MTL - Love in Another Life: My Gentle Tyrant-v2 Chapter 415 416 Love Haze (1) (2)

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  The ending of the Queen Mother and others, she did not know. Just as she didn't know why Naming helped Long Feili.

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  If only on friendship, she said nothing to believe. Even if Long Xiuwen borrowed soldiers from the deeply acquaintance of the great prince, Xiliang was needed.

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  Only knew that when the queen mother saw Ru Fei in the temple, the former fell to the ground in shock, and later, he ordered someone to lay them down. Execution, exile, and death ... she didn't know how Long Feili would deal with the queen mother later. If you don't discuss crime on the spot, you can't escape torture in secret. After all, the queen mother harmed Ru Fei to look like this. Long Feili is not someone who has no revenge.

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  But Long Xiuwen's ending, she did know. Perhaps it should be said, that is not the end.

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  She never expected such a turn, Long Feili did not expect, everyone did not think-including Long Xiuwen himself.

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  Long Fei was going to kill Long Xiuwen, but Ru Fei stopped it.

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  She said that when she was still a new wife, once, she committed a taboo on her queen mother, who wanted to kill her, but Shu Xiong, the mother of Long Xiuwen, saved her.

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  Therefore, she had to work under Shu Fei's hands without being bullied, and later, when she met the emperor, she had to be favored by the dragon.

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  Before her, Shu Fei was beautiful and good-natured, and she was one of the concubines. Later ... Xiandi fell in love with her until she died, and she loved her wholeheartedly. Later, Shu Fei was depressed. Yu Shu Fei was always ashamed. She always felt that she had stolen her pet. Later, the emperor exiled the seven sons of Wangyou County because of Long Xiuwen's accidental injury to Long Feili.

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  Everyone kneeled and said, can not let the tiger return to the mountain.

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Long Feili clenched his fist, she clearly saw the strong intention of killing in his eyes. He wanted Long Xiuwen to die. She didn't know the feeling, as if Long Xiuwen was robbing not only his country, but also other precious things.

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  He kneeled in front of Ru Fei, but Ru Fei sighed and said, "Child, if the mother has legs and feet, then the mother will kneel and ask you."

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  She knew that everyone knew that after 14 years of separation between them, he was unwilling to brush his mother's mind at the beginning of the reunion, but this release, with the wisdom of Long Xiuwen, wanted to catch and kill, only Afraid no matter how hard it is.

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Long Xiuwen smiled gently, looking at Long Fei Li, and said, "If one day, Long Xiu Wen's death accidentally comes out, then you Long Fei Li is a good emperor who should be admired by all people and keep his promises. A good son of a filial mother! "

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"Yes, your young concubine tastes really good, that body is white and slippery, especially the chest ~ a bit of cinnabar, extreme ecstasy, I don't know if the third brother also missed it because of the taste. "

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  Long Xiuwen's laughter, at that time, everyone in the temple changed his face.

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  Long Fei's eyes were red, with blue veins on his forehead. If it wasn't for Xu Xuan's death, he might not have killed Long Xiuwen on the spot.

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  She was weak and almost fell to the ground, he held her tightly.

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She understood that no matter how these courtiers thought, no one dared to say anything to her, but Ru Fei changed her face slightly.

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  Jade buttons were missing, but Long Xiuwen was eventually released.

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本 本 He was going to imprison Long Xiuwen, who was very clever, saying that if he was not free, he would commit suicide.

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Long Xiuwen said with a slight smile at the time: Ru Fei, you have killed my mother-in-law, let your son kill her son too.

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  Without eyeballs, staring at Long Feili, Ru Fei had to break away from the soft couch for her shelter ...

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  Finally, Long Xiuwen lost everything, but left his life alone.

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  As he stepped out of the temple door, he gave her a slight glance, his eyes cold and evil.

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She trembled suddenly.

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  She didn't know if it was because of Long Xiuwen's words. That night, Ru Fei set up a small family feast. Ru Fei didn't call her, she didn't know it—he only told her that his mother and concubine told him to pass A few words.

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  She knew that after a long reunion, the two must have a lot of things to talk about, only to urge him to go with a smile. He took a deep look at her, asked her to wait for him, and took Xu Yan away.

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Without his Chu Xiudian, she stayed for a while and wanted to go back to Fenghuang Palace. Too many things happened in Fenghuang Palace. Although all the former palace people have been sent back, many people are gone ...

翠 Cui Ya, little twins, a few cute little maids, and little Lu Zi.

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Speaking of Xiao Luzi, after the rebellion of the imperial capital, Lu Song was never seen again. This mysterious man must have returned to Xiandaitai.

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Fortunately, he hasn't become a fairy yet, and the fairy doesn't miss him. Xia Sang did not die, but suffered severe internal injuries, and Yu Zhi accompanied him in the imperial palace.

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  She went back to Phoenix Palace and looked at Butterfly Wind and others, then went to Xia Sang to visit. Long Zijin and others were also there, Yu Zhi cried and smiled at Xia Sang.

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  She comforted Yu Zhi for a long time, and whispered to entrust Jingying a few words. If she and Duan Yuzhen go to the frontier, please bring her a few words to Bai Zhanfeng. At that time, Jingying and Duan Yuzhen have established a relationship.

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———— Brother, treasured.

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  From there, she walked alone in the palace for a while, and finally went to the courtyard of Ruyi. She wants to talk to this woman.

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  The girl in the Ruyi courtyard said that the queen mother had set up a family banquet, and her aunt went there.

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She couldn't remember how she left. In the darkness, walking alone.

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没有 没有 He did not tell her that Ru Fei set up a family banquet, and did not say that Ruyi would go. She understood that he didn't want her to think more. In fact, Ru Fei's invitation to Ruyi was natural, after all, Ruyi saved her.

