MTL - Magic Chef of Ice and Fire-Chapter 239 The strongest **** (below)

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The 239th chapter of the strongest main **** (below)

After all, vindictiveness is not like magic. Its scope of attack is limited. Of course, after reaching a very high level, this restriction no longer exists. However, these gods who have been living in the continents with extremely poor conditions have their own methods. They are almost all dozens of people, and they will combine their fighting spirits to form a huge amount of energy. The vindictiveness is presented in the air in the form of an energy bomb, waiting for the arrival of that giant magic.

The flame dragon of Baizhangchang looks so horrible. When it is fully formed and suddenly flutters, the surrounding air is not distorted by heat. At this moment, all the air around the flame dragon has been Burning, within a radius of a thousand feet, completely turned into a horrible vacuum. In this case, even the prince himself did not think that the energy possessed by this magic is too large. When it is saved, there is no more Man can control the power of its attack, and everything will be done by this horrible magic.

When the flame dragon is still a thousand feet away from all the gods, they have already felt the suffocating heat. At this time, in order to save their lives, all the gods have no arrogance to play the limit. They all know that only by working together can they block this magic.

The prince of course knows that the attack power of thousands of magicians is terrible, but the other gods are still full of nine thousand people. If they attack evenly from above, then they can produce under the influence of many other vindictiveness. The damage is minimal, so when the flame dragon accepts his last command, the huge dragon **** is swooping down. When the gods are still a hundred feet away, the huge dragon **** is already flush with the ground, from God. The front of people rushed over. this way. It is possible to kill the gods to the greatest extent, although they will certainly be able to block them, but the first man in the front will be severely hit. In the face of this fifteenth-order magic, the chances of those half-goers surviving are absolutely zero.

In addition to the ice, all the people on the mainland side of Yangon thought that the plan had been successful, and they were all prepared to watch the scene of the flame dragons killing the gods. Even Luorou was pleased with his plan. The previous losses made her fall. The mood has also recovered. If a few years ago. Someone said to Luo Rou that the strength of one person can change the entire battlefield, she will certainly not believe it, but after seeing the strength of the ice, she already has a certain understanding of this statement, but today, they are facing The enemy of the right gave her a very vivid lesson.

Flame dragon. The huge dragon with a hundred feet long, the huge body is so horrible. When he flies on the ground, the soil on the ground naturally disappears, forming a deep gully. However, just as it was fully rushing forward, a golden figure suddenly appeared at the forefront of all the gods in the cheers of the gods, and he did not wait. Instead, rushed up against the flame dragon.

The prince's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it. With the power of one person, he dared to face the attack of one thousand fire magicians on his own. However, the facts were in front of him, and the other party did. At the next moment, the prince was only able to shake the whole body under the magical air. There was a sting in the brain, and the concentration of mental power dropped, and I couldn’t help but spurt a blood.

The golden light is so small in front of the Baizhang Flame Dragon, but it is so firm, and the Greek world alone faces such a huge magic, his face does not change at all. It seems that I have never worried about my own safety. His hands were lifted up, and the rich golden light turned into a huge golden shield with a diameter of three feet in front of him. Holding it with the left hand, it blocks the flame dragon from the front.

The huge impact force caused the body to retreat continuously. During the process of sliding backwards, the golden shield in his hand burst into an unusually strong golden light. It was an unparalleled glare, and another sun appeared on the ground. It is.

The flame dragon is madly screaming in the roar, and the power of the real fire, which has been condensed, has reached its limit at this time. All the nine thousand gods are retreating quickly, and the Greek world is also impacting the flame dragon. Go back. At this moment, almost everyone can see that the speed of the retreat of the Greek world has gradually slowed down from the beginning of the irresistible, and the golden light on his left hand has become more and more intense. The face of the Greek world raised a flush in the calm, his eyes have completely turned into gold.

The ice in the air wants to attack below, but the four main gods and the eighteen god-level masters in front of them make them unable to make a fuss. Although the four main gods are afraid of the physical attack of the ice, they The cooperation between them is extremely tacit, and between the tyrannical temperament, the ice does not have the opportunity to display it. It can only rely on the field of the eye that it releases to increase its own strength. Now he can't leave, otherwise, the strong ones of their own will inevitably be defeated by the other side.

The field of the eye that is now being used by Nian Bing is the ability of evolution. When he fully understands the mystery of the unity of the two points, his field of heaven has changed. Not only can he have attack power, but he can also have conversion. ability. What effect will the integration of the power of the Emperor's Cave into the field of the eye? The effect is very simple, that is, the original three capabilities of the sky-eye field are combined into one, and then greatly enhanced.

The ability that the eye-eye field originally possessed was defense, weakening, and increasing. Its weakened ability is hard to play for these masters above the **** level. After all, it is almost impossible for them to weaken this level of vindictiveness, not to mention the fact that these gods have different vindictive attributes, if each attribute If they are weakened, then it will be more than the other party. Therefore, the ice has chosen to increase, with the help of the emperor's point, the sky-eye field under full strength has played a super level. Under the influence of his increase, in the face of the first attack of the four main gods, the seven souls of the sword were actually blocked under the leadership of the Black Emperor, thus giving others time to shoot and also to the flame dragon. The opportunity to destroy is won, and if it is not the Greek world that suddenly appears below, their plans have been successful. Under the super-amplification effect of the sky-eye field, although the seven souls of the sword need to be back and forth for a while, the energy of the four main gods has also been oscillated. The soul of the sword is not dead. Under the full force of the ice, the West Cave will soon help them recover their strength. at least. In the absence of participation from the Greek community, the overall strength of the ice-seeking party is no longer weaker than those of the gods in front of us.

Of course, there are also gods who want to sneak into the ice and destroy the human beings who bring them the most trouble. But can the master of the ice party give them this opportunity? the answer is negative. Under the full attack of the master of the ice, headed by the ice and ice, and under the large-area guard of the Seven Dragon King, I wanted to kill the ice. Unless you step on the bodies of these people from the front. The advantages of the four main gods did not appear, and the seven souls of the ice were constantly recovering. In the scene, even the ice party has slightly gained the upper hand. However, at this time, I didn’t have a relaxed feeling in my heart, but it became very heavy. What is this? Because the following manifestations of the Greek world are too strong, so powerful that no one can imagine.

The magic of close to fifteenth order is essentially different from the magic of fourteenth order. I read from the ice, even if I joined the seven souls, I dare not face the attack of thousands of magicians from the front, but the Greek world did.

at this time. From the beginning of the attack with the golden shield blocking the flame dragon, the Greek world has already withdrawn from the distance of about 500 feet, and the gods have also withdrawn five hundred feet, but. The speed at which the Greek world is now receding has become very slow. The impact of the flame dragon is obviously weakened, but the golden shield issued by the Greek world is still so dazzling, anyone can see it, this is close to the fifteen-level super magic has been impossible to achieve the purpose it should have achieved, this It’s all because of one person! No, it should be said to be a god. At this moment, it is terrible that the mainland side of Yangon really feels the strength of the gods.

The defense of the Greek world is coming to an end. Because, in addition to using his left hand to lift the shield against the flame dragon, he still has a right hand, what can the right hand do? The Greek community is very clear about the people who tell the mainland of Yangon. A golden sword with a length of about five feet appeared in his right hand. It was not a condensed land, but a real sword. If you have time to look at it, you will be surprised to find that the energy intensity of this sword is definitely a super artifact.

What is a super artifact. The biggest feature of the super artifact. The stronger the master, the greater the power. The Greek world has a good interpretation of this concept, the five-foot-long golden sword is raised, the left-hand shield, the right-handed sword. Like a god, he suddenly turned back in a lightning-fast manner, just for a moment, he moved back and forth. Once again, he let the ice see the momentary movement in the magical elements and the violent fluctuations in energy. At the same time that the Greek boundary retreated, the shield of his left hand had disappeared, and the flame dragon suddenly took the opportunity to rush forward. When all humans thought that the Greek world could not resist this violent attack, the shield of the disappearance of the Greek boundary was already Incorporating his own sword into an unusually golden glow.

What did humans see? They saw the golden lightning, yes, although the golden lightning was only a moment of glory, but this is enough, the golden lightning is a linear attack, just like the desolation of the original halogen. Jinguang was only a slight flash, disappeared without a trace, but the clouds in the sky disappeared completely. Even the ice-swinging people and the main gods who fought in the air stopped their attacks because of this knife. The domineering moments that occurred when lightning appeared, caused everyone's heart to tremble violently.

What kind of strength is that! What a fierce attack! The huge body of the flame dragon stopped moving forward while the golden lightning disappeared. The huge deep purple body seemed very unwilling, but it could no longer advance. The fierce roar of the entire film that was lost to the mainland was screaming, and the huge elements of fire broke out.

The prince spurted the blood again, and the thousands of magicians under his command were almost at the same time, and the blood ran out from the corners of their mouths. Their faces were as pale as paper, and they not only used all their magic power, but also In the spirit, they have also suffered tremendous trauma. The instant reversal has caused them to lose the ability to fight. Fortunately, the prince and the masters have resisted some of the anti-phagic energy, which makes the magicians not have the whole army. Overturned.

Xijie proudly looked at the more than 100,000 human forces that had appeared in front of him. At this moment, it seems that only he exists in the heavens and the earth. His heart is full of self-confidence. For many years, he has been practicing hard, and today In the face of all the enemies and all the subordinates, he played his own strength, this is the strength God should have! He Jie raised the long knife in his hand and yelled, "Impact."

When the golden lightning appeared, everything was no longer developed in accordance with Luorou’s plan. Her plan can be said to be almost perfect, and there is no embarrassment, but the Greek world has created a flaw in this perfection by virtue of one's own strength, and it is because of this that all human beings face A serious problem, because the Greek world is full of domineering performance, all the gods' proud nature is revealed, they rush forward with the fastest speed. Everyone knows that if this group of gods led by the gods rush into the human position, then a massacre will appear.

In the trench, all the human warriors have climbed out. The planks that the ice saw when they first saw it, and they traversed the trenches, so that the advance of the soldiers would not be obstructed. The front of the team, the Huarong Empire The Flame Dragon Knights and the Flame Lion Knights looked coldly at the enemies who were approaching, as the most elite cavalry in the Yangon continent, even in such a situation, they did not feel the slightest fear, the long thorns in their hands The gun has already traversed. As long as Luorou makes a sound, it will launch a general impact of death. Although the enemy is strong, they are confident to block these rushing gods, in order to defend their honor, even if they die. How can it be?