MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 478 locking

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  Chapter 478 Locked

  Hawaii, Hilton Hotel.

  Two police cars drove into the Hilton Hotel, parked under the hotel apartment building, and four police officers came out of the car.

  Headed by a black middle-aged police officer.

   After getting out of the car, he looked around for a while, and walked into the hotel lobby at a leisurely pace. If he wasn't wearing a police uniform, he could easily be regarded as a leisurely strolling tourist.

  Four police officers took the elevator up to the third floor.

  A waiter was already waiting at the elevator door, and made a gesture of invitation, "Sir, the guests who lost their things live in rooms 306 and 308, I will take you there."

  The black police officer nodded, still walking casually.

  At this time, Robert, Linda, Val, and Fatty were standing in the corridor, their faces were a bit ugly, no matter who encountered such a thing while traveling, it would be very frustrating.

  The black police officer scanned the crowd and asked, "Who called the police?"

  Robert pointed to room 306 and said, "Sir, my name is Robert. My room was stolen. The hotel called the police."

   "My name is Martin George." After a brief introduction, the black police officer asked, "When was your stuff stolen?"

  Robert shook his head, "We don't know the exact time.

  We left the hotel at 8 o'clock in the morning to go to the Gulan Ranch to play, and returned to the hotel around 2 o'clock, ready to change clothes before going out to play.

  I saw signs of tampering in the room...then checked and found cash and ID stolen. "

  Martin George frowned slightly, "The documents were also stolen?"


   "Where are the documents and cash?"


   "Have you changed your password?"

   "No, I didn't think it was necessary..."

  Martin George didn't say anything. He had seen too many similar situations. Many customers would use safes, but for various reasons they would not change the password of the safe.

   "Are you traveling to Hawaii?"


   "Who lives in room 308?"

  Robert said, "My two grandchildren live in room 308, and their room was also stolen, just like ours."

   "How many of you are there?"

   "There are five people in our family, and my daughter lives in Room 307."

  Martin George looked at Linda at the side, "Ma'am, is there any sign that your room was stolen?"


   "Does your safe have a replacement combination?"

   "I'm not using a safe."

   "Did you see any suspicious people before and after leaving the hotel?"

  Robert thought for a while, "I have no impression. We were only thinking about having fun at the time, thinking that we should be safe in the hotel."

  Martin George turned around in the corridor, "Where did your other companion go?"

   "He went to see a friend." Robert glanced at his watch, "Should be back soon."

   "Can you contact him? Are you sure he didn't take the things in the room?"

  Robert shook his head, "We contacted him, and he didn't take anything from the room."

  Martin George nodded, and said to the patrolman on the side, "Record the specific items they lost."

After finishing speaking, Martin George walked into room 306. He scanned every corner of the room and saw that the cabinets in the room were all opened, and some items were scattered on the floor. There was a black safe under the wardrobe, and the safe door was open. No items were found inside.

  He squatted down, let out a sigh of relief at the armrest of the safe, and irradiated the surface of the armrest with a flashlight. He could faintly see fingerprints on the armrest.

  He stood up, glanced at the room again, and found that the door of the hotel balcony was open. He walked into the balcony to check. The scenery outside the balcony was beautiful. Not far away was the sea, and one could enjoy the sea view while sitting on the balcony.

  He lays his hands on the edge of the balcony. On the left is room 306. The balconies of the two rooms are next to each other, and he can jump from one balcony to the other.

  Martin George walked out of room 308, and said to the young patrolman who had just finished taking notes, "Have the on-site investigators arrived?"

  The young police officer said, "I just contacted and will be here soon."

Martin George nodded, and walked into room 306. The door of this room was also open, and the door of the safe inside was also open. It was almost the same as that of the other room, and the fingerprints on the two safes could be compared. , if the fingerprints on the safe are the same, it is probably left by the thief.

  Martin George faintly felt that something was wrong. He seemed to have heard an abnormal sound. He stood up, pressed his right hand on the handle of the gun, and walked slowly towards the balcony. He saw a black-haired young man standing on the balcony, "Who are you?"

   "My name is Luke, and I'm a guest staying in this room.

  I got a call from my family saying the hotel room had been stolen and I came in to check for the missing items.

  You may be investigating another room when I come over. "

  Martin George moved his hand away from the pistol, "What items did you lose?"

   "Identification and cash."

  Martin George continued to ask, "Did you see any suspicious people near the room today?"


