MTL - Lord of Souls-Chapter 114 journal

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[Today is the day of admission, I am very happy. Bingcheng University, Eighteenth National Congress, Soul Master. And I, Bai Tianyu, have always believed that this will be the starting point of my journey as a soul master! 】

[In the future, I will become a legend! 】

The beginning of the diary is Bai Yu's rhetoric.

But then again...

Xinnen soul master, who doesn't yearn for the throne of legend?

What's more, Bai Yu's pride is obviously not groundless - he has indeed achieved the legendary supreme...

It was Xia Lin who didn't quite know what Tian Yu's reliance was.

It doesn't matter either...

Turn to the next page.

All of a sudden it moved to two months after admission.

The time span is a bit large.

Obviously, Bai Tianyu's diary is actually a monthly or even an annual diary.

【My **** ¥¥】

[… (numerous swear words). 】

【I was robbed today! Students will move their hands! They not only robbed me of my gains in Longmen Island, but also beat me up! 】

【I'm not convinced! 】

[I don’t understand either. It’s obviously a school, so why allow robbery on campus? Why is this group of **** in the student union doing all kinds of evil, but no one is in charge! ? 】

【why? 】

【Why! ? 】

[The old man said that if you are weak, you will be bullied. This is the rule of the soul world! This is a big rule! This is the rules of the student council! 】

[But I am not convinced! 】

[I think our country is fundamentally different from the soul realm! 】

【Our civilization! They are savage! And I firmly believe that civilization will triumph over barbarism! 】

The words on this page made Xia Lin smile knowingly.

Yes, ice big...

A **** of a homeless place...

Come to think of it, every student who has just entered Bingda University will probably have thoughts like Tian Yu and Xia Lin when they see such a school environment.

Turning to the next page, only one line of words fell into Xia Lin's eyes.

【I am ready to change! Change the campus environment of Bing University... But not now, the enemy is strong and we are weak, and it is necessary to bear the humiliation properly. 】

It can be read clearly. When he was young, Bai Tianyu was kind of immature, a little angry, and full of enthusiasm and ambition.

than now...

At that time, Bai Tianyu was a little cute...

Turn to the next page.

[A student died... was forced to commit suicide by the group of students from the student council...]

[There are also students who dropped out, unable to bear the campus environment of Bingda University. 】

[Also, I am silver... soon. But that's normal, I'm a genius, or the chosen one... Haha (wry smile). 】

[Today I went to my tutor, I asked the tutor, the campus environment of Bingda is so, why does the school want to let it go? 】

[The instructor told me that this is an experiment conducted by the Ministry of Education. The Ministry of Education is verifying which environments are more likely to foster talent. 】

[I asked the tutor, is the success rate of our Bingda really high? 】

[The instructor said that it is not bad, the proportion of strong students is indeed higher than other universities... It is just that there are fewer students who can graduate. Other universities graduate thousands of students a year, and it is not bad for Bingda to have 800 who survived graduation. 】

[I was shocked at the time... I figured it out, it doesn't seem to be profitable...]

[The instructor is good to me, but obviously he doesn't want to explain to me in detail the specific logic in this - yes, I can see that the model of Bingda is inherent, and there is a deep logic that I don't understand... …]

[But the instructor didn't want to tell me. 】

[He just said: "Tianyu, if you are not satisfied with this model, you can change it. The Ministry of Education has issued a notice a few years ago, clearly stating that this plan has been abolished."]

【“If you are dissatisfied with the current Bingda Student Union, well, change it and do it. As long as you become the student union president, everything in Bingda University is up to you.”]

[Actually, I have long known that Bingda University is jointly governed by the school and the student union, and the school is basically not involved in the management of campus life. 】

[But before, I was hesitant about joining the student council...because I really don't want to be in the company of these lowlies...]

[But... let's try hard. The instructor is right, join, go to the top, and then change! 】

【Changing the student union starts with joining them! 】

Gu Yunfeng also invited Xia Lin to join the student union.

But Xia Lin didn't ignore him at all.

