MTL - Machine Storm-Chapter 5 School girl, did you admit the wrong person?

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"Oh, senior has heard of me." Nighteye nodded and looked at each other with a bit of playfulness.

This time, Zhao Zhihan couldn't laugh. Although his eyes were not reconciled, he knew how much he weighed. "I'm sorry for disturbing you. We will communicate more in the future."

Zhou Naiyi could only shake his head and hold Yetong's hand, "Junior sister, you are welcome, the principal is waiting, let's put our luggage and go over there, Ma Long, you can step aside."

"Sister, I have great respect for you. Besides, I live in Cao Ying and have a heart in Han. I have always had the heart of Class 16. Tell us about it, Yetong, what a beautiful name, Mooneye in the dark night? , I'm a little familiar, do you want to join the photography club, are you interested in a dialogue drama?"

Ma Long is absolutely confident that he has left a deep impression on Nighteye.

Zhou Naiyi smiled helplessly, "Ma Long, you must have heard the name of Tongshen before."

In an instant, everyone around them suddenly realized, and their eyes became more eager, but they didn't dare to be so presumptuous.

Ma Long was stunned for a while, I went, it turned out to be her...

"Junior Nighteye, I'm your fan, can you sign me?" Someone in the crowd gathered courage and asked.

Zhou Naiyi was also dumbfounded. She underestimated the persistence of these people. Not only that, but the people around her did not disperse. Even Zhao Zhihan was watching not far away.

Tongshen, a well-known figure in EMP, among the three-year military academies preparatory system, the stable top three in Asia, not only USE's top colleges and universities have issued offers, but even NUP's top military academies, which have always looked above the top, have taken the initiative to send invitations. Including the top ten of the two NUPs, she finally chose Tianjing Jiwu, which also caused a stir.

One word - unlimited potential.

"Sister, do you have a person named Li Hao this year?" Ye Tong suddenly asked.

The atmosphere suddenly solidified, and there was a bit of embarrassment.

"Li Hao, do you know him?" Zhou Nai was stunned for a moment.

Yetong smiled slightly, "Yes, senior, I want to meet him first and then go to the principal."

Ma Long on the side was excited, what's the situation, there is a story, "Xuemei, this is fate, I don't know about others, I am too familiar with Brother Hao, we are bunks, iron buddies, well, that's the one, right now. Clearing the table, Brother Hao, this way."

Ma Long waved at Li Hao and the others, who were going to pack up the posters of the photography agency for lunch.

"The third one, let's eat first when we're done." Li Hao said, and suddenly found a sharp gaze locked on him. The muscles in his body tightened almost instinctively, but they relaxed quickly. This is Tianjing.

Ye Tong walked towards Li Hao step by step. Li Hao frowned and stared at him without blinking. Everyone felt that something was wrong.

No one knows who Li Hao is, but everyone knows that Yetong is definitely the heart of Principal Long, the core member who reshapes the brilliance of Tianjing Jiwu.

Yetong looked at the person in front of her. Although it was four or five years ago, that's right, it was him.

The two stood face to face like this, Li Hao's face was calm, and he was also searching and thinking quickly in his mind. He was sure, ... he didn't owe money.

Nighteye suddenly smiled sweetly and took a step forward. The distance between the two suddenly became very, very close, and the surrounding breathing froze.

Nighteye probed and slowly approached Li Hao's ear, "Li Hao, we finally meet."

A faint fragrance came from his nose, very fresh and touching. Li Hao opened a little distance and said, "Sister, did you recognize the wrong person?"

Yetong looked at Li Hao deeply, "You can't be wrong, we will have a long time in Japan."

Ye Tong didn't say much, and went to see the principal with Zhou Nai, leaving a group of people in a mess in the wind.


Bedroom 4396 has a very warm atmosphere, and there are three more curious babies all at once.

"Brother Hao, do you know Tongshen???" Zuo Xiaotang asked in surprise, "Tongshen's marksmanship is superb."

"Nighteye's melee combat is also very strong, and she follows the NUP light mecha route. I thought she would go to the moon to study, but she came to Tianjin, which is interesting." Musashi was obviously interested, this is a master.

"You two idiots, is this the point? This is a beautiful woman, Brother Hao, what did she say to you? Are you two so familiar that you are already whispering?" Ma Long was scratching his heart like a cat. Two parallel lines that eight poles can't hit.

Li Hao shrugged helplessly and pointed to his head, "This junior may have identified the wrong person, or there is a problem here, I really don't know."

Ma Long clapped his hands fiercely, "It must have been a mistake. I believe that Brother Hao's character, Brother Hao, is a calamity. This **** of pupils is a calamity in the water. If you can't provoke it, you won't provoke it."

Zuo Xiaotang couldn't bear it any longer, "Then you still provoke Senior Sister Sheng Man and show your affection every day."

"You don't understand. If I don't go to hell, whoever goes to **** will go to hell. This is the mind of a Buddha. It depends on enlightenment. Beautiful women eat people."

The three people in the bedroom all sent contempt.

Li Hao smiled and nodded, "Can you eat?"

"Brothers, today the photography club has five new school girls, thank you for your support, eat well!" Thinking of this, Ma Long is happy again. Of course, there are three junior brothers, and the quality is quite good.

Principal room.

