MTL - Low Temperature Dependence-Chapter 164

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After Jinglin finished saying this, he smiled and blinked at Teacher Liu Fu, who had been stunned.

Then silently used a fork to fork a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake, dipped in red sauce, and handed it to the other party's mouth, "Mr. Liu, Qiqi asked you to eat it, why don't you eat it?"

Liu Fu looked at the sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus cake dripping with red sauce in front of him, and kept repeating the words "blood dripping" said by the black-haired woman on the other side, his head buzzing.

She didn't know why, but the whole person felt wrong.

Especially the pair of eyes staring at him like a cold-blooded animal on the opposite side, this woman is obviously smiling, but this smile is really infiltrating.

"Ah, I... I'm still, ah, there just happens to be a vacant seat over there. I'd better sit over there because the air conditioner is not enough." Liu Fu stood up instantly, because she always felt that the sweet-scented osmanthus with red sauce Cake had a bad omen, as if her corpse was next to be stabbed by a fork.

The sudden action of her standing up shocked Qi Wenxi next to her.

"Teacher Liu…"

"You eat, I just have the meal. I'll sit there. Professor Qi, then you'll be busy first." Liu Fu picked up the leather bag on the seat in a panic and walked quickly to a position far away from Qi Wenxi's seat. The waiter hadn't finished cleaning up, but Liu Fu didn't dare to stay by Qi Wenxi's side for a second. The terrifying sight of the woman across from him seemed to swallow her up.

Liu Fu just stood at the waiter's place and waited for the other party to finish cleaning up, and then quickly sat down and ate. During this period, he never dared to look up at Qi Wenxi again.

Professor Qi's friend... It's really too scary to offend—!

Qi Wenxi just silently looked at Liu Fu and hurriedly sat elsewhere, she was a little surprised that the other party did this suddenly.

At that time, I was sitting very casually and was about to finish eating, so it was Whale...?

Qi Wenxi raised her head and looked at Jing Lian suspiciously: "Did you take her?"

Whale snorted coldly in the bottom of his heart, and after seeing the annoying guy gone, he glanced back again, threw the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in his hand into the trash can, and then shook his head innocently: "No what."

"It is estimated that what you said just now scared Mr. Liu." Qi Wenxi analyzed it, and glanced at Jinglan slightly reproachfully.

Although what the little guy said is true, it sounds very bizarre to outsiders, and others will think that Whale is insane.

Of course, the other party does sometimes attack.

"I don't have it, just tell the truth, who let her not be scared." Whale frowned slightly, she didn't think there was a problem, the woman just now made her extremely upset.

Qi Wenxi had no choice but to nod her head. She knew about Jinglin's careful thoughts, but she was actually a little unhappy. After all, she just wanted to have a meal with Jinglin today, and she didn't want to be disturbed by outsiders.

However, sometimes interpersonal relationships are like this, how can you directly say that you can't sit next to her.

Jinglin doesn't understand, or disdains to understand, but she can't lose face like her little ancestor.

"Jing Lin, she didn't meet me, don't be angry." Qi Wenxi comforted Jing Lin, hoping that the other party would not be a little unhappy because of what happened just now.

Whale thought for a while, then stood up decisively and sat across from her, sitting beside her Qi Wenxi.

Qi Wenxi was stunned for a moment, but didn't say anything, and immediately made room for the little ancestor.

"I won't be angry because of a waste, but I'm a little depressed..." Jinglin approached her, picked up the teacup in front of Qi Wenxi, shook it, and the Maojian tea inside also swirled with the mind of an ancestor. stand up.

Qi Wenxi took a sip of the spicy soup, thinking that she would correct some straightforward adjectives of Jing Lian in the future, how could she say that people are 'trash', of course she still muttered: "What are you depressed about?" She thought that her ancestors started to make little ones temper.

When the outsider left, Jing Lin had already lost her hostility. She silently stared at the tea leaves in the cup, and looked at Qi Wenxi with a raised eyebrow, as if she didn't care.