Bai Tian Yu made a choice diametrically opposed to Xia Lin's.

Keep looking down.

Nutrition is not too much.

The next few pages are probably all about Bai Yu's daily life after joining the student council.

Today, I followed the old students and received a protection fee.

I will follow the old students tomorrow and bully a certain student...

It can be seen between the lines that Tian Yu feels guilty about this.

He doesn't like doing such bad things.

Fortunately, Tian Yu grew up quickly.

Just in the second semester of freshman year, Tian Yu achieved the top silver position, and challenged the current student council president: Che Yu!

【I won. 】

[I became the president of the student council. 】


No one can deny the fact that Tian Yu is a genius.

In fact, if there were no believers like Xia Linyongxuan, then Tianyu's growth rate would definitely be unparalleled.

It took about half a year to become a soul master, and he achieved the top silver, and he would defeat the same top silver Che Yu without controversy!

[The ice is big, the strong are respected! 】

[As the student council president, I finally understand the meaning of this sentence. 】

[At Bingdao, becoming the president of the student union means that you are committed to your promise! Means what you say, is what! 】

[So what is the first thing I do after I take office? 】

[Haha, of course it is reform. 】

[I'm so tired of the ice big atmosphere for a long time! This wave, you finally have to listen to me! 】

The next few pages of the diary record Tian Yu's reform framework.

Bind the student union.

Open the high-risk tasks of the soul world to students.

More fair and reasonable, allocating credits and allocating resources.

[The reform has not encountered resistance, or perhaps said, it has not encountered too strong resistance. 】

[Because the student union governs the school, it is the school's regulations. As the President of the Student Union, all my legal actions will receive the absolute support of the school - which means absolute power! 】

[Small resistance, in fact, there is. 】

[For example, the former vested interests...that is, the dregs of the student union...they were very dissatisfied because I moved their cake. 】

[But if you are not satisfied, what can you do? 】

【I am golden! gold! Freshman year, gold! 】

【You are not my opponent when you go together! 】

When he was young, Bai Tianyu was arrogant... Maybe this is a genius.

Turning to the next page, the slanted text fell into view.

[Che Yu came to me today, and he told me that if I reform like this, I can’t do it, and there will be big problems in the future. 】

[His expression is quite sincere... It seems that he really wants to chat with me about issues related to the school system. 】

【But I have nothing to chat with him... 】

【Do we have any common language? 】

【No! 】

[I am a man, such a vengeful person! I still remember when I first went to college, the worst abuse I encountered was that kid Che Yu! 】

[So I was impatient at the time. 】

[I said: "Since I have become the boss, everything should follow my rules, Mr. Che Yu, you are now in your fourth year, and you will graduate soon, so you can honestly finish college and join the army? "]

[Che Yu is stunned for a moment. Because of my attitude, it's actually not that friendly. 】

[This makes Che Yu smile wryly. 】

[He said: "Okay, you are the boss, you have the final say."]

[After speaking, he leaves. 】

[I just thought: Oh, the loser... I used to be arrogant and don’t want it, but now I’m running in front of me to be a reasonable guest, and I’m here to analyze the pros and cons with me... It’s funny. 】

[Besides, I really don’t understand, what’s so commendable about Bingda’s system of cultivating hooligans and cowards! ? 】

The next few pages, no nutrition, just routine.

Xia Lin looked and thought.

In fact, until now, he has not been clear, Hongwu Temple gave the diary to himself... or Gu Yunfeng gave the diary to himself.

And soon, a new page came into view.

[The freshman year is coming to an end. 】

[But there is something wrong with the Two Realms Passage. 】

[I can feel that the faces of the teachers in the school are very ugly recently. 】

[The atmosphere in the school is also a little dignified, and it seems that something big will happen. 】

After one page ended, Xia Lin turned to the next page.

[The hunch came true, there is a problem on the two-world channel. 】

[Today, the principal came to me and said that something had happened to the two-world passage. 】

[I looked awe-inspiring, and then I heard the old principal continue: "Do you remember that sentence? When the school started, you heard that sentence?"]

