MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 473 It's him

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"Jingle Bell…"

  In the early morning, Luke was about to go out after washing up, when his cell phone rang suddenly.

  He pressed the answer button and said, "Mom, what can I do for you?"

  Linda's voice came from the phone, "Are you busy with work recently?"

   "Still the same."

  Yesterday afternoon, the police discovered Danielle Winter's body, and the relevant evidence was also sent for identification. William Moses Jr. is very suspected, and the police have already issued a wanted warrant for him.

   As for whether William Moses Jr. was the real culprit who killed Danielle Winter, it still depends on today's identification results.

   "Your grandfather invited everyone to dinner this Sunday, do you have time?"

  Luke glanced at the date on the watch, "It shouldn't be a big problem."

   "OK, take care of yourself and remember to eat."

   "I love your mother."

"Me too."

  Luke hung up the phone and drove to the police station.

  After he arrived at the police detective station, he did not return to the office, but went to the technical team.

  The identification results of physical evidence at the scene are enough to affect the direction of the entire case.

  Luke waited for more than half an hour to get the appraisal result. This speed is already very fast. If it is replaced by other departments, it may even take several days.

  After returning to the office, Luke called everyone into a meeting, "Guys, the technical team's appraisal results are out."

  Xiao Hei cut to the point, "Is it William Moses Jr.?"

  Luke did not answer immediately, but took out the identification report of the handcuffs found in the corpse pit.

  The DNA of two people was found on this handcuff, and the DNA of William Moses Jr. was found in the ring of the handcuff.

  Danielle Winter's DNA was found at the location of the handcuffs.

Luke took out the photo of Danielle Winter's body again, and pointed to the strangle mark on the neck, "The imprint of this wound matches the shape of the chain of the handcuffs, and it is basically certain that Danielle Winter was killed by someone. strangled with handcuffs.

   According to the identification results, the murderer should be William Moses Jr.

  Our guess is correct.

  The thing to be sure now is where is William Moses Jr.? "

   After Luke finished speaking, he glanced around, "Where is the deputy team?"

   "I didn't see him today, so I thought he was on leave." Matthew shrugged. He usually spends the longest time with the deputy team, and it can be said that the two spend the longest time in the office.


  Martins Community, 307.

   This is a white two-story building, very elegant and looks very warm.

  A white-haired old man walked into the yard, stepped on the gravel path to the door, and rang the doorbell, but the doorbell didn't ring, probably broken.

   "Dong dong." The deputy team knocked on the door.

   There is no movement in the room.

   "Boom..." The deputy team knocked on the door again.

  There was a faint sound in the house, the door opened, and a white man in his sixties was sitting in a wheelchair, "Who are you looking for?"

  The deputy team looked at each other, eyes fixed on each other's legs, a little surprised, "Mr. McCaw Ray?"

   "It's me, who are you? I don't seem to know you."

  The deputy team flashed their police badge, "Deputy Captain of the First Squadron of the Robbery and Murder Division, Vincent Heath."

  Mycroft Ray froze for a moment, frowned and said, "Department of Robbery and Murder? What do you want from me? Could it be that someone called the police and said that I was killed?"

   "No, I want to know about your daughter's traffic accident case. I'm sorry to bring up these bad memories again."

   Mycroft Ray's cheeks twitched, and he said coldly, "Since you feel sorry, why do you still say it?"

  The deputy team pointed to the house, "Can we go in and talk?"

   "Give me a reason, I can't think of anything to talk about between us."

  The deputy team cut straight to the point, "The driver of the car accident, Danielle Winter, died."

   "What you said is true?"


   Mycroft Ray activated the wheelchair and stepped aside, "Come in."

  The deputy team entered the house and looked at the decorations in the house. The house was fairly clean. There was a pot of pink flowers on the coffee table, which had already fully bloomed and could still smell a faint fragrance.

   "Is this jasmine? It's beautiful!"