   Luke asked, "Sir, is there any progress in the investigation? When will the lost documents be recovered.

  I was planning to leave Hawaii tomorrow. "

  Martin George spread his hands, "I just took over the case, so I can't answer your question. I can only tell you that I will try my best to find it."

  Luke asked, "Are there many similar cases in Hawaii? Is there a high chance of the documents being recovered?"

  Martin George was perfunctory, "It's hard to say, it depends on the specific situation."

   "Sir, I would like to ask, do you have any clues to find the thief?"

Martin George glanced at Luke, frowned, and said, "The five of you live in three rooms, namely rooms 306, 308 and 307, of which room 307 is on the east side of the hotel, while rooms 306 and 308 are on the west side of the hotel .

  Among them, room 307 showed no signs of being stolen.

  The balcony doors of rooms 306 and 308 are both open. I suspect that the suspect climbed into the room from the balcony on the west side of the hotel. "

  Luke nodded and praised, "You are right.

   In addition, I would like to make a small suggestion that the hotel can contact other guests on the same floor to see if there are other rooms stolen.

   This will confirm your guess as quickly as possible. "

  Martin George smiled, "Are you teaching me to investigate the case? Before I entered the room, I had already arranged for my colleagues to inquire."

  Luke also smiled, "It seems that I will be able to get my documents back soon."

  Martin George withdrew his smile, pointed at Luke and said, "Leave immediately after confirming the lost items, and don't touch or destroy the traces in the room."


Martin George left the room, called two policemen to the side, and said to a young patrolman, "Go to the person in charge of the hotel and ask them to notify the guests in other rooms of the hotel to see if there are any other rooms stolen. Case.

  Especially people on this floor must ask. "

   "Okay, instructor."

  Afterwards, Martin George pointed at the female patrol officer on the side, "Go and call the hotel's surveillance... Forget it, let me talk to them in person.

  You stay here and watch, don't let anyone into the scene. "


  In room 308.

  Luke stood on the balcony, just as Martin George guessed, he also felt that the suspect climbed into the room through the balcony, so he didn't enter Linda's room to steal.

  The advantage of climbing from the balcony is that there is no need to break the door, and the surveillance in the hotel lobby and corridors cannot photograph the suspect.

  He found a shoe print on the balcony floor, like a trace left by climbing, but it was an incomplete shoe print, and the trace was relatively shallow, only about a quarter of the toe position.

  Luke tried to use the identification card, perhaps because the shoe prints were too shallow and missing a lot, the identification card did not take effect.

not available.

  Luke went to room 306 again. However, no obvious shoe prints were found on the balcony. He guessed that the suspect should have come to room 308 first, and then went to room 306 to steal.

  Luke looked downstairs. The suspect should have climbed to the third floor from below. So, is it possible that there are footprints below?

  Luke left the room and went directly to the balcony of Room 108 on the first floor of the hotel. It was surrounded by a small garden. It seemed that it had been watered today, and the ground was a little wet.

Luke observed carefully outside the balcony of 108, and found a group of relatively clear shoe prints. There are water spraying facilities for automatic flowering in the small garden. Normal people will not leave footprints here, and it is probably left by the suspect. shoe prints.

  Luke used an identification card, and a set of data appeared in his mind.

  【Shoes, Striped Sneakers

Gender: Female

  Height, 164-169CM

   Weight, 110 to 120 pounds

  Age, between 16 and 21 years old.

  Features, bowlegged]

   "It's a female thief." Luke was a little surprised, recalling whether he had seen similar women recently.

  Although Orti came here by chance, her height exceeds 170cm, which does not fit the characteristics of a female thief.

  As soon as she thought of Ortie, her voice sounded next to her, "Luke, have you found any clues about the thief?"

  Luke pointed to the shoe print on the ground, "This is most likely the shoe print left by a thief."

  There is no paving in the small garden, and Orti didn’t come close to avoid stepping on the mud. He glanced around, “There is no surveillance around here, so it may be difficult to find the thief based on the shoe prints alone.”

  Luke smiled, "Don't underestimate this set of shoe prints, it can provide a lot of clues."

  Orti glanced at the shoe prints again, but didn't feel anything special.

  Luke didn't explain much, and said with a smile, "I'm going to meet the police in charge of the investigation."

  Orti laughed, "Did they recognize you?"

  Luke shook his head, "I'm not an idol star, how could I be recognized everywhere I go."