[I was puzzled, so I heard the old principal continue: "Bingda is neither a school, nor a soul teacher, nor a student."]

["I try to use the shortest language to describe the current situation. The situation faced by the entire Chinese spirit master community."]

[There are 18 passages between the two realms in China, and the town is sealed in 18 colleges and universities. I am quite aware of this, and have a certain understanding of the general situation. 】

[I knew the situation was bad, but I didn't expect the situation to be worse than I thought! 】

[Eighteen passages between the two realms run through all parts of the soul realm. But most of the passages between the two worlds follow the principle of concealment—that is, camouflage, dormant. 】

[Because once it is exposed, once the enemy of the soul world strikes, the passage between the two worlds will inevitably fall - the gap between the strengths of the two sides is really too big. 】

[And among them, there are 4 two-way passages that Huaguo is currently focusing on. The Great Ice Passage is one of them. 】

[This is one of the four important windows for Huaguo to obtain soul master resources. 】

[However, this is not an absolute good thing. 】

[Since it is a window to the outside world, it is necessary to deal with the outside world more. People in the soul world do not advocate peace, but only advocate the law of the weak. Therefore, in the pioneering city of Bingda, wars occurred frequently. 】

[After the old principal introduced these basic things, he opened his mouth and said, "Our military troops are stationed in Kaiyuan City. However, due to the different rules of the bilateral world, the spirit masters on our side are generally weaker. The probability of spirit masters appearing is also higher. Low. Now the upper limit of strength here is the king period. The cutting-edge power is not comparable to the ancient dragon city-state.”]

[To put it bluntly, in one sentence: You are not as good as people everywhere, you can only be beaten passively. 】

["That's why, the soul masters here need to be broken into several pieces! The military has not enough manpower, even if one fights four, there are not enough manpower. So a long time ago, it was opened in the two realms passage, we simply After exploring the rules of the soul world, there is a basic strategy - soul master students are also warriors, and they have to go to the battlefield at critical moments!"]

[I think, this is probably the reason why Bingda is not a school and a soul master is not a student. 】

[Of course this is not important. 】

[The important thing is that I heard the key from the words of the old principal. 】

[I'm going to be called up, I'm being called to the battlefield...]

【I am looking forward! 】


Young people always have illusions about things like war, defending their homeland and defending their country.

The same is true for Tian Yu.

Turn to the next page.

[But I was wrong. Soul Master students are indeed not students, but they are not professional soldiers either. Soul Master students are trained in the school and need to obtain credits, and the process of obtaining credits is the process of Soul Master students contributing to the country. 】

[During this process, no one should say who owes whom. 】

[The old principal concluded: "In short, your identities are actually in a state of inferiority."]

[“Actually, I am now making a request for you to do the task. I myself feel blushing, and it is difficult, and I also feel... I am very sorry for you... But, apart from you elite students, we really can’t recruit spare staff in China. already.”]

[“The legend of Guan Chao once said that if this country needs children to go to the battlefield to protect it, then this country doesn’t have much meaning to exist.”]

["This sentence has some truth. But to be honest, it's also a bit hypocritical... Because the bilateral strength comparison is so huge, we need our children to go to the battlefield! There will be no positive sacrifices in direct surrender... As for the subsequent tragedies and non-battlefield sacrifices, that is out of the scope of discussion.”]

["Hey, anyway, the kings above have their own opinions and attitudes. After the mediation between the two sides, there is such a mutual compromise rule."]

["That is, the principle of student voluntary!"]

【“You students are not pure students, but soldiers. But you are not professional soldiers, not laborers who are not in production, but are raised and prepared to sacrifice their lives on the battlefield. Therefore, whether you go on a mission or not is entirely up to your own will. ."]

[At that time, the expression of the old principal was very solemn. 】

【I don't care! 】

[Because I am always ready to give my life for this country, for this country that gave birth to me, and for this country I love so much! 】

[I said: "Headmaster, tell me directly, what is your mission! I will do it in Tian Yu!"]

