MTL - Lord of the Mysteries-v6 Chapter 22 Start to accommodate

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Wow! Wow!

The doors and windows of Beckland, Trier, Lemberg, and St. Milon were closed together and closed tightly without the wind blowing.

The headquarters of the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" is in a white tower.

Luca, who was in the rotating subterranean area, felt the unusual movement and stood up suddenly.

As a "prophet," he was keenly aware of what was happening.

The old man wearing a plain white robe inlaid with brass thread immediately used the mystery technique and reached the entrance of the underground area in one step, reaching out and pushing up the gate.

However, this gate, which is not heavy for the demigods, did not move at all at this moment, as if it was blocked by invisible forces.

Luca Brewster didn't make various attempts forcibly, and turned his eyes deep into the ground.

There was silence, and no sound came out.

This is not normal ... Lucca doesn't need to rely on his extraordinary ability to judge that something is wrong here.

In peacetime, the deepest part of the ground is always a voice that makes people's hair spine chill, and now it disappears like never before.

Others may not know it, but as the top of the knowledge church, Luca knows that the voice comes from a very terrible seal, even if he does not know the specific situation, it cannot be erased out of thin air.

The current situation can only explain one problem:

Either the seal has got rid of the restrictions and moved to a more weird state, or it has been sealed further and can no longer exert any influence on the outside world.

Whatever the possibility, it means that there is an extreme danger hidden around, because the number of the seal is:


At the top of the remaining bell tower of Byam, the light on Amon's monocle gradually faded and returned to normal.

The "wrong" Mr. just showed his new extraordinary ability unabashedly, and showed the fact to all who watched his existence:

He has accommodated the uniqueness of the "door" and obtained the corresponding authority!

He just took this to close all the things related to the concept of "door" in the whole world, and maximized the effect of closure.

This results in the sealed items in the Orthodox Church and the secret organization being unusable for a short period of time, because no one can unlock the seal.

Even if a true **** descends from the astral world, it may take a certain amount of time to break through the restrictions.

As a result, Amon excluded most of the "0" level seals from the next possible battle, and no longer need to consider the corresponding interference.

Of course, the influence exerted by the use of authority on the entire world cannot be maintained for too long, unless Mr. Amon, the "error", puts all his energy on this matter. Because of this, he did not do this in advance. When Klein's anchor was disturbed, it suddenly started.

——The stronger the “0” level seal is, the more terrible the negative effect is, and it is even more so that it can affect the spirit level. Even the true **** of sequence 0 may not be able to withstand it for too long. The seal will not be undone, otherwise it will cause greater interference to themselves, and the harvest cannot make up for the loss.

After finishing this matter, Amon held his palm and leaped gently, sitting on the balustrade at the top of the clock tower without any real image.

While looking at the horizon, He leisurely waited for the secret to be lifted, and Klein's ceremony to accommodate the uniqueness of the "Fool" officially began.

At that time, He will ring the death knell for the other party.


In the hidden world of "Night Goddess".

Klein ’s consciousness was like the sailboat in the storm, which was sometimes thrown high, sometimes photographed, and sometimes eroded under the impact of the resurgence of "Fu Sheng Xuan Huang Tian Zun" and the self-cognition and spiritual imprint of Antigonus , Sometimes pushed sideways.

This made his thoughts extremely chaotic, almost splitting up two different personalities, called Antigonus and the "Secret Lord" personalities.

At the same time, his doppelganger also lost his mind and was in a state where he was about to collapse into a worm vortex. The only secret mate, at present, was simply unmanned and stayed in place.

A prayer from believers, a sentence of praise echoed to Klein's ear, forming a corresponding cognitive image.

This is like a dyke, fighting hard against the raging flood.

For such a situation, Klein is not too unfamiliar and became a "hidden waiter". After swallowing the extraordinary features of Charatou, he had a similar experience, so, with the help of the anchor, he just passed the beginning. Chaos, he was quite skillful in guiding Antigonus 'self-cognition and spiritual branding to "Fu Sheng Xuan Huang Tian Zun"' s will to recover, causing the two to erode and entangle each other.

The rapacious "mental storm" weakened a lot, and Klein's self-awareness finally got a chance to breathe.

Without calming down, he immediately introduced the image of the gods formed by many anchors into the entanglement of two spiritual pollutions, trying to find a new balance.

But this did not go smoothly. Compared with the previous one, the essence, resilience, and madness of Antigonus ’spiritual imprint are obviously stronger than that of Charatou. After all, this is a person who accommodates uniqueness and is called a semi The king of angels of the "fools".

Moreover, Klein also stolen each other's identity and fate. This brings two other bad effects:

His personality is always on the verge of splitting. From time to time he thinks he is Antigonus, trying to integrate the other party's spiritual brand with his own mind; he inherits the destiny of Antigonus out of control and crazy, the whole body is in Uncontrollable collapse, which brought more, a lot of mental pollution.

In addition, the spiritual imprint of Antigonus and the will to recover from "Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun" are not completely incompatible with fire and water. They have shown signs of integration in some aspects of the "battlefield" in some aspects. It stems from the same being.