Only then did Qi Wenxi put down the spoon, turned her head and looked at Jing Lian seriously, "Tell me, I'll listen."

Seeing that Qi Wenxi began to care, the proud and self-resolving ancestor silently forgave the other party's rude behavior while drinking the spicy soup, and then poked the quicksand bag in front of Qi Wenxi with a small fork.

"Well..." She hummed, the little fork had already pulled out the yellow in the quicksand stuffing.

Qi Wenxi frowned slightly, and watched with displeased Jing Lin fork the very delicate quicksand bag wrapped by the pastry chef into a yellow, sticky, thick substance, the appearance of the quicksand flowing out plus the salted egg yolk The aroma inexplicably caused Qi Wenxi to have a burst of physical discomfort.

She quickly stopped Whale's childish behavior, and put the poor rotten face quicksand bag aside, she didn't want to smell it, "Just say it, don't destroy the food."

"Oh," Jing Lin had no choice but to put down his fork and stick to Qi Wenxi's side obediently, almost to the point of being close to each other.

Qi Wenxi reluctantly pushed Jing Lian's head away with her hands. The other party was sticky to her in the restaurant, which would make her feel embarrassed, "Just tell me." I still have to eat.

Qi Wenxi looked down and saw that there was still a large bowl of spicy soup. She had only had a few sips now. To be honest, 50% of her attention was on the spicy soup, and the remaining 40% was on Jing Lian's so-called depression, and 10% was probably Let go.

Jing Ling didn't know that his value of being cared about was not as good as a bowl of spicy soup, and Ben Jing laughed happily.

She put one hand down very happily, and when Qi Wenxi was not paying attention, she went around to Qi Wenxi and let Qi Qi put her leg on hers.

"Jingling, what are you, what are you doing!?" Qi Wenxi shivered in a panic. At this moment, one of her legs was forced to rest on Jingling's. She wanted to retract it, but she couldn't. He looked at her with the innocent eyes of a dog.

Qi Wenxi could only whisper in horror what the ancestors were doing again.

"Qiqi, put it on my lap, I want you to sit comfortably." Jing Lian grabbed Qi Wenxi's leg very flatteringly, expressing that he was willing to be Qi Qi's carrier.

Fortunately, there was a red curtain under the table, and no one saw their strange intimacy.

"Jinglin, don't you watch some clumsy TV again?" Qi Wenxi asked Jinglin, she really wanted to pull her leg back.

Whale's eyes lit up immediately. She had seen something similar. It seemed to be a couple interview column. It seemed that many girls liked to lean on their lovers' laps, expressing that they were very comfortable.

Of course, Whale completely ignores what the interviewees call the occasions where the legs are raised.

She also wanted to curry favor with Qi Wenxi, to pave the way for her next speech.

"No way, I just want to lean on me." Whale Lin was just like the big golden retriever, sticking to Qi Wenxi's side, because his voice was lowered a little bit, and he seemed even more bewitched.

Torment, human voice.

Qi Wenxi listened to her heart pounding.

She didn't bother to struggle anymore, because Whale was not willing to let go at all. In this way, a professor Qi who maintained a good manner on weekdays, at this moment, she was trying her best to make herself not look like someone who was doing "little tricks" in private.

"Then can it be said that I am depressed now?" Jing Lin wanted to give Qi Wenxi a leg, but Qi Wenxi had already taken care of her in advance and was not allowed to pinch her, not even once.

Qi Wenxi blushed, her eyes fell on the teacup, there must be something to ease her embarrassment, "Speak quickly!"

"Actually, what I'm depressed about is that it's you." Whale put his hand on Qi Wenxi's lap, not knowing whether it was unintentional or intentional.

Qi Wenxi immediately moved back and asked, "Why me?"

"Because when Qi Qi just introduced me, he said 'friend'." After finishing speaking, Jing Lian pulled Professor Qi over and said very aggrieved.

