MTL - Love Rival Romance System-Chapter 54 tourism

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The kind of scalp numb, Jiang Yang instantly burst, and suddenly slammed. The violentness that did not sleep enough was directly stimulated by this poke, and the **** of death watched.

Qin Xu was kicked backwards. Half of the body fell out of the edge of the bed and almost rolled down. Fortunately, he conditioned to grab the edge of the bed and barely stabilized the balance.

Jiang Yang glanced at him, then vented his force like a quilt, covered his head, lay down and sleep, and only a few soft, soft short hairs appeared on the pillow.

Sitting in the heart of Qin Xu's heart, I crossed all kinds of thoughts, and then, inexplicably satisfied, I laughed twice. In fact, he probably guessed that nothing happened last night, but thought that Jiang Yang stayed to take care of him all night, the mood is still unstoppable.

He jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom. After washing, his head didn't hurt. He went out to buy breakfast for a hundred times, and he swayed the rhythm and light love song on the road.

Qin Xu lazy, there are many shops downstairs in the community, there are several breakfast shops, he usually go downstairs to buy back to eat. He often went to the breakfast shop, and the proprietress recognized him, not to mention that he was handsome, and once he was cooked, he smiled and revealed a small tiger tooth.

The proprietress saw him so much. When he saw it, he was not the amount of one person. He smiled and tweeted: "Do you want to buy breakfast for your girlfriend?"

Buying more, you can give your family a friend, but you are deliberately talking about your girlfriend. The boss is of course to tease him, but he didn’t expect the next second. After Qin Xu took the bag, he smiled and smiled. And said, "Yeah, the boss wife, you are really smart."

The proprietress was surprised, and she said it in the mouth, then she laughed more joyfully. "That's good. To congratulate you, I will give you two more fried dumplings. Just fried, it's still hot." Baggage him.

Qin Xu was also welcome, and then he smiled and said: "Thank you."

"No, you are patronizing me every day. If you don't give you something to eat, you can't say it. Let me say hello to your little girl. Can you be with you, sure to look particularly good?" The steamer rises into fog and blurs the boss. The smile seems more peaceful.

"Of course, it's especially good-looking." Qin Xu bowed his head and thought about something, then waved his hand at the boss, and then turned and walked back.

On the way back, Qin Xu was in a better mood. He walked a little bit, and he could not wait to go to heaven.

When I got to the door, I entered the room and the key was thrown into the small bowl on the shoe cabinet. Then I put the breakfast on the table and went into the bedroom to see if the person got up. At first glance, the bed was empty, only the quilt was tangled up, and the sound of water came from the bathroom. Qin Xu probed in and saw that Jiang Yang was washing his face. As he looked up, the drops of water slid down the cheeks and dripped in the beautiful chin. The neckline was wet and the color was deep. The eyes are indifferent, the expression is cold, and I look inexplicably sexy.

Qin Xu's subconscious throat is slightly rolling, and some of his mouth is dry. He quickly hung up and retracted his eyes, and naturally said loudly: "I bought breakfast, and it is not good to be cold."

Jiang Yang responded. After a while, he went to the living room and sat down at the table.

The breakfast style is very rich, and it makes people feel very appetizing. Jiang Yang’s expression of warmth and coldness has also eased. Holding chopsticks, I first put a piece of crispy fried fresh milk. This is to eat hot, golden fragrant, crispy and tender, and put it into the mouth with thick milk. The scent swells between the lips and the teeth, and the taste is very sweet.

Jiang Yang’s look is softer.

Qin Xu looked, his eyebrows bent, took a few mouthfuls of soy milk, and by the way, covered the smile of his mouth.

After eating almost, Qin Xu came up with an idea that he was born on the way back.

"Jiang Yang, let's go travel."

Jiang Yang took a bite of soy milk, his lips dipped some, turned his head and looked at it a little, and subconsciously gimmicked, "Why..."

Immediately, he was a bit stunned, thinking of something, and asked: "Task?"

Qin Xu stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted and nodded hard. "Oh... right, it is the mission."

It was like finding a perfect excuse to smile smugly.

Jiang Yang didn't pay attention. He sucked the last bit of soy milk and made a squeaking noise. He was almost used to the sudden release of the system. Traveling, this kind of thing is generally not liked, although this time the participants are a little annoyed. .

"Is there a rule to go?" Jiang Yang asked.

Qin Xu squatted, shook his head, and then smiled happily: "No, where do you want to go? I can."

Jiang Yang is very interested in holiday travel, holding his chin and thinking about it seriously. "When it comes to winter, ice-skating and skiing are pretty good, but we are all cold here. It is even more terrible to go to those places. The wind is no different from the knife. My down jacket is not thick enough, can I buy it now..."

Qin Xu looked at his frowning and distressed, and he was very considerate. He was in a good mood and immediately joined the discussion of the tourism plan. Every word sounded with the excitement of a small trumpet. "Would you be cold, or do we go to the south?" Like Thailand, if you go now, you can wear short sleeves, you can go swimming at the beach and eat tropical fruits."