Long Danni, 35 years old, is currently the core member of the USE Young Zhuang faction, with short black hair, neat and neat, in a straight silver USE Federal Army major general uniform, with a scar on the left side of his forehead, which spoils the beauty a bit, but adds an indescribable appearance. The taste is full of aura, and the whole body is full of heroic spirit. He has participated in regional wars, eliminated interstellar pirates, and is a powerful group from the front line to the commander.

After receiving the decision to change careers, Long Danni did not hesitate at all. The situation of the military academy directly determined USE's combat power, and she was very aware of USE's problems after experiencing various wars.

There was a knock on the door, and Long Danni put down the information in her hand, "Come in."

Zhou Naiyi and Yetong walked in, and the two of them saluted.

Long Danni smiled slightly, "Xiaotong is here, welcome, you can sit wherever you want, and Nai can take Xiaotong to the school for a while."

"Yes, principal."

"Then I'll trouble you, senpai."

Long Danni asked the two of them to come. On the one hand, they paid attention to Yetong, and there were other things. In fact, the reform of USE had already started. The 16th class in Tianjin actually had this meaning, but it was limited to the overall situation and not too much. Obviously it didn't work either. This Solar System Mecha Contest lost the last fig leaf. She believed that the advantages outweighed the disadvantages.

"Naiyi, Yetong, I called you here today to hear your thoughts on the current Tianjing Jiwu." Long Danni smiled, and her assistant came in and poured water for the two of them.

Zhou Naiyi and Yetong didn't speak right away, both of them had extremely high IQs. From their eyes, they knew that they couldn't make outrageous remarks in front of Long Danni. This principal was not a research school, but a real combat school.

"Yetong, let's talk about it first. Actually, I'm very curious. Why did you choose Tianjing Jiwu when so many academies poach you?" Long Danni laughed.

Zhou Naiyi on the side was a little surprised, everyone outside thought that Ye Tong came because of Major General Long.

"Principal, I don't know the situation of Tianjing Jiwu, but from the level of the solar system competition, the Tianjing team has insufficient personal ability, backward tactics, and the players lack ruthlessness. It should be won, and the win is not straightforward enough. It's all broken." Ye Tong said, not very euphemistic, she didn't come here for euphemism, "I hope to gain more freedom in Tianjing."

Long Danni nodded, "Naiichi, you were the number one freshman last year. If you were to be the captain and choose the team members, would you be able to form a team that surpassed the old team?"

Zhou Naiyi thought for a while, "Principal, if Yetong joins my team, I'm 90% sure!"

This is also what she wants to do. Now that she has Musashi, if there is another Nighteye, it will be even more powerful.

There are three core technologies for human beings to achieve their current dominance: "curvature space technology", "Evant gene natural adjustment technology" and "Somali terrestrial planetary gravity transformation technology", among which the maturity of Evant gene natural adjustment technology also allows human Their physical and mental endurance has been greatly improved to adapt to the environment of other planets, and some people even have "golden genes", highlighting their superior abilities and giving female pilots a huge space to play.

"Very good, Captain Naiyi, Vice-Captain Yetong, you are in charge of the team, and the list will be reported."

"Yes, Principal!" Zhou Naiyi was still a little excited, because in the past this kind of thing was usually not possible until the third year.

"Nai Yi, there is a man named Li Hao in your class, what is his level?" Long Danni suddenly asked.

Zhou Nai was stunned for a while, this is already the second accident today, could it be... think about it, "Principal, although Li Hao's grades are not very satisfactory, all aspects are well balanced, and one can easily be completed under 2x gravity. Hours of daily training, as long as he works harder, I think he can improve his performance, please give him some time."

A strange color flashed in Yetong's eyes beside him, and Long Danni nodded thoughtfully.

"In this way, if you put him in your team, of course it's up to you to decide whether to use it or not." Long Danni suddenly said.

Zhou Nai looked surprised, but nodded anyway.

Leaving the principal's room, Zhou Naiyi brought Yetong to introduce the main buildings of Tianjing Jiwu. In terms of hardware conditions, it is naturally appropriate to be the number one presence in Asia, but Yetong was not very interested in this, and the two went all the way. Chatting, in fact, girls are very strange creatures. If you don't deal with them, four people can be divided into three factions and stage multiple infernal affairs. If they get along, they will be like friends who haven't seen each other for many years.

"Yetong, how do you know Li Hao, he doesn't seem to know you?" Zhou Naiyi couldn't help but ask, it's too strange today, neither Yetong nor Principal Long should have asked Li Hao. And the performance of the two is too weird, there seems to be something she doesn't know.

Yetong smiled slightly and pulled her hair lightly, "I have a grudge with him, by the way, is his girlfriend from our school?"

"I've never heard of him having a girlfriend." Zhou Nai shook his head, with Nighteye's condition, no one would think too much, "His comprehensive assessment last school year was the last in our class, and I was worried that he would come out. The problem, it seems that the principal didn't mean this."

"Sister Naiyi, the score doesn't mean anything. By the way, I heard that the beef in the Tianjin cafeteria is a must. It's a new comer, so I'm going to have a meal with Senior Sister." Yetong smiled while holding Zhou Naiyi's hand.

Obviously Tongshen is not so cold, but... Li Hao, who has no background, but transferred from the journalism department to the special class of the mecha department, did she miss something...

(The newcomers are on the road, don’t miss it when you pass by, order a small collection, and the schoolgirl will not recognize the wrong person ^_^)