MTL - Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony-Chapter 5 Light a fire to send cheat value

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  Chapter 5 Lighting a fire to send cheating points

   He tossed and turned on the grass for more than an hour without falling asleep. During this time, there were no more gray rabbits spawned on the grass, and Qu Mao began to calm down after tossing and turning.

  Let’s not pursue the ins and outs of this matter, the hunger in my stomach right now is real and unbearable. At worst, I have to live before I can think about other things.

   On the grass in the middle of the forest, the hares less than 40 centimeters are so ferocious, and the cheating system clearly stated that this kind of gray rabbit is the simplest beast in this so-called Continent of Hegemony. To put it simply, Qu Mao can't even destroy the weakest monster in the Hegemony Continent now, which is no different from the hell-level opening.

And the death here is real, so how to survive is the key. Ake in the cheat call is equivalent to the fifth-level strength of Continental Hegemony. Qu Mao has no real feelings about the level of fifth-level strength, but this cheating Summons also take three hours to summon, and only give one cheat value at a time.

  Analyzing and analyzing, the core is how to obtain the cheating value, but the cheating system does not give the simplest hints at all.

After realizing that surviving is the key, Qu Mao got up, but the activity area and observation area were only a meadow of less than 400 square meters. When he was chased by the first gray rabbit, he did run into the forest for hundreds of miles. However, after the gray rabbit was killed by A Ke, Qu Mao retreated immediately, so this grassland can feel a little more secure.

   In fact, the cheating system said that Qu Mao did not understand the experience of living in the wild, which is not entirely correct. Since entering junior high school, Qu Mao has become very nerdy because of his obsession with games. The only practical experience of survival in the wild in his memory is when he was in the sixth grade of elementary school, carrying a tent, carrying a pack of snacks and drinks, with his classmates in the classroom. For camping by the sea, the parents are at another camping site less than 50 meters away from the camping site. These camping sites are specially developed by the scenic spot. However, as a boy, survival in the wild is inherently very attractive to Qu Mao, so Qu Mao also watched a lot of documentaries on survival in the wild between games at home.

Enduring the hunger like a knife in his belly, Qu Mao broke a two-centimeter diameter and two-meter-long branch in the woods on the edge of the grass as a weapon. The branch he broke for the first time had been killed by a gray rabbit It was thrown away during the chase. At the same time, Qu Mao also found some dead wood and hay, and was going to try to light a fire to grill rabbit meat next time A Ke was summoned to slaughter the gray rabbit.

  The sky darkened unknowingly, and a gray rabbit ran over on the grass again. Qu Mao knew that whether he could not starve to death depended on this hare.

   It was the first time I fought against the gray rabbit without knowing the heights of the sky and the ground, which caused myself to lose 90 points of blood.

   Lie down on the ground and climbed close to the grass to a distance of about six meters from the gray rabbit. The moment Qu Mao saw the blood-red eyes of the gray rabbit looking at him, he immediately shouted: "What are you doing!"

  Familiar BGM, familiar cold lines: "You must die!"

   Gray Rabbit was split in half by A Ke before he could react, and A Ke's figure gradually became dim until he disappeared.

   Qu Mao stood up and walked between the two gray rabbit corpses. Unfortunately, after the system prompted, what appeared in front of him was still a complete gray rabbit corpse!

After using the system to decompose the gray rabbit's carcass into a piece of fresh rabbit meat and a palm-sized rabbit skin, Qu Mao learned the lesson from last time, this time he took all the fresh rabbit meat and rabbit skin into himself immediately. in the backpack.

   Then Qu Mao walked back to the middle of the grass, where there was a pile of dry branches as thick as a little finger, and a lot of hay. Of course, Qu Mao was lucky, and found a handful of plant catkins similar to willow catkins. A dry branch 40 cm long and the thickness of a little finger was polished smooth by Qu Mao while waiting for the gray rabbit to appear, and the head was cut rough with gravel.

  Put a flat stone the size of a palm with a small pit in the middle that he picked up and put it on the grass, and then cleaned up the grass with a radius of one meter around his body. Then Qu Mao clapped his hands and began to drill wood to make fire.

The sky has completely darkened, Qu Mao's clothes have been torn on the way to escape, and now he feels a little chilly, even if Qu Mao can overcome his physical reaction and eat raw rabbit meat to satisfy his hunger, if the fire cannot be lit, Qu Mao was really not sure that he could get through the night safely, freezing to death would be a kind of torture.

  When I was watching a documentary on survival in the wild, I always thought it was quite simple for the main character on TV to make fire by drilling wood, but when it was actually operated, Qu Mao felt that it was not the same thing at all.

It has been at least three hours since the dark, and has been busy until the third gray rabbit was summoned by A Ke, and Qu Mao harvested a piece of fresh rabbit meat and a piece of rabbit skin again. It was still a wooden pole, the stones under my feet were still stones, my stomach was still as hungry as a knife, and of course the fire did not start.

  And Qu Mao's hands were bleeding from rubbing the wooden poles, and Qu Mao lost three points of life. Even the shaft of the wooden shaft has been polished by Qu Mao with small stones before.

  The weather also became colder, and Qu Mao knew that he had to fight to the death tonight, otherwise he would freeze to death on a desert island.

   Fortunately, the sky paid off. On the eve before the fourth gray rabbit was about to appear, Qu Mao finally managed to start the fire, and then hurriedly piled dry grass and dry branches on the flames, and the fire finally started.

   Before he could see the yellow font flashing in front of his eyes, Qu Mao couldn't wait to take out the rabbit meat in his backpack, put it directly on a 50 cm long branch, and put it on the fire to roast it.

   It has been at least a dozen hours since I came to the Continent for Hegemony, not counting the time I spent playing games with Fuzhi before I came here, Qu Mao finally had his first bite of cooked food.

The barbecued rabbit meat, without any condiments, tastes bad and is hard to chew, but Qu Mao didn't care that one side of the rabbit meat was burnt black and the other side was half-cooked, so he directly stuffed it into his mouth, and it was hard to chew. Bite off a small piece and swallow it directly in the stomach, and stretch it out into the fire to roast it twice...

   After swallowing seven or eight pieces of rabbit meat in a row, Qu Mao felt a little more comfortable in his stomach, so while continuing to chew the rabbit meat, he meditated to call out the cheating system interface.

  Seeing that the cheating value at the top of the cheating system on the system interface has changed to 8 points, the rabbit meat in Qu Mao's hand fell to the ground involuntarily.

   Searching frantically on the interface of the cheating system, Qu Mao finally saw the words in yellow font: "Drilling wood to make fire was successful, cheating with knowledge that does not exist on the Continent of Hegemony, and getting 5 points of cheating value!"

  (end of this chapter)