Tao not only have the same fighting philosophy, but also have the exact same every movement, every step, and every reaction.

He really is me! ?

While thinking, Rong Taotao tilted his head sharply, and the snow-colored Fang Tianji stabbed heavily, almost rubbing the side of his ear and stabbing into the soft lotus pod.

The strange thing is that although the lotus ground is very soft, it has not been pierced.


The tip of the halberd rubbed against the pliable lotus pod, making a strange sound, while Fang Tianhua halberd lit up the crescent blade on the side and slashed across Rong Taotao's head.

As Rong Taotao tumbled, he pressed the ground with one hand and made a sudden jump to the back side.

In an instant, a long halberd was already on his side face, and the tip of the halberd pierced his face lightly.


Rong Taotao's figure flashed, and under the shuttle in the void, he came to the mid-air as far as his eyes could see.

The Fang Tianhua halberd thrown out also pierced the afterimage of Rong Taotao's head and flew far away to the huge lotus petals.

"Gudu." Rong Taotao was still in shock, looking down at Yaoliantao.

True acquaintance with each other!

Yaoliantao knew how Rong Taotao would react and how to dodge, and even refined every tiny movement.

Just now, when Yaoliantao was holding the halberd horizontally, a Fangtianhua halberd was already drawn out from the other hand.

What Yaoliantao aimed at was not Rong Taotao, who was rolling and dodging on the ground, but the empty mid-air.

And when the Fang Tianhua halberd in Yaoliantao's hand flew past, Rong Taotao happened to rise and fall!

Such a picture...

It wasn't Fang Tianhua's halberd that stabbed Rong Taotao, but rather that Rong Taotao seized the moment, turned over and jumped, hitting the tip of the halberd with his head?

The only thing that helped Rong Taotao get out of trouble was the Void Soul Skill with the biggest uncontrollable factor, Void Shuttle.

This time, Yaoliantao failed to predict where Rong Taotao would fall.

After all, this lotus bone has a huge space, and it is possible to see anywhere in the eye where Rong Taotao was stabbed by the snow halberd.

"You..." Rong Taotao stood tall in the air, his face was pierced, and a trace of blood flowed down.

No blood lotus, no Hui lotus.

Rong Taotao, who didn't have any lotus petals in his body, could only let the blood run across his face, falling drop by drop.

His eyes stared at Yaoliantao, he didn't believe it, and he couldn't convince himself!

Yaoliantao once again took out a square-shaped halberd and looked into the sky: "I am you, and I will be you in the end."

Rong Tao Tao gritted his teeth, his eyes gloomy: "Then why fight, what is the meaning of this fight?"

Yaoliantao nodded lightly and said softly, "I don't have to be you."

Rong Taotao: "Huh?"

Yaoliantao stretched out a hand, holding a beautiful lotus flower in the palm of her hand.

Yaoliantao's eyes were full of memories. Looking at the lotus flower in his hand, a faint smile appeared on his face: "I can be the sin lotus, Binghunyin, who attacked Songjiang Soulwu at night in the Battle of the Three Cities."

"I can also be outside the Hundred Regiments Pass, chasing and killing the Prison Lotus Frost Beauty who imprisoned you."

"I can be Huilian, a big red-clothed merchant from the Free Democracy Organization, or a promiscuous and cruel Yaolian in Xiayang Town."

While speaking, Yaoliantao shrugged her shoulders: "Or maybe it's our sister-in-law Yaolianxi, who knows?"

"I'm Zhulian Gao Lingwei, Yinlian He Tianwen, Xuelian Gao Qingchen and Xiao Ziru."

"Maybe I'm Yulian Sihuanian, or... I'm our favorite, blood lotus Xu Fenghua."

Rong Taotao looked at Yaoliantao in astonishment. His short words almost ran through Rong Taotao's soul martial career.

People may not believe it when they say it. These names and stories make Rong Taotao miss the past of his struggles in such a battlefield of life and death.

Yaoliantao: "Each lotus flower has its own emotions, like beings with different personalities.

