MTL - Magic Chef of Ice and Fire-Chapter 232 Three-day retreat (on)

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The 223th chapter of the third day of retreat (on)

Tianxiang smiled slightly and said: "Why not? In fact, I am like you, I often think of him. It seems that he really left us a deep impression! He returned to Yangon. There are many things to do in these days. However, he will have trouble soon, and the gods on the land of God have moved. It seems that the three guys in the order have decided not to restrain these gods. Do we have to intervene in such a thing?"

Kao shook his head and said: "You already know that we can't intervene. Why do you still say this to me. Tianxiang, we are one, although we have different souls and different energies. But we have a body. My feelings are also your feelings. At the beginning, when you use him to make fun of me, I will be angry, but I will not be. Now, because of everything I have experienced, you have also experienced it. I admit, I miss it very much. During the time with him, I also missed the feeling he brought me. But don't you miss it? You make fun of me just to cover up your inner timidity. In fact, your heart has been shaken. Yes, right?"

"Nonsense." Tianxiang was a little angry. At this time, she could not feel the kind of confusion in her voice. "How can I shake? Don't forget, it is related to our life and death. In this world, three The legs are rare, and the men on both legs are. After we have solved the three guys, what kind of men can't find them in our looks?"

Kao smiled and said: "Don't deceive yourself. Our thoughts are almost the same. However, our determination has not changed. So, you don't need to cover up in front of me. I won't hide anything. Maybe he also It can only be our nostalgia. Heavenly incense! He wants to find the three guys in the world, you should also feel it, on this continent of God. Nothing but the three guys can beat us. Perception. You said, what do the three guys say to the Greek world?"

Tianxiang was silent for a while before saying: "I can't guess this, but I can be sure that the three guys are not far from being able to do it to us. They represent them once they violate the time of duel with us. There will be absolute certainty that will completely destroy us and let us disappear from this world. This is what you and I don't want to see. So, we should also be the time to practice. This time, we must succeed. You say Yes, our determination has not changed. In fact, when I read the ice for the first time, I also took our first kiss. At that moment, I already understood that your idea is correct. In fact, We maintain our current state of mind very well. Only in this state of mind can we succeed."

Kao smiled and said: "Leave everything as a memory. We will prepare for a while, and we should set off. Now I just hope that the three guys will find it later. Oh. Right, your remote sensing ability. Be stronger than me, be sure to try to pay attention to the situation on the ice side, but not let him be really hurt."

Tianxiang said: "Do not worry. I will. From his departure to the present, his every move is under my watch. Do you want me to describe the scene when he and his wife have sex? You have also experienced I think the ice is really strong in that area."

"You are going to die." Kao said with a grin.

Tianxiang finally pulled back and smiled. "If I am dead, are you not going to die? I have already thought about the way we have implemented. The possibility of success has improved a lot. Although I sacrificed one, I can achieve We are also lucky for him. At least, we will never forget his existence. Unfortunately, we can't even leave him with the soul. Speaking, do you think we are not like a goblin?

Kao was silent, and there was a real sadness in his eyes. "If I can choose, I really don't want it. But we have no choice."

Tianxiang smiled and said: "Good pull. Since there is no choice. Don't want mother-in-law's, this is not like your style. It's not easy to die when you read ice. Our tens of thousands of years of progress are not as fast as those three guys, but We have also accumulated countless purest life and death energy. Although we can't use these energies, we have all given the ice, the ball of life and the ball of death, unless we are or order, time and Destroy the three guys, otherwise, no one can kill him. We only need to pay attention to his cultivation, and there is no problem if there is mutation."

Far away from the lost ice in the mainland's own room, I don't know if I am being monitored. After Long Ling left the room, he began the process of cultivation. The time was very short. Only three days. In three days, it was impossible to read the ice and naturally hope that he could make a qualitative leap. However, since this time, his All aspects of strength have improved, although these three days can not be used to improve, but can be used to adjust, to adjust their own ability to the best state, can also make his overall strength to improve.

The first practice of Nianbing is a full perception of his own acupoints. Because, after he last felt that the ability of the West-Earth hole to absorb the innate qi has been greatly improved, he has always felt that his own Western acupoints may have The change, of course, is a good change. Even the ice is hard to believe, but in such a short period of time, his own Western acupoints have to enter the ultimate realm.

Nianbing has now opened five acupoints. When the Emperor's point and the Tianmao point are still one, his strength can only reach the thirteenth order. With the help of the seven-handed super artifact, only the thirteenth is killed. The possibility of a god. However, when Huangji and Tianmu points formed their current state under his bold temptation, they had five acupoints including Tianyan and Huangji, which led him to the level of the fourteenth order. Even if it is the Lord God, there will be no fear in reading the ice. It is important to know that among the seven acupoints, the most important ones are the emperor and the eye-eye two caves. After that, they are followed by the Xijing Cave and the Yuzhong Cave. These four acupoints are the strength of the owner from the source. However, it is only applied to Fangjia, Heyun and Diling points in defense, hearing perception and speed, but it has dropped some. Compared to the previous four holes, it will be worse. And the five holes that have been opened by Nianbing are including Tianyan, Huangji, West and Yizhong, and his Tianmu and Huangji points have reached the ultimate realm under special circumstances, let alone Weirdly double-pointed. On the mental level, even the ice does not know what it is up to. Since the double-point combination was opened by his blasting method, he found that his control of magic reached a new level, and even precise control of each magic element was used for himself. In the past few months, Nianbing has never stopped practicing. Now, he has gradually mastered the mysteries of the ultimate Tianmu and Huangji points.

