MTL - Make You Happy-Chapter 394 exasperating and ridiculous

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  Chapter 394 Angry and ridiculous

  「Are you from the Canglong Kingdom?」

  「Are the parents at home still alive?」

  「How old are you? Have you ever had a wife?」

  「Is your wife good-looking?」

  At the beginning, the man was wary of Ruan Youqing, and refused to say anything. It wasn't until Ruan Youqing repeatedly assured that she would not harm the innocent and implicate his family that he truthfully recruited her.

   However, the change from his stuttering answers at the beginning to his desire to draw his beautiful wife in the end made Ruan Youqing's smile gradually disappear.

   This man... is not a professional killer...

   Not even...probably not a killer...

  Because although he is defensive, this defensiveness is an adult's most basic defense against strangers. And this person immediately let go of his defenses in his gentle persuasion, and even had some... chatter...

   There are very few people who are killers or specialize in such things.

  After taking a deep breath, Ruan Youqing tried his best to keep his tone gentle: "How much money did the person who hired you spend? And... what does the other party want you to do to me?"

The man may have developed a good impression of Ruan Youqing because he listened to him patiently. His thick eyebrows were furrowed tightly for a while, and finally he let out a sigh before opening his mouth and saying, "Little girl!" , it’s okay to tell you the truth. That man, he spent twenty taels of silver to let me take you to the uninhabited city west of Canglong Kingdom.”

   "Two... twenty taels???" Ruan Youqing's voice was trembling.

  Although she has encountered similar attacks before...

  But twenty taels... just to abduct her to some uninhabited city?

  「Is an uninhabited city really an uninhabited city?」

   "No, no, no city is just a name, there are quite a lot of people there."

   "Then...there are a lot of people with bad conditions or extremely vicious people there?"

   "That's not true, it's just an ordinary border town."

   Spend twenty taels of silver to get an unprofessional person to tie her to a small border town in Canglong Kingdom...

  Although she didn't feel anything wrong with being belittled at first, but now...Ruan Youqing suddenly felt that she had been greatly insulted.

  The fan on the side may be clear to the onlookers. After seeing her master's face turned pale, she asked the important point in a sober manner.

  「Who is the person who ordered you?」

   "The daughter of the Gu family."

  Afterwards, the man continued to speak: "You two, it's best to calm down. Although I don't know how you offended her, it's best to listen to my elder brother's advice. The daughter of the Gu family should not provoke her lightly."

  Ruan Youqing finally smiled again, and said slowly, "You...don't know who I am?"

  The man paused, then looked at Ruan Youqing seriously, shook his head and replied honestly: "I don't know."

   "Hmm..." Ruan Youqing clenched her fists slightly, feeling a little overwhelmed.

  She didn't know whether it was Gu Qinger who underestimated herself too much, or...she was too stupid!

   Is it so childish to find someone to punish her? !

  Twenty taels...

   Ruan Youqing, who became more and more angry, was not reconciled, and continued to ask: "What did she tell you when she found you?"

The man seemed to recall it for a while, and then slowly replied: "She said that I can use the money to do things, and just throw you to the uninhabited city. And... twenty taels is a lot. After all, she told me that she went there on purpose. Check it out and tell me you're just a weak woman, I... I'm willing to take this job."

  「Your family is not from Xingcheng, is it?」


   "It's not good, you go, I won't punish you this time. Work hard if you have hands and feet, don't think about making money from this kind of thing."

  The man nodded in embarrassment, and finally left after Ruan Youqing muttered a few more words.

  Seeing that person leave, Fan Er immediately poured Ruan Youqing a cup of hot tea, and then said cautiously: "Master, Miss Gu family checked..."

"It should be that the image I have painstakingly cultivated in the past is still in people's minds. Therefore, except for those well-informed people in Ningguo, other people should still not know that I know martial arts. Therefore, Gu Qing'er found out that I am a delicate woman... That's right. It's just... I didn't expect her to be so contemptuous..."

  Thinking of this, Ruan Youqing felt both exasperated and inexplicably ridiculous.


  After Gu Changan came back, Ruan Youqing told him this episode in a few words.

   At the very beginning, I heard someone sneak attack Gu Changan with a gloomy face. When I heard it at the end, I couldn't stop smiling.

   "You...are you laughing at me?" Ruan Youqing angrily stood up from beside him.

Seeing the little fox blowing fur, Gu Changan quickly pulled her back into his arms, and coaxed her loudly: "No, I'm just laughing at Gu Qing'er, who is so brainless that no one can underestimate my little fox. I Your little fox has the sharpest claws and teeth in the world.”

   "You have the sharpest claws and teeth in the world!" Saying that, Ruan Youqing took advantage of the situation and bit Gu Changan's arm.

  Gu Changan didn't resist, but let her bite her with doting eyes.

  After feeling the gentle eyes of the other party, Ruan Youqing finally let go of his mouth, and when he saw some of his own saliva on the shallow tooth marks, Ruan Youqing hurriedly reached out to wipe him with a blushing face.

Gu Changan smiled softly, then hugged her shoulders and said softly, "Okay, okay, it's okay. But... Having said that, do you want to find an opportunity for you to prove... your strength? It won't be too long. Eye-catching people come and bump into you, which is annoying."

  After pondering for a moment, Ruan Youqing shook his head slightly and said, "Forget it, it's better to let this kind of thing take its course. Otherwise, if the sick and weak lady suddenly changes, I'm afraid there will still be some people with ulterior motives who will use it as a demon."

   "Okay, then it's up to you, let nature take its course. Then this time, are you going to just let it go?"

"Of course not. I'm not a kind person. Even if she is your sister, I can't easily spare her. Chang Zhen is not just an example. Tolerating her made her lose herself even more." Ruan Youqing solemnly said Open your mouth.

   Gu Changan always respects Ruan Youqing's decision.

  After the two got tired of crooked for a while, Ruan Youqing suddenly sat up straight from Gu Changan's arms, and said, "By the way, I almost forgot to ask you just now, how did you go out to check?"

Gu Changan, who was caught on fire, looked at Ruan Youqing dangerously. Seeing her serious face, he could only stand up and drink a cup of tea. After putting out the burning fire, he returned with concentration: "Although Gu Yuanzhe already has a He has a wife and children, but he still has a house outside. Moreover, there are people with strong martial arts guarding the house.”

  「Have you raised...the outer room?」

  「Heaven asked them to lure away the guards. I went in and saw a paralyzed woman lying on a bed.」

  Lying on the bed...a paralyzed woman, since this is the case...then this woman...could be the one mentioned earlier...the woman Gu Yuanzhe once fell in love with.

  He... found him again?

  Gu person with deep roots?


   Outside the door, Tianwen's voice suddenly sounded.

  (end of this chapter)