MTL - Man Man Qing Luo-Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 (This chapter is free)

Entered the garden. The flowers and trees are illuminated by lights, and the road's fluorescence flashes, but at night it looks like a mysterious palace. If you are not familiar with the path, as Wang Yan said, it is not easy to be afraid to go back and enjoy the scenery by yourself. It was ugly to fall behind the crowd.

Aluo looked as she walked, and saw that the palace girl had been waiting for a while at the fork. The old lady stepped forward and took out a lantern riddle to take a look. Qing Lei had reported the answer. The maid was blessed, and handed in the next part of the road map. The old lady took it away, and several people went forward again. After two or three forks, Aluo found that the young girl's family had folded back and stopped moving forward. I thought they were worried that they might be too late to go back, so there are a few road maps at hand.

The old lady also saw it, and then looked at Qing Lei. Qing Lei laughed: "Madam, if you don't enter the tiger's hole, you won't be a tiger, you must surpass everyone, afraid you have to go on."

The old lady also said: "I think Gu Jiaqian and Miss Wang's are like this, halfway through, the prince will be taken lightly."

The four of them went forward again, and when they were there, they couldn't figure out how to solve the riddle. The palace lady blessed her again and said, "This is the first time that the wife and lady arrived." The implication is that they are already the winners.

The lady laughed, "Well, let's turn around."

However, when the four returned, the next fork was stumped. The road map showed only the way to go, and the palace maid pointed the way to the next intersection and let them go straight. No other roads were painted. The old lady stepped on the road that she had remembered.

A Luo only knew that the bird's head was in the bird's head, but she couldn't find her body and wings. The four people wandered around for a while and didn't go out.

There are four ways ahead. The old lady decided to walk one by one. Qing Lei objected: "If it's gone, why can't you find it?"

The lady's eyes glared, "Whoever sees a maid of court, please ask her to lead her."

The four were scattered.

A Luo looked up at the stars in the sky, the Big Dipper was shining, the moonlight was like water. Flowers and trees are sparse, and the aroma is floating, just like a fairyland. She began to think about where she was when she came, looked at the stars in the sky, estimated the downward direction, and walked forward. Just turned a footpath and saw a man standing in front.

As soon as Alo dropped her head, she turned around and walked back. Hearing Liu Yan asked: "Are you lost?"

Aluo dared to answer, and hurried forward. The wind blew through her ears, and a figure stood in front of her. A Luo buried her head even lower, only to hear Liu Yan ask again, "You are the family, are you scattered?"

A Luo forced her throat to "um". Liu Yan said: "Follow me. You are not in the right direction."

A Luo thought, he probably thought she was shy. He squeezed his throat and said, "It's not convenient for the lonely man and the widow, and it's good for the son to point in one direction."

Hearing Liu Ye said: "You follow the direction when I came, go right on Fengcha Road, go straight after the third road, there should be some people there."

Aluo quickly blessed Yifu and thanked mosquito-like voice. Hurrying in the direction of his fingers, afraid that Liu Ye would recognize her. After walking for a while, I just wanted to sigh and heard Liu Ye call her: "Girl, please stay away."

Aluo wanted to cry without tears, stopped her feet, her head was still buried. Liu Ye said: "You, Miss Gu Jia can be seen on the road?"

Aluo shook her head and heard Liu Ye sighed in disappointment before proceeding again. At this time Liu Ye did not follow up. When Aluo heard that there was no movement behind her, she carefully looked back and no one was there. She slumped on the ground, almost scared to death. Liu Ye came to Gu Tianlin? Hasn't she returned yet? Is Liu Ye interesting to Gu Tianlin? A Luo remembered him sending flowers to Gu Tianlin. However, now it is time to go back. I don't know if the old lady has gone back.

A Luo patted her buttocks, stood up, and walked according to the way Liu Ye said. Sure enough, after walking, she saw a palace girl. A Luo quickly said that Mrs. Gu and Qing Lei and Qing Fei might still be in the garden. The lady said with a smile: "Miss don't worry, someone has led them out of the park."

Returning to her seat, and seeing that Madam and Qing Lei and Qing Fei were talking, A Luo walked over. The old lady was also very pleased to see her return, for fear that she might have lost her life. After a while, A Luo saw that Gu Tianlin was also back. Liu Ye was not with her. I wonder if she had met Liu Ye.

The maid took one after another. After a while, I only listened to the female official saying, "The winners of this guessing tour are Madam Li Xiang and Qian Jin."

The queen smiled: "Mrs. Li and Ling Qianjin are witty, come up and listen."

The old lady was pleasantly surprised to bring Qing Lei, Qing Fei, and Qing Luo to the ceremony to receive gifts. Hearing the queen asked: "Su Wen made Qian Jin Qinglei's Qin Yi clever, and Miss II Qing Fei was good at painting and calligraphy. But she never heard of Miss Three."

The eldest lady replied quickly: "Qingluo is still young and not as clever as the two sisters.

The queen laughed: "Look up and let me see."

A Luo kneeled on the ground, and slowly raised her head after listening. The queen only saw a small face on the half and a pointed chin, so delicate and tender that Qing Lei and Qing Fei looked like a beauty. He smiled and asked, "What skills did Qingluo learn at home?"

