MTL - Lord of the Magical Beasts-v2 Chapter 736 Victory escape

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Huh... Under the control of Yang Ling, hundreds of **** cockroaches rushed to the opposite side, almost as lightning. Some of the squadrons fleeing to the sides, and some went straight to the center of the arbiter corps, the speed is faster than one, as if instinctively felt a strong danger.

"Hey, everyone, welcome to our hunting ground in Yunzhongcheng!"

Look at the arbitrator of the smashing madness, the sorcerer Wang laughed and patted the palm gently. Suddenly, a hundred twelve-winged archangels with longbows were rushing out of the army. The singer’s bowed his arrows and aimed at the numerous shackles that fled to half. The movements are neat and uniform, the eyes are sharp and cold, and the hands are not moving. At first glance, they know that they are all cold-blooded archers!

"Fast, run!"

"Fast, hurry up, fast!"

... look at the numerous embarrassments that have been accelerating again and again, and then look at the many archers who are ready to go. Many arbiters can't help but scream and nervously hold the sharp weapons in their hands. If the non-military leader Larens ordered that he was not allowed to tamper with it, he would have rushed out to meet it!


Perhaps it is exciting to return to the big army, perhaps it is a strong danger, and the arbitrators we pretend to call out loud. The voice was hoarse, as if it was sent directly from the throat. It seems that everyone has suffered terrible torture, so that the words are unclear. After getting closer, many arbiters looked at it and found a scene of terror.

Through a lot of arrogant mouths, I found out that their tongues are only a short piece! Obviously, after being captured, I don’t know how much inhuman suffering I suffered!

"Devils, all **** devils! Adults, send troops, send troops to kill them all!"

"Adult, let the subordinates go to the pro-weapons to go out and meet, adults..."

... Look at the bloody, tortured and almost dishonest prisoners, many arbiters are furious, have ordered to fight. The leader of the army, Larens, who is brave and brave, is holding a sharp knife in the hands of the commander. He wants to rush out to kill the savage sorcerer and the archer who is ready to go.

"Warriors, let the guests from afar see our wonderful archery!" It was almost the same time. Many of the arbitrators of the smashing squad were not far from the enemy squad. The sorcerer Wang smiled coldly and tried hard. Wave. At the time, the many twelve-winged archangels who are ready to go have shot long arrows in their hands.

咻...The sharp long arrow is advancing rapidly. With the acceleration of the magical array engraved on the arrow shaft, the speed is incredibly fast, and with a piercing sound, it goes straight to many hearts.

"Fast, run!"

"Run fast..."

... Look at the long arrow that whizzes, the arbiters are nervously blurting out, and the arbitrators of the **** scorpion seem to have sensed the unprecedented danger, and the head does not return to the crazy acceleration. The speed is so fast that a series of afterimages are left in the air. Unfortunately, although the speed is as fast as lightning, the soldiers of the gods on both sides of the army are not as good as they are, but they are still slow!

Uh... In the eyes of the public, the sharp long arrows pierced our vests and made a dull voice, accompanied by a scream of screaming. It’s okay to rush in front, and it’s a little slower to fall behind. It’s awful, and the heart is filled with shocking long arrows. After a scream, it falls into the air!

There are hundreds of cockroaches in the blink of an eye, and there are only a dozen left in the blink of an eye. Under the spur of the road, straight into the position of the head of the army, Larence.

"Brothers, here, here, fast!"

"Block the long arrows behind them, fast!"

...... look at the nine deaths to escape, back with a few long arrows, and then look at the endless long arrows, have long been unable to resist the intimate guards; ready to help more than a dozen shackles sharp Long arrows help them treat their injuries. Unexpectedly, I don’t know if I lost my sense of reason or panic. A dozen or so seemingly seriously injured arbitrators did not slow down at all, and madly went straight to the army leader Larence. A few unprepared, too late to evade the guards were slammed out by the bang!

"No, stop them and stop this group of madmen!"

"Protect adults, protect adults, fast!"

...... Seeing that more than a dozen arbiters of the 傀儡 作 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅 不仅A dozen dozen crazy. The speed is fast, and the rapid formation of the army leader Larence is protected, covering its decisive retreat. The response is extremely fast, well trained, but unfortunately, it is a step later!

噗...The few cockroaches in front of the sudden suddenly accelerated again, and they took out a sharp dagger from their arms and cut off the throats of several arbiters with lightning speed. Pounce on the past and turn a blind eye to the shackles that are close at hand, and the cockroaches behind will quickly catch up!


An arbitrator wearing a heavy armor roared and watched the opportunity to rush out and cut a sly head. The preparations continued to pounce on another cockroach, unexpectedly, the scene of the accident appeared. The abductor who had been cut off his head not only did not fall down, but instead stretched his hand to his neck, twisting it hard and twisting his throat. Then, madly rushed to the head of the army, Larens.

Undead monster?