  Orti disagreed with Luke's words, "You are indeed a star in the police and detective industry. The fact that they didn't recognize you can only show that they are not self-motivated."

  Luke smiled, "What about you, do you admire me a little?"

   "Sorry to disappoint you, I'm an unmotivated detective."

   "Are you going with me?"

  Orti turned slightly sideways, "Do you think my clothes are okay?"

  Orti was wearing a dark red slanted-neck off-the-shoulder dress, with a curvy figure and two long legs, very sexy.

  Luke looked at it carefully, showing appreciation, "It's great."

  The two returned to the hotel lobby together.

  Luke asked the hotel manager and learned that the police officer in charge of the investigation was checking the surveillance. Under the leadership of the hotel manager, Luke and the two also went to the surveillance room.


  After the hotel manager knocked on the door, he brought Luke into the monitoring room.

   Police officer Martin George looked up, "What's the matter?"

   "Officer, I want to inquire about the progress of the case."

  Martin George got up and said, "I'm checking the surveillance corridor, and I haven't seen any suspicious people go to rooms 308 and 306.

  As I guessed before, the suspect may have entered the room through the balcony. But there was no monitoring on the balcony another time, so we are checking other monitoring in the hotel to see if there is any suspicious person.

   After the suspect is caught, I will notify you to collect the items. "

  Luke said, "I found a shoe print outside the balcony of Room 108, and I guess it might belong to a thief."

  Martin George stretched his waist, "OK, take me there, maybe I can track down the clues of the suspect."

   "No need to go, I have carefully studied the set of footprints." Luke introduced, "The suspect should be a woman, wearing a pair of horizontal striped rubber-soled shoes, the material of which is very suitable for climbing.

  The woman is between 164 cm and 169 cm tall, weighs between 110 and 120 pounds, and is between the ages of 16 and 21.

   Plus, she's a bit bowlegged. "

  Martin George folded his hands on his chest, "Wow, you can see so much information through a set of footprints? Are you a superhero?"

   "No, I'm not a superhero." Luke showed his FBI ID, "Let me introduce formally. My name is Luke Lee, an FBI criminal investigation consultant."

  Martin George took the ID to check, and then returned it to him, "I didn't expect to see you on this occasion, sir."

   "It's really embarrassing. Where I live, no suspect dares to come within a mile of me." Luke was also a little helpless. The theft this time was indeed careless.

  Martin George thought for a while, "Sir, I still have some discoveries."

   "What discovery?"

  “There are not many thefts in Hawaii, but most of them are just stealing cash, jewelry and other property. Few thieves will steal tourists’ ID cards.

  First, these certificates cannot bring them benefits.

Secondly, if it is just the loss of cash, it will have little impact on many customers, but the loss of documents will bring a lot of trouble to tourists, causing them to be unable to leave Hawaii, and our police will also be under great pressure. If things get bigger, there will be no harm to the thieves. any good. "

   Luke asked back, "You think someone is targeting me?"

  Martin George spread his hands, "I can't be sure, it's just a guess."

  Actually, Luke also thought of what he said, and combined with Orti's purpose, Luke already had a conclusion in his mind.

   "Among those habitual thieves with previous convictions, are there any people who meet my requirements?"

   Knowing Luke's identity, Martin George paid more attention to Luke's description, and went through it again in his mind, "A young female thief who is more than 1.6 meters tall and somewhat bow-legged."'


   "Sir, are you sure about these body data?"

   "Of course." Luke said firmly.

   "I... do know that there is a female thief with a similar build, she is often active in the nearby generation." Martin George glanced at his watch, "It is four o'clock in the afternoon.

  Give me four hours, and I will definitely find her. "

"Thanks for your hard work."

   "I hope your clues are accurate, sir." After Martin George finished speaking, he left the monitoring room.

  Orti walked up to Luke and asked curiously, "Can you really identify the suspect with a shoe print?"

  Luke smiled, "Do you admire me a little?"

  Orti raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said playfully, "It won't be too late to worship when you really catch someone.

   But if you catch the wrong person, it will be interesting, sir. "

   "Why do I think you are a little gloating?"

   "I don't.

  I hope you get back your documents soon and come back to Los Angeles with me. "Orti folded her hands on her chest, her round silhouette stretched her clothes tightly,

   "Where do we go now?"

  Luke raised his eyebrows, "Do you want to meet my family?"

   Orti "…"

  (end of this chapter)