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. Ru Fei, Ruyi, the name is similar, as if fate.

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  However, she still could not help but feel sour. Walking alone with my arms, this night, it was a bit cold.

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Long Xiuwen is really smart. Just now in Chu Xiudian, after several questions, Long Feili told her about the Xishan paddock.

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  Long Xiuwen intentionally said the characteristics of her body, Long Feili then restrained, that situation, or changed his face. She reacted even more ... all instinctively. I don't know if it's a paddock, but those sharp-eyed people will guess her relationship with Long Xiuwen.

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  Ru Fei also listen to it. Wen Biyi doesn't like her not to worry, but Ru Fei is his biological mother. In modern times, it is her mother-in-law. The relationship between mother-in-law and mother-in-law is really problematic in many places.

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  family feast, want to come is a small family feast. Because even if you are close to Long Zijin, how many people will there be at the banquet?

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  Spring weather is still cold, otherwise, how could she get colder and colder?

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What is she tangling? Ruyi is no longer Ruyi, why is it always trembling? From Ruyi's death and rebirth to see you again at Bixia Palace, to Dawo, Lanxin Xiaoxie, Jinxian Dian ... I always feel that I feel strange about Ruyi, and reborn Ruyi seems no stranger to Long Feili. .....

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  The frontline is still fighting, but the turmoil in the imperial city has almost settled the big things on the Emperor's side. Although there are still many things to deal with, the DPRK officials will definitely withdraw a batch and put on some new blood, and the relationship in the harem will also change slightly. First of all, Hua Fei is estimated to be beaten into the cold palace.

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  Also, she had to retrieve the little wolf. That night, it was obviously in the prison, but then disappeared inexplicably. The strangest thing is, who put the human skin mask on her and Cui Ya ... but no matter what, she and he should be happy from now on, like the ending of all the stories.

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  getting colder and colder, she should go back.

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  In the night, she squinted to see the direction of Chu Xiudian, was about to go forward, but suddenly heard a scold, "Who lets you run around?"

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怔 怔 She looked back, but saw Long Feili tight eyebrows. Behind him, Xu Zheng led several eunuchs and held the lamp.

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"The housekeeper of Chu Xiudian said that you returned to Fenghuang Palace, but your eldest girl said that you went to Xia Sang's side, and there was no shadow in Xia Sang's side. What's the matter? Do n’t bring any people, just after the chaos. Although there is Zi Wei on tour, there should always be some people around you! ”

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  He finished the blame once more, probably to see her with her arms folded, her body trembling slightly, her eyes lightened, and she reached out to touch her face.

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"Why is it so cold? How about the cloak?"

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  his anger was even stronger.

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She panicked and whispered, "I'll go back now."

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不想 不想 did not want to quarrel with him, she turned and left-tonight, let's go back to Fenghuang Palace. She was uncomfortable, but knew that he could not blame him, and he had his difficulties.

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也许 May be tired during this time, prison, palace service, she has not taken a good rest for a long time, do not want to argue with him, just want to go back to sleep.

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  Only one step forward, has been hugged by his rough waist.

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Chu Xiudian.

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  After the two had bathed, he hugged her to the bed ~ 搂 into his arms.

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  Outside the bed, the night pearl was shining and shining.

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  She turned his back to him, he suddenly stood up and looked at her with a probe.

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  She closed her eyes, still felt his eyes glowing, annoyed, and reached out to cover his eyes.

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He held her hand, hoarded it in the palm of his hand, and said quietly, "I have made a mistake and still have a temper?"

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"Who made trouble with you?" She bumped back.

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Thinking he would blame her again, he was silent.

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  She frowned, finally could not help but open her eyes, but saw him staring at her deeply, as if swallowing her, her face was hot, was about to turn over, but he kissed his lips .

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  After the family affairs, the two separated.都 Nothing, at this time once intimate, can't be separated.

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  For a long time, he gently rubbed her lips in an unstable breath, "Little Seven, give birth to a child for her."

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  She was stunned, since he had been reconciled, he had no control except for the time in the dense forest, and was released within her body. After returning to the palace, the two had a serious intercourse, but he was more restrained and did not What's left in her. If affection is in it, it will also allow Tai Hospital to prescribe some non-injury medicated meals to give her contraception.

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  now-can they finally have their own children?

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She was shocked and happy, suddenly thinking of Liuzi and Madam Nian, and her heart was dark, but she heard him whisper: "Neither Liuzi nor your mother died, they were hidden in the city of Hsia, hidden in the big city. As soon as the Xiongnu was done, I took you to find them. "

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  She stunned, and then overjoyed, he even saw her mind-kissed his mouth excitedly.

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  His eyes deepened, and the two tangled again for a long time. She thought he would ask her. At the end, he only carefully held her back in his arms, and said, "Sleep, the prison disaster a few days ago. Noisy, this body is bad, and it needs to be conditioned slowly. "

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The voice was flat, but he could hear the pity and tension in his tone.

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  She was close to him, she could feel ... he wanted her! She bit her lip and drew it into his arms, whispering, "Yes."

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"Sleep fast."

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His chest was undulating and his voice was husky. She was sweet inside and closed her eyes.

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  Thought that such joy, once again returned to him, he would soon fall asleep. I do n’t know, although I ’m tired, I ca n’t sleep.

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  I was a little restless, closed my eyes again and closed his eyes, and put on his big hand to cover him gently. "Say anything to you."

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His voice was sober, without any drowsiness-maybe, she was walking around, and he had sniffed the problem early.

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"Ali, can Ruyi be let out of the palace?"

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She burst out suddenly.

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