   "Yes, this is my daughter's favorite flower." Mycroft Ray's voice was full of nostalgia, "What would you like to drink?"

  The deputy team looked at his wheelchair and waved his hand, "I'm not very thirsty, no need, thank you."

   "Then have some champagne."

McCaw Ray entered the house in a wheelchair, and came out with a bottle of champagne in his hand. He moved the wheelchair to the coffee table, looked at the champagne in his hand, and said, "This is a good bottle of wine. It goes in the coffin."

  The deputy team is not a rigid person. Since they want to obtain clues and information from the opponent, they naturally do what they like. "Where is the cup? I'll get it."

   "You're right, there is a specific glass for drinking champagne, it's in the cupboard above the kitchen, I haven't used it for a long time, you'd better brush it, thank you."

   "I will." The deputy team got up, walked to the kitchen, took out two champagne glasses and simply swiped them.

  Mycroft Ray opened the champagne, poured two glasses, took one for himself first, and raised his glass, "Cheers."

  The deputy team also picked up the wine glass, "According to the regulations, we are not allowed to drink during working hours. You won't report me, right?"

   "Haha... I do have this idea, I will go to your police station in a wheelchair, remember to send me a location." Mycroft Ray laughed.

  Seeing Vice Captain Vincent staring at him, Mycroft Ray touched his cheek, "Sorry, I haven't smiled for a long time, I didn't scare you."

   "No, I can understand. I am also the father of three children, and I know how difficult it is to raise a child." The deputy team also took a sip of champagne.

  Macrof Ray put down the champagne glass and asked seriously, "How did she die?"

   "Are you asking Danielle Winter?"

   "Yes. The murderer who killed my daughter, God bless, finally let her get the punishment she deserved.

   I know it’s very…

   But I will never forget the day I got the call that my daughter had been in a car accident and we got there to find her lying in a pool of blood...not breathing.

   We didn’t even see her for the last time.

   This Danielle Winter you said killed my daughter, she is a murderer! "

   "It can be seen that you love your daughter very much."

  "Yes, I did a lot of ridiculous things when I was young. I lived a day-to-day life. I never thought that I would have a family. I always thought that I would die alone.

   Until I met my lover, that is, my wife.

  We went from getting to know each other to getting married, and I lived a different life.

  My daughter was born when I was forty, and my wife was thirty-nine, and we loved her...

  My life changed because of her...

  Over the past twenty years, we have been very happy and happy.

   Until that car accident...

   It ruins everything! Woooo..." Mycroft Ray covered his cheeks and sobbed softly.

  The deputy team picked up the champagne bottle and poured another glass of wine for Mycroft Ray. He opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to comfort him. He wanted to continue asking about the case, but felt it was inappropriate.

   "I made you laugh." Mycroft Ray wiped the tears on his face, "How did she die?"

   "She was strangled to death. We only found her body yesterday."

   "She got out of prison?"


   "God, is it fair that my daughter died because of her, and she only needs to sit in prison for a few months?" Mycroft Ray asked back, his eyes hardened, "No, it's not fair.

   So God sent her to be punished in another way.

Thank God!

  Thank you for giving my daughter justice. "

  The deputy team poured him another glass of champagne, and asked tentatively, "I heard that your wife also passed away?"

   "Yes." Mycroft Ray took a sip of champagne and sighed, "After my daughter was in a car accident, my wife couldn't accept it, and she cried blindly.

  She prayed to God, but still could not relieve the grief in her heart.

   One night, she suddenly left. "

  The deputy captain said, "I'm sorry to remind you of something sad."

There was a strange sweetness on Mycroft Ray's face, "No, my wife walked away peacefully, I know...she is looking for her daughter. Maybe they have already met, I think they are calling me, waiting for my reunion .

   Soon, I will also go to them, so that our family of three can be reunited. "

  His expression made the deputy team shudder.

  A person who is not even afraid of death, no, to be precise, some people who look forward to death are already a little sick in their hearts, and he is fearless at this time.