[The old principal gave the content of the task. 】

[Defend a mountain pass near the pioneering city. 】

[He added: "The mountain pass is not a strategic location, but if a large group of the enemy's troops pass through this mountain pass, it will indeed bring great trouble to the development of the city."]

["I need you to gather the students in the school who are willing to fight and be crucified in this mountain pass for at least three days! After three days, no matter what, I will find someone to change classes with you."]

[At that time, I didn't care. 】

["Leave it to me." I agreed confidently. 】

[Until the old principal calmly broke two points: "One: I don't know how many enemies you will encounter. All I can say is that the comparison of the number of spirit masters between the enemy and us is 5:1, or even higher."]

[“Second: I don’t want to see the students perform such a dangerous task. But there are really not enough people. I am very confused. To a certain extent, I actually agree with the statement of Mr. Guan Chao.”]

[“If this country needs children to go to war and sacrifice their lives, then does this country still need to exist?”]

【“But that’s the truth! It’s still the same sentence, there are really not enough people!”】

【"I want to solemnly ask you one thing... Keep in mind the principle of student voluntary! Make it clear to the children, and explain the danger to the children. If you want to go, go, if you don't want to go, don't force it. .Even if the pioneering city is captured in the end, it will still be a number of days.”]

[I didn't take the old principal's words seriously. 】

[Dangerous, going to the Soul Realm is very dangerous! And to die for the country, isn't this a matter of course! ? 】


Xia Lin fell into a long silence.

Until he smiled slightly and shook his head.

Turn to the next page.

The expected words came into view.

[I came to the defensive location, that mountain pass. 】

[But something went wrong. 】

[I don't know what mood I should be in to write the following words... well... let me tell you the truth, I overestimated the enthusiasm of the students to protect their families and the country, and I overestimated the students' sacrifice of life Will, I also overestimated my charisma. 】

[I thought that when I said things like Kaikai City was dangerous and needed everyone to stand up, I stood on the high platform and waved my hand, and I would get a lot of responses. 】

【But I was wrong! It's so wrong! 】

【No one cares about me! Yes, no one cares about me! 】

[When I said this, I might face five times as many hostile spirit masters as us, and then... the scene fell into a strange embarrassment. 】

[That kind of embarrassment... I will never forget it for the rest of my life... It can be so embarrassing that I use my toes to dig out two rooms and one living room! 】


[Well, wait... Cha Yu handed me a cigarette. 】

【Huazi. 】

[Yes, this kid followed. 】

[Me and him, only two people. 】

[The wind on the mountain is a little cold...]

That cool word is a little messy. There is still a bit of uncleaned blood on this page.

Carefully open the next page.

Even more scattered, the words with the marks at least doubled, fell into Xia Lin's eyes.

【ended. 】

【everything is over. 】

[I don’t know, what kind of mood should I use to write about the current situation and what has happened in the past seven days from the start of the defensive mission to when I returned to Bingdao. 】

【I have no idea……】

[My head hurts a lot. 】

【My heart hurts too... 】

Turn to the next page.

The text has been straightened a lot, which seems to indicate the state of mind of Bai Tianyu.

[This will be the last part of this diary. 】

[I am a sophomore, and I want to make a summary of everything I have experienced and seen since my freshman year. 】

【Especially, that thing! 】

[The point can only be about that! 】

[I thought about it, and in the future, I will hand this diary to the next president of the Ice Student Union. My experience should give some inspiration to those who come later. 】

[And with this, I comfort senior Che Yu's spirit in the sky! 】

[First of all, let’s start with the intra-campus system of Ice University. 】

[Let me explain one thing first, I was wrong, I should not change the rules of Bing University! And for my mistakes, I paid for the death of my soul, the tragic death of my best friend, and more, more! An incalculable price! 】

[I hope the latecomers will remember one thing! 】

[If there is no earth-shaking change in the soul master world of Hua Kingdom, the rules of the ice are big, don't change them easily! The strong bully the weak, it is only right and proper! The student union will deprive the students of their private property, of course! 】

[If you read this diary from beginning to end, you will be surprised to find that my attitude has taken a 180-degree turn from front to back! 】