Look at the headless bodies that rushed over, and the guards around the head of the army, Larens, were shocked. Larens himself was no exception. At this moment, even if the brain is stupid, I understand that the accident is under the enemy's tricks!

"Kill, kill these monsters, kill!"

"Protect adults, fast, fast!"

... Under the orders of all levels, the arbiters frantically rushed over to a dozen. Some shot a sharp arrow, some launched an invisible soul attack, and some rushed to smack their teeth... Laurence, the cautious army leader, quickly took out a dark spear. - ruling the roar of the artifact wind.

This spear named Wind Rap is said to be the ruling artifact left by the thirteenth lord. It can immunize all wind magic attacks, and at the same time, launch a horrible wind magic attack. For millions of years, with this spear in his hand, Larens has smothered the mighty of the Wanderers League.

"a bunch of idiots!"

Seeing that many of Larens's escorts rushed over to a dozen or so, Yang Ling snorted, and a soul-voiced command to hide the ancestral lands and work together. At the same time, the handcuffs and sorcerers, commanding the remaining dozens of cockroaches, fluttering desperately, and jointly exerted the most terrible trick - nuclear explosion!

The bang... The fierce explosion set off a raging wave of air, and instantly rushed to the battalion of the arbiter’s army. The gods and coalition forces on both sides also swayed and the formation was chaotic. More than a dozen arbitrators have joined forces to smash, and the lethality is extremely terrifying. The arbitrators who have been the first to bear the brunt of dozens of steps have been blown up into pieces.

In the blink of an eye, the head of the army, surrounded by large groups of guards, was almost turned into a bachelor commander. There were only two of the most powerful bodyguards left, but they were also seriously injured and pale. Although there was a ruling on the wind of the artifact. The body protector, Larens himself was shocked by the shock wave, pale mouth, spit out a blood! However, for him, the disaster has just begun!

Knowing the news in advance, the ancestral martial arts and the co-workers who teleported before the smashing of the nuclear blast, suddenly slammed into the squadron of the lonely army leader, Larens. The ancestors worked together as a knife, and the right hand explored the chest of a personal bodyguard, directly pinching the other person's godhead; followed by the speed of the thunder, the other person's throat was pinched off. At the same time, the ancestral home of the ancestors grabbed the spear of Larence and held his throat in one hand. The powerful and powerful snake tail swept away, as if the hard steel whip slammed on the other's chest.

Hey... Larens’s hard armor, a large chunk of his voice, his throat was stunned, and Larens, who couldn’t dodge, screamed and squirted a large mouthful of blood. The snake tail of the ancestors of the ancestors could not defeat the hard heavy armor of his body, but the huge power suddenly shattered his internal organs.

Although there is no weapon, but the strength has returned to the heyday of the heyday, the melee ability is far from comparable to the average arbitrator. The head of the army, Larence, was strong, but for a time, the wrath of the artifact wind was captured by the ancestors, like a tiger that lost its teeth. In the face of the horrible ancestral homeland, it is not an opponent. In the blink of an eye, the joints of the hands and feet were alive and kicked by the ancestors, and they completely lost their ability to resist.


After succeeding, the ancestors of the ancestors received the space ring from the arrogance of the arbitrarily artifact, and the leader of the army, with the inability to resist, pulled away and the ancestors worked closely together. After the two of them in tandem, ‘Call’ went straight to the base camp of the World of Warcraft, leaving a residual image in the air that dissipated with the wind.

"Adult, adults..."

"Kill, the whole army attack, kill!"

...... Look at the squad leader Larence, who was squandered by the sorcerer's land, and the arbitrators who reacted were shocked and angry. Under the command of all levels, they decisively attacked ~www.novelbuddy. Com~ quickly formed a sharp triangle attack array, straight into the big battalion of the Warcraft gods, the gods on both sides of the coalition, quickly followed up after a brief panic, savagely smashed to the army of the World of Warcraft!

Shame, naked shame!

Under the protection of thousands of troops, the coach is actually being smothered by the other party. What a shame! Despite the horror of the fighting power of the two great ancestors, the Arbitrators’ Legion still did not hesitate to launch a fierce attack, attempting to desperately **** the captured captain Larence!

"Rodriguez, act according to the original plan!" Looking at the arbitrators' corps and the gods' coalition forces that rushed over, Yang Ling smiled coldly and realized that the plan was a step further.

"Hey, adults are assured!"

The corpse witch screamed with excitement and commanded the angel team and the death army on the left and right sides to face the attack. However, the Warcraft Legion quickly withdrew and decisively withdrew from the battlefield. The low-order angels and the death corps used the cannon fodder to confuse the enemy's judgment, and falsely created the illusion of lack of strength; using the crazy struggling army leader Larence as a bait to lure the enemy deeper and introduce the enemy army step by step into the Great World and the boundless The depths of the **** sea.

(To be continued) ()