  The deputy team is even more suspicious that he has something to do with Danielle Winter's death.

   "When was the last time you saw Danielle Winter?"

  Macrof Ray smiled and asked, "You suspect that I killed Danielle Winter?"

"is it you?"

  Mycroft Ray shook his head, "I thought about it and asked about her, when she was still in prison.

   At that time my wife also passed away, I was helpless...

  I went to church to pray to God and ask God for guidance. A priest in the church chatted with me for a long time.

  He knew my wives and said they were good people, not only I liked them, but God also liked them, so God took them back to heaven.

   I will be able to reunite with them after I die.

  In his words, angels with broken wings will fall into the world. The world is not a beautiful endorsement, and leaving may not be a relief. "

  Mycroft Ray laughed, "If I heard similar words thirty years ago, I would definitely blow his head off.

  But I’m over sixty now... I’ve been through a lot, and I know he’s comforting me, and I know that not all of what he said is true.

  Just like me now, my legs can no longer walk, and I am alone. If someone wants to kill me, I won't even blink my eyes.

  Can you understand how I feel? "

   "Yes, we are the same age, and I am still a policeman, I have seen too many demons in human skin.

  As the priest said, we are just travelers on the earth, just to experience life, there is no need to live too seriously, everyone has to leave, and leaving early may not be a bad thing. "

  Macrof Ray nodded and raised his glass, "To you."

   The two clinked glasses, and the deputy team took a sip of champagne and asked, "Is her death related to you?"

"No, I didn't even know she was out of prison. Since my legs can't walk, I have rarely gone out, and I have learned to let go, especially when I think that I can see my daughter and wife again after my death. My heart It's a lot calmer."

  Macrof Ray put down the champagne glass and asked, "Do you think Danielle Winter's death is related to last year's accident?"

  The deputy team nodded and took out a photo of William Moses Jr., "Do you know him?"

   Mycroft Ray shook his head, "I don't know him, what does he have to do with me?"

  The deputy team said, "He is Danielle Winter's ex-boyfriend, and he may also be the murderer who killed Danielle Winter."

  Mycroft Lei spread his hands, "Since you have already found the murderer, why do you still doubt me?"

   "The situation is more complicated. Danielle Winter's ex-boyfriend, the man in the photo, was also in the car involved in the accident. We suspect that he may also be related to the accident."

   Mycroft Ray's complexion changed slightly, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, "Can you speak clearly?"

   "Sorry, the case is still under investigation, and we haven't figured out the truth." The deputy team said perfunctorily.

   "Then what do you mean by coming to my house?"

  The deputy team was stunned for a moment. I can't say that I just doubted you, "I want to see your daughter's relics."

   "Why? Just to find the murderer who killed Danielle Winter?" Mycroft Ray was a little dissatisfied.

   "Not only that, we also want to investigate the traffic accidents that year."

   Mycroft Ray hesitated for a while, then said, "You wait."

  Macrof Ray returned to the bedroom again, and when he came out, he held a wooden box in his hand. He stroked it gently with his hand, "Some of my daughter's things are here. You can look at them, but you can't take them away."

   "I understand." The deputy team nodded, and carefully opened the wooden box.

  The box contained Kaya Lei's college graduation certificate, photo album, a key, a hairpin, and a gold necklace.

  The deputy team opened the album and looked at the photos inside. There were photos of the deceased Kaya Lei from childhood to adulthood. The deputy team flipped through from front to back, and felt that the photos at the back of the album were a bit thick.

He rubbed it with his hands, then took out the photo, and found that there was another photo inserted behind the photo, which was a photo of the deceased Kaya Lei and a man. The man put his arm around Kaya Lei's shoulders, and the two laughed happily. It seems that the relationship is very close, like a young couple, "Why is this photo hidden, do you know him?"

   McCaw Ray took the photo and pinched his forehead, "Yes, he is my daughter's ex-boyfriend, but they have broken up."

  The deputy team asked, "What's this man's name?"