【why? 】

[Let's start with that. 】

[It's that one, only me and Che Yu are going to carry out the task. 】


[That mountain pass should actually be well defended. 】

[Because there are not many enemies coming. 】

[The ten-person soul master team has both gold and silver. 】

[I was in the golden period at the time, and Che Yu was in the silver period. Twenty to ten, in line with the ratio the old principal said. 】

[The result is obvious... We lost. 】

[Che Yu Quan Chong died in battle, and I still had two pets left to fight for my life, but was hugged by Che Yu and fell down the mountain stream. 】

[He protects me, even when he falls, he acts as a pad for my flesh. 】

[He was so miserable... I don't want to describe Cha Yu's appearance in too much detail at that time... I just don't want to. 】

[He is not dead, dying, but not dead. It's the kind of state where you still have a breath, but you can't save it - maybe a healing soul pet in the king period can save Cha Yu's life? I have no idea……】

[Above the head, the enemy did not chase after him. 】

[Maybe they think that we can't live, or maybe the two of us are not an important goal-they have to go back to communicate... After all, this road has been opened, and the army can march, and the pioneering city is close at hand... Hehe Ha ha……】

[The mission failed. Doomed to fail. 】

[But at that time, I was at the bottom of the mountain stream, and I didn't really want to think about the task. I want to live...]

[My leg is broken and I can't move. Cha Yu was on the side, his last breath left. 】

[This person, who I once regarded as my biggest enemy, just looked at me, just looked at me like that. Then he told me. 】

[“Actually, if I were the president of the student council, I could hold on to this wave.”]

[I am a little confused. But I also know that people are good at their words when they are about to die. 】

[At that time, I didn’t know what attitude I should take when facing Cha Yu, facing this rotten person I thought, facing this savior who saved my life, but now I was smashed like a rotten watermelon. 】

[He continued: "Tianyu? You are a genius... That's why I save you. I have a bad life, and my potential is limited. So, just now I said to myself, if something really happens, I die, you don't die. Because I believe that you have unlimited potential in the future! You will become a legend in the future.”]

[I said, I will definitely become a legend. 】

[He laughed, his blood was almost dry. 】

[Afterwards he said: "So, while I'm still alive, I have to criticize and criticize the legend in the future. This is also equivalent to criticizing the legend in my life, right?"]

[I said you can scold. 】

[Then he starts cursing. 】

[He called me an idiot who didn't understand anything, so he changed the system of the student union without authorization. 】

[He said that if he is still the president of the student union in this wave, he guarantees that there will be no problems! 】

[I said, the students are not willing to come, maybe I am willing to come with you, the situation is still the same. 】

[He said it was different. 】

[President of the Student Union, manage everything in the school! The Student Council is the eagle dog of the Student Council President. Every time a student council member bullies someone else, it deepens the prestige of the student council president—not just in the eyes of non-student council students. It is also in the eyes of the students of the student union, deepening the prestige of the president of the student union! 】

[He said that he doesn't have any charisma, and that he can't respond to every call as soon as he opens his mouth. Everyone can follow him and die with him. 】

[I said I didn't either. 】

[He spit **** spit on my face. 】

[Because I said something nonsense. 】

[Yeah...if I have this ability, Cha Yu doesn't have to die. 】

[He added, but in fact, to mobilize students, no personality charm is needed. Fear can be! 】

[“Before, when I was the president of the student council, no one in the school was not afraid of me! On the one hand, it is my strength, on the other hand, I have mastered the student council that does all kinds of evil.”]

["Tianyu, do you know? I'm just a student! Before I went to Bingdao University, I was a top student in our high school with excellent academic performance! I'm not a born bully! Who is a born bully!?"]

[“But after my last student council president discussed Bing Da’s logic with me, I immediately realized that I must be this bully, I have to be!”]

["Why!? Because the situation in Kaiyuan City is too bad! The pressure we face is too great!"]

["It's so big, many times, we students have to go to the battlefield! Even many times, we have to make sacrifices, and even give our lives!"]