This preliminarily confirmed Klein ’s guess that as a born mythical creature, Antigonus had a certain will of "Heavenly Honor" as soon as he was born, and when he was promoted to "Secret Waiter", the problem suddenly became serious , So that he produced an unconscious change. As he accommodated the uniqueness of the "Fool", madness seemed to directly become a side of Him.

In other words, Antigonus before being completely out of control is already a certain degree of stitching monster in spirit, and his self-cognition and spiritual branding are part of "Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun", and this is in "stealing" , Cannot be separated.

Compared with Him, Charatou's spiritual imprint is much cleaner, and only a small part of "Fu Sheng Xuan Huang Tianzun" comes from the strong emotions before Charatou's death.

The reason for the difference between the two is that in addition to the uniqueness of Antigonus additionally containing the "Fool", the former also became a "secret waiter" at the beginning of the Quaternary. The degree of the late fifth century.

A new balance has never been able to form, and Klein's collapse is getting faster and faster: most of his body has been composed of transparent and twisted worms, and a series of greasy and strange tentacles extend around.

Just as he struggled to maintain self-awareness and searched for a new balance without giving up, his collapsed body, Antigonus crazy spirit and "Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun" recovery will simultaneously enter a state of sleep.

This made all changes come to an abrupt end and return to the normal direction.

Klein's self-consciousness maintained a trace of sobriety in such a deep sleep by virtue of its own resistance to dreams and the peculiarity of when the mind was invaded.

That ’s right, besides Antigonus ’s desperate and crazy destiny, and the fate that he ’s now in sleep ... and I can fight it to some extent ... Klein grabbed that sober, right There is a certain awareness of the current state.

For him, this is an opportunity.

It was not until this time that he fully understood why the "Night Goddess" needed the water of the "Eternal Dark River" as a medium to try this.

This is not only because it is difficult for a unique angel king and the awakened "Secret Lord" will temporarily enter the state of sleep, but also that the state of sleep is good for Klein, which can create only a trace of him. The will can move, and the rest interferes with the perfect environment for all sleeping!

At the same time, Klein also confirmed one thing:

Being able to stay awake when dreams and hearts are invaded is not all a special feature brought by "Yuanbao", because the "Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun" in his body is also sleeping at this moment.

Although the degree of recovery of this "Secret Lord" is still very limited, but his personality and connection with "Source Fort" are undoubtedly stronger than the current Klein, and he cannot fully resist the erosion of eternal sleep. Why can Klein?

Therefore, Klein believes that his speciality in this respect should be partly derived from the blessing of the "Night Goddess", which was a gift he received when he was born.

The blessings given by the true God who is in charge of some of the authority in the dream realm combined with the additional breath, power, and divine power of "Yuanbao" form such a special kind!

As if a soft song from the depths of the dream sounded, Klein's consciousness deepened further.

He did not hesitate, and immediately adjusted the sleeping marks and pollution in his body, and found a new balance.

Immediately afterwards, he extended a series of greasy tentacles with singular patterns, mobilizing the power of "Yuanbao" to steal the uniqueness of the "Fool" from Antigonus.

Perhaps it is because he is now Antigonus, and the theft was successful without failing several times:

A translucent mask engraved with the symbol "Fool" flew out of Antigonus!

The man with a thick black wolf on his face was still asleep, like sleeping forever.

At the same time, the misty mist dissipated, and the illusory starlight entered the hall.

This ancient palace suddenly appeared in the dark and mysterious astral world, and appeared on the top of the main peak of the Honachis Mountains.

The secret is lifted and fate begins to interact.

At this time, in a land abandoned by God, on a mountain, on the surface of a huge cross, a curtain of shadows that appeared to be absent emerged, cracking the gap and walking out of a man.

He was wearing a simple white robe, with thick gold beard, and behind him was a thick, five-headed shadow.

This shadow is partly blended with Him, but has not yet been completely integrated.

Adam looked up at the star world twisted by authority and symbol, and smiled peacefully to the shadow behind:

"They don't seem to know why this time I used" Daydreamer "as the cornerstone.

"I never told anyone about this research."

As soon as the words fell, he spoke solemnly and solemnly:

"I am one, ten thousand, the beginning and the end."

His eyes suddenly became illusory, and a sea appeared to surround all colors and all possibilities.

Adam immediately raised his hand and held the silver cross pendant hanging on his chest.

Over his head, a fiery but imaginary sun suddenly jumped out. On his left, the symbols of lightning, gusty wind, and waves intertwine into a virtual shadow overlooking everything, and on his right, there are many brass eyes. Tall white tower rises from the ground.

Driven by the chaotic sea, these fantasy powers and symbols came into Adam's body one by one.

At the end, the shadow that was close to Adam's back also shrank into His body.

Suddenly, the sea that contained all colors and all possibilities rose, and Adam expanded into a huge light and shadow that seemed to support the world.

The light and shadow slowly walked on the chaotic virtual black "water surface", raised his finger to the star world, and solemnly declared:

"Let there be light!"

After the blink of an eye, the entire astral world lights up, and there is no secret to hide. Even the invisible barrier that separates part of the astral region corresponding to the earth from the complete astral world and the entire universe is highlighted.

At this time, a huge face of horror that could not be described in detail was posted on the transparent, cracked barrier, silently watching the scene change inside.