MTL - Make You Happy-Chapter 373 their reaction

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  Chapter 373 Their reactions

  When feeling the warmth from Gu Changan's palm, even though he didn't say anything, Ruan Youqing's flustered heart gradually calmed down.

   It wasn't until Gu Changan took a few steps forward that they stood side by side, that he slowly said, "Do you want to go and see the other one?"

  Ruan Youqing smiled and shook his head, "Let's go back first. I'm a little tired."

   After finishing speaking, Ruan Youqing looked worriedly at Zhaodi who had been silently following her.

  The little girl kept her head down, unable to see the expression on her face.

   "Zhao Di." Ruan Youqing called her softly.

   "Huh?!" After hearing Ruan Youqing's voice, Zhao Di seemed to be taken aback, and her voice trembled in response.

  Ruan Youqing's eyes were dim, but her voice was as gentle as ever: "But did it scare you?"

   "No!" Realizing that she had lost her composure just now, Zhao Di hurried to Ruan Youqing.

  Ruan Youqing just wanted to reach out to touch her head, but her heart stopped, but her hand stopped in midair.

  This the hand that just strangled Rong Yan's neck.

  The little girl should be...

   "Sister Youqing, that Rongyan... must have done all kinds of bad things."

  Zhao Di suddenly grabbed Ruan Youqing's hand that stopped in mid-air, and the expression on her small face was also very solemn.

  Ruan Youqing looked at the hand he was holding in amazement, and then his face was a little dazed: "Zhaodi, why...why do you think so."

Zhaodi looked back at the end, and when she turned her head, there was undisguised hatred in her eyes: "Sister Youqing has always been a gentle and kind person, even when she treated me...father, mother and the was not like , this woman named Rong Yan must have done something even more egregious."

   "Aren't you afraid?" Ruan Youqing continued to ask in a somewhat complicated manner.

Zhao Di bit her lips, her voice was a little softer than before: "I'm afraid... I'm still afraid. But I'm not afraid of you, sister Youqing... but... I think... the scene just now was so bloody... That's why... That's why I feel scared... But Youqing Don’t worry, sister! You’ll get used to this kind of thing over time!”

Zhaodi's expression was too serious, but it made Ruan Youqing bend her eyes: "Habit? What's so good about this kind of thing... You are a smart kid, you should have guessed my intention to bring you here. I will ask you last Once again, are you really... not afraid of... me?"

   "Don't be afraid!" Zhao Di looked at Ruan Youqing seriously.

   "Okay, since you are not afraid, from now on... stay by my side."

   Zhaodi once came to her and said that she wanted to be her maid. But Ruan Youqing at that time refused.

   And now before Zhaodi could speak, Ruan Youqing took the initiative to bring it up. It's just that it's not as a maid, but like Qiao's son taking care of them. And for Zhaodi, she likes it even more.

  Women are never weak.

  Since they have the ambition to become stronger, she will help them become stronger.

   After hearing Ruan Youqing's words, Zhao Di froze in place.

  Ruan Youqing smiled helplessly, and then said solemnly: "If you don't want to, I won't force it."

   "I am willing! Sister Youqing! I am willing!" Finally, Zhaodi, who came back to her senses, nodded vigorously with excitement on her face, and Ruan Youqing felt full of vitality in her shining eyes.

  When the three of them returned to Quanling Villa, it was already getting dark.

   Li Ange and Xiao Deyin are still there, and they are playing leaf cards with Mrs. Ning Guogong and the Queen Mother for a while. After Ruan Youqing came back, Xiao Deyin gave up his seat and let Ruan Youqing play for a while.

   While waiting for dinner, the queen mother suddenly felt that the time passed so quickly.

  Ruan Youqing realized that it was the twelfth day of the twelfth lunar month, and there were less than ten days left... and it was the Chinese New Year.

   Just as Ruan You was sorting out her days, Gu Changan suddenly glanced at her secretly, and then looked at Mrs. Ning Guogong with a smile on her face.

Mrs. Ning Guogong, who received Gu Changan's gaze, glanced at him with disgust, then coughed lightly, looked at Ruan Youqing and said slowly: "Youqing, you should know that after you and Chang An return to Beijing, Are you going to get married again?"

   "Ah?" Ruan Youqing was sipping sweet soup, when she heard Mrs. Ning Guogong's words, she nodded shyly and said, "Youqing...knows."

   Mrs. Ning Guogong continued to speak with a smile: "How about we set this date on the sixteenth day of the first lunar month?"

   "Eh? Didn't you say...Kaichun..." In the middle of speaking, Ruan Youqing closed his mouth in embarrassment.

  Her brain... is really confused...

  Back then when Daddy and the others said that it would be postponed until the beginning of spring... must have said it casually and wanted to hide it from her!

  Gu Chang'an propped his chin and looked at her with burning eyes and said, "It will take about two more months to wait for the beginning of spring, but I...can't wait."

  Li Ange couldn't help but click his tongue and said, "It's really rare, I've never seen our Gu Shoufu like this."

Gu Changan just glanced at her lightly, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly: "Could it be that the princess is envious of my young Qing, and also wants to find a good husband? Don't worry, I will go to the emperor to propose to you in the morning." .”

   " need!" Li Ange hurriedly waved his hands and lowered his head to continue eating his food.

   She had something in her head, and she dared to make fun of Gu Changan.

  Facts have proved that there are only a handful of people in this world who can make fun of Gu Changan without being teased back!

   After everyone ate and chatted for a while, Xiao Deyin took away Li Ange who wanted to stay here.

   "Deyin! I want to live with Youqing!" When Li Ange sat in the carriage returning to the city, he looked aggrieved and puzzled, why Xiao Deyin pulled her out so forcefully today.

   Seeing that Li Ange hadn't awakened yet, Xiao Deyin reached out and pinched her face that had become mellow in the past few days, and said, "If you stay here again today, I'm afraid Mr. Gu will swallow you alive."

  "Ah?!" Li Ange looked terrified: "Why! How did I offend him!"

  「You took Xiaoqing Tiantian as your own and said you didn’t offend him?!」


Blushing and chattering for a long time, Li Ange suddenly remembered something, raised his eyebrows and grinned and said, "Deyin... I remember when we went to Jingbian to provide disaster relief... You still questioned Xiaoqing, how can He De be worthy of Gu?" My lord...why now...the ones who make them perfect are more diligent than me."

  Xiao Deyin looked at her without changing his face, and said lightly: "That's when I didn't know Taishan, and I didn't know how good Youqing was."

   "Then what about now, do you think Youqing is worthy of Mr. Gu?"

  Xiao Deyin didn't answer immediately, after opening the curtain and looking outside, she opened her mouth in a serious manner:

   "At first I thought they were a good match, but as I got to know You Qing better, I felt... Mr. Gu is no longer good enough for him. It can be said that I don't think any man in this world is good enough for You Qing."

  (end of this chapter)