MTL - Lord of the Magical Beasts-v2 Chapter 715 Distraction

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"You are waiting here, don't come over!"

Look at the **** sea and see the obelisk at the entrance. Yang Ling walks cautiously after a while. With a strong sense of God, he found a mysterious and concealed ancient ban on the obelisk, shrouded the obelisk and the whole blood sea, and the range was amazing. Before I figured it out, I dare not have the slightest intention. As a soul witch, no one knows more about the terrible prohibition of the ancient ban.

Perhaps, if you accidentally annihilate the whole army, you will be scattered on the spot or be killed in a ban!

Huh... Under the intense gaze of the crowd, Yang Ling stepped over with a cold wind and carefully approached the mysterious obelisk. After hesitating for a while, he reached out and gently pressed it on the obelisk, silently closing his eyes and feeling the mysterious ancient prohibition.

Fantasy, killing, soul ban... After the huge mental power was released, Yang Ling’s face became more and more dignified. On the surface, it seems that there is only one ban on the **** sea. In fact, it is endlessly changing. It contains a lot of killings, and it is superimposed with some illusions such as illusion and killing.


For a long time, Yang Ling opened his eyes, silently recited the witch, handcuffed the witch, and screamed, and waved the magical array on the obelisk. During the time, I saw the silver light flowing on the obelisk, and there was a small flying head with a small groove at the top, which was exactly the same size as the jade.


Looking at the small head on the obelisk, Yang Ling screams and screams.

Unlike the witchcraft recorded in the obelisk of the Whala, the obscure record in front of this obelisk is a mystery. According to the brief description of the obelisk, it is possible to spend a lot of witch and mental power to make the whole **** sea into a avatar, and from then on, it will become the true master of the blood sea.

"The soul is not destroyed, the golden body is not broken..."

In addition to the mysterious mysterious witchcraft, the obelisk recorded in detail the benefits of refining the blood sea into a avatar. Even after the storm, Yang Ling could not help but look more excited. According to the description on the obelisk, after becoming the master of the blood sea, as long as the subordinate soul is immortal, after consuming a certain amount of witchcraft and mental power, they can resurrect them in the **** sea; each subordinate can go to the **** sea. Baptism, greatly speed up their cultivation; after the injury, they can quickly recover the injury in the **** sea... More importantly, after the smooth cultivation of the blood and sea, not only one more life, but also greatly accelerate the speed and potential of cultivation. . While the deity is at the same time as the external battle, he can calmly understand the vast witchcraft in the obelisk, and realize the original strength between heaven and earth.

It is a pity that all things have their own advantages, and there are no exceptions.

According to the description on the obelisk, the blood sea is built on the only spiritual vein of the sacred tomb, and the source energy of the sacred tomb is continuously extracted and developed. The harshness of site selection is rare in the world!

In those days, the ancient wizards wandered and did not know how many years later found a suitable vein in the countless planes, that is to say, the blood sea can only be fixed in the magical cemetery, and it is impossible to move. The rush to move to the Wuta space or other planes not only limits the development of the blood sea, but also the possibility that the aura will quickly disappear, and the whole blood will fall apart!

In this way, the blood sea is equivalent to being fixed in the sacred cemetery. If the enemy knows the news, the situation will be extremely unfavorable!

The base camp of Wuta Space is Yang Ling’s biggest secret and his greatest capital. In the face of the enemy's powerful offensive, it is possible to withdraw the core interests into the Wuta space in advance, and then wait for an opportunity to counterattack; the Warcraft collar and the Dragon Mountains and other places can be recovered, even if they are captured by the enemy will not lead to a fatal blow. But the blood is different. If you are attacked by the enemy, you will not only lose the blood, but you will also lose the powerful avatar that has been spent a lot of witchcraft and spiritual strength. Even dragging the entire World of Warcraft, the loss is heavy!

How to do?

Look at the endless blood sea, feel the energy of the scorpion, and then look at the corpse witch and the ancestors behind the body, and Yang Ling hesitated between moments. Faced with the unfathomable power of the ruler and its powerful arbitrators, it is unwise to be hard-headed; but the benefits of practicing blood and sea avatars and becoming sea owners are too great!

Don't say anything else, as long as the resurrected twelve ancestors can quickly restore their strength in the **** sea, they can make the strength of the Warcraft gods far beyond the top gods of all major planes, making the World of Warcraft really possess and dominate the counterbalanced capital. .

"Rodriguez, from today, secretly assisted Kansas in strengthening the defense of the Devil's Castle. Remember, no matter what the situation, we can't reveal our whereabouts and the relationship between the Warcraft gods and Kansas!" After several rounds of squatting, Yang Ling Gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

"Yes, the adults are relieved!" The corpse witch king took the lead. For him, the Pluto, it is not difficult to disguise the main Warcraft as an abyssal demon.

