MTL - Love in Another Life: My Gentle Tyrant-v2 Chapter 427 Love Haze (13)-Night Frost

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  I do not know who shouted, dozens of people, or men or women, armed with a sharp sword and rushed to the people.

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Long Fei moved away from her eyes, Shen Sheng ordered: "Ordinary people seeing riots ~ chaos will not dare to approach us again, anyone who passes in front of you will be chopped and killed."

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"Fight and leave, leave here immediately!"

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The martial arts of Long Feili from the crowd, although there are many assassins, can't get any benefit.

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However, at this time Long Feili and Jingying were seriously injured.

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Long Fei had a deep internal force and was holding Xuanyuan tightly, with a strong will, and would not fall down at this time. There, the crystals in Duan Yu's arms had already passed out.

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  Everyone was very worried about Long Feili's injury, and all of them were shocked and caught off guard. Although there were so many events, they couldn't help but start worrying and impetuous.

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Xiahou Hou, who is the weakest in martial arts, has already hit a few hands and feet.

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Xuan Yuan was worried about Long Feili and Jingying's injuries. She was taken away from Long Fei's arms-more and more assassins came out from the crowd, everyone was fighting fiercely. There is still time.

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  She was surprised when she glanced casually at the child who had just stabbed Crystal on the ground. The easy-going dwarf caressed his chest and took out a bamboo tube from his arms.

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  She didn't know what it was, but she knew it was not a good thing! It's a non-stop, "That kid!"

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Long Feili looked up, his face changed greatly. He was holding Xuan Yuan in one hand and was unable to cast the silver needle in one hand. He slightly frowned and did not hesitate. The soft sword in his hand was pushed and sent. The gnome shot away.

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The weight of silver needles is as small as a cow's hair, and the force of breaking the air is extremely fast, but the sword is slightly slower. Then the gnome chuckled, while the sword fell, all the things in the bamboo tube fell to the ground——

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. *******

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. This is Xuan Yuan's last memory of the confusion at the time-

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  the pellets in the bamboo tube, the complete smoke.

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  In the smoke, the **** smell stabbed her nerves, and the man's body behind her was hot again.

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Before those soots, she saw a familiar white figure and her husband's stern voice, "Zhan Feng, take Nianfei and Mrs. Duan! Never go back to Baifu!"

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Covering the quilt for Jingying, Xuanyuan stood up.

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踉跄 踉跄 stepped on his feet, but fell into a gentle chest ~ into the bore.

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She left in a hurry.

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The man's powerful hand rested on her shoulder. "Xuanxiong, don't worry. With the wisdom of the emperor, he will be fine."

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"Brother." She whispered, and smiled bitterly: "Before you came, he was stabbed three times!"

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"Blamed me for being late!" Bai Zhanfeng frowned, and clenched his fist slightly.

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Some things, some people, can never let go. But he frowned and fell in his heart ever since. Originally, all he wanted was her happiness and peace. Protect her in his way, as well as the territory where she and his parents and countless civilians are located.

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  But in the past two years, tacit understanding was established between the monarchs and ministers, and each other also had a sympathy for each other. His original oath was not false, and the monarch was indeed a monarch.

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This time, he killed Tianzi in his own place-indeed, he thought it was his own convenience and safety.

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Blessings have been leaning against each other.

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  I talked with Long Feili, and the two had a consensus on the return of the Huns. One of them came to visit their father and mother, and the other was to send the old ministry to the border town. Everyone had made preparations. Everyone had left. I went to Bezhuang with my father and mother.

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  A fight on the street will surely alarm the government. At that time, anxious and quick, he took two women away quickly-at this time, the town's spies must have informed the county guard to withdraw the emperor's whereabouts, and at the same time rushed back to the court, Ning Junwang would soon bring someone over.

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  Long Feili said that he could not return to Baifu. Yes, Baifu is no longer safe without defense. The guard at Shu Wangqing's home is far inferior to Baifu and cannot pass by.

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The Baifu guard was in the suburbs of the town. He could not go back to dispatch the guards. Le Jingying was seriously injured. Xuan Yuan would not be armed. He could not leave the two in this small farmhouse. Unlike in the past, Wuxi is still around, and the bounty made it impossible for nearby farmers to notify their parents in the past. The assassin rushed to the emperor. If the news leaked during the delivery, it would be troublesome to teach that the young concubine was here.

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  Can't send the two to the county, even if they are protected by officers and men, the target is Ming, and the danger is even greater.

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  Now can only wait for Ning Junwang to find here! He has left marks along the way, these marks Long Fei Li, Ning Jun Wang ... they all know!

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  However, the situation of Long Feili and others is not optimistic!

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"Brother, take a rest, I'm fine, like you said, we'll wait here, they will find here, he will be fine!"

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  The woman's voice came down finely.

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  He looked out the window, the night was dark. He was familiar with the town of Xiaxia, and left the bazaar. He took a light exercise and led the two to take a small path. He came to the farmhouse outside the town, which is still far from Baijiabeizhuang, but it is a suburban area with many farmhouses and assassins Not easy to find.

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  At a very moment, there was no restriction, only the brothers and sisters of the farmhouse owner called three brothers and sisters to visit friends in Yanxia Town.

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The peasant households are small, and there will also be a vacant house where the three people will just stay together.

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 "Brother Xuan, you sleep, Brother is guarding you."

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  moved Jingying to the side of the bed, watching Xuan Yuan lie down, he lowered the tent for the two. There was an eight-xian table and a few chairs in the room, and he sat on the chair and rested his hands on the table.

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