It turns out that my ancestors thought so deeply.

Delayed until now.

In that situation, 'friend' was probably the most appropriate introduction.

Qi Wenxi was a little helpless. It turned out that Jing Lian was awkward now because of this identity issue.

"Jinglin, it should be more appropriate to use such words to introduce at that time, mainly because Mr. Liu and I are only colleagues, there is no need to say it." Qi Wenxi analyzed it very rationally, but she looked at the whale and wanted to cry. Eyes, it's just irrational.

"Forget it, then how do you want me to introduce you?" Qi Wenxi had no choice but to ask Xiang Jinglin.

The other party must have the most ideal answer, otherwise they will not care about the present.

Whale Lin suddenly became coy, she slowly sat up straight, folded her hands on the table, her face was red, just like a shy girl in a lake.

She didn't dare to look at Qi Wenxi because she was shy, so she could only cast her gaze forward, looking at the happy people who were sitting and dining together, and slowly said, "Actually, I just wanted Qi Qi to call me."

Just when she was about to express the words in her heart, suddenly, she noticed a burst of unfriendly prying towards her with a strong purpose.

She immediately followed her perception to a remote corner on the opposite side, a middle-aged man in gray clothes.

The moment the man looked at her, his body was obviously stunned.

He didn't expect him to be discovered by the other party at all.

Whale looked straight at him, and gave a polite smile by the way.

Colder than the lake in winter.

The man immediately lowered his head, put the things at hand into the satchel beside him, then got up quickly, and shuttled among the diners who came and went with menu plates, confusing his vision.

Jinglin watched all this silently, and immediately turned his head and said kindly to Qi Wenxi beside him, "Qiqi, I'll go to the bathroom."

"Hey? You..." Qi Wenxi was overwhelmed by Jing Lian's sudden action, and before Jing Lian finished speaking, he was going to the bathroom? Does Whale know where the restroom is? Can the little grandfather go alone? "How long will it take you?"

Whale got down and ate half of the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in front of Qi Wenxi. There was actually a bowknot made of syrup on it. It was really sweet.

Then she raised her eyebrows at Qi Wenxi, "Sister, don't worry, I'll be back soon."

elder sister…? !

How could Jinglin suddenly call her such an embarrassing title, and that look seemed to give a strong x-signal, causing Qi Wenxi's ears to turn red all of a sudden.

"I don't care if you fall in." Qi Wenxi rolled her eyes at this increasingly rude bad guy.

Whale chuckled lightly, and took the iron fork from the table by the way.

She slowly pushed aside the crowd and walked to the bathroom. Taking advantage of the moment when Qi Wenxi bowed her head in the back, she immediately changed direction, pushed open the west door of the restaurant, and walked out quickly.

She didn't expect this ghost weather to turn cloudy again.

Really annoying.

Qi Wenxi didn't seem to be bringing an umbrella.

Ahead, the man walked faster and faster, crossed a road, then turned into an alley under the cover of pedestrians, and his car was parked at the exit.

He thought he would not be found.

Just when he was about to start his vehicle, his body was dragged back from behind by a powerful strange force.

He immediately took out the electric shock device in his bag and was about to hit the opponent, but a second before he was about to start, a sharp fork had already touched his fragile neck. throat.

"Mr. Cloudy, either take out something or tie your throat into a bow."


The baby who leaves a message in this chapter will send a red envelope~√



So handsome

Too elegant (??ω'?)

Guest officer, the nutrient solution you ordered, we accept payment by renewal.


WOWWOW nutrient solution in hand, plus more wood? !

A sour girl? is that true? Hit it once? Whale is so awesome!


Urge more~

Is this man a lewd man or someone from Xu?

The author has a great brain hole, come and continue brainstorming with a bottle of nutrient solution~ Manual star eye. Give you more water, and please grow strong, little sapling.

so handsome? (?.3'?)?


clean up the scum