Sounds good. In Jiang Yang’s mind, I imagined the refreshing picture of the sun, the blue sky and the blue sky. At the same time, I took out my mobile phone and checked the weather in January in Bangkok. The average temperature during the day was 30 degrees, and it would not be too hot. So, it was so happily decided.

Travel, go to Thailand.

Qin Xu saw that he nodded, secretly applauded, and then thought of another question, to confirm, "Is it two of us? Will not call other people?"

Jiang Yangli said of course: "Why do you want to call other people, if there is any task suddenly, it is not convenient at all, and it is very troublesome to cover up."

Qin Xu was slightly stunned, and then his mouth curled up, revealing a big smile, and satisfied: "Yes!"

In the next few days, the two naturally contacted each other and made a detailed travel plan.

On the day of departure, Jiang Dad sent them to the airport and sipped a few words before leaving. Jiang Yang has all responded. He feels that his father is worried about excessive. Before he had experience in traveling abroad with his family, he also knows how to deal with unexpected situations, and they go to places of interest and do not have to worry too much about communication. inconvenient.

Take the boarding pass, check baggage, security check, customs, after a series of processes, the two of them will follow the signs on the head to the waiting area of ​​the boarding gate to sit down ... play mobile phone.

Because there are still more than half an hour to board the plane, the two sit next to each other and form a team fight. After a game has not finished, Huang Shao suddenly called, it is the key time, Jiang Yang can take care of him, his fingers slip, I don't want to hang up decisively.

Huang Shao did not call it again, probably guessed it. After finishing this game, Jiang Yang dialed the past and was about to say that he had something, but he had not waited for him to speak. Huang Shaoxian mourned, and the false cry of the resentment was terrifying, and it was a mess.

"Small Yang Yang, are you carrying me and Qin Xu to go abroad for honeymoon? You said! Are you still in my heart?!"

Jiang Yang: "..." A headache in the forehead, obviously has been trying to cover up, this guy who digs the gossip?

"You see you, you can't speak, you are so embarrassed, actually, this is for me. You look at the stars and watch the moon from poetry and songs to talk about philosophy of life, throw me alone here, lonely and empty ......" Huang Shao squatted very falsely, accusing Jiang Yang of his lack of conscience.

For Huang Shao’s habit of swearing on the lines, Jiang Yang still can’t adapt to it for so long. When he hears it, he’s goose bumps, his mouth twitches, and he listens to the mobile phone’s posture. He seems to want another wave of crying. Jiang’s head is big, Zhangkou said: “Stop, if you want special products, shut up.”

Huang Shao really counted in seconds, shut up, anyway, there was no tears, simply not to, and then raised the awkward tone: "Really? I want ten gold pillows!"

Jiang Yang: "Three Guarantees."

Huang Shao: "Too little! At least five packs!"

Jiang Yang: "Two packs."

Huang Shao: "Small Yang Yang!"

Jiang Yang: "One pack."

Huang Shao was like a balloon that had been punctured. He was discouraged for a second and cried: "Well, three packs will be three packs, don't lose it."

Jiang Yang: "It’s not good enough to be early."

Huang Shao: "..." Qicheng puffer fish!

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yang shook his head subconsciously. Although he had known Huang Shao for so many years, he still felt that this person was a little scary in some sense.

Jiang Yang looked at Qin Xu, who had been listening to his phone, and couldn’t help thinking about nodding. In comparison, it was quite good to suddenly find a trip with Qin Xu.

Qin Xu was confused, although he did not understand it very well, but he was very happy to see that Jiang Yang’s affirmation was in his eyes.

Travel, you can have a lot of styles, it is a kind of enjoyment, but you can also play very tired. This time, Jiang Yang and Qin Xu went abroad alone. They worried that the itinerary was too tight and difficult to control. They simply became a resort-style relaxed mode. Sometimes they even stayed in the hotel one day, swimming in the exclusive beach area and spending leisurely.

Since I have to go to the beach, I naturally have to be exposed to the sun for a long time. Jiang Yang is a breeze. After all, in the winter, he was so hard to tan the skin, and quickly whitened several degrees. In the words of Jiang Yuan, it was white and dazzling, enough for the girls to see the shame and anger.

However, what is weird is that before going to the beach, Qin Xu insisted that he should wipe the sunscreen.

Jiang Yang has some typical straight male thinking. "Whether, I am a big man, I don't need it."

Qin Xu: "Sunscreen is to prevent your skin from getting sunburned. You are too prejudiced. Look at the skin that you deliberately exposed before you touch your conscience. Is there any pain in peeling?"

Jiang Yang waved his hand very manly. "What is the pain?"

The author has something to say: System: "Dirty humans, let me back the pot..."

Qin Xu: "Where is you, you are not my little helper."

System: "I am letting you do it! Friends! Friends!"

Qin Xu suddenly became ashamed: "Boyfriend is also a friend, you can do it..."