We are created to be a complete snow lotus.

We were also forcibly dispersed and forced to wander around.

In the past few decades, we have been found by all kinds of creatures, taken into their pockets, and helped them to accomplish all kinds of goals and realize all kinds of dreams.

Until a certain day in a certain month of a certain year, the nine-petaled lotus found the lotus pod, and we gathered again. "

Rong Taotao: "So?"

Yaoliantao: "We recalled our wandering experiences for decades, and recalled the souls that once had us.

When we finally transform into your appearance, it means that all living beings are passing through.

I am you and will always be you. "

Rong Taotao sank in his heart and asked, "What do you mean, do you want to replace me?"

Yaoliantao shook her head silently, but did not respond.

Rong Taotao frowned: "Then why are you fighting me? Shouldn't you enter my body and use it for me?"

Yaoliantao chuckled lightly, "Haha."

Rong Taotao: "You know, you know everything.

Then you should be clear about the current situation of Mom and Dawei, the predicament I am facing now, and what my goals are! "

"Yeah, I know what my goal is." Yaoliantao said softly, picked up the Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand, slowly raised it, and pointed at Rong Taotao standing in the air.

At this moment, Rong Taotao suddenly felt that his connection with the nine-petal lotus had weakened a little!

Rong Taotao: ? ? ?

what's going on?

In the soul map of the inner vision, the nine-petal lotus flower suddenly lost one petal on the list of soul weapons.


A drop of blood ran across Rong Taotao's face and dripped from his chin.

And in the Horcrux list, it was the Nine-petal Lotus·Eighth Petal·Hui Lian that disappeared!

"Let's play something big, Rong Taotao." Yaoliantao's mouth was slightly raised, a provocative smile appeared on his face, the tip of the halberd pointed at Rong Taotao's face, "I take back what I said before, maybe... Not you."

At the same time, at the mouth of the surface tunnel.


"Xiajiao?" A group of people hurriedly dodged, and a figure quickly shuttled and spun out.

Xia Fangran canceled the Xue Ji drill with a "boom" explosion, and the snowballs in his hands exploded one after another, abruptly stopping the inertia of the forward charge.

Xia Fangran fell slowly and shouted loudly, "Tao Tao said he found the lotus pod!"

For a time, everyone's eyes lit up.


Did you find the lotus flower?

Li Meng hurriedly turned his head and said to An Lin, "Send a message to An Yu immediately and report the situation to the head of Gao Qingchen."

An Lin: "Yes!"

But as Xia Fangran landed, everyone saw his solemn expression clearly, and for a while, a bad premonition rose in people's hearts.

"What's the matter, Fang Ran." Mei Hongyu asked in a hoarse voice.

Xia Fangran's face was solemn, and his heart was even more heavy: "After finding the lotus pod, Rong Taotao didn't know what to do, a lotus bone space suddenly opened, and we were all imprisoned in it.

What followed was Rong Taotao's Yaolian body. "

Xia Fangran's information obviously matched Rong Yuanshan's perception, and Rong Yuanshan hurriedly asked, "Then what?"

Xia Fangran: "I thought this kid was going to do something else, but I didn't think so. Rong Taotao told me that the body of Yaolian was not him and was not under his control."

Mei Zi was shocked: "Huh?"

Xia Fangran's face was a little ugly: "In that case, Tao Tao shouldn't be joking.

Wasn't I sealed inside the space by lotus bones before?

Since the appearance of Yaolian's body, he manipulated the lotus petals, wrapped my palm, and forcibly pulled me out of the lotus bone.

I tried every possible way to get in, but I couldn't get in.

Seriously, the new Yaolian body's ability to control lotus petals far exceeded Rong Taotao's.

The other party can actually manipulate the petals at will, and throw me out in the form of dragging my arm, instead of sticking to the fixed way of using the lotus... Do whatever you want!

Yes, that's how it feels, do whatever you want! "

As Xia Fangran's words fell, the entrance to the tunnel fell into silence. Everyone was shocked, and they didn't know how to explain such a scene.

