MTL - Manga Guidebook-Chapter 120 "Firefly Forest" animation (1)

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There is no front desk in the Beiyu Studio. After entering, some people were working in a hurry, and they were a little surprised to see Chen Zijun.

At this time, two girls were passing by and saw Chen Zijun, one of them said, "Who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Mr. Fang Zhou, he asked me to come." Chen Zijun said.

"Xiao Ming, you go and bring him the original painting first, and I will take this gentleman there."

"sorry to bother you."

The girl turned to look at Chen Zijun and said, "My name is Guo Shu, please come with me."

Hearing this, Chen Zijun walked with her to the innermost room.

"The producers and supervisors are inside, so I won't bother."

"Thank you." Chen Zijun nodded his thanks and knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

Chen Zijun raised his leg and walked in.

"Mr. April, welcome." Pang Wenhua was sitting in front of the computer working, Fang Zhou was also beside him, and he smiled when he saw Chen Zijun.

"excuse me."

"We have already made the finished product of Teacher April's "Forest of Fireflies", you can see it after a while."


Chen Zijun is not in a hurry, and it will not be too late to talk when they are done with their work.

Respect for Chen Zijun Pang Wenhua and Fang Zhou finished their work at full speed, and then took Chen Zijun to a room, which was a temporary screening room set up by Pang Wenhua and the others.

Forest of Firefly began to play on the device.

At first glance, Chen Zijun felt astonished, because when he saw this picture, he could feel a strong sense of expense. The picture, design, background, and picture quality were all very high.

The quality is much higher than the previous life's "Forest of Fireflies".

"Will it cost too much to make like this?" Chen Zijun whispered.

"We have calculated that it is within the budget, and the cost is not too much, but it takes a little more time." Pang Wenhua explained.

Hearing this, Chen Zijun nodded, and immediately devoted himself to the animation.

The rhythm of the animation is slightly slow, but it is steady and steady, and the storyboard narrative is not messy at all, and it looks very comfortable.

"If I could go back in time, I would still choose to know you. Although I am full of scars, the warm memory in my heart can't be given to anyone. Thank you for coming to my world."

"Time will separate you and me one day, but even so, let's be together until that moment."

The seiyuu is also very powerful, I don't know where they got it, but the voice match really matches Chen Zijun's imagination, Yin's tenderness, Ying's girly feeling, and the expression of the animation are very good.

I finished watching it in more than 40 minutes, and the slightly sad music also represented the end of the animation.

"Very wonderful, perfect." Chen Zijun praised.

"Haha, it is also our honor to be praised by the teacher." Pang Wenhua is also very happy, and they are also very happy to be recognized by the original author's teacher, which is also the biggest recognition of their efforts these days.

Chen Zijun is also very happy at this moment. He has already sold the copyright. How they adapt is their business. .

"I will ask my editor-in-chief to help the magazine when it arrives, and I can help promote it if I can." Chen Zijun said politely.

Pang Wenhua expressed his gratitude.

After reading it, Chen Zijun said goodbye and left, and Pang Wenhua did not hold back too much.

That night, Pang Wenhua hurriedly contacted the online video site, "Forest of Firefly" is definitely impossible to show in the cinema, and naturally TV is not good, so we can only choose the popular video site, the first choice is naturally Is the industry leader.

Just because of the low-cost animation, it is really very difficult to sell it. The large video sites have pressed the price too hard. If you sell it, you will not be able to recover the cost. Pang Wenhua has no idea of ​​making money, but he can't lose money isn't it?

Finally, after another introduction, I contacted a video website that has just been established in China called ''. The person in charge is Pang Wenhua's high school classmate, a girl. At that time, there were differences between men and women. The relationship was not particularly good, but not bad. .

I met several times during high school reunions.

Originally, Pang Wenhua didn't want to trouble her, but he didn't want to bother her anymore, so he made a cheeky phone call.

My high school classmate is Liu Yingying. She is the manager and principal of Liu Yingying naturally remembers Pang Wenhua. After all, because he entered the animation industry, it is still a rare thing among classmates.

I heard that I want to sell my work, which is still a short animation. It happened that my recently bought a lot of copyrights to expand the video. Liu Yingying still has a lot of ideas to help. After all, it is a Red envelopes] Follow the public .. public account [Book Friends Base draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

But when she learned that this was the animation of teacher's cartoon of 'April Breeze', she was immediately excited. Liu Yingying is a loyal fan of Chen Zijun. "April Is Your Lie" is her favorite work, a must-buy every week.

After learning that this was the animation of "Forest of Fireflies", he immediately contacted Pang Wenhua. He didn't dare to neglect, and immediately sent him the animation.

Liu Yingying has read the comics of "Forest of Fireflies" before, and she likes it very much, but after seeing the animation, it is really completely different from the comics.

It perfectly showed the plot of the comic, coupled with the performance of the seiyuu and the excellent music blessing, so that Liu Yingying who knew the plot was also tearful.

"Wenhua, we are classmates, I won't play with you anymore, let's do it, I'm willing to pay 120,000 yuan to buy it, uh, forget it, I'm adding 30,000, 150,000, and sell it to Our tomato site, but it has to be exclusive, how?"

This price is much higher than the leading The price that Pang Wenhua asked before was only 70,000 to 80,000 yuan. This price is enough, and it can also make a small profit.

Online single-episode animations sell 800,000, or even millions, but they are not what Pang Wenhua can expect now. The kind of original works that require high popularity, famous companies, and those that come out are sold. Certainly.

Firefly Forest bought the copyright of 50,000 yuan, and the cost is not too much. After all, there is not much to spend money on, and after all, it is only a short story, and the Beiyu studio of our company is not famous. Money is also available.

The main thing he wanted to do was to use this to make a name for himself.

"Yes." Pang Wenhua didn't make a counteroffer.

"Okay, come over now and ask me to sign the contract." Liu Yingying said cheerfully.

"I'll go."

Soon, the contract was completed, Liu Yingying apologized, and hurried back to prepare the video for the launch.