MTL - Marriage of the Di Daughter-Chapter 17 family

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Jiang Bingji’s words made Jiang Li’s situation at this moment very embarrassing.

Tonger stood beside Jiang Li, and wanted to argue for Jiang Li, but there is no one for her to talk about.

Jiang Bingji reminded everyone in the audience that the **** pear was so hot and hearty that such a woman who was murdering blood was terrifying.

Jiang Li only seems to have heard the words of Jiang Bingji. The smile on the face is not reduced. He smiled at Jiang Bingji: "This is the younger brother? I didn't expect to come back and I was so tall, it was so cute."

Her praise is not like a fake, but it can be heard in Ji Shuran's ear, but it is not good. Still waiting for her to speak, Jiang Bingji sang: "Who is your brother? You are a murderer!"

After saying this again, it would be harsh to say two times. In particular, Jiang Bingji also raised his voice. Jiang Yuanbai sank his face and said: "Who taught you to talk like this?"

Jiang Bingji’s neck shrank, and seemed to be afraid of the father, no longer talking.

Mrs. Jiang’s wife applauded Jiang Bingji’s back and glanced at Jiang Yuanbai: “Speaking and talking, what is the fire for the child?” She looked at Jiang Li again, faintly said: “Two hoes, come see you uncle Let's go."

Jiang Li said, this is to look up to other people.

In addition to the long-term Jiang Yuanbai, Jiang Fu still lives in the second room of Jiang Yuanping, a three-bedroom Jiang Yuanxing family.

Jiang Yuanping is a brother of Jiang Yuanbai, and now is the Yanpin City Sanpin Tongzheng. The lady is the servant Lang niece Lu, and the door is right.

Jiang Yuanping's big belly is very different from Jiang Yuanbai Yushu's appearance. Looking at the smile, it is very kind to Jiang Li. Lushi is a typical Yanjing noble woman. She is very particular about dressing up. The **** pear is slightly swept away. The clothes are mostly jewels, and there is no shortage of silver and love to dress. Lui grew slender and feminine, but his eyes were savvy. He complemented Jiang Yuanping and gave Jiang Pui a jewel of a string of jasper beads. He said, "Let's come back," and I couldn't help but look at the **** pear.

Jiang Li was picked up from the good.

As for the Sanfang Jiang Yuanxing, it is the son of the old man of the ginger, and he is the nephew. Although it is a scorpion, and the rest of the two houses of Jiang's house are also safe, but Jiang Lao's wife does not like the three rooms, the three rooms are always faint. Sanfang Jiang Yuan Xingsheng's delicate and weak, some awkward appearance, his wife Yang's squatting is a pungent temper, I heard that it is a prostitute on the Shiro Lang House. Although it is a prostitute, Si Zhilang is also very high than Jiang Yuanxing. This is why, Yang always thinks that he is a low-marriage, and he is very strong in treating Jiang Yuanxing.

When Jiang Li and Sanfang saw the ceremony, Yang gave a pair of pearl earrings for **** pear. This pearl earring is still old. I don’t know if it’s a three-room embarrassment or a younger one. In short, it’s not worth mentioning with the Jasper beads given by Lushi.

This is the second uncle and the third uncle and three scorpions of Jiang Li, and there are two teenagers standing next to Lushi. The older ones are sixteen or seven years old. They look like Jiang Yuanping, chubby and smiling. The younger ones are almost the same size as the **** pears. They look like Lu's, and they are staring at the **** pears. Seeing Jiang Li, they immediately look away.

Jiang Yuanbai said: "This is your lobby brother Jing You and the two cousin Jing Rui."

Originally the two grandsons of the second room.

Sanfang Yang has two daughters who look almost as big as **** pears. The big one is called Jiang Yuyan, who looks flat and wears it very ordinary. It looks a little weak. The little point is called Jiang Yuxi, but it is quite a little home, and it is more colorful than Jiang Yuxi. I don’t know what I am thinking about.

This is the family of Miss Jiang Er.

Standing in the hall, looking at these completely strange faces, my now famous relatives, Jiang Li’s mind emerged from a small county like Tongxiang, and he and Xue Huaiyuan and Xue Zhao played and played.

Even if the Jinyi jade food is golden and brilliant, Jiang Liye does not think that there is anything worthy of nostalgia in Jiang. These family members, looking at her eyes only have temptations, gaze, or grief, or a bad heart, they feel that this seemingly elegant and clean house is also a murderous.

They stared at Jiang Pear, perhaps because the time interval was too long, and they couldn’t get close. Only Jiang Yuanping and Jiang Li said that they had talked a few words. Others did not speak. Jiang Li even went from two sisters, Jiang Yuxi. And Jiang Yuxi saw the fear and disdain in her eyes. It was the fact that she had murdered her stepmother and brother. It was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Nowadays, she is a wicked woman who is unwilling to join her.

Jiang Yuanbai did not find this. Seeing that Jiang Li had already greeted his loved ones, he said to Ji Shuran: "Madam, you let people take pears to her yard, and they are all rushing, pears are tired, today is earlier. rest."

Jiang Yuanbai’s attitude towards Jiang Li’s gentleness makes the people in the evening Fengtang all look different.

Ji Shuran smiled and said: "If you don't tell the lord, you have already arranged it. Sun Hao," she said, "I took the second lady to the yard where I lived." Suddenly remembered something, smiled at Jiang Li. Opening, "Pear's side is going back to the government. I only have a small donkey around you. It is not appropriate to use it. I want to arrange for you to serve you two." She said to the old lady Jiang on the high seat: "妾The fragrance and musk in the yard are good, diligent and well-behaved. I want to be the second lady, how does the mother feel?"

Mrs. Jiang’s wife said: “Look at it.”

Ji Shuran laughed and asked Jiang Lidao: "Is Pear like it?"

Jiang Li looked at Ji Shuran's gentle and considerate appearance, only to laugh. I really don't understand. Today, Ji Shuran has a blind man. Jiang Yuanbai's heart is also on Ji Shuran. Why is Ji Shuran so uneasy, even if she has not returned to China for seven years, the notorious prostitute has not let go? When I returned home, I sent myself a double horse to her side.

Jiang Liye smiled and said: "Mother has a heart, pears like it naturally, but pears are disrespectful."

Ji Shuran seems to be relieved, and watching his wife and daughter get along well, Jiang Yuanbai's expression is much easier. He said: "Then don't delay, let's take the pear first."

Sun Hao quickly took the **** pear to leave.

Since Ginger House has lived in a three-bedroom apartment, the land is not small. Jiang Li walked with Sun Hao. She was not familiar with the road of Jiang House. Tonger knew it. The more she walked in, the more weird the expression of Tonger.

This yard is very far away. When it was time, Jiang Li looked at the three words in front of the yard and looked blank.

At the entrance of the courtyard, there is a small wooden plaque. The writing is not good-looking, but there is an inexplicable free and easy.

Fangfei Court.

Jiang Li’s heart couldn’t tell what it felt like, and after a long while, he whispered: “Fang Fei...”

"This is the yard where the lady was pregnant." Tonger whispered around.