【"Like this time! If all the Silver Stage Spirit Masters of the Student Council come... will we lose? No!"]

[I said, the principle of student voluntary. 】

[Che Yu nodded, yes, the principle of student voluntariness. 】

[“But guess what, knowing that it is a difficult task, how many people will volunteer to do it?”]

[I don't speak anymore. 】

[Because of the fact, the answer has already been told to me. 】

[I am willing, Che Yu is willing. Bingda has 1852 people, just the two of us. 】

[“Actually, Bingda’s model is not a warm-hearted model. Our Bingda model is inherently opposed to the voluntary principle of students. But this thing involves a question of acceptance. The public likes to accept kind and friendly rules, and it is very important to accept Bingda’s rules. This big set is naturally disgusting.”]

["But here's the problem. You play the game of warmth and affection, and you strictly implement the principle of student voluntariness, and it is destined that when someone should attend, no one will attend. When someone should die, no one will die."]

[I am silent. Cha Yu is also very weak, and his consciousness has begun to blur. 】

["And the environment we face is destined to require someone to sacrifice, even unconditionally... otherwise, it will become like this..."]

[I hear a voice above my head. It is the army of the ancient dragon city-state, passing through this trail. 】

[There is nothing I can do about it. 】

[Che Yu said again: "You may not agree with this kind of value. But you have to admit that this is the road we must take, and this is the sacrifice we must pay to make a comeback from adversity."]

[I don't know how to refute Cha Yu's words. 】

[Che Yu said again: "We are students, and we are not soldiers raised by the state and ready to devote ourselves at any time. It is really difficult for us to do such a thing when it falls on our students."]

【"If you force a certain student to pay...just like Mr. Guan Chao...he is ashamed, I am not ashamed? I am also ashamed!!"]

【“You know what? Every time, I take the cubs of the student union to the battlefield. Whenever there are casualties, I feel very uncomfortable. I feel uncomfortable and want to cry.”]

[After he finishes speaking, he suddenly laughs. 】

[“But when I went back to Bingda and saw these gangsters running amok, my guilt disappeared.”]

["Because, this is the money that bought their lives! Although they didn't ask for their permission, how can I say that compensation is required. It is also to reduce my guilt."]

["Student, soldier, soldier. Three identities represent three obligations."]

[“Students only need to grow up, but soul master students are not students, they are warriors! Warriors grow up and fight at the same time, they don’t need to pay too much, growth is the most important thing, and they don’t shoulder the responsibility and obligation to dedicate themselves to the country! Soldiers are not involved in production. The state and taxpayers are raising them, and they have to go when they deserve it! When they deserve to die, they have to die!”]

[“Didn’t you find it? The core of the Bingbing University Student Union is actually very simple.”]

[“Transfer some non-student union students from fighters to real students-they no longer have to face the possibility of fierce battles, and do some high-security tasks, but they need to pay some financial price and dignity price to subsidize the other part. People. That is, people from the student council.”]

["The student council members have changed from being soldiers to being real soldiers--if you take the money, they will do things for me, and they will die when they deserve it! They must be forced to follow me in the mortal bureau!"]

【I'm speechless... 】

[Che Yu’s remarks had a certain impact on me. Because this is seriously inconsistent with my three views. 】

[I want to say, this is not right. Only to find out that Cha Yu is dead. 】

[Until a week later, I was discovered by a Bingda teacher and sent back to the school. 】

[Passing through the pioneering city, I know the result of this battle. 】

【Big defeat...】

[The pioneering city was razed to the ground. 】

[The king died in battle, and the soldiers died in countless battles. 】

【The old principal died...】

[My mentor also died...]

[The enemy broke through the passage between the two realms and entered Bingda. The line of defense collapsed, and a king-level soul master entered the school and massacred the students...]

[When the passage was retaken, there were more casualties. 】

[Specific, cannot be measured. 】

[I didn't dare to ask, is it because my line of defense missed someone...]