Rong Yuanshan thought for a moment and said, "Don't worry too much, Rong Taotao has the Void Soul Skill, and if he is in danger, he can teleport out.

We have done a lot of experiments since Taotao inlaid the soul bead of the Black Eclipse Cat, and it is not forbidden to move instantly in the Nine-petal Lotus Prison. "

Since the prison lotus, which specializes in imprisoning people, can't prohibit the void soul skill, then other lotus petals can't do it.

Rong Yuanshan looked at Xia Fangran while reassuring everyone, "Is that Yaolian's body the image of Rong Taotao?"

Xia Fangran nodded heavily: "Yes, it is the image of Rong Taotao."

Rong Yuanshan frowned, and he secretly muttered in his heart: Isn't it the image of a tall woman?

Of course, Rong Yuanshan also has his own judgment. He is more willing to believe that this is another test given to Rong Taotao by the **** Erwei.

The people at the entrance of the tunnel thought secretly, not knowing how to face this sudden scene.

At the same time, far beyond the vortex - Wangtianque City.

In an office in the Qingshan Military Compound, Jiao Tengda brought a tea tray into the room, Gao Qingchen held the phone in his hand and raised his voice a little: "Have you found it?"

Jiao Tengda looked happy, put the tea tray on the desk, and heard Gao Qingchen's reconciling voice: "Well, always pay attention and report at all times."

As Gao Qingchen put down the telephone receiver, Jiao Tengda did not retreat. He picked up the teapot to show the leader tea, and asked cautiously, "Tao Tao found the lotus pod?"

Gao Qingchen sighed deeply: "Well."

Jiao Tengda nodded secretly in his heart, the information given by Xu Hunjiang, the plum bamboo and the whirlpool lotus pod in the past, was really reliable, and Rong Taotao really found it.

Having said that, who would pass the information to Xu Hunjiang?

What Xu Hun will go to is the future, how much is the so-called future... Wait!

Jiao Tengda's face froze, the hot tea had already overflowed from the mouth of the teacup, but he was like an old monk entering meditation, without the slightest reaction, still pouring the tea.

"Tengda?" Gao Qingchen called out.

"Ah! Chief!" Jiao Tengda suddenly woke up and put down the teapot in his hand.

Although the two are nominally leaders and security guards, due to the relationship between Rong Taotao and Gao Lingwei, the relationship between the two is also mixed with uncle and nephew, and Gao Qingchen is not too strict in private.

He looked at Jiao Tengda who was in deep thought, and didn't bother him for the first time.

The child stayed by his side long enough, and Gao Qingchen also understood the geometry of Jiao Tengda's mind.

After a few minutes, Jiao Tengda looked horrified and said softly, "I am a person who completely meets this condition!"

Gao Qingchen: "What?"

Jiao Tengda: "Xu Hun will go to the future to obtain information.

Facts have proved that the phrase 'Plum and Bamboo in the Old World, Vortex Lotus Pendant' is accurate and can lead Rong Taotao to find the lotus pod. "

Gao Qingchen frowned slightly: "So?"

Jiao Tengda: "It is known that Xu Hunjiang's Void ability is not strong, so the place where she goes is likely to be in the near future.

Rong Taotao also said that Xu Hun will just pass back a sentence, only eight words. This also means that Xu Hun at that time was not proficient in the use of the treasure, and his understanding was not deep.

So the future she goes to is probably not the years we imagined. "

Gao Qingchen raised his eyebrows slightly: "What do you mean?"

Jiao Tengda swallowed and said in a trembling voice, "I now know the correct answer, and I am fully capable of delivering accurate information.

More importantly, other people's attention may not be here, or they may not think about these things at all, and they have not heard the analysis of Uncle Rong Yuanshan, and I..."

Jiao Tengda looked at Gao Qingchen stupidly: "Chief, the person who passed the information may be me!"

Gao Qingchen: "Huh?"