Under the influence of ideas. Nianbing urged his mental strength into the eye-catching eyes of the eyebrows, leaving the perception completely here. Since the double-pointed part entered the half-divided state, he could feel the ground in his eyebrows, but it was only a golden one, and the mental power seemed to It can no longer be described by quantification. By leaving the perception completely here, he can control the energy in his body and everything around him with the utmost precision. The mental energy is slowly released, although the eyes are closed. But everything around it gradually became clear. With the expansion of spiritual power, Nianbing gradually saw the busy Ice Moon Empire people around, saw Long Ling, and saw the Phoenix Girl and Lan Chen who are practicing. Also saw the halogen. The speed of mental expansion is very fast, but the ice is not explored further afield. What he needs now is the integration of his own power, not the detection.

The spirit is on the charge. Under the control of the ice, he rushed toward his chest. He clearly saw every minute change of the body, the middle point of the chest, the west of the small belly, and the square behind it. In the envelope. I read the ice and found that it is any acupoint. If it is not rendered with the light of the emperor's hole, when the energy of the acupoint reaches the ultimate, its own light will turn into gold. Before that, the light was milky white. After the last burst of the hole, Nianbing discovered the changes of his other three acupoints. The milky white light of these three acupoints became richer than before the bursting hole, and there were some golden light in it. Although no one can guide in the cultivation of acupoints. But Nian Bing also faintly understands these three acupoints. It is already developing towards the ultimate. The ultimate acupoints and metaphases are completely different. The role of acupoints will be able to exert the maximum extent, whether it is the agglomeration of energy in the middle of the acupoints or the control of the innate air of the Western acupoints, which is very obvious at this point. Even the Fangjia acupoint defense is bound to be much stronger than the current mid-term. It is a pity that there is no time for you to continue to cultivate, otherwise you will have the confidence to reach the realm of the seven-hole opening in the near future. At that time, the five main gods were no longer a deadly threat.

How can we make these three acupoints break through the bottleneck? Thinking about ice. While thinking, he motivated his own mental power to scan the different energies in the acupoints. Every scan is extra careful, lest the mental power affect the changes in energy in the body and lead to adverse consequences. It’s very clear that after I have the full power of five points, no one in any of the strongest people in Yangon can compete with myself. It also shows that in the battle with the land of God, he will become The most important part, so you must not have any mistakes, otherwise, this battle has already lost before you hit. Therefore, in every inquiry, he converges on the arrogance of the emperor's acupoints contained in his mental power, and then enters the acupoints for careful observation.

After a brief observation of the acupoints, Ian immediately dispelled my thoughts. No matter which acupoint, the energy in the acupoints is extremely concentrated, he does not know how to do it, in order to make qualitative changes in these energies. I also thought about trying to ignite the energy in the acupoints, but he also understood that luck could not always be with himself. It would be hard to reappear like the last burst of the hole, in the energy of the acupoints. In the process, one is not good, and it is very likely to be counterproductive, so that it will not be worth the loss. Therefore, under the trade-offs and pros and cons, he decided to give up the idea of ​​helping the acupoints to rise to the ultimate realm. Now it has reached the bottleneck. Only through continuous cultivation, let them naturally evolve is the safest way. Thinking of this, he carefully removed his mental strength from the acupoints and turned to the magical light group in his chest and abdomen. After the West Pass, the instant magic consumed his own magic power. It has been reduced by several times, and the magical elements in the body only need to play the role of stimulating, and it is not necessary to use all these magical powers to launch magic. However, the Qizhong Point can also condense itself in vitro to play the role of compression and convergence, which is why its own strength can open a good leap after the two acupoints. Kao once said to him that there are no real spells in the magic of more than fourteenth order. When exerting that level of magic, the control of his own mental power plays an important role, and the attack beyond the fourteenth order magic. The force is embodied in pure energy form.

The magic of reading ice is very special. It is based on the same kind of ice and fire, and it achieves the effect of using seven-line magic. Now his seven-line magic is not as simple as mimetic, but the real seven-line magic. When I read the ice for the first time, I no longer need to use the speciality of mimicry to display the seven-line magic. After the eye-eye reaches the middle stage, the perception of energy in Tianmu’s hole makes his understanding of the seven-line magic deeper. The characteristics of each magic element are now fully understood, which also encourages him to use the seven magic elements for his own use.

The auxiliary function of the seven-handed knives reached the ultimate in the Tianxue point, and the Western Sutra point appeared again, which was fully reflected, especially in the use of magic in the air. The West Sutra can make the purest magical elements condense into innate qi for their own use, while the seven-handed knives can greatly accelerate the cohesion of these innate qi, and the breath of the seven-handed knives has long been connected with the ice. Even when using the seven-series soul to attack and defend, this kind of increase effect still exists.