[But I think, probably yes, at least, there should be some factors. 】


[So latecomers, please remember! 】

[Bingda's model is correct and does not need to be changed! As long as the external threat of the pioneering city is not eliminated in a day, there is no need to change the model of Bingda! 】

[Also, when selecting a successor, we must ensure that he is a person with strong psychology, kindness, sense of responsibility, and a person who knows the basic logic of taking money to do things! Only such a person can endure the inner condemnation and lead the classmates to death! There is no such thing as generosity or generosity, greatness or greatness, but sometimes, if some people do not go to die, more people will die. It's a trolley problem, and I choose to sacrifice the few to save the many. 】

[Of course, if you can find a successor with mythical resources, at least stronger than me, then the above paragraph will be regarded as nothing. 】

[But if my latecomers can't bear such a lot of psychological can do whatever you want. I don't agree with the words of Mr. Guan Chao, "If this country needs children to protect it on the battlefield, then this country doesn't have much meaning to exist." But to a certain extent, these words also Not much of a problem. 】

[It is difficult to have two laws in the world. 】

[Every logic has its reason. 】

[I don't know what mode is the best and most perfect for Bingda. 】

[But I know how much I paid for my choice... In other words, the entire Bingda, the entire China, because of the price I paid for my choice. 】

【I feel so guilty! 】

【I feel uneasy! ! 】


[In the second year of my sophomore year, I restarted the original mode of Bingda. 】

[The bullied students cried. 】

[I cry too. 】


[Today, I returned to Bingda as a legend. 】

[I found Gu Yunfeng, the then student council president, or the student council president who had just lost the battle to a freshman, and briefly retrieved this diary. 】

[Looking at everything I wrote before, I smiled. 】

【I miss Cha Yu a little...hey...】

[Forget it, let’s talk business. 】

[Unfortunately, latecomers, after more than ten years, I still have not found the most suitable model for Bingda. 】

[My legend is a little useless. 】

[I'm not very good at using my brain. 】

[But I think that change is about to happen. 】


"Change has happened..."

Closing the note, Xia Lin spoke softly and said so.

Turning his head, he looked at the silent Hongwu Temple, and after thinking about it, Xia Lin had an answer in his heart.

"Gu Yunfeng wants me to be the president of the student council?"

Hongwu Temple nodded: "Yes."

Xia Lin said with a smile: "Although I agree with the sentence of doing things with money, I am not a kind and responsible person. It does not match the requirements and suggestions of Tian Yu."

Hongwu Temple: "But you have mythology."


This made Xia Lin very comfortable.

Glancing at Hongwu Temple, Xia Lin didn't expect that Hongwu Temple's thick eyebrows and big eyes can also turn into a dog licking at a critical moment.

But after thinking about it carefully, Xia Lin stuffed the notebook back into the arms of Hongwu Temple.

"The president of the student union, I really don't catch a cold. I have to admit that Bai Yu's diary really touched me a bit. But that doesn't change my opinion that I don't want to be the president of the student union."

Hongwu Temple wanted to say something, but Xia Lin reached out and patted Hongwu Temple on the shoulder.

"Come on."

"I can't, I can't do it."

"No, you can do it."

Looking up into the distance, I saw that the war in the distance had begun to slow down.

Some soldiers retreated from the front line. Although there were casualties, the overall mental outlook was still enthusiastic and uplifting. This is enough to show that the situation on the front line is improving.

And when Huaguo cleans up the five kingdoms and acquires a large piece of territory, the situation in Huaguo will also improve, and the situation in Bingda will also improve.

Resources will not be so scarce.

The external pressure will no longer be so great that this group of half-old children will charge forward.

Just like Tian Yu's last message - change is about to happen.

Change has happened.

Xia Lin said abruptly: "Actually, from now on, you can really rectify the student union according to your ideas."

"You don't need to care about the division of responsibilities between students and soldiers... At least you don't need to do this in Bingda."

"After all, in the short term, there is still hope for the future."

Hongwu Temple imitated Xia Lin and looked up into the distance.

He saw what Xia Lin saw.

After a long silence, he took a deep breath and nodded.

"it is good."