Jiao Tengda: "For Xu Hunjiang in the past, the me now exists in her future."

Gao Qingchen: "Then?"

Jiao Tengda: "When we picked up the plane a few days ago, on the way back to Wangtianque City from the airport, we had a discussion with Rongyuanshan and Rong Taotao.

The future where the Void Treasure goes is not a random place. It is likely to be the place where the caster's emotional fetters are the deepest, or the place where the obsession is the heaviest.

Leader, I need people!

One team went to Xu Hunjiang's old house in Xindanxi, another team went to Songjiang Hunwu University, and another team went to the Long River.

All in all, we have to send someone to guard all the places where Xu Hun may be deeply emotional. "

Gao Qingchen obviously followed Jiao Tengda's train of thought and said, "Take the words 'Plum Bamboo, Vortex Lotus Pendant' in the past, and wait at the place where Xu Hunjiang may appear."

Jiao Tengda nodded heavily: "Yes!"

Gao Qingchen's heart was slightly throbbing, and he always felt that it was a fantasy, but if there was even the slightest possibility, he absolutely couldn't do bad things because of himself.

Jiao Tengda: "Headmaster, we'd better contact Mr. Rong Yuanshan immediately. He can better know where Xu Hun is deeply emotionally bound and may go to."

"Yeah." Gao Qingchen picked up the handset without saying a word.

The Qingshan Army's execution ability was terrifyingly strong, and the brigade immediately went out, targeting the locations provided by Rongyuan Mountain.

Even before the Qingshan Army arrived at the designated location, the Qingshan Army contacted the local spirit police in Xindanxi, the teachers of Songhun Campus, and other people, and immediately went to the designated area to garrison.

This mission is extremely special, and no one knows when the deadline will be.

It could be the next second, it could be ten years from now.

All in all, from the moment Jiao Tengda wanted to understand, the mission had already begun. Xu Hunjiang, who existed in the past, may appear at any time!

As the initiator of this mission, Jiao Tengda took the initiative to apply, and he personally went to Longhe, where Xu Fenghua was most likely to appear.

Under the guidance of the soldiers in the Longhe camp, Jiao Tengda came to the place where Xu Fenghua had been standing for nearly 20 years, silently looking at the glacier area, waiting quietly.

This day has been extraordinarily long.

Jiao Tengda tried to sort out his thoughts and thought about what he might have missed.

As night fell, there was also a little frost and snow in the sky...

The lantern paper cages were lit by the soldiers and hung on the buildings, making the Longhe camp a bright light.

"Hey..." Jiao Tengda took off his hat and scratched his head vigorously, looking very distressed.

Are your thoughts correct?

It sounds a bit incredible to outsiders, right?

But after thinking about it, it seems that I am the only one who meets this condition. Uncle Rong Yuanshan's analysis has entered my ears. Compared with others, I am also the only one who considers love...

The next moment, Jiao Tengda was startled and looked up suddenly.

Under the violent fluctuation of soul power, a tall figure suddenly appeared on the empty glacier.

The location where it appeared was extremely precise, it was where Xu Fenghua had been standing for nearly twenty years!

Jiao Tengda's voice trembled: "Xu Hunjiang?"

The woman with her back to him turned her head sharply.

Under Ying Ting's eyebrows a pair of phoenix eyes had a hint of surprise. Immediately, her figure flickered, as if she might disappear at any time!

Jiao Tengda was in a hurry, and he didn't care about much, and hurriedly said: "Plum and bamboo in the past, whirlpool lotus pod!"


The figure of the immortal soul disappeared quietly.

"Plum and bamboo in the old world, spin..." Jiao Tengda slowly closed his mouth as he looked at the disappearing figure in front of him.

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds...

"Haha." Jiao Tengda shook his head and smiled. That was his recognition, his admiration for the strange treasure of the void, and his joy for Rong Taotao to obtain a lotus pod.

He took off his frost-stained glasses and wiped the glasses lightly with one hand.

Paradox, Taotao, paradox.