"I can't remember, I can't remember the name, his surname seems to be David." The deputy team superimposed the photo with the figure of Danielle Winter's current boyfriend Ivoni David, " Ivoni David?"

   "Yes, it seems to be him. How do you know?"

  The deputy team didn't answer, and continued to ask, "How is the relationship between him and your daughter?"

   "My daughter likes him, but my wife and I don't think they are suitable. He has a criminal record, prison time, and never went to college. He and my daughter are completely different people.

  I don't think they will be happy together. "

   "I didn't ask if they will be happy in the future? I just want to know how their relationship is?"

   "I don't know either. After he was rejected by us, my daughter never mentioned him again. I don't know why his photo is in the album."

   "Did he come to your house after your daughter was hit?"

   "No. Is there anything wrong with him?"

   "Perhaps, I have found the real murderer of Danielle Winter!"

   Mycroft Ray's eyes widened, and he questioned, "You said he killed Danielle Winter?"

  The deputy team didn't answer, stood up and said, "I'm leaving. I'll come to you for a drink after the investigation of the case is clear."

   Mycroft Ray's eyes were red, "Then you have to hurry up, I don't have much good wine in my collection."

   "Can I take this picture with me?"


   Half an hour later, the deputy returned to the police office.

  Marcus joked, "Hey, vice team, you're late, and you're going to lose your full attendance this month."

  The deputy team gestured with the middle finger, "It's better to care about yourself, I'm going out to investigate the case."

  Marcus shrugged, "Have you found William Moses Jr.?"

  The deputy team shook his head, "That guy is not important at all. I found the real murderer who killed Danielle Winter. Maybe William Moses Jr. was also killed by him."

  The deputy team's words aroused everyone's interest.

  Xiao Hei asked, "Oh, the real murderer? Who are you talking about?"

  Luke also looked at the deputy team. Although this old man is not easy to get along with, he is still relatively reliable. He guessed, "There are new clues in that traffic accident case."

  The deputy team nodded and said straight to the point, "Where is Ivoni David? This may be the real murderer. Don't let him escape."

   "Ivoni David!" Xiao Hei became interested, "Deputy team, do you have evidence?"

  The deputy team spread their hands, "What do you think I did?"

  Xiao Hei laughed and said, "I thought there was something wrong with Ivoni David before." He pointed at Jackson again, "Rookie, do you remember what I said?

  William Moses Jr. and Danielle Winter were originally a couple, but they were separated because Danielle Winter was in prison. The two of them are truly in love.

  Ivoni David was just a backup, and now that Danielle Winter is out of prison, she has rekindled her old relationship with William Moses Jr.

  Ivoni David killed Danielle Winter out of jealousy and love.

   Vice team, is my analysis correct? "

   "Shit!" The deputy team rolled their eyes, and directly took out the photos of Ivoni David and Kaya Lei, the female victim of the accident,

   "This is the real reason why Ivoni David killed people! Take a good look."

  Xiao Hei's eyes widened, and he said in surprise, "I'm not mistaken, the two of them are actually taking pictures together, and based on my experience, their demeanor should be in love."

  Xiao Hei touched his chin and continued to analyze, "From the time when the photo was taken, the accident had not happened at that time, and Ivoni David was the boyfriend of Kaya Lei, the victim of the accident.

   Then the hit-and-run case occurred, and the driver Danielle Winter hit and killed Kaya Ray.

  Ivoni David is Danielle Winter's boyfriend again.

   Turns out Danielle Winter died too! "

  The little black brain opened up, and guessed, "Ivoni David is a murderous maniac, who killed his previous girlfriends!"

   At this moment, the deputy team was also stunned, "How can you still analyze it like this? He wanted to say that Marcus was talking nonsense, but it seems... this kind of speculation also makes sense."

  Jackson was also taken sideways, and said, "Deputy team, why did Ivoni David do this? What is the purpose of the murder?"

   Vice team "..."

   This is not what I want to say.

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RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts