MTL - Mai Kitsune Waifu-Chapter 1255 Many people are guests

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Chapter 1255, a lot of people are guests

Liu Yi is going crazy, and Nyima’s three foundations are together. Do you still have a living?

"After, that person doesn't seem to like you very much? Right, brother?"

"Yeah, my brother, I’m so passionate about it?"

"You two shut up for me!"

After that, I was annoyed and angry. "I am giving everything for my true love. You two know a fart! You two are born to be the base, let the other side go!"

I wiped it, is this really said from the back mouth? Not right...

Is it an auditory audition? Liu Yi dug the ear.

"Brother, he is angry and angry."

"Hey, younger brother, he is very angry and angry."

"Brother, you have spent your time!"

"No, my favorite is my brother."

"Really, then come to kiss one?"


by! Said that you should not show love!

Two big men, engage in your sister! Liu Yi was unable to stop, and then he pulled out the shooting bow behind him.

"Emperor, don't do it, give these two foundations to me, and I will kill them!"

As he said, he pulled the bowstring and immediately shot two arrows and chased the wind and rain.

"He started, brother."

"It doesn't matter, brother, I will protect you."

The rain teacher is his brother. He said, with a wave of hand, the heavy rain suddenly condensed into a water wall, blocking the front of the wind.


Two arrows hit the top and stopped immediately.

"Water, just, soft."

The rain teacher said, "When it was just, it was indestructible. When it was soft, it was a boneless feeling."

Nima, these two are not the same thing at all?

"Brother, do you want to see your brother's magic?"

"Okay, brother, he will definitely be excited."

"All listen to you, brother."

"What awkward, brother."

The two men showed their love, and the rainman made a snap.

The heavy rain seemed to pause for a moment, then madly patted the back.


Those raindrops are sharper than steel needles, hitting the back of the body, ruining his undead golden body.

"Oh, I thought these would break my bad gold body?"

He did not care about the shackles. "The mosquitoes are still weak."

Said, he pulled the bowstring and shot an arrow into the sky.

"Brushing brush!"

Suddenly, a lot of arrows shrouded the wind to the rain.

"Brother, he is not afraid of your magic."

"Yeah brother, that brother can only work harder."

The rainman said, with a wave of hand, the rain turned into a long dragon, swept up, rolled the arrows in it, and then fluttered toward the back.


After pulling the bowstring, he shot a meteor arrow and defeated the rain dragon.

And his arrows flew over and shot on him.

"Puff puff!"

Several arrows actually shot into his body, and after a while he became a Chinese arrow!

It can also be said that it is Zhou Tai. The pros who have played in the Three Kingdoms know that the image of Zhou Tai.

Liu Yi was very surprised. After the smashing of the golden body, was it broken?

"Brother, he was hurt, hehe."

"Yeah, younger brother, he didn't even know what his weakness was. We know best. His unscrupulous body is overbearing, but his arrow is sharper. If he can break his bad body, he will Only his own arrows."

It turns out that... Isn’t it bad that the golden body is not resistant to the arrows of the back?

"Oh... you are a dead base..."

He was obviously a little angry, and he snarled and pulled his bow again.

"Forget it."

And Liu Yi suddenly grabbed the shackles. "They know your weaknesses, and the rain guard can restrain you, or give it to me."

"Hey, Emperor, revenge for others..."

After watching tears in the eyes of Liu Yi, Liu Yi directly kicked the back.

"Really... It’s really blowing your nose on your face."

"Brother, who is he?"

"I don't know, my brother, but it looks so weak."

"Yeah, my brother, only eight days of cultivation, so weak, people have no interest at all."

Liu Yi couldn't help but smile. "Do not worry, you will soon be interested."

Said, Liu Yi took a deep breath and then roared, "Hualong? Extreme!"

A thunderbolt suddenly fell from the sky and fell on the side of Liu Yi.

The image of Liu Yi immediately changed. His hair was erected like a burning flame. His ears are also slightly longer, with dragon-shaped earrings on his ears.

Liu Yi’s eyebrows have a curved dragon's horn, and his face crawls with dragon claws.

Liu Yi’s upper body, his strong abdominal muscles, and the perfect mermaid line all make him drool.

On the back of Liu Yi, there is also a **** dragon, which is very embarrassing.

Liu Yi's lower body is covered with black trousers, and the black chain with two black ribbons on the chain.

He had some fluffy trousers, black boots on his feet, and nails on his boots.

The dragon's limit is the new transformation that Liu Yi learned after the dragon broke through.

Because my basic strength has reached the beginning of the Eight Heavens, close to the mid-term, so this transformation, can also make his strength climb to the peak of the nine heavens.

After sturdy, I knew the things of the three major tribes. Liu Yi didn't want to expose all his abilities too early.

In particular, the two men, Feng Feng Yu, apparently came to inquire about intelligence. Liu Yi did not have the confidence to kill both of them, but he could not let them get what they wanted.

"It's a strange look, brother."

"Younger brother... his chest and abdominal muscles are so beautiful..."

"Brother, where are you going to see it!"

"Brother, my brother is only in your eyes."

"Really, that kiss."


The two men still showed their love, and Liu Yi couldn't hold it anymore. He put down his arm and then raised the palm of his right hand in the direction of the wind, and aimed at the two.

"Chemical Dragon? Disillusionment!"


Feng Bo Yu Shi's body suddenly stunned, and then they were scattered and dispersed in the air and went far away.

"Brother! He broke up us!"

"Damn, brother, he is awesome! He is a bad guy!"

"Brother, let's go!"

Two people ate Liu Yi, and after being broken up, they were obviously angry.

They both flew over and the rainmer flew while dancing.

Two water dragons multiplied from the heavy rain, and then left and right, toward Liu Yi.


Liu Yi is directly snarling at the two water dragons!

A frost storm whizzed out, hitting the two water dragons, freezing the water dragon directly into ice sculptures, and then breaking in the air.

"Beat you!"

Feng Bo appeared in the side of Liu Yi, then reached out and grabbed the neck of Liu Yi.

"Call! Boom!"

A fierce storm immediately rose up and swept across Liu Yi’s body, tearing his body.

This wind Bo Niu fork, there are still such tricks! Liu Yi feels that the younger brother's lethality is stronger than his brother.

"Chemical dragon? Amazing!"

But Liu Yi was not in a hurry. He lifted his palm and hit it on Feng Bo’s chest.


The temper was blasted behind the wind, and the body of Feng Bo was instantly shot and flew out a hundred meters, and was hugged by the rain guard.

"Brother... it hurts..."

"Brother, it's okay, my brother is."

The rainer reached out and stroked the blood hole in the chest of the wind, and directly repaired the blood hole.

Is there one of the abilities of the Rain Master, and is it a cure?

Sure enough, the two men together, the combat power produced a chemical reaction.

The wounds on Liu Yi's body are also healing quickly. After the dragon, the dragon's own strong body, healing ability, and the effect of the protoss not dead, make him almost undead.

"Brother, this person is tricky."

"Yeah, brother, it seems that we are not there, there are also masters in the fairy world."

"We have to tell this thing, my brother."

"Yeah brother...but it seems like someone is coming."

The four men turned their heads at the same time and looked at the hills in the distance.

"Don't hide it, come see it and see you."

Liu Yi Gao.

But there is still no answer in the distance.

"Hey! Hide the head and tail!"

Afterwards, the bow suddenly shot the bow and an arrow hit the past.


The hill was directly razed to the ground, leaving only a huge hole. Liu Yi felt that after the arrow, the Nima nuclear weapon is still urine!

A white figure flew out from the inside and jumped into the air.

Liu Yi was surprised to find that the other party turned out to be a monster! He has a tiger head and white tiger hair on his body, with a tail swinging behind him.

Tiger people? No, this guy is definitely not an ordinary monster... because the power released by him is too strong. If not, they will not feel the existence of this buddy!


The guy snarled and didn't seem to be a human voice.

"Who am I, it turned out to be a white tiger."

Afterwards, I couldn’t help but smile. "The four holy beasts around the son-in-law, have come here to inquire about the news? Hey, let you come back today!"

He said, he opened the shooting bow.

The white tiger's body suddenly flashed, almost in the blink of an eye, across a distance of a few hundred meters, to the front of the back.

Fast speed! Liu Yi couldn't help but marvel, this speed is comparable to the moment of moving!

The white tiger's claws were caught in front of the back, and his tiger leather clothes were torn into pieces!

But the King Kong in the back is not bad, but there is no damage.

"Brother, this white tiger is so fast."

"Yes, my brother, but I have only one spirit beast. I want to deal with the shackles. It is still too far."

Between the talks, the shackles had been tied to the white tiger's head with one hand and brought him to the air.

"Well, do you want to deal with me? Four spirit beasts, the power of the mid-ninth days, the son-in-law is too much to look down on! The four of you come together, I can still lick!"

Speaking, he slammed his hand and threw the white tiger's body on the ground, throwing a huge deep pit on the ground, and the smoke flew up.