A Luo had to answer: "I've just learned flute for a few days, and I'm not very skilled."

Qing Luo raised her head and talked, and someone in the shadow behind Ning Wang snorted.

The queen was secretly wondering what to do with the Li family? Today, the title of the banquet Yan Hui was highly praised by Ning Wang and had a good time, but the first name was Li Qinglei. I heard A Luo said that I had only learned flute for a few days, and I have never heard of Miss Li Xiangsan's how. Then he said, "Get up, play a song for the sad family."

A Luo promised softly. My heart is anxious. Should I blow it better or blow it? At this time, the old lady returned to their seats, and some palace men went to get the flute. A Luo stood up, and Madam whispered as she walked by, "You must not lose face of the Prime Minister." She thought it would be good or not.

After a while there was a flat song. Where is standing with the flute. Only the queen said softly: "It seems that Li Xiangqianjin is not everyone's color and art, so go on." Bust his head back. The old lady glared at her and whispered, "Why don't you play well? Go back and settle accounts with you!"

Even if it isn't, you should be a good bird anyway! A Luo said secretly.

Today's banquet talent is over. There are palace music performers performing music. The female officer collected and handed in the flowers. After a while, King Ning waved his hand to stop singing and dancing, and laughed: "The flower picks have been counted. The top three are Gu Xiangqianjin, Li Xiangqianjin and Wang Taiwei Qianjin. The reward will be sent to each government.

Three women were busy leaving Shane. The lady's face turned cloudy at that moment, and a smile became a flower.

Sit back for a while, look at the song and dance, suddenly Qing Lei blushed, and whispered something to the lady. The lady smiled and said, "Let A Luo go with you."

A Luo was sitting impatiently, and the song and dance looked boring. Then they got up to accompany Qing Lei to the bathroom. A maid came to guide the way. Going to January, the door pointed to the cabin not far away, and A Luo stood outside the house waiting for Qinglei. After a while, Qing Lei stepped out, the two turned back to the banquet, walked for a while, and saw the prince waiting on the side of the road. Qing Lei looked at A Luo. The prince also looked at A Luo. A Luo thought, am I a light bulb? He laughed: "Sister, go back first."

Qing Lei hurriedly stopped her: "We are here."

A Luo thought, why am I so unlucky that I can't go back yet, where should I go? I can only answer: "I'll go there to watch the moon, and then you call me."

Qing Lei blushed and nodded. A Luo walked around the path and saw that there was a contour, she walked over and sat. I hope that the love between the two will be finished sooner and the banquet will end sooner. I have never seen such a banquet before.

As I was thinking, suddenly I felt a numb, but I couldn't move against the pillar. There was no sound from opening his mouth. What do you think? Is it really a little acupoint?

Turning around a person, it was Liu Ye. He sat in front of Qing Luo, a face full of vitality: "It turns out that you are the third lady of Li Xiang's family, and finally found it for me."

A Luo stared at him, thinking unlucky, that he couldn't escape fifteen from the first day.

Liu Yan said in two voices: "It's these eyes, that's right." Then he said fiercely, "Call me for a good job! Huh, dare to fight against the little master, you fight again?"

A Luo panicked and stared at him again. Liu Yan said, "Want to talk? But I can remind you first, don't yell and scream, it's a terrible thing to shock the holy driver."

A Luo opened her mouth, "What do you want?"

Liu Ye tilted his head and thought for a while: "Stay here for two hours, can the acupuncture point be solved before you leave?"

A Luo urgently said, "No, today, this is the palace. I was wrong last time, okay? You have a lot of adults, can you raise your expensive hands?"

Liu Yan laughed: "Why? I dare to steal my money when I faint. That's so cheap!"

At this time, Aluo heard Qing Lei calling her, and quickly answered, "Sister, I'm here." Seeing Liu Ye hadn't given her a solution, her tears rushed out: "If I don't go back, I'm in trouble , My dad will kill me! It ’s not a heroic hero to start with, or else, we ’ve hit another day? ”

Seeing her blushing, Liu Ye was anxious. After searching for half a year, I finally knew who she was, and most of my anger had gone. Thinking of her as a little girl, she did not embarrass her. He explained to A Luo and said, "At noon tomorrow, I will wait for you by the Nancheng River."

A Luo jumped up and flew towards Qing Lei. I want to talk about tomorrow, and tomorrow, I must go home safely.

Liu Ye looked very comfortable looking at Aluo's back. Thinking about how to rectify her tomorrow?

Qing Lei had waited anxiously, and saw A Luo running over, glaring at her and said, "Today, don't tell others! Otherwise, the Prince will be unhappy."

The two returned to the table, and the banquet was scattered after the meeting. The eldest lady took the three of them back to the house with great joy this time.

A Luo told Mrs. Qi about the banquet, but did not mention that she had been recognized by Liu Ye. I'm afraid she's worried. Lying in bed alone thinking, tomorrow, I have to go. It is best to dispel Liu Xie's resentment. Save him to come to trouble all day. 2k novel reading network