MTL - Love in Another Life: My Gentle Tyrant-v2 Chapter 429 Love Haze (15)-One's Pain (2)

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  The sound of frontal strife was sharp. Heart-warming, she shuddered slightly, and looked at the things in the moonlight again ... a blood-stained cloth.

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  pattern color and the best satin-she would not mistake it, this is Long Fei Li.

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He passed here!

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  Her mind was chaotic, trying to imagine and recall the scene at the time ... He tore off the cloth and wounded.

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Brother Bai said he left a mark along the way. Did he come here? Does he come to her?

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  The dark night is deep, at first glance, it's really unattractive. If you look at it, the blood in the bushes is faint. Holding on tightly to the things in her hand, she was as distressed as the assassin ... Assassin was behind, and with his care, he would never leave this dust. Unless he is seriously injured, there is no time to take care of it.

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  Little Wolf and Big Brother were attacked here, but the original intention of Little Wolf should not be to take them here to fight. It is to take them to find him! Because the enemy is near here, it looks for Big Brother Bai.

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  Bloodstains spread on the thick grass and leaves to the side forest.

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  She looked at the probe and was suddenly shocked. Just now there were clearly more than a dozen people, but now the number has suddenly doubled. The action of Big Brother and Little Wolf is extremely fast, and it doesn't seem to be down. She caressed her chest before she was relieved.

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Put the cloth mission into your arms. The hiding tree shrew was still some distance from the forest on the side. Fortunately, the blades of grass were very long. She gritted her teeth, and no matter what snake insects and ants, she crouched down gently, and her body slowly moved away from the forest.

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  The fight was raging outside, and no one found it.

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She smiled in surprise and straightened up.

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  The forest was dark. Looking forward, the trees were dense and dark, but I didn't know how deep it was, and what was buried in the depths of the forest, just looking at the stars.

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Is there anyone in the deep forest? What about him? Will he be there?

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吆 激 drink excitement ~ the sound of the bucket faded, but the sound of the insect crow hissing more and more clear.

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  In this voice, she heard her messy heartbeat. She was very scared, suddenly very scared, feeling cold and cold from her heart to the limbs, she could not tell whether it was because of the forest or because of that life.

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一定 一定 She must find him!

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咬 咬 bit her lip, she did not enter the woods.

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  hands and feet itching, Xuan Yuan did not go to see.

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  Running all the way, hands and feet were bitten by insects in the forest all the way, it is estimated that it was not bitten by any poison, otherwise, according to her speed of running wild, it is no wonder that she died without poison.

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In addition, it has also been deterred by the buildings in front of it-why is there such a thing in this place?

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  There really is someone in the depths of the forest, the candle is light. If it wasn't as dense as the lodging with Brother Bai, there were more than a dozen houses scattered.

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  That day, this was not the cause of her surprise, but among these people, a zero temple stood. The temple door was concealed, and the words on the lintel taught people to wonder.

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———— Longhou Temple.

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  Another Dragon Temple, how can this be. This Xiaxia town also worships the goddess' niece, but in fact it is a poor woman. She couldn't even protect herself, and ended in a tragic death. How could she protect and bless everyone?

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  She laughed mockingly, was about to leave, knocked on the door to find him, turned around for a moment, but saw a hint of Yin Hong on the side of the house in front of him extended towards the back of the house.

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  She was overjoyed and walked towards the bloodstain.

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Seeing that she was about to go to the door of the room, she trembled suddenly. She suddenly remembered that in the curtain of Chu Xiudian that day, she scattered her hair and lay on his chest ~ bosom, and told him her dream.

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  He smiled and said that he would look at the books of Shizu to help her interpret her dreams.

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She covered her mouth and laughed softly, her eyes were already soaked.

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  I ca n’t tell why. Turn back and go back to the temple, grit your teeth and push the door open—Shisu, you love the Dragon King, or you wo n’t live up to your life. Zhu Qi also loves a man. Behind the persecution, please, don't let my hopes fall through.

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  Entered, and then closed the door, this gate is actually unlocked, too, this is a temple.

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  behind the door is a small yard, forward, is the main house door. The door was tightly closed, and a faint candlelight was shining through the gap under the door.

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The temple of sacrifice, the lights never die. Behind this other door, there must be a place for shiso.

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  In the moonlight, I saw the courtyard clean, a big tripod in the courtyard. The fireworks in Ding Nei have been extinguished, leaving no sandalwood tincture, but still purging his nose.

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  She walked quickly to the closed door and pushed it open.

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  If she didn't press her mouth tightly, she would scream.

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  Under the huge main idol in the middle of the temple, a man in purple clothes lay on the ground, and his purple robe was red.

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Xuan Xuan ran in a big stride, feeling so excited ~ he almost tripped on his feet. The smile on her lips continued unabated and ran to the man.

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  sleeping people are very heavy.

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It took him a lot of effort to turn the person over, it was him!

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  But Long Fei left his eyes closed, his eyebrows twisted into a thin stream, and seemed to endure great pain. Her nose was astringent, and he quickly hugged him into his arms.

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The candlelight was dull, reflected in the man's pale face, which became more and more anxious. His body was hot, but his lips were dry and crusty. His face rested on his face with almost no breath. If he had the temperature, she really thought he was dead.

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He couldn't see her hugging him.

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She cried and kissed his lips gently, "Ali, wake up, wake up."

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He remained motionless.