Uh... After a few words, Yang Ling inserted the jade with a lot of energy into the groove on the obelisk. At this time, the obelisk was a silvery masterpiece, and it made a whisper of ‘嗡嗡’, and it appeared a mysterious mysterious rune. Then, a beam of light descended from the sky, and Yang Ling, standing in front of the obelisk, rolled into the depths of the boundless blood. The waves are smashing into the sky, and the energy of the scorpion gathers into the fog, infiltrating every pore from the bottom of his body.

"Condensed by the gods, divided into two..."

Yang Ling Lingtai is empty, silently remembering the distracted witches on the obelisk, his hands constantly changing the fingerprints, eagerly absorbing the energy accumulated in the **** sea for millions of years. The vastness of the gods exudes in the tide, infiltrating into every corner of the boundless blood... "Kansas, will he have anything to do with the adults?" Look at the sudden boiling, set off a **** sea, black horns The big girl Natalie is worriedly on the abyss demon lord Kansas.

"Do not worry, adults will not have anything. As the ancient wizards of the sorcerer, if he can not become the master of the boundless blood sea, I am afraid that no one has this ability!" The abyss demon lord Kansas is holding on to the hardships The black-horned beauty who was reunited, although he did not understand what happened in the boiling blood, he was full of confidence in Yang Ling.

Millions of years ago, the ancient gods and gods battle, the ancient wizards horrible magical power left him the impression is too deep!

"You all go out to guard the Devil's Castle. I will do it here. Before the adults come out, no one will come in!" Feel the changes in the depths of the blood, and the sorrowful sorrows of the sorrowful sorrows suddenly change their faces. Appeared in front of the obelisk, the handcuffs are sitting on the cross. A cold atmosphere, then spread out overwhelmingly.

"Go, go, go out!" Look at the sorcerer's back of the shawl's body, and feel the more and more intense cold atmosphere. The sorcerer Wang Shensheng ordered the rate of Jinpeng and the mother to leave quickly. . After a glance, the abyss demon lord Kansas and the black-horned beauty Natalie quickly caught up.

For a long time, no matter whether the high-ranking corpse witch is still afraid of Jinpeng, all of them are far from the sorrowful ancestors of Yang Ling. It is better to offend the owner of Yang Ling, and no one dares to provoke a cold ancestral homeland, lest he be caught in his legs and torn in half!

After the withdrawal, the corpse king and the abyss demon lord discussed ways to strengthen the defense of the devil castle. In order to strengthen the defense and cover up the eyes and ears, the abyss of the demon lord was declared to be retreat after the injury, and quietly whispered in the tens of thousands of miles in the devil castle. There are abyss demons that patrol back and forth, as well as powerful Warcraft such as Black Dragon and Horned Dragon disguised as ordinary wild Warcraft.

At the same time, in order to keep getting the latest information, the Witch King sent a secret contact with the star city of Cameron, using the strength of the Rangers Alliance to collect intelligence. In order to be safe, the Pope Goode, who stayed in the Dragon Mountain Range, came forward to contact, and after receiving the information, he passed the magical letter to the sacred cemetery to prevent the enemy from discovering that Yangling, the Warcraft Lord God, was no longer in Tianzhushan.

... In addition to strengthening defense and gathering intelligence, the corpse witch and others all took time to cultivate, and under the meditation, time flies. In the blink of an eye, a few years have passed!

When the corpse witch and other people were busy, Yang Ling in the depths of the **** sea was like a stone carving. For a long time, he slowly changed a handprint. The speed is slow, but every time a fingerprint is changed, the boundless **** sea will set off a wave of new waves and set off a storm that sweeps thousands of miles.

Uh... I don’t know how long it took, and Ling Ling’s empty Yang Ling waved the last witch decision. During the time, the air was flashing and thundering, the waves were soaring, and a faint figure appeared slowly around him, becoming more and more clear, exactly the same as Yang Ling himself. The difference is that wearing a blood red armor, holding a giant **** red sickle, covered in a red mist of water looks extraordinarily mysterious.

Blood sea avatar!

With the unparalleled energy of the boundless blood sea, with the guidance of the ancestral homeland at the crucial moment, Yang Ling finally cultivated the avatar that controls the boundless blood. Since then, it has become the real master of the blood sea, you can fight outside the battle, while quietly sensational understanding of the sky, the speed of cultivation is not much better!

Boom... The powerful ban hides the movements in the boundless blood, but the birth of the blood and sea avatars still caused an unprecedented horrible change in the sacred cemetery. The clouds were dense, and the low thunder continued for almost a whole month. The deep waves of the clouds contained serpentine lightnings that destroyed the law, and the peerless powers who had been submerged for millions of years also burst into horror.

The end of the day is changing!

The horrible change of the sky quickly reminded people of a long-standing legend. Soon, all the major planes were rumored and raging. Many powerful people who have been submerging for millions of years have exposed the water and gathered in the cemetery. Some people say that there is a terrible space crack in the demon cemetery, and the entire plane is about to collapse. Others say that the demon cemetery gave birth to a horrible demon